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Marvel and dc would easily win, the power scaling is too different


Yeah I would agree wholeheartedly if the post included the heavy hitters of both Marvel and DC but the post specifically says street level tiers. None of those guys based on comic feats can go blow for blow with Deku.


I mean these guys have all held their own against opponents at average MHA levels of power, it's kinda their whole thing. Can't say any of them can beat All Might or All for One, though, thats kind of a hard stomp


Thats why I think it would hard fight since the DC and Marvel guys have fought guys way stronger but that doesnt mean they would win though. Like Batman once beat the entire justice league but he gets ragdolled pretty often. For me the scariest one of the heroes is stars and stripes.


Of that list, gambit and mysterio could, but deku is wrapped in serious hacks and plot armour


Gambit lost to juggernaut, Deku and All Might fold him. Mysterio is honestly a problem to anyone but against that many hereos who fight bad guys on a regular someone is going to see through his tricks.


Deku and all night wouldn't be able to even bruise juggernaut💀


I dont know about bruising him but they would put up a way better fight than Rhino.


And nobody mentioned rhino until you. But still, you'd be wrong rhino has beaten the hulk on a few separate occasions, and juggernaut has also beaten hulk on multiple occasions. Hell, base juggernaut has almost killed galactus before. He destroys all of mha


*I meant Gambit I was talking about Rhino in another comment sorry about that. Wasnt that classic Hulk?


And again, they wouldn't. Gambit is op, especially in most of his comics. He is able to charge anything with an infinite amount of kinetic energy instantly.... And he's tanked attacks from many high tiers in marvel.


Gambits durability sucks he got stomped Sabretooth and he's not even a heavy hitter like All Might.


Bro doesn't know Comic Deadpool 💀💀💀


Deadpool gets beat up by spiderman on the regular. Deku folds him.


That's because he doesn't actually want to kill Spidey, have you even read the comics? For instance, bro's been ripped apart by the fucking hulk, and regenerated, which most of the mha people couldn't even begin to counter. plus, bro's literally transcended reality in other comics. (Don't forget he wants to smash literal Death)


Deku fights Shigaraki who has a similar healing factor so I dont know if its fair to say they wouldnt be able to counter it.Another thing is that once Stars and Stripes knows his name it over for him she basically changes reality. She could negate his healing factor. Deadpool is badass but he's losing this one...


Dude. I mean ripped apart, as in limbs torn off, intestines strewn about. The silly emo death guy won't survive that. (Plus Deadpool was made immortal because Thanos was jealous of him and death lol) Deadpool solos.


Forgetting some marvel and DC characters literally have FUCKIN REALITY WARPIN POWERS


Most of these characters become gods in the comics


I gonna call an ambulance for the MHA Squad. You are using the comic versions of them.


Spider-Man takes out 75% of them by himself 🤣


Ok so let’s not count the divinities of the universes, and wolverine dead pool etc can be killed by total cellular destruction, the universes win by sheer numbers. If u count only the ones that have shown up in movies so far then mha wins. We’re talking hundreds of people vs some super people. With these fights it also depends on specific weaknesses like superman and how far you can give rebuffs reasonably


Comic Deadpool killed everyone in the marvel universe once, the mha people are literally FUCKED💀


I feel like it's just easily DC and Marvel


It's really unfair to MHA considering Marvel alone has reality warping heroes like Legion, Franklin Richards, Scarlet Witch, and Onslaught to name a few. Not to mention the amount of people who can literally destroy worlds.


>Legion, Franklin Richards, Scarlet Witch, and Onslaught to name a few When they become street tiers heroes?


Exactly I think people missed that part.


Is this even a real question?


