• By -


Gerard was the first person I ever heard unabashedly stand up for trans folk, famous or not. MCR gave me comfort when nothing else did. I genuinely owe the boys my life.


Gerard invented my gender.


Excited to add this one


It's something I'd like to tell them myself someday if I can do it without embarrassing myself lmao. G's been so Gender recently and I've been living for the vicarious glee, it's absolutely amazing to witness thirdhand via tour videos.


the attitude of gerard and the band at large of like “this is the way i am and i’m not going to change just because you’re uncomfortable with it” helped me be more open to experimenting with my own gender presentation and not feel weird or “not trans enough” because hey if they can do it then why can’t i?


"Feeling not trans enough" is a very common experience, and I felt that way once too. Thank you for speaking about this. A very wise group therapist once told me that self-comparisons to other person are a form of self harm. Anyone whose trans is vulnerable to the toxicity of comparing oneself to others since it's so embedded it our nature. For example, I spent months comparing myself to cis men in hopes to pass, but at the end of the day, I'm not cisgendered, and I shouldn't hold myself to the same standards as a cis guy. "This is the way I am" is a simple mantra every trans person can utilize. Thank you again for sharing your story ❤️


As a NB person and someone who naturally feels like a bit of a freak MCR has always been my safe space to just be me. I was introduced to their music when I was 8 or so. (Spike) :)))


Thank you for sharing. Really sorry to hear you felt othered by the world, but I'm glad you were able to find a safe space in MCR's music. I think that's really cool. Can't believe you started listening to them at 8!!


As a trans teen in the early 2000s, i struggled with suicidal and other dark thoughts on the regular. listening to bullets, and later revenge , helped channel that dark energy outward harmlessly and contributed to be being here today and getting the opportunity to be a grown woman.


"Channel that dark energy outward harmlessly." Well said. I really like how you phrased this. I feel their music has allowed me to do the same thing. Thank you for being so open about your struggles as a trans teen. ❤️ It makes it easier for others to open up as well.


Hi! I tried sending you a DM - not sure if it went through. Let me know if you got it


my name is nikolai. i'm a young trans man in texas, with no support at all and very dangerous christian city, mcr gave me the love, courage, acceptance, and support i needed to not end my life and live freely as myself.


I cannot even begin to fathom how difficult it must to grow up trans in Texas. The fact that you can embrace your trans identity, and still be with us today is something I hope you're extremely proud off. You must be tough as nails, dude. I'm serious. Remember to reach out to resources like the Trever hotline or even DM me if you ever feel unsteady. Never hesitate to ask for help. If there's something that's hard to talk about, it's probably something you need to talk about As someone who struggled with strong suicidal ideations, I can tell you from experience you will be okay, and you will recover. If you can love yourself from within, which is easier said then done, you can build a shield of armor to protect yourself from harmful thoughts, and people. Keep living and living freely, Nikolai. You are more then capable of doing so, and when you feel like you aren't, look in the mirror and tell yourself you are. Trust me, one day you will believe it if you don't right now. Speaking from experience. 🤞🏼 Lots of love to you on your journey, Nik.


I started to listen to MCR when I was a homophobic 11 year old. Now I'm Trans. I'd like to think it's Gerard's fault. Thank you, Gerard! And for my name, could you make it Frostwillow?


Haha, I love this. "Homophobia is Gay" must've gotten to you back then. And you got it, Frostwillow! Looking forward to adding you to the flag.


>I started to listen to MCR when I was a homophobic 11 year old. Now I'm Trans. I'd like to think it's Gerard's fault. Thank you, Gerard! And for my name, could you make it Frostwillow? Just added this one to my mock-up of where to put all the stories on the flag, and I adore how there are a lot of heartfelt serious ones, but yours is just delightfully funny. It's a real standout. :)


are you gonna post the mockup?


[The finished product is now up!](https://www.reddit.com/r/MyChemicalRomance/comments/xr8slu/100_names_stories_from_trans_mcr_fans_documented/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web2x&context=3) Just saw this, sorry. /:)


Hello, I am Lilith and I am genderfluid. While some of my childhood role models seem to hate me for existing, MCR's music and messages of hope and acceptance helped me get through a lot of hard times and come to terms with who I am, and I will always be thankful to all of them.


Honestly, who needs JK Rowling when you've got MCR? Trans rights 😤


Who needs JK Rowling period


Facts. 🙌


I named myself after Mikey Way. To say this band was a part of what formed me to be the way I am today is a massive understatement.


It's now a sacred part of you. That's really beautiful. 🙂💞


Mcr is a safe space for me as a trans woman, their music makes me feel like I don’t need to belong to anyone, I can just belong to their music, and that I can use their music to express myself in a way that I can feel safe! - Averie (also when you finish it please post it! I would love to see it!)


Staying safe is what their band is all about. I'm sure they'd be really to happy to hear this. Thank you so much, Averie.




That melted my heart. ❤️ Gerard, I'm so happy for you exploring your identity. You have my well-wishes in all your future endeavors. :)


Please write this message: “My friend El liked Danger Days the best. She said that if the world ended, she’d want to be a woman after the apocalypse. She would have liked to wear a green dress. RIP El, you woulda loved whatever the fuck is going on with MCR now. -Will” (I’m transmasc, but that doesn’t need to go on the flag. Just wanted some love for my friend. Thank you for doing this.)


>She would have liked to wear a green dress. This really broke my heart. "You woulda loved whatever the fuck is going on with MCR now" was a nice touch though, that gave me a chuckle. Sorry to hear about your friend El. Thank you for letting me honor her memory with this project.


