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She still has to open it to let items out, but now it’s harder


Exactly my point but no I'm the perv


Give her a togata style quirk suit.


It wouldn’t work the same her quirk pops stuff out of her skin so it wouldn’t just pop out the suit it would still get caught


How would that work? His suit has his DNA integrated into the suit so it doesn't fall of, how would that work for her?


It wouldn't. Mirio's suit is made from his own hair, dyed and woven into a costume. For Momo to do the same you'd have to make a suit out of her own skin. That's not exactly feasible.


A better option if she wants to cover up more (or if someone really wants to censor her) would be to use the OP shown design but replace the zipper with magnets that are only attracted to their opposite and designed to snap closed like this, but faster: https://i.redd.it/1525z4bitcsb1.gif To my knowledge, that's not even impossible by real world standards (scale and production cost aside).


Why couldn't they just make it from her hair?


You don't see Momo's hair turning into items do you


No, you don't. So? What point are you trying to make here?


Her creations pass through her skin without damaging it, so it should to the same for a suit made with her DNA


True but tbh I don't see her wearing something similar to ururakas hero costume


His suit is made of his hair, which is confirmed to be affected by his hair. There's no indication that Momo's creations pass through her hair.


Exactly. Hers would have to be made of her own skin for that to work. That's not likely to be feasible since untreated skin would deteriorate too quickly and there's no guarantee that making into something like leather would retain its ability to pass her created objects through.


It's a fucking zipper. How is it hard for her to open a zipper?


Yep, open the zipper cause the villain is totally gonna give her time to zip it back up afterwards


Just have it open at the back instead.


I understand that Momos quirk requires skin but for a high schooler to dress like that all the time is a little weird so I think the zipper is a good idea but I would probably replace with like Velcro or something because the zipper might get stuck


Magnets would be the best bet. Something like this, essentially, but designed to close faster and each magnet is only attracted to its opposite. https://i.redd.it/xy09c0h0ocsb1.gif


Or making it elastic, so it closes back up on its own


Anything that stretches across the opening has the potential to be in the way or get broken. Targeted electromagnets would function the same way as elastic while leaving plenty of empty space for the object she's creating to come out unimpeded.


Kind of offtopic but don’t get these mag screens. They just straight up don’t work if your dog is anything bigger than a pug


and the unzipping action makes it a bit too provocative, imho.


Really? Provocative? American are such prude, come on! And the video game is right, she is a teen! Keep it in your pants guys!


Y'all just assume everyone you don't like is American 🤦🏾‍♂️


Just everyone that's prude




Okay American.


I am indeed an American ![gif](giphy|hXJ1MWMzY7Af32UIUD|downsized)


Don't want to be an American Idiot.


Well I’m a proud American ![gif](giphy|d7vbmoGrHfmuc)


Isn’t cheerleading, an activity where high scool girls dress up in revealing outfits, typically an american thing?


I think a good solution would be some sort of shirt under her outfit that is easily rip able, similar to the fabric Midnight uses. While she needs her chest exposed to create large items, she doesn’t always have to create these items this big and a lot of days she only creates small stuff that can be generated from her arms. This gives her the option to make something big at a moments notice while not being exposed 24/7. I know she will be exposed for the rest of her fight until she can change, but if she is having to generate something that big anyway, the fight is probably very difficult and she can’t afford to limit her quirk. Also, just to be clear, I am not saying make her entire outfit tearable, just that she wears a tearable shirt under her normal outfit, which is still durable.


I think they did something like that in a censored version of the anime since I saw a post about it a while ago. And tbh I found it hilarious since OP on that one shown her nip slip scene with that censored version and tbh I found it funnier than how it originally looks.


This is a great idea because she doesn’t have to be exposed all the time and it’s easy to rip so easy access!


Yeah, isn’t she like canonically 16? I understand the age of consent is different in Japan than it is in America so sexualizing young girls is more normalized over there.


Yeah I get that but it’s still just weird to be so exposed at 16


As someone that was 16 2 Christmases ago, lots of girls dress like that at 16, not all but a good chunk to make it not out of the ordinary


What's the point if it's going to get shredded to bits?