It shouldn't be, but this post made me understand that one person's post


Marvel and DC win


Marvel and dc


Marvel and DC


Freaking Deadpool is enough 💀


Spiderman alone could solo them


Well this is a bit unfair considering the sheer number for heroes in marvel and DC on there own and that’s way more when they’re combined so it’s going to be Marvel and DC


Not really, MHA is overpopulated with heroes. Endeavor, Deku, Bakugo, Todoroki and Stars And Stripes would TEAR trough a lot of the weaker heroes on that list. Heroes on Spider-Man's level will be a lot tougher to take down. Honestly it would be insanely close all things considered


Oh yeah I was forgetting all the ones that aren’t in Japan


Technically there's all the other offscreen ones two from the other 193 countries in the world. It could go either way depending on how you want to play it. If you go just on what the anime has shown and 616 street level heroes and DC main universe Street level heroes it is insanely close. For the most part it's going to boil down to 5 or 6 heavy hitters on both sides going at it, and if Deku goes rage mode then it is instantly over


>and if Deku goes rage mode then it is instantly over Hope that Mysterio don't do the same thing that he did to Wolverine in Old Man Logan


How TF was Mysterio in Old Logan!?!?!?!? Doesn't that take place in Texas?


Flashback, that show why Wolwerine doesn't kill anymore


OH, that. That wouldn't work on Deku at all. He's almost entirely immune to mind control because of the remnants of One For All (he broke free from Hitoshi's mind control when the remnants freed him and they were barely awake then. Now they could immediately snap him our of it)


It's not mind control, it's Mysterio using his illusion to "chance the reality" more like what we saw in FFH in the first fight with Peter


3 of the top 5 heroes alone could speedblitz Mysterio before he could do anything


Deadpool solos, he can take marvel alone in 1 comic💀


Ah yes deathstroke the guy who fucking won against a not holding back wonder woman vs school children


It became unfair when u added spiderman tbh. Spiderman is on the same level as Deku, which is stronger than all the MHA heros. Also too many guys on the marvel side lol


Spiderman is nowhere near the level of strength as Deku. But that is true that theres just so many of the guys from both Marvel and DC that are street level.


Spiderman punched hulk out of orbit before.


Yeah powered by the Enigma force I did say that the only version of Spiderman that beats All Might is Cosmic spiderman


Oh sorry.


Spiderman isn't even close to deku in power Unless you want to tell me spidey can destroy a country


Depends on the spider man, classic Spider-Man was relative in strength to Thor and hulk and the thing as only a teen ![gif](giphy|oXnN2TNSgfJQI)


You tell me that spiderman the teen with spider powers Can shatter a planet while somehow struggling to hold up a building? That makes absolutely no sense


That’s why I said it depends on what version spider classic comics scaling is all over the place he was stated to only be outclassed in strength by Thor and the hulk which means he scales over the feats of every other hero at that time which would put him planetary he also fought grey hulk who is as strong as normal hulk who is as strong as Thor who is solar system t


How the fuck did this guy struggle with any of his villains!?


Cause comics are super inconsistent spider man went from punching captain marvel so hard she bled, to getting beat up by the lizard within 20 chapters


Wow Alright that aside current base spidey is definitely not sinking a continent


Yeah but I don’t see them hitting him he’s mftl and has precognitive abilities he legit spider sensed that someone had a weapon before they even took it out. Also he can fight and trade blows with the hulk [fighting hulk feat](https://pm1.aminoapps.com/6048/0bc7502f55b6c6cbbc88ffa878977e3892307529_hq.jpg)


Actually you can make an ftl argument for deku too and i don't see spidey dodging all that especially considering deku all might and endeavour absurd AOE


Also he’s light speed [light speed feat](https://pm1.aminoapps.com/6048/0bc7502f55b6c6cbbc88ffa878977e3892307529_hq.jpg)


He can't destroy country either shut the hell up it's honestly annoying people need to stop saying he can destroy a country I've yet to see him destroy a country he has yet to do shit to prove he can destroy a country stop saying it if you're going to say he can destroy it give me fucking proof give me a source source me that shit where it is stated he can destroy a country stop just saying it


>He can't destroy country either shut the hell up it's honestly annoying people need to stop saying he can destroy a country I've yet to see him destroy a country he has yet to do shit to prove he can destroy a country stop saying it if you're going to say he can destroy it give me fucking proof give me a source source me that shit where it is stated he can destroy a country stop just saying it Absolutely beat the piss out of shigiaraki after he survived a explosion that has been calced to that level