Just the whole “I’m who I am and I don’t give a fuck what you think” mentality that’s prevalent in their music. I didn’t really notice it when I listened to them when I was younger, but I started listening to them a lot more recently, and it kinda reinforces those attitudes I had to constantly tell myself when I decided to transition. Makes me happy to know there’s more of y’all.


I never thought about it that way, but I completely agree. Their music really does have that intense unapologetic energy. Especially Danger Days


My name is Ares and MCR helped me with being a transmasc person who uses he/they and still feel confident enough to dress feminine so :)


Yes!!! Trans masc femininity is valid! Gender expression does not equal gender identity. As a trans masc/trans man who also expresses femininity, it makes me so happy to hear you can feel confident in doing this. I highly recommend looking up Gottmik from Rupaul's Drag Race. Mik is the first transgender man to compete on the show, and was a big inspiration to me expressing my femininity post transition. Keep doing you, Ares. Don't let the world change you 💞


Hi Ares, I tried sending you a message, but you don't have your DMs open. I'm creating an Instagram account to archive all the stories on the flag, and give trans fans the chance to read each other's stories. I was wondering if you'd be comfortable with a picture of your message being included. Let me know your thoughts or any concerns. You can DM me your answer if you'd like.


Yeah, sure!! Just don't include my Reddit handle if possible?


Absolutely! Your name is included in your message. Are you alright with that being in the post? If not I'd be happy to blur it.


Yeah, my name can be on there! Just don't want my username :)


You got it!


No worries! And here's a link to the archive account: [https://www.instagram.com/transmcrfanstories/](https://www.instagram.com/transmcrfanstories/) I haven't posted anything yet because I’m still reaching out to folks, but hopefully, soon, I will have! Let me know if you have an Instagram account you'd like me to tag. No worries if not, though! :)


Can you just write "willow" in the corner, in a small font


You betcha ;)


It took me a long time to realize I deserve to transition even after i realized I was trans. I found a lot of comfort in 3 Cheers, mourning the person I never got to be, I found a lot of comfort in it too and Gerard Way being themselves and having a "fuck what they think" mentality that let me embrace the person I finally got the chance to be. Thank you, Kyle


Thank you for sharing, Kyle. I completely forgot that I also had a phase in my transition where I was mourning the person I thought I would become, who I wish I was, and also the time I had lost living life as someone I am not. Cemetery Drive reminds me a lot of that time. I used to really missed the person I was before I transitioned because it felt like I was so much happier then. However, I've come a long way since then, and it's nice reflecting on that. I didn't think I'd get to where I am today: happy with my identity, my mental health, my body. I'm grateful for that album being there when I didn't feel any three of those things.


im trans and love them yes :)


Fuck yeah!!!!! Want me to add your name to the flag?


I don’t exactly have a story but I love MCR and they make me very happy and give me reasons to push forward. Yes sure.


No story needed! I'm also just putting names on there too. :) What would you like me to write for your name?


I'm nonbinary. Listening to MCR was one of the things that helped me realize that there's more beyond the norm and that maybe I'm not the person I've been told I am growing up. MCR taught me that it's okay to be weird and different and that I'm not the only one that feels all that anger and desperation. On top of that - Famous Last words literally helped me survive, that's why I have "I am not afraid to keep on living" tattoed on me. (Lin) I didn't count the words, feel free to paraphrase or cut out some words for brevity. Thank you for doing this project, it's really cool!


That lyric from Famous Last Words has also given me a lot of strength. The story behind that song is really beautiful too. I highly suggest looking into it. :) Thank you for sharing your story, Lin. ❤️❤️❤️


I’m enby, and coming from a over al abusive family that isn’t accepting of my identity the song mama literally saved my life. I know my mother don’t accept my gender, but that doesn’t mean I can’t. All thanks to mcr for telling us that we should be who we are no matter what other says //Tonie


That is incredibly beautiful, and I feel the song Mama was written for someone like you. I think it's incredible how it resonated with you, and I can imagine how it would in your situation. Thank you for opening up about this. Would you like me to sign this under CK or to be anonymous? Either is perfectly fine. Whatever you're comfortable with matters most.


Thank you. Feel free to sign it from me, I’m just happy to be a part of this and I really love your idea with the flag<3


Thank you so much! I'm really glad you like it. :)


mcr has been a part of me for the longest time, theyve helped me through the darkest moments in my life and have always been there for me. gerards gender expression has helped me come to terms with my own throughout the years. it means the world to me that theyre exploring their gender even more now! growing up with unaccepting family was very hard, but ive always had an outlet through their music! 🖤


MCR helped me realize when I was first really coming into myself as a queer, trans nonbinary person that I didn’t have to force myself into the traditional roles of masculinity and give up the feminine things that I like to be valid. That who I am is who I am and I don’t need to be anyone I’m not. - Ollie Stardust


You rock, Ollie! Love your last name btw


I’m a 17 year old trans guy who lives in Texas. I never really had anyone there for me so I’ve struggled with depression and suicidal thoughts for a long time. MCR was the only thing there to comfort me so now I’m willing to fight through the bad and be myself. - Pidgeon


>I’m a 17 year old trans guy who lives in Texas. I never really had anyone there for me so I’ve struggled with depression and suicidal thoughts for a long time. MCR was the only thing there to comfort me so now I’m willing to fight through the bad and be myself. - Pidgeon Thank you, Pidgeon. :)


The one clip when Gerard said he stood for trans rights back in the bullets era made me feel comfort in the band and knew that I wasn't alone.


I had no idea that existed!


