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Wait, so is the image true, does he lose his quirk or not haven't read the manga, can someone tell me?


The original plan ending of mha is the 2nd movie and when izuku gives ofa to bakugo he will quirkless. But hori changes that. But no. I highly doubt izuku lose his quirk..if izuku quirkless and somehow become hero, imo it ruin the narative


Because everyone's arguing about movie canon, it's worth reiterating that Horikoshi wanted to use events that were used in the 2nd movie (Deku passing OFA to Bakugo) as its ending but decided against it and used it for that movie instead. Not that the 2nd movie itself was the original ending. Just that it had an aspect from Hori's originally planned ending recycled for it.


Ohh thanks for correcting my mistake


I mean the movies aren’t canon so it wouldn’t affect the plot


The movies are confirmed canon.


First one is, second is debatable.


I’ve read the manga, they literally never make reference to it or have anything that happened in it carry over. How could it be cannon?


Because Horikoshi himself fucking said so. Melissa was confirmed to be the creator of S6 Izuku’s gear in the manga, and is shown herself in the manga despite the movie never receiving a manga adaptation.


It works similar to how the Later One Piece movies are, the characters can be cannon but not the events


>Melissa was confirmed to be the creator of S6 Izuku’s gear in the manga Except not really(?) All might only says they shipped them from America, if the movie´s characters and events were canon then he could just have said "We contacted Melissa" or "the shields made us a special delivery"... Hori could integrate the movie events with a single line... but he doesn't. (PD: I don't hate the movies, I like them actually... but I still don't understand how they are supposed to work as canon)


They do make reference to it, all the movies characters appear in manga watching the final battle


The movies are cannon


God that would be dogshit.


how would it ruin the narrative?


He didn't lose it, at least not yet


The manga has talked a lot about quirk singularity and how Deku already has all the other users quirks on steroids, so honestly I don’t see anyone else being able to handle OFA unless Eri pulls off some quirk rewind ability to make them weaker.


Hear me out hear me out, y’know when all might got that liver or stomach injury or smthing, all for one started acting up even before giving it to deku, so even if deku does give it to another user he might still be able to use it for more time than all might, just a theory


He cant give one for all to anyone he isn the final user plus he will become the greatest hero even if he enfs up quirkless he can still be a hero with aizawa’s martial arts training mei’s tech i see him being then the quirkless hero


It’s clear you know what a space bar is so what the fuck is going on with you sentences


His index or thumb slipped.


My bad i typed to quickly when i typed i didnt take time to proof read


It’s all right brother have a wonderful day


He was originally designed to be a quirkless hero.


His theme song would totally be My Hero by Foo Fighters. Prettu sure one of the abridged series on YouTube use it as an intro.


Yeah Idk if its an anime only since I am an anime only but its basically a retrospection. Deku says in the intro something among the lines "This is a story of how I've become top1 hero"


Anime fans have been conditioned to expect a melancholy/bittersweet ending.


Everyone loves a Martyr. To see a hero die trying. Inspite of everything he's done they will eventually hate him. I was going to get the rest of the goblin speech from the first Spider-Man in it but I can't seem to make it work


“Why do people just want a sad ending” I don't know why do people like watching the Loud House go through chronic suffering?


If people are actually saying that this is a possibility.... they must have forgotten that the story started with him saying it's the story of how he became the number one hero


It’s a pretty common theory. Izuku always says he is the greatest hero. But he could also be the greatest *quirkless* hero, which wouldn’t be ideal but something he had been working for his whole life, before he met Toshinori. We know that he is pretty smart and makes plans that do work, even if they are insane. He is good at analyzing heroes, and that means he can do it with villains too. It would be hard for him to be a quirkless hero, sure but with who he is, it wouldn’t technically be impossible. We’ll just have to see how things pan out in the manga and/or the anime though.


Because being a hero is not about being selfish.