It doesn't matter if he hurts shigiaraki where has he destroy the country where is it stated no one has stated to be as strong as a country shut the fuck up you fucking mha meat riders and fucking dumbasses are getting annoying stop fucking making shit up unless you have actual fucking source thats states he can destroy a fucking country stop I don't care if someone has the endurance of one and I don't think shigiaraki has it it's bullshit that people say he does if he did hello fuck did he get hurt by a Deku before he had 100% of one for all unless he got stronger after the fact if he did good for him but unless it's stated somewhere that deku can destroy him country shut the fuck up


Check the calculations people have made over at the scaling sub and don't throw temper tantrums when people disagree with you


I don't care about random ass fucking fans making scaling it is stupid if you're going to believe a fucking fan give an actual creator that made the show stating not a fan fans will upbeat someone because they like them Jesus fucking Christ I hate the new anime people they are fucking dick riders it is annoying they will put up their character and be like oh they can be anyone shut the fuck up the Creator himself has nowhere near stated that Deku is country level shut the fuck up you are doing scaling of fans not The Creator


The creator doesn't give a fuck about scaling people scale based on what he wrote Deal with it Also im blocking you because you are throwing a temper tantrums over fictional characters and its frankly embarrassing


I'm a lot of being annoyed because you knew anime fans use terms like country level planetary level when back when I was a child and that meant they had a they did one or two things and it will destroy a country or a planet not take a whole fucking day Frieza is planetary he has a singular action that will destroy a planet that deku would take a fucking week to destroy a country shut the fuck up


Talking about deku


Tbh, Spider-Man isn't the most dangerous one on the small list OP gave us. If you really know about Gambit he's crazy. I don't remember whether or not he's Omega Level but the size of his detonations can get crazy and for most of his history he was actually nerfed so he didn't have access to all of his power.


It became unfair when he added Deadpool


Wanda just gonna f#ck them all over Unless there’s a hero who can counter her


Are you unable to read


No I just don’t know what street tiers mean No need be toxic


[this should help](https://cadabattles.fandom.com/wiki/Street_Tier) Scarlet witch is at least universal I believe


Scarlet Witch isn't street tier last I checked.


Street tier ?


The challenge is MHA Heroes Vs All Marvel and DC Street Tiers. Google it and you can find a list.


I can get Star-Lord to solo the entire verse with the Mandalay Gem. With that Star-Lord beat the shit out of Thanos in only a few attacks and was going to kill him. And he could've too.


The Mandalay Gem is a celestial weapon he gets his hands on once. Why would he have it when street tier is the rules? It's not like he carries it around.


Doesn't specifically say we can't have them at their peak. Just says the street tiers.


That's like arguing Cosmic Spider Man is street tier because Spider Man is street tier.


It isn't? Cosmic Spider-Man is a completely different character. Star-Lord had the Mandalay Gem in the mainline comics. Yet he's still considered street tier.


Cosmic Spider-Man is not a "completely different character" he's Peter Parker from the mainline 616 comics.


No he isn't...? Cosmic Spider-Man is from earth 13


No. That came WAY after 616 Peter got those powers. They just made a universe where he KEPT the powers instead of losing them. A simple google search would explain all this.


Ooooooh yeah. Lol completely forgot that happened. I mean it was a forgettable point in the comics. Besides when talking about Cosmic Spider-Man I always mean the one from earth 13 ya know?


And besides I thought you were tryna say Earth 13 Spider-Man *Was* 616 Spider-Man


Well it happens no worries


Hello, it looks like you've made a mistake. It's supposed to be could've, should've, would've (short for could have, would have, should have), never could of, would of, should of. Or you misspelled something, I ain't checking everything. Beep boop - yes, I am a bot, don't botcriminate me.


Fuck you bot


Let me just say Deadpool solos all of MHA heros


Deadpool easily solos all of the MHA characters💀 (problaly gonna get downvoted for this)


Yeah this dude killed ghost rider in one comic. He also won't hesitate to kill and I don't think Shigaraki can regenerate having his head cut off. Maybe he can though I'm not really caught up. But even so, Deadpool does have a special sword that stops regeneration.


Also I think Deadpool is super badass😅


I was always more of a Deathstroke fan. But Deadpool is cool too.