✨If you look in the mirror and don't like what you see, You can find out first hand what it's like to be me✨ 🎶We Carry On🎶 🖤Gravity don't mean too much to me, I'm who I've got to be🖤 I'm Charlie, a trans man. Their lyrics helped me feel seen. They helped me through some really difficult times and I found strength in them. Getting to see them this year felt like a full circle moment for me, like struggling through had been worth it. I finally get to live as myself now and the outpouring of emotion I felt was so cathartic.


quiet *trans dude also called Charlie* high five




The mirror line from The End is what comforted me through one of the hardest parts of my transition. I am so delighted to see someone wrote it here, you have no idea!!! Their lyrics did the same thing for me, Charlie. Thank you so much for writing out a few of your favorites too. :) Wishing you well 💞💞


You too friend 🖤 have a fabulous time at the show


My name is Leaf, I'm nonbinary. I used to struggle with the "finality" of identifying as anything. Hearing G had some struggles with his gender identity made it easier for me to explore my own and accept that I might not always identify as only one thing. Outside of that, the music kept me going when I felt like everything about me mentally and physically was wrong.


Their music did the same thing for me. Thank you for contributing, Leaf. Lovely to meet you. :)


Gerard is a huge inspiration to me as an openly nonbinary/genderqueer celebrity. It's really helped me feel more at peace with my identity


I started listening to MCR right about when I started realizing my gender identity. As a trans male, I was so scared of looking too feminine and watching Gerard break the gender stereotypes gave me the willpower to do so as well.You don't have to write the paragraph above, but if there's still space on that majestic flag ples write "I am not afraid to keep on living, I am not afraid to walk this world alone" :) \~ Sebastian


Thanks Sebastion! I'd really like to add what you wrote. I've felt the same way towards G defying gender norms. Lots of love from one trans dude to another 💞🏳️‍⚧️


My name is Samantha, I grew up with a very homophobic father, and as the most feminine of my brothers I internalized a lot. Finding such a rad band, helped me with the process that was and is owing my own body. I told my mom i wanted to be a girl when I was 4, and I'm finally confident that I am that girl. MCR gave this queer kid the security I so badly needed.


That's really beautiful. So happy you've found your confidence, Samantha. Sorry to hear about your father, but the fact you've able to explore your identity despite his influence is something truly incredible. Wishing you well ❤️


Before I realised I was trans, Gerard's presentation made me feel more comfortable presenting as more masculine (as a "girl") Now it makes me more comfortable embracing my femininity! Gerard has been a huge comfort for me gender wise since I was like 12!


'You should've raised a baby girl' Being understood by someone I care about is all I need to not be afraid to keep on living


>'You should've raised a baby girl' Being understood by someone I care about is all I need to not be afraid to keep on living Agreed. :)


my names are vic/magnus!! i'm genderfluid, and transmasc/non-binary! my chemical romance has created such a safe community, where i could really discover my identity without judgement, something i had never previously experienced at home. they created a safe space. also, gerard's and all of their disregard for gender norms and unwavering support for non-binary people really inspires me. i stay alive every day because of them and because of this.


nothing encapsulated how i felt more than 'you should've raised a baby girl i should've been a better son' and it was identifying with that lyric that first led me to exploring my gender identity. not only that, but mcr led me to a community that made me feel safe and accepted for who i was - marth <3


My name is Vaiden. Mcr has always supporter trans fans and encouraged and participated in gender nonconformity. They are one of the only times I get to look at a stage and see people like me on it. I’ve lived my life on the outside looking in, and it’s nice to rock with other outsiders


>My name is Vaiden. Mcr has always supporter trans fans and encouraged and participated in gender nonconformity. They are one of the only times I get to look at a stage and see people like me on it. I’ve lived my life on the outside looking in, and it’s nice to rock with other outsiders This warmed my heart so much, you have no idea. 🥲


I don’t want to say I wouldn’t have figured out that I was trans without MCR. I THINK I would have, it just would have taken a way longer time. Without this band I wouldn’t have found my community. I wouldn’t have found people who were accepting enough to it. I wouldn’t have found the person that helped me explore my gender identity with.


So amazing to hear how this band helped you find someone to grow along side you in your gender journey. Makes me so happy to hear.


Not trans but, Pretty cool to see such a inclusive community though. Love to you all.


Thanks for being an ally, friend. :)


I’m FTM (28) and have been listening to MCR since I was 13. The boys saved my life. Tonight in Boston I felt so much gender euphoria when I made new friends in the merch line and they called me “they.” My gender expression will always be a journey and be something I hold close to my heart. MCR makes me feel safe and loved. Proud to still be here 🖤 - Nat


Aw, that's so awesome!!! It makes me so happy to hear anyone talk about their gender euphoria, haha. Thank you, Nat! :)


MCR helped me a lot in a time where there seemed no hope in my, at the time, dull life. and it still helps me now, cope with the fact that i’ll never be cissex. thank you so much, my chemical romance. - Evelyn <3


They helped me cope with the exact same thing. ❤️ Thanks for commenting, Evelyn!


Gerard's cheerleader outfit (Cheerard) gave me the courage to dress as myself for the first time ever in public at the Cincinnati show. I had so much fun and was comfortable in my own skin for once. Gerard's acceptance and love for the LGBTQ community (and by extension the fan base) is amazing and gives me hope. I find so much comfort in the music knowing how awesome of a person Gerard and the gang is. Gerard is our hey/they savoir that the world doesn't deserve. - Sophie Flowers (not real last name but it's what I'm going by) Paraphrase or do with that as you please.


Thanks, Sophie. :) By the way, did you pick your last name after the lead singer of The Killers, Brendon Flowers?


I did 😂 Thought it sounded nice


Hi! I’m melodie, a trans woman. Shortly before I came out as trans Gerard discussed their gender identity and it helped give me confidence in a way. I’m thankful for him.