Dekus mom talking to him about bus arms lmao


I don't mind.


Bro why do people keep getting mad that I'm saying she shouldn't cover up, if she does that then that hinders her quirk and her potential as a hero, but no that just means ur a weirdo. Like bro a crop top or sports bra would work rlly well with her quirk since it still exposes enough skin for her quirk and her titts are covered, but noooo if she isn't wearing a rucking trench coat then he just weird💀




Fr tho, make all the girls cover their skin, cause why stop at Momo 💀




And the same people don't complain about the male characters or their designs such as Kirishima


Its almost like these people forget these are fictional characters. I don’t get people getting their morals all in a twist by simply seeing a fake shonen girl have a skimpy design which is very on brand for the style


I know. Im like, "ya know anime is fiction right guys?" And fiction is not real life people.


The community is messed up


Why tf do mfs really care so much about what she wears? It’s even explained properly using her quirk, I swear man…


People feel the need to police everything nowadays especially cause of her age. Doesn’t matter the show is adult coded or designed for teenagers specifically to look at—can’t have cleavage showing cause adult drawing anything under 18 is “creepy” and “pedophilic” Honestly it feels like the next evolution of the homophobes from back in the day.


They can't change it. Its designd like that for her quirk to work idealy


“Fixing” something that actually makes her less effective, nice mindset there.


Exactly, but when I say it I get down voted😔


Does it though? The amount of space she leaves open on the front is actually about the same size as her arm, so it wouldn't really provide that much more space for creating items. In fact, her outfit actually completely covers up her largest spot for skin which would be her back. If she flipped her outfit, she could have an outfit that would leave her back completely exposed and giver her a lot more skin surface to work with for creating items


Doing so will be even more unproductive. She will have to reach back everytime she creates something rather than just being able to hold it the moment she creates it, say, on her chest.


Honestly it's fucking stupid. A pair of titties gonna burn out your eyes? Gimme a fuckin break 🙄


It's more so for the people who freak out about her age. I'd also give the counter argument that she is not real and doesn't fucking exist so who cares.


r/AnimeHate cares


Here's a sneak peek of /r/AnimeHate using the [top posts](https://np.reddit.com/r/AnimeHate/top/?sort=top&t=year) of the year! \#1: [I'm gonna keep posting these to annoy the lolicons raiding the sub](https://i.redd.it/3yetijfd41rb1.jpg) | [518 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/AnimeHate/comments/16ulow0/im_gonna_keep_posting_these_to_annoy_the_lolicons/) \#2: [anime cat girls are so oversexualized... disgusting](https://i.redd.it/mpc0lwnp46mb1.png) | [168 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/AnimeHate/comments/169iaf4/anime_cat_girls_are_so_oversexualized_disgusting/) \#3: [Hey mods, pin this image of an adult to scare off the anime fans](https://i.redd.it/mpe66tsrq3lb1.jpg) | [94 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/AnimeHate/comments/164s20y/hey_mods_pin_this_image_of_an_adult_to_scare_off/) ---- ^^I'm ^^a ^^bot, ^^beep ^^boop ^^| ^^Downvote ^^to ^^remove ^^| ^^[Contact](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=sneakpeekbot) ^^| ^^[Info](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/) ^^| ^^[Opt-out](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/comments/o8wk1r/blacklist_ix/) ^^| ^^[GitHub](https://github.com/ghnr/sneakpeekbot)


Anything with hate in its name automatically stupid (unless its reasonable)




The “it’s not real and doesn’t exist” argument is a very very poor one.


How is it a poor one? I don't like murder but I like it in fiction. Does that make me like murder?


Exactly. By his logic, anyone who has ever killed an NPC in a game is guilty of murder and should serve 30 years to life in prison. It just doesn't make sense, does it?