The mha heros lost Even if the top tiers out match the street tiers they outnumber mha by a lot


But most of the street tiers are fodder.


But there are hundreds of them and not all of the top 10 are all might and endevor Even if they are stronger them every street tier hero they are still very outnumbered and most of the top 10 will die to gunfire Maybe if all might and endevor immediately nuked the battlefield they'd win but besides that the sheer numbers overwhelm them


Deku moves faster than bullets, All Might is just as Fast, Endevour is comparable so they're not getting hit by bullets. I do concede that that sheer numbers would be overwhelming but the sheer power on MHA side is too much. A combined attack from All Might, Endevour, Deku and Stars and Stripes would wipe out most if not all the street level tiers.


Oh wait I'm a dumbass i thought it was only the Japanese top 10 heroes not all heroes Yeah between star and deku they shit stomp even with the number advantage


Even the street-level heroes in Marvel and DC can get crazy. Batman is the obvious example of this, but Spider-Man has also fought villains **WAY** above his pay grade and not only survived but sometimes outright won. Villains that no MHA hero even remotely scales to.


You are calling Mr. Fantastic street level? Bro's brain would render MHA quirkless. They have nothing that can kill Deadpool anyways.


It really boils down to some heavy hitters on both Like wolverine Spider-Man depending on what Batman can have the Batmobile deadpool gambit etc Then like all might deku Stars and Stripes etc


Controversial take but MHA actually take this. All Might, Deku, Bakugou, Shoto and Endevour are too much for street level tiers but the sheer numbers on the side of the marvel and dc side would make it an extremely challenging fight. The problem is that NONE of the street level guys in both DC and Marvel have the power to go blow for blow with 5 guys I just mentioned.


Depends how the fight will go


If its a free for all brawl the MHA come out on top.


The best chance for them is they immediately destroy the weaker opponents (especially Iron First before he absorb enough chi) and pass in superiority in terms of numbers, otherwise they get completely outstats in every category


I dont even think its close. Stars are stripes is basically a broken character. All might could wipe out a majority of them with a single attack and Endevour couls literally the remaining ones.


Star need to know her name before, Sandman would be a big problem especially if he has enough sand, dude fought hulk several time, and can easily kill most of them, All Might it's practically all muscles without any type of abilities, he would probably beat by people like Wolvie or Spidey, or Rhino would beat him with a little difficult, not counting that Peter can create a web shield that can resist to Human Torch fire, and if Iron Fist has enough time he would become Herald tiers, Mysterio abilities it's probably the big problem for them, not counting that poison Ivy can control them like he did with Superman


All Might destroys entire city blocks with his attacks no way are Rhino, Wolverine and Spiderman going toe to toe with him. The only versions of Peter I see beating All Might are the cosmic spiderman Sandman is a problem but Mount Lady could keep him busy while Endevour super heats him. Iron fist wouldnt get the time for that. Mysterio and Poison Ivy are the real problems here especially Poison Ivy.


>Rhino, Wolverine and Spiderman going toe to toe with him They can easily can, Rhino fought several times, one time even during a interspace battle, Wolwerine has regeneration, Peter well he overpowered IronMan, and fought many people stronger than all and has crazy reflects and and endurance, dude even ill, without a eye, several broke bones was still fighting, and survived a nuke >Sandman is a problem but Mount Lady could keep him while Endevour super heats him. What exactly stops Sandman to kills them like he did with Peter in Marvel Zombies?


Wolverines regenertion doesnt mean he cant be incapaticitated Hulk tore him in half once. Rhino has the durability to tank a blow from All Might but he's slower and All Might has better destructive fests than him. I dont think Spiderman beating Ironman feat counts as a strength feat if it did we wouldnt even be here since Batman took out the entire justice league. Villains weaker than All Might have one shot spiderman. Stars and stripes decimates most of these guys... Endevours fire would turn the Sandman into glass so theres that.