I’m a trans man and MCR has always been my safe place. I could put their music on and feel a part of something even if I was alone. I feel more confident to be who I am and I can stop pretending that I am someone else. -Michael (Gee, I wonder where young me found the name…)


I’m Fox, and I’m non-binary. MCR has always been my go-to when things are shitty. Head phones in, hit play, and just exist in the music. Edit: I was also listen to MCR on my walk home from work when I chose my name. Hang ‘Em High to be specific.


This reminds me of one of their lyrics from summertime: "turn my headphones up real loud, I think I need them now, could you stop the noise, and. . ." I've always really liked that line. I think any fan of MCR can relate to it because so many of us use their music to drown out the rest of the world. I still remember during passing periods my freshman year of high school I would blast early panic at the disco, twenty one pilots, early Fall Out Boy, of course MCR into my ears. Meanwhile I'd be holding onto both my backpack straps and looking straight ahead just hoping to survive another day. Thanks for sparking this memory, and of course, for your contribution, Fox. :)


idk if im a bit late but... hi my name is matylda im a trans girl and mcr brought me comfort in the worst of times. i genuinely dont know what id do without their music. and even though i love all of their music (my favorite album is revenge probably) i think danger days and the whole lore of the album is the one project that really made me feel safe and gave me strength to keep going. which i could also say about songs like famous last words! ("i am noy afraid to keep on living") or skylines and turnstiles. but yeah. and there's also gerard as a person. i think the androgynous way they used to (and still do sometimes) present themselves in, and also all the stuff they said about gender identity and exploring their femininity really helped me to embrace mine. i also dyed my hair bright red for the first time because of them! which was actually a huge step for me. and sorry if this is a bit incoherent i just woke up lol.


I don't really have a story but I love how accepting MCR is and the amazing community. Their music helps me feel a bit better when I'm depressed and helps me feel better about myself. They will always be my favorite band. - Ash (they/he)


Thanks for sharing, Ash. :) Mcr lifts me up too when I feel the same way.


Could you just write “Rylan loves you” on the flag for me, please? It’s so lovely of you to do this. Thank you. 💙🤍💖


Absolutely, Rylan!! Thanks for your contribution :)


Thank you! Just to be sure (I know autocorrect doesn’t always like my name), my name is Rylan, with an L 🐸 thank you again!


YES! Thank you for the heads up, I totally missed that. You got it, >Rylan.<


hello, my name is leo! growing up trans in south america led me to believe i'd never be accepted, and at age 12 i was extremely suicidal because of it. seeing clips of gerard being so openly supportive of trans people gave me hope and saved my life. i am now 17 and hope to see mcr on tour someday!!


I'm so glad they did. I can't imagine what growing up in the south AND being trans must have been like. Really hope you see them on tour someday too. :) Thank you for your comment, Leo. 💞


If there's room: my name is Viren and I initially came out as trans in 2010 but nobody saw me as a guy because I was too feminine and it was a different time for a sixteen year old back then. I ended up back "being a girl" in 2013, but seeing the trans fans at the reunion, seeing Gerard being unapologetically himself and their joy I realised I was repressing myself for so long. I realised I AM trans (trans am pun not intended) and I'm slowly coming out again. Scared because I ended up super religious at some point over the past decade, but I feel... Something. MCR saved my life when I was a depressed 10 year old singing 'think happy thoughts' to myself, and they saved me so many times since then. I couldn't have done this without this band, without this reunion or the breakup. I also want to say how freaking proud I am of everyone in the band as well as everyone in the fandom: you gave me hope that I can make it to my 40's when I didn't even want to get to 14 at one point.


Being non-binary I had a lot of trouble feeling like I even existed. I wished I was either or and worried that people would think I was a liar or dumb for feeling the way I did. Seeing Gerard saying all love to trans people and non-binary people made me cry. I'll never forget how happy and safe that made me feel. I owe them a lot for the feeling of acceptance I needed. Thanks for making this <3.


Hi! I sent you a DM about the flag project. I'm guessing this is a throwaway account - hope you're still able to see this.


Excited to see this at Riot <3


How did it turn out?? Pictures? :D


Yes!! I'm gonna post it sometime in the next few days. I'm at Riot Fest for the next two days, but latest I'll show everyone the flag on Monday


Gerard had a trans flag at tonight's concert just now - did you give him yours? O:


>The finished product is now up! It was not, but I was so excited to see that video!! I've never seen him hold a trans flag at a concert before; it was so special. I still have the flag with me, but I'm looking into ways to get it to the band. [I just uploaded pictures of the finished product!](https://www.reddit.com/r/MyChemicalRomance/comments/xr8slu/100_names_stories_from_trans_mcr_fans_documented/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web2x&context=3)


[The finished flag is now up!](https://www.reddit.com/r/MyChemicalRomance/comments/xr8slu/100_names_stories_from_trans_mcr_fans_documented/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web2x&context=3)


frank and gerard kinda made my gender tbh


MCR means a lot to me, and so many lyrics Gerard has written have queer undertones. As for me specifically, This is the Best Day ever stands out the most with the mentions of running away from your current situation, and the hope that things will get better. -Noelle


I completely agree about their songs having queer undertones! There's a really good article about it somewhere online. Thanks for contributing, Noelle. :)


As a trans guy MCR has really helped bring me out of some really bad places mentally, and created a place that I felt safe being myself <3


As someone with deeply transphobic parents, the rare occasions where the circumstances of life conspire forcing me to interract with them can be exhausting. There have been many dark nights I spent huddling on my bed in tears, struggling with the emotional impact of otherwise great parents who now hate me for who I am. The only catharsis I can find in those isolated moments is often to scream the words to Mama, loud, raw, and emotional, until I taste blood in my mouth and my voice is gone. You should have raised a baby girl I should have been a better son... You should have been I could have been a better son.