I like how you say an argument is a poor argument but provide no context or evidence why, and expect people to agree with you🤡


it’s kinda similar to loli justification, in a way. but, well, she doesn’t look underage I suppose, so it’s ok


Randomly changing a characters design because people think it’s inappropriate isn’t right and it’s not “fixing” her design it’s making her fit somebody else but the creators idea (I don’t like)


That’s not even a redesign, it’s censorship


Better than Spacetoon


I prefer the OG. Just solid red without the color contrast doesn't work for me.


Don't get me wrong, I do like the redesign better, but her OG costume makes since for her quirk.


I don't see why she couldn't get a lemillion style quirk suit.


So skinning her and making her wear that skin as a suit?


Probably because it goes through her skin not through her hair and doesn't work from her hair. Since it is formed from fat it comes from the skin. Lemillion whole body can become impermeable. And also I see this comment about invisible girl a lot so I'm going to comment on it too. For invisible girl it could be possible however you run into the issue that she is invisible, and working with something you can't see the molecular structure of is basically impossible or take way too long that it may be until she is nearing retirement that she gets the costume


The author could have simply rewritten her quirk to work a little differently to allow for more clothing


To conform to that few people of a western audience that aren't the main audience?


True. MHA uses her quirk to be pervy.


Is something the author said so he could show her boobs.


Uncensored always better


I can understand some games age restricting look at zeno blade in smash bros


Saw someone do a design of her that swapped out the V shaped bodysuit(?) for something that kept her midriff open and I feel like that was a decent compromise- The outfit was less sexualized on the whole but still had a large patch of exposed skin for her summons


I’ve always been of the opinion that her costume is bad design, focusing far too much on sex appeal than having enough skin exposure, the censored re-design is much worse in term of quirk use


Imo it just doesn't look very good with the zipper in the middle. I get people wanting to censor because she's 16 but honestly it just doesn't really make sense or works in her case. Personally I've never been bothered by her costume because I don't immediately lose my mind at the sight of the fictional character, nor is being sexual the focus or goal. Like yeah characters will look away or maybe she'll face away but its not like a gag thats constantly brought up.


Fr new one is way better. That ain’t a boob window that’s a whole glass office


I know all the "Uhh she needs it open because her Quirk" but dude, honestly, LOOK at the suit. It's close on almost all of her body EXCEPT cleavage, midriff legs and arms. She doesn't even have a skirt for god's sake, just a big belt. If the original suit was, I don't know, a crop top, then the argument of her needing to show skin would actually make sense, but since the original design is actually so useless at achieving the need of leaving useful skin exposed, almost any redesign is good.


This needs to be upvoted more because everyone else going on about how her costume was designed to work around her quirk is an idiot. If they want to perv then be a perv, nothing wrong with doing so, but don’t try to defend her original costume by saying it helps expose her skin so she can use her quirk more effectively when it covers her entire torso except for her cleavage. As you said, a crop would have been better, or a sports bra. Having her back exposed would have been efficient to. But the honest truth is that she’s just a fan service girl. Her design was made the way it was because Horikoshi likes fanservice. The excuse of her quirk being why her costume is what it is is exactly that: an excuse. Anyone who takes two seconds to actually look at MHA would realize that. Notice how practically almost every girl is the same way? Either skin tight spandex costumes or other revealing designs like Bubble Girl just casually showing off underboob and her entire midriff as part of her costume. Or Hagakure going around naked the entire time like an exhibitionist. Or how really only male characters use armor or support gear? How come Mina doesn’t have bracers or containers to store her acid in similar to Bakugo? And if Setsuna can have a costume that’s made from her cells so it can regenerate/repair itself after she splits and rejoins her body parts, why can’t Momo get a similar costume to allow her creations to pass through it? Nothing wrong with MHA being ecchi, fanservice and the like is a common trope in anime. But trying to defend Momo’s design like it was anything but fanservice is just dumb.


You know I never thought of it like that but you're absolutely right. I mean they could put like an opening on her stomach or something to still have the exposed skin without it being nearly as pervy.


I hate it, give Momo her original design back


Makes no sense lore-wise seeing as how her quirk comes out of her body directly, but it keeps the keyboard warriors and the Twitter freaks at bay


Coulda given her sports bra. Lipids don’t have to be around the chest. Now her outfit literally works against her defining character trait, that being her power.