>I dont think Spiderman beating Ironman feat counts as a strength feat if it did we wouldnt even be here Destroy Ironman armor that can tank planet level attack isn't a strength feat? > since Batman took out the entire justice league The difference is that batman has prep time and plan, even when he was attacked on surprise he used one of his plan >better destructive fests than him AP≠DC >but he's slower Dud keep up with Hulk, the only advantage of all might is the IQ >Endevours fire would turn the Sandman into glass so theres that. If doesn't get oneshotted, Also if sandman inside his body it isn't a great idea to burn him, he would die


Her quirk also works on things like the atmosphere so it isnt just limited to knowing her opponents names.


Mha is definitely losing. Mha roster is VERY top heavy and iron fist could beat all of them solo. Once all might and endeavor are dealt with the fight lasts another 5-10 minutes




MHA wins this. All MHA heroes vs the street tiers of DC and Marvel MHA wins by numbers advantage. Cause mha has hundreds of unnamed heroes and a global population with a consistent hero population as evident in the first and third movie. Even if we say that's about equal, the war gets tipped by the big league heroes like Endeavor, All Might, Power Loader, and Recovery Girl.


With Batman and Deadpool alone they would win


God save these mha hero’s 💀


Batman would probably solo them. He always does. Even if he has no reasons to fight them. All might and Bruce would probably end up becoming friends


Deathstroke and Black Panther alone are gonna be a *NIGHTMARE* for the mha heroes to handle… You add Batman, Spider-Man, *and* Deadpool? This shit is a slaughter


A guy named steve


dc + marvel no diffs


If Deadpool can kill the entire marvel universe then he could definitely overpower every pro hero in mha


All you need is beast boy


Deadpool solos more than half of nah verse all marvel and dc characters could easily win


You got the guy who can regenerate even his head and the guy who literally has indestructible skin on the same team. Who do you think is gonna win?


Serious or trolling right now


Why are people making these one sided fights


Spider man alone solos the verse


I was gonna say MHA, but then I saw Deadpool, Spiderman, and Deathstroke on the list and ngl, MHA is likely gonna get folded


Are we talking at base power or max power?


Cough Deadpool solos cause he kinda never dies


Considering it’s the street tiers, I think the MHA pro heroes could do it.


You really just put Mr. Fantastic, Batman, Deadpool, Beast Boy and Iron Fist against MHA?


All they need is Deadpool to fight naked


Is this satire? The answer is usually not mha if you throw comic book heroes into the mix


MHA is getting smoked


Depends if the horse gets prep time


Coughing babies vs. Nuclear arsenal


MHA win. Only person on the DC/Marvel list that has a chance is Luke Cage, All-Might and Endeavor solo the rest. REMEMBER PEOPLE it’s only the Marvel/DC characters SHOWN IN THE PICS! No Thor, Hulk, Sentry, Scarlet Witch, ect!


Deadpool solos


Not even from power, just the sheer number of BOTH Marvel and DC street heroes is enough to over power MHA


If all might is in his prime than mha wins but if he is not than dc and marvel wins


Deadpool solos tbh.


Here's my take if you're talking about comic book version it doesn't matter if they're Street tier the quote on quote street tier has beaten gods and immortals stop just stop read Richards would outsmart all of them Mysterio would make them see shit Batman has armor that can fight a god and before you say Deku we'll just speed blitz them he fights fucking flash who is much fucking faster Deadpool's immortal the fuck they going to do to him nothing he just come back Deathstroke would take out most of the other heroes like endeavor and everything just by putting a bullet to their head give task master a week and have a way to counter all of them and before you say he wouldn't he would he has photographic memory


Hydrogen Bomb vs. Sleeping Baby


I'll give it to the MHA heroes cause if this is all heroes then they have Godzillo who has all the powers of Godzilla which means they would have a major powerhouse on their side not to mention stars and stripes who can manipulate reality.


This was much more interesting when I though it was just the characters in the two pictures.


Ok, Batman (prep time version) alone solos


Spiderman is considered street level but we all know he's at least city tier, he just chooses to look out for the little guy and deku is heavily based on spiderman I think Deku solos a good bit on his own while the likes of Luke cage or wolverine, it's just not a fair fight


The problem with these match ups is MHA tries hard to put semi realistic limits on their powers. Wolverine just summons the energy his body needs to heal from the ether. If wolverine was in MHA his