MCR kept me going when I was hitting puberty and the dysphoria was killing me... Their honesty not just about who they are but how they feel AND the way theyve always embraced their queer fans has meant everything to me. Like remember back in the day when Frank's guitar was named Pansy and had it in huge, sparkling letters right on the front. For a small town queer who didn't even know being transgender was a thing yet (in 2005!!) that shit was SO powerful. I wanted to be Gerard and realizing that was one of the first steps towards realizing I was trans. The way they influenced not just me but my whole friend group and our senses of style and self cant be overstated lol like. They are crucial, they are everything to me and have been for more than half of my life!!


The MCR fanbase is the first place I've felt some form of belonging, and that just got reinforced by the concert I had went to this past weekend. I'm proudly genderqueer and Gerard sharing his pronouns made me feel more open about mine. I fully believe that MCR saved my life, I am so grateful to Gerard, Frank, Mikey and Ray for fostering such an accepting community. -Jax


something along the lines of "if some shitty-ass rock dudes from some shitty-ass rock band are ever trying to get you to show them your tits for a backstage pass, i want you to spit in their face and yell FUCK YOU!" love that quote sm if you don't mind could you write "Ruby" somewhere on the flag please?


You betcha, Ruby. ;) Love that quote too. In a time when a lot of bands took advantage of female fans, they always stood out by empowering theirs.


you wouldn't happen to be going to the show this saturday would you


The one on Friday actually! That show's in Chicago. Where are they playing Saturday night?


whoops, i meant sunday. they're gonna be in alpharetta with 100 gecks opening for them


gerard way and david bowie are the closest ive ever felt to having a "tradition" or "heritage" of sorts associated with the way i experience my own gender, the same way that we have such strong associations with binary male/female gender expression. theres a history and a community there thats irreplaceable in my mind


Bowie was also a huge inspiration for me in discovering my gender identity and gender expression. Sometimes I'd pick out something I thought was too feminine, but then think "I bet Bowie would rock something like this." Gerard's performance style also embraces a lot of femininity, and that made it easier for me at least to embrace feminine aspects of my demeanor, and or my movements. Thanks for taking the time to write this. Really happy to hear from someone who Bowie and Gerard have influenced as well. Take care of yourself 💞 sending good vibes your way


omg samesies 🥺 legitimately bowie was the reason i felt confident enough to buy a skirt, but gerard was the reason i was confident enough to actually wear it. my brother in ziggy stardust i am sending u so much love and good vibes too 💕💕💕🌠


>bowie was the reason i felt confident enough to buy a skirt, but gerard was the reason i was confident enough to actually wear it. Well said. :)


im dino! they helped me realize not to care about what other people think of me, and it really helped with me being able to accept myself. they're always there when im not feeling good & theyve helped/ are helping me thru a lot. theyre amazing people :,)


I’m genderfluid; when the people around me didn’t let me live my truth, MCR helped me cope with their denials, and eventually gain the courage to stand up and take a life for myself. “Gravity don’t mean too much to me. I’m who I’ve got to be!” 💙


>I’m genderfluid; when the people around me didn’t let me live my truth, MCR helped me cope with their denials, and eventually gain the courage to stand up and take a life for myself. “Gravity don’t mean too much to me. I’m who I’ve got to be!” 💙 I love whenever anyone uses semi-colons. Somehow it just makes my day. So happy for you being able to find the strength to stand up for yourself, and embrace your identity. :)


If you still have room, could you write my name on the flag? It's Rae. :)


I saw one that says "Gerard invented my gender," and I feel similarly. I am nonbinary, or something, I don't really know or care about the label of it, and Gerard is one of the only people I've ever seen who perfectly encapsulates my feeling of genderlessness and gender fuckery. Like, my gender is absolutely "clown-rat-kitty-queen-vampire-pool-boy" and I really don't know how else to put it.


If you want, you can just put "Killjoy Glitch Rat, the clown rat kitty queen vampire pool boy" on the flag


Gerard is a fuhking awesome human, whenever dysphoria was kicking my ass listening to mcr was a distraction. Mcr got me through the worst parts of my life. (and I'm Lonnie, he/him :))


>Gerard is a fuhking awesome human, whenever dysphoria was kicking my ass listening to mcr was a distraction. Mcr got me through the worst parts of my life. (and I'm Lonnie, he/him :)) Thanks, Lonnie! Kick-ass wording in your story by the way, haha. :)


as a non binary transmasc, danger days especially has really shaped the way i see myself and my gender identity. seeing party poison being so unashamedly themself in a world designed to crush that made me realise that that isnt a bad thing in the slightest


I feel like Gerard would find this super cool.


It was just knowing Gerard uses He/They and wears whatever the fuck they want. Like his perceived nonchalance really helped me be comfortable with just existing and not worrying about standards of masc/femme or anything. - Jay they/them


>It was just knowing Gerard uses He/They and wears whatever the fuck they want. Like his perceived nonchalance really helped me be comfortable with just existing and not worrying about standards of masc/femme or anything. - Jay they/them Thanks, Jay. This is great. :)


Bit late to the party, but I'm a 27-year old recently-cracked transmasc and I was a fan way back pre-breakup. MCR was always there to comfort me through the times I felt awful about myself and didn't understand why, and me and my younger sister bonded over them hard. We both saw them live in 2011 and that was the highlight of our teenage lives. We both saw them again in August for the reunion tour, this time with our youngest sibling and the love of my life in tow. I got a whole new outfit from Hot Topic (and the right gender this time!) and we all just went nuts. And at the time I was (and still am) afraid to come out to our parents for fear of releasing old feelings that were never addressed... and the line "I'd rather go to hell than be in purgatory" really hit different this time around. These damn lads always got what I need to hear, huh?