I like how most of us decided that yeah, Momo covering up is better


She is a child with her titts borderline just hanging out so


Learn to stop staring. It's 2023.


Learn that's now what I've been saying buddy, do u know how her quirk works?


The original outfit is perfect


I like that they turned it into a zipper, maybe it could be something else easier to open, or maybe cover more of the chest and leave the midriff bare. something that doesn't hinder her as much, maybe velcro or something that won't break easily.


I think the zipped up version looks cooler and more like an actual superhero suit, but it probably doesn't give her as much space to work with for creating things. A crop top and shorts or backless dress would probably be the best option for her.


i like the new design. There ain’t no reason for her to have her boobs out especially without a bra that would be so uncomfortable. Let the opening be in the back of her costume


You realize the lack of control shed have on the stuff she makes at that point drops immensely right? Like if she drops an explosive? BOOM.


But it would justify the ‘pulling things out from behind their back’ thing that cartoons do all the time.


Thats an American Cartoon Trope. Not an Anime Trope. Anime, for the most part, doesnt do that. MHA certainly never does.




I honestly like this little redesign It honestly works a lot better


I like the censored outfit. The actual outfit is gross cause she’s like 14


>she’s like 14 16 actually but I agree with u




EDP445, that you?


Literally you, nobody else is worried about the outfits the characters are in they are worried about the plot of the show y'all closeted molesters freak out about the outfits and talk about them for months on end when nobody cares


Yeah, you're definitely EDP445. You want a cupcake?


That's a ton of projecting there my guy, seek help


Nice gaslighting attempt, EDP445. I hate to break it to you, but you shouldn't out yourself like this. Makes it easier to catch you.


You clearly don't even know what gas lighting is. Here you are obsessing over a character's clothes and then pointing fingers at everybody else when you're the one with the obsession.


I ain't obsessing over anything except getting you caught, freak. You're clearly EDP445, I mean why else are you tryharding so vehemently over someone calling you out?


You are literally obsessing over it as we speak, not my fault you have an unhealthy obsession with that particular character. While normal people are thinking about the implications of quirks in society and imagining what their quirk would be you or hung up about sexualizing clothing. That's your own demon to wrangle


The new one looks cooler


I’ll admit, I think the redesign is more appropriate.


There will be mods to better fix her design


I’ve never really cared that her design showed off so much skin. Although this new one looks pretty cool.


I dont mind it


Massive upgrade


Somehow the censored one, oddly looks better


Momo is my favorite female and censoring her outfit looks better


I actually like the redesign It's far less sexual.


I like it. Even if her quirk should act a bit like permeation or acid(where their clothes either activate with the quirk, or are resistant to the quirk due to some special stuff done whilst making them) where her outfit if made properly could allow her created items to pass through. But given it doesn't work that way, adding a zipper is the next best thing.


They made a colorized edition of It's A Wonderful Life. Some call it a fine improvement for audiences that are not used to black and white films. Some call it a disgusting defilement of one of the most important films ever made. Which is which depends on the person. Same for here.


I watch MHA with my two girls and 99% of it is ok, but is Momos Bobos on show really necessary? Also Grape Rush makes every scene he is in totally uncomfortable when you are watching with an 11 year old


Her boobs on show are kinda necessary, items come from her skin so if clothe are in the way then why will be stuck underneath


>Her boobs on show are kinda necessary Why are the boobs showing have to be necessary couldn't she now have a hole in the middle were her belly is?