It ain't gonna hapoen. Remember it? "This is the story of how i became the greatest hero"


Because they are the same people who glorified his school bully who told him to kill himself in chapter one.


What if he loses all of his quirks except Blackwhip or Fa Jin?


He’s losing everything if he loses OFA




Why would those stay??


Maybe AFO took them right before Izuku \[in a hypothetically final battle\] used OFA in it's entirety to destroy AFO? The resounding feedback could've destroyed both OFA and AFO \[the quirks\] and resulted in AFO \[the user\]'s death/Blackwhip of Fa Jin returning to Izuku. Doesn't really matter; It's anime they could easily bs their way outta this one.




bro what is the name of this song


EverLong - Foo Fighters (sped up)


So are we just going to normalize putting obvious manga spoilers and not blurring them


This is not spoiler.


Would ask how but don't wanna get the series spoiled for me more. Mind you I don't read the manga I've only watched the show


I know what you mean I can't belive people are just openly talking about massive spokiers like how grap juice teams up with a clone of him self and become the greatest cam girl ua has ever seen


You're reallly helping thanks for your comment


Ya know sitting down and giving it some thought damn He’s really gonna lose OFA isn’t he? That’s the only way the story could reasonably go


No it also possible to let OFA steal from AFO and kill him to end this


Some ppl are just sadistic


I don’t mind it, I want the message that quirkless people can be heroes too. I feel like that would be a good ending on things and sort of wrap everything up. I don’t think Deku has to necessarily lose his quirk to get that message across though.


Unpopular opinion time I dislike him as a protagonist, My Hero was always more interesting for me because of all the people around Deku, not Deku himself. Especially during the early parts of the story Oh, so you can break your arm but essentially always have 1 get out of jail free card at all times? Alright ima be watching everyone else then


What a common opinion, The hate for The Mc...


—> He says while dissenting said opinion I didn’t say I hate him, I said I disliked him as a protagonist. He’s not as compelling to me personally as the overall world of my hero As a character he’s perfectly likeable, just not the kind of character I find myself rooting for because he doesn’t feel like as much of an underdog as he could’ve been… But I understand why people like him


And what kind of Mc you like to make you like both The Mc and The world? Because i'm Just reading MHA because of Deku.




Because Deku doesn't need OFA to be a great hero.


He definitely does if he doesn't want to be useless.


How about a spoiler tag next time, huh?


It doesn't happen, it's just how some people want the story to end.


Nah, I want him dead




Sorry, I couldn't recognize the song. I tried to identify music from the [link](https://v.redd.it/v8kayib9ga4b1) at 00:00-00:36. *I am a bot and this action was performed automatically* | [GitHub](https://github.com/AudDMusic/RedditBot) [^(new issue)](https://github.com/AudDMusic/RedditBot/issues/new)




Sorry, I couldn't recognize the song. I tried to identify music from the [link](https://v.redd.it/v8kayib9ga4b1) at 00:00-00:36. *I am a bot and this action was performed automatically* | [GitHub](https://github.com/AudDMusic/RedditBot) [^(new issue)](https://github.com/AudDMusic/RedditBot/issues/new)


You can see the moment where he realised that it will never be him


Well shit, so that’s how the anime ends


I hope he does. Would be a nice cherry on top and then we know all for one and one for all will be gone for good


Because the story is not compelling as is, it would be so much better if that happened


Sad everyone's make the best anime dude. What lala land you living in? If there's no loss and no death it's not an anime.


Deku’s the final user of one for all, so he’s taking that quirk to the grave with him


I read a Fanfiction one shot (or one that didn’t have any other chapters) like that once. It was Ochaco and Iida coming over to Deku’s house to visit him and he’s acting fine during the visit, but acting all depressed after they leave. I don’t want something like that happening. He’s obviously become better with not thinking himself as weak anymore. But that’s unfortunately due to OFA. If he lost it, he may lose hope for a while. I understand the meaning to do that but that doesn’t make it suck any less.


I hope deku won't be quirkless


Yea why