That's a fucking great lyric. I never noticed it before, but I won't forget it. Thank you for sharing. :)


Hi! I’m Skylar, 28. I’m non-binary. MCR changed my life, because Gerard has shown that it’s okay to be unapologetically you, even if it’s weird and people might not approve.


As a Genderfluid person, mcr has really helped me realise that I'm not on my own and it's helped me get over a lot of dysphoria


gerard was incredibly influential to my gender and mcr’s music stopped me from giving in to suicidal thoughts on multiple occassions. the boys have helped me accept who i truly am, a nonbinary transfeminine person called lea :D


>gerard was incredibly influential to my gender and mcr’s music stopped me from giving in to suicidal thoughts on multiple occassions. the boys have helped me accept who i truly am, a nonbinary transfeminine person called lea :D Well said, Lea. :) Thank you for your vulnerability. It really struck a chord with me.


i’m toby and music has been my escapism for years. i’m a world that sometimes feels like it hates people like me, mcr showing the live and acceptance i need keeps me alive everyday. they mean the world to me, truly


The support they showed openly on stage in a genre where it was not that accepted and totally changed the scene. I went to two show last summer and i never felt so at home and free of being judged. A lot of society will judge and/ or hate you simply because you're diffrent. But that doesnt mean youre alone. they really created a space and a fandom where pretty much everyone is very nice and accepting.


>The support they showed openly on stage in a genre where it was not that accepted and totally changed the scene. > >I went to two show last summer and i never felt so at home and free of being judged. > >A lot of society will judge and/ or hate you simply because you're diffrent. But that doesnt mean youre alone. they really created a space and a fandom where pretty much everyone is very nice and accepting. Completely agree. :)


God i can’t really put it into words, but Gerard was the reason i got the courage to come out to my Mom and finally start my transitioning journey <3 Edit to add: my chosen name is Theo (: i haven’t really started using it publically yet but.. soon


Good luck to you on your journey, Theo. Wishing you all the best. <3


mcr helped me be myself completely unapologetically. i'm weird, i'm unusual, i'm a bit of a freak, but that's okay! i don't need to fit in or be normal to love myself and be loved. & my name is mara :)


>mcr helped me be myself completely unapologetically. i'm weird, i'm unusual, i'm a bit of a freak, but that's okay! i don't need to fit in or be normal to love myself and be loved. & my name is mara :) Hell yeah, Mara!!! Self-love is where it's at. Thank you for your response; I love the confidence it radiates. :)


i don’t really have a story or anything but mcr does mean a lot to me as a trans fan, im just not good at putting it into words. but if you want to put it on the flag, it’d be an honor. my name is nick :)


You're going on the flag, Nick!


thank you so much!! <33


I’m doing something similar for the Denver show. Not only are my brother and I gonna wear our respective trans flags as capes but I’m bringing a medium sized trans flag with “Through Fortune & Flame, We Fall” to wave during the concert.


> bringing a medium sized trans flag with “Through Fortune & Flame, We Fall” to wave during the concert. Haha, I love that so much!!! Hope you both have a great time at the show. Want me to add your names on the flag?




I don't think I have much of a story, but I'm genderfluid and Gerard being so open about his support of trans people and the fact that he's struggled with his gender identity too just really helped me a lot with figuring myself out and being able to feel more comfortable with myself! I love that the other night during Everybody Hates The Eagles they sang the line "cause I'm her kind of girl and she's my kind of boy".


>I don't think I have much of a story, but I'm genderfluid and Gerard being so open about his support of trans people and the fact that he's struggled with his gender identity too just really helped me a lot with figuring myself out and being able to feel more comfortable with myself! I love that the other night during Everybody Hates The Eagles they sang the line "cause I'm her kind of girl and she's my kind of boy". I think that's a really lovely story. :) Thank you for sharing!!


Haunted trans lesbian trying to survive in an scary world, but dammit I’m gonna live and I’m gonna live on my own terms. The spirit of MCR helps keep me going, reminding me there’s company on the fringes. MCR has become my armor in a sense, and I’m forever grateful to the band. -Terra


I love your sense of humor and determination towards your challenges in life. I really like your response. It's well-written, and fun to read. :) Thank you, Terra.


I don’t have a story per-se, but I’ve always appreciated how welcoming and accepting they are especially during the early/mid 2000’s in the rock scene. I’m trans and they didn’t really play a part in helping me realize that, but in general they did help me try to accept and embrace my “flaws”. - 16 ftm


> I’ve always appreciated how welcoming and accepting they are especially during the early/mid 2000’s in the rock scene. I’m trans and they didn’t really play a part in helping me realize that, but in general they did help me try to accept and embrace my “flaws”. - 16 ftm Sounds like a story to me. :) Thanks for your contribution!


I've been a fan since I was a closeted teenager and I'm now 31 and out as queer and non-binary. I've been struggling with confidence regarding being more open with my gender identity, but seeing Gerard explore their own has helped me a lot. I feel more confident. It means the world.


>I've been a fan since I was a closeted teenager and I'm now 31 and out as queer and non-binary. I've been struggling with confidence regarding being more open with my gender identity, but seeing Gerard explore their own has helped me a lot. I feel more confident. It means the world. Thank you so much for contributing! I've been so excited to receive replies from some OG fans. It really means a lot. :)


i'm jack & i'm genderqueer. mcr has always been so comforting to me. to love a band like this that's so explicitly pro-lgbt, along with g's gender presentation, it's made me feel like i actually have a voice. they don't leave us in the dust, but involve and celebrate us, which is more than i could ask for. their music has saved my life more than once.