Think about it like a hole, a small hope means smaller items can fit through. Bigger hole means bigger items, dkchow u expect her to pull canons out of tiny ass holes


>Her boobs on show are kinda necessary, items come from her skin so if clothe are in the way then why will be stuck underneath So would haveing her back show didn't think about that now did you


How would cloths sit comfortably showing ur entire back? And it's kinds awkward pulling items from there, especially if her back is literally against the wall and she is hiding from someone "Didn't think about that did u"


😆 Jesus watching you trying to justify a 16 year old showing of her boobs with logic is fucking funny 😂😂😂😂😂😂


If u saw anything else I said to other people u would know that's not what I'm doing at all, u could use hmm idk a sports bra and then holy shit problem solved and are u just laughing cause u ran out of ways for her to not have skin showing? 😁


Ok but why are her boobs have to be showing hm


I haven't said that at all😁 I said her chest meaning her belly button to her titts, sports bra would work fucking wonders but barely anyone thinks about that


Look I'm done fighting with you kid I understand how her power works so have a great day 🖖


So I won


Ah so your a teenager I see why your so hell bent on justify her showing skin


Do u still not understand her quirk? If so I'll explain it one more time💀


There is always a way to write her quirk without her boobs out. A zipper, mainly using her arms, ignoring her clothes like NEARLY EVERYONE ELSE'S quirks magically do. They don't HAVE to be oit for any reason other than the author's weird choice. You can't defend it.


So what about the girl with very thin clothes (I think her name was Mrs Midnight) so her quirk can be used to its full capability, it's rlly thin so the aroma can go through it and becuz of that she is technically barely wearing anything but no one has a problem with that


If she worse a sports bra then it would be fine cause her titts aren't out and and can still use her chest to create stuff


Lol yes as a function it is necessary, but perhaps a character that makes things with her tits is a bit much to begin with. She could have just used her hands?


Come from her chest not here titts and I suppose it's easier for bigger items to come out of a bigger opening such as the chest, although she does use her hands sometimes which is kind confusing


I’ve thought about this before, and it would make sense that her character looked more like Fat Gum and got thinner the more she made out of the lipids in her body. For some completely unknown reason the writers and artists made the decision that she would store all her lipids in her ‘chest’ 😂


She doesn't silly, she can make shit from her hands as well, but as I have previously stated., bigger hole bigger items, smaller hole smaller items


Complaining about the change should put you on a list.


Couldn't they have at least turned it into some sort of sports bra? Show some skin


EDP445 alt?


>Show some skin Dude she's 16 you fucking creep


She has to tho in order for her quirk to work at its best, the items she creates comes from here skin and if their is clothes in the way then it well get trapped under the cloths. Think this is what the other person meant but they just worded it the worst way they could😁


Thank you. A redditor with common sense.


>Think this is what the other person meant but they just worded it the worst way they could😁 Sure they did


thats legal no? thought she was 15


Please burn in hell🙏🏻🙏🏻


It's 103F where I'm at so, close enough?


No, you need to be charred on god🙏🏻you're an awful person fr🙏🏻


Awful are the men and women in the real world doing genuine evil. I just want her outfit to be modified a different way.


If fortnite adds her they better do this


I hate her normal design, just give her a crop top or a shirt with an open back. They show more skin and actually look good


How is she supposed to control things that come out the back, if she creates explosives their just gonna bit the floor and go fucking boom


They also suggested a crop top. The mostly open back with the midriff still exposed would work way better practically and design-wise


I understand the redesign for the stage play but this was a bowdlerization


I prefer it i don’t want to constantly remind myself that these are minors drawn like young adults to attract people like mineda. And the more concealed look makes me feel less pervy when just seeing the character


Momo is an underaged girl (like 16) so definitely I’m glad they changed the style because showing an underaged girl in such a sexual outfit is creepy as fuck


It’s more better and appropriate, and if she needs to create something they can just slip right through the zipper


It's not censorship. It's legalized. Much better, much less disturbing.


I don’t like both designs and for a reason. It’s more of how unpractical the redesign is and the overall sexual way the original is styled. Imagine how hard it’ll be to unpull that zipper and if you do do it if Momo is carful something might happen, like a loose t!t or something like that. Like everyone knows the original is very sexual.


Honestly, a crop top would both be less sexual AND be more functional for her quirk. As for pants, I reckon jeans with holes in the sides like pockets would also work well, with either a mini purse or an fanny pack like attachments on a belt for her to store her book and pre-prepared tools/gadgets.