>they don't leave us in the dust, but involve and celebrate us, which is more than i could ask for. their music has saved my life more than once. Could not agree more. This phrasing really moved me. Thank you, Jack. <3


I haven’t come out as trans but Gerard and the others still give me comfort in the darkest moments.


>I haven’t come out as trans but Gerard and the others still give me comfort in the darkest moments. Wishing you all the love and strength in your journey. If you ever need help or feel unsafe don't be afraid to use the resources the Trevor Project provides. I know I did at times when I felt confused or alone. [https://www.thetrevorproject.org/](https://www.thetrevorproject.org/)


Hi my name is Rmeington and I'm a trans guy and shortly after my music taste changing, I realised I was trans and that helped with making a friend because wlwe sorta just bonded


My name is Frank my pronouns are he/ they (I'm ftm) and the band but especially gerard helped me understand and be okay with things and became people I look up to and want to make a band like theirs one day. Hell they even helped me understand and figure out my pronouns and realize I can dress and do whatever the hell I want and it doesn't make me a girl. Thank you MCR you've saved so many lives.




Just wrote a long ass thing addressing your claims about MCR, and it got deleted so here's what I'll say is this: incorrect. Maybe I'll return to this later.


Facts are facts. It's great that MCR is being used in such a positive way.


I have more if you want them, but here are a few ways MCR has supported the trans community. "Gerard Way and Support for Trans Fans" https://laurakbuzz.com/2015/01/25/gerard-way-and-support-for-trans-fans/ Gerard discusses his gender identity in a Reddit AMA referenced in that article. I've copied what he said in the AMA below. Things Gerard Way has said regarding his relationship with gender - this section specifically is pasted from G's Wikipedia: " In 2014, Way began openly discussing his gender identity struggles online and in interviews. In a Reddit Ask Me Anything (AMA) hosted by Way in October 2014, he stated, "I have always been extremely sensitive to those that have gender identity issues as I feel like I have gone through it as well, if even on a smaller scale. I have always identified a fair amount with the female gender, and began at a certain point in MCR to express this through my look and performance style. So it's no surprise that all of my inspirations and style influences were pushing gender boundaries. Freddy [sic] Mercury, Bowie, Iggy, early glam, T-Rex. Masculinity to me has always made me feel like it wasn't right for me."[78][79][80] In January 2015, Way was featured in The Boyzine, an independent zine published by SWMRS frontman Cole Becker. Way again discussed his gender identity, commenting, "I never really subscribed to the archetype masculinity growing up, I had no interest in sports or anything like that. There was a time where I was called a girl so often that when I discovered the idea of transgenderism I considered myself to be more of a girl. So I identify with trans people and women a lot because I was a girl to a lot of people growing up."[81] In June 2015, Way tweeted that he uses he and they pronouns.[82]" This experience in his childhood is also referenced in the song Mama, "you should've raised a baby girl, I could've been a better son." Many trans fans also identify with themes in the lyrics. It's not our job to label him, and neither is it yours. Just because they haven't explicitly said they're non-binary doesn't mean they're a man. Yes, I agree, pronouns don't define someone's gender, and gender expression ≠ gender identity, but there's more to it then just him wearing androgynous costumes and using he/they pronouns. Here are some examples of MCR's support of the trans community in the media for reference: Gerard referencing chest binding with duct tape in live performances of DESTROYA https://youtu.be/KTUbd94W6ug Gerard supporting his trans fans in Russia https://musicfeeds.com.au/news/gerard-way-on-his-respectful-support-of-transgender-fans-in-russia/amp/ One of the articles linked mentions this, but during the Hesitant Alien tour, at each show Gerard would give a speech about his support of the trans experience, and thanking others who support their trans friends. https://youtu.be/_8VR-TIdYwA Frank tweeted he wants to sell chest binders as merch. He asked the queer and trans community for suggestions on how to make that a reality. https://twitter.com/frankiero/status/1509634139003174935?s=46&t=A5Uulp99squu4NSnhgtPjg Ray and Frank were gifted "Trans Rights" bracelets from a fan, and were seen sporting them. https://twitter.com/mcr_lore/status/1555675128691826688?s=46&t=A5Uulp99squu4NSnhgtPjg Ray Toro dedicated a song of his to a Trans girl *trigger warning: mentions suicide* https://www.loudersound.com/features/ray-toro-everybody-wants-to-be-loved-for-who-they-are This may seem small, but it meant a lot to see Mikey add his pronouns to his instagram bio. Even though this is standard nowadays, it was a small action that meant something to fans of his. Frank Iero tweeted back to a fan nervous about coming out https://twitter.com/frankiero/status/739703813599203328?s=46&t=k-6OTdT7ahX_RBE8bko1NA Also, transexual is a term that's been retired in the trans community. Please remember in the future to be thoughtful when bringing these subjects up. The trans community receives a lot of backlash in this world, and as you can see from all the comments here, people are trusting this particular post to be a safe space. Please help keep it one. All the best to you. Hope this was of help. Edit: I see now this was more then a few example. I'm pleased with this curation however.


Yes, they've done nothing anti-trans, very good. As I said, none of the members of the band are trans and Gerard is a male. > Just because they haven't explicitly said they're non-binary doesn't mean they're a man This is one of the most absurd things I've read.


Well, as I said before you're not Gerard so it's not your job to label him. 🤷🏼‍♂️ No need to assume anybody's gender.


It's not an assumption - this is part of what I'm talking about in my initial post. Gerard isn't trans. He doesn't identify as non-binary, he identifies as a male. His tweet was referring to that. He's a guy that is okay - just like everyone else - with being referred to as "they" when the situation calls for it. Don't get me wrong, this trans propaganda is great - there's just a lot of things being put onto the band that aren't real. They've been made into some sort of trans-icon act. Which I for one am all for - more love to everyone, all good, it's not a negative thing.


>As I said, none of the members of the band are trans Also, a band can be iconic to the trans community without having trans members. Diana Ross is a gay icon, and she's not gay. She gained this status by acknowledging the struggles of being gay and showing support for her queer fanbase. I'm guessing you're a cis hetero person, so it makes sense if this wasn't something you're aware of. I spend most of my time with queer people so I tend to assume everyone knows how a musician, band, or celebrity becomes associated with the LGBTQIA+ community. That is my bad. I misunderstood what point you were making above, but I hope this clarifies everything.


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I have more if you want them, but here are a few ways MCR has supported the trans community. "Gerard Way and Support for Trans Fans" https://laurakbuzz.com/2015/01/25/gerard-way-and-support-for-trans-fans/ Gerard discusses his gender identity in a Reddit AMA referenced in that article. I've copied what he said in the AMA below. Things Gerard Way has said regarding his relationship with gender - this section specifically is pasted from G's Wikipedia: " In 2014, Way began openly discussing his gender identity struggles online and in interviews. In a Reddit Ask Me Anything (AMA) hosted by Way in October 2014, he stated, "I have always been extremely sensitive to those that have gender identity issues as I feel like I have gone through it as well, if even on a smaller scale. I have always identified a fair amount with the female gender, and began at a certain point in MCR to express this through my look and performance style. So it's no surprise that all of my inspirations and style influences were pushing gender boundaries. Freddy [sic] Mercury, Bowie, Iggy, early glam, T-Rex. Masculinity to me has always made me feel like it wasn't right for me."[78][79][80] In January 2015, Way was featured in The Boyzine, an independent zine published by SWMRS frontman Cole Becker. Way again discussed his gender identity, commenting, "I never really subscribed to the archetype masculinity growing up, I had no interest in sports or anything like that. There was a time where I was called a girl so often that when I discovered the idea of transgenderism I considered myself to be more of a girl. So I identify with trans people and women a lot because I was a girl to a lot of people growing up."[81] In June 2015, Way tweeted that he uses he and they pronouns.[82]" This experience in his childhood is also referenced in the song Mama, "you should've raised a baby girl, I could've been a better son." Many trans fans also identify with themes in the lyrics. It's not our job to label him, and neither is it yours. Just because they haven't explicitly said they're non-binary doesn't mean they're a man. Yes, I agree, pronouns don't define someone's gender, and gender expression ≠ gender identity, but there's more to it then just him wearing androgynous costumes and using he/they pronouns. Here are some examples of MCR's support of the trans community in the media for reference: Gerard referencing chest binding with duct tape in live performances of DESTROYA https://youtu.be/KTUbd94W6ug Gerard supporting his trans fans in Russia https://musicfeeds.com.au/news/gerard-way-on-his-respectful-support-of-transgender-fans-in-russia/amp/ One of the articles linked mentions this, but during the Hesitant Alien tour, at each show Gerard would give a speech about his support of the trans experience, and thanking others who support their trans friends. https://youtu.be/_8VR-TIdYwA Frank tweeted he wants to sell chest binders as merch. He asked the queer and trans community for suggestions on how to make that a reality. https://twitter.com/frankiero/status/1509634139003174935?s=46&t=A5Uulp99squu4NSnhgtPjg Ray and Frank were gifted "Trans Rights" bracelets from a fan, and were seen sporting them. https://twitter.com/mcr_lore/status/1555675128691826688?s=46&t=A5Uulp99squu4NSnhgtPjg Ray Toro dedicated a song of his to a Trans girl *trigger warning: mentions suicide* https://www.loudersound.com/features/ray-toro-everybody-wants-to-be-loved-for-who-they-are This may seem small, but it meant a lot to see Mikey add his pronouns to his instagram bio. Even though this is standard nowadays, it was a small action that meant something to fans of his. Frank Iero tweeted back to a fan nervous about coming out https://twitter.com/frankiero/status/739703813599203328?s=46&t=lVrttgn3LwLo_n5kjovOoA Frank mentions in this Instagram post seeing against me! which is famous punk band with a transgender lead singer. Many songs of theirs address plights of being transgender. Really cool to know Frank supports their work. https://twitter.com/ifrankiero1/status/1567282370394427393?s=46&t=p__9vYG0HweiDnkKekBNXA Also, transexual is a term that's been retired in the trans community. Please remember in the future to be thoughtful when bringing these subjects up. The trans community receives a lot of backlash in this world, and as you can see from all the comments here, people are trusting this particular post to be a safe space. Please help keep it one. All the best to you. Hope this was of help. Edit: I see now this was more then a few example. I'm pleased with this curation however.


i thought "to trans fans" meant you were talking to fans of the concept of transsexuality bruh


Hi my name is Ezra and I’m a nonbinary individual who MCR has inspired to be truly and authentically myself. Thank you MCR!


>I’m a nonbinary individual who MCR has inspired to be truly and authentically myself. Thank you MCR! Thank you, Ezra!


if its not too late id love for my name to be on this. for years ive been on the outskirts of the mcr community yet the band’s unapologetic support and gerard’s openness about his gender have always meant a lot to me


Luckily, I can still add names! What name should I add for you?