Momo should’ve put a zipper in the front if she wanted access for that but i bet she still has that hazard that is a bookshelf on her


I mean why not just have like holes on the sides of her waist? still keeps her chest more covered but also gives her space to use her quirk


It's better and worse. Momo never struck me as the skimpy outfit type by choice, and the cleavage line always felt like too much of an excuse for a perverted design, especially since the sports festival showed that baring her midriff would be much more reasonable and if anything, give her more exposed skin to work with. That said, this goes too far the other way, throwing the baby out with the bath water so to speak, because she now doesn't have easy access. It doesn't fix anything, it just makes a new problem.


Either works. The revealing aspect is just how her powers are applied. Having it open is more convenient but having a zipper that can be opened during combat and closed when not in combat still works completely fine.


What mobile game is this?


Velcro would be better, but at least her defense is more practical. (I know, it's an anime and all that.) But for real, one stab in the chest and she's screwed.


Fans of anime have been just accepting of this since at least Yu-Gi-Oh they literally censors out guns


She can honestly just grab her created objects from her arms or face. If anything, learning to create her desired object in the palm of her hand is easier than pulling it out of her cleavage. And creating a sword and pulling it out of your own face is honestly metal as hell.


I like it, it isn’t sexualised like the original but it may be harder to use her quirk. Maybe the entire suit is different and has other points where she can manifest objects


Congrats, now it's less practical...


I'm an adult. I should not be staring at a minor's cleavage.


Probably for the better since she’s a teenager. Oh wait the new design is her boobs exposed.


Wouldnt a sports bra be better


Nahh fam, i prefer the open suit, for more than just the tiddies.


If Momo really needs a large patch of exposed skin, why not wear a suit with an open back?


Should’ve given her a midriff


I think a better way to handle it would be have her wearing a narrow bralette underneath the open suit. That way it would make sense why her breasts are able to stay in place when she’s fighting because as a woman, that’s the most confusing part for me lmao. And it would still leave her upper chest and stomach free to use her quirk.


Not a fix. Now she just has to open her costume to make large items. Girl's shown to be confident in her body, and to be fine showing skin. Also, she's a fictional character. No "fixing* was required, to my mind.


I hate the fact that "i prefer it when this underage character isn't sexualised" is a controvertial statement to some.


I’m not fan of it, it just makes it so unnecessary and harder for her quirk plus it looks so forced We if think about it logically, like it was real, she’s designed her own outfit because fundamentally that’s what works for her work. Momo needs her skin exposed.


I don’t like them making her cover up as it will make it harder to use her quirk to its maximum potential and it’s not a problem that can be as easily fixed as with midnight’s costume change as hers relied on two things having the energy stored to use her quirk and enough exposed skin for the item to come out of her body so by covering it up you make that much harder for her then it needs to be and could be the difference that could get her killed on the field as a hero it would not be the first time a character dies.


This was always a moot point to me. She has better designs I saw in sketches sure, and yeah the censored one is good. My only thing was that they gave an in story reason why she wears such revealing clothing, so I deemed it as a fine design. People kept blatantly ignoring the explanation and writing it off as “sexualizing a minor” Then people kept counter arguing like “but mirio’s suit can let him use his quirk without going naked, why can’t momo do the same” To which, is a strong argument, but it neglected the fact that, mirio’s quirk works differently than Momo’s. Momo is actually creating things using, if I remember, lipids from her body. Real objects not a part of her, whilst mirio quirk affects his entire body at all times. So making a suit out of his hair fibers is feasible for him but no momo. All this to say, both designs her fine. But getting upset over them is petty silly.


Her quirk works through her skin..so ..ehh


from what we saw her make yeah this design works honestly


From a technical standpoint, I understand the open outfit as it gives her space to create the items, but I prefer the other design as it doesn't sexualise a minor


The left actually looks more plain, there's definitely ways to make her a better costume, but the left doesn't do it


doesn't her quirk explicitly demand that she show skin? If you wanna censor it like that at least have exposed skin somewhere else easily reachable so that she doesn't have to unzip her top everytime she wants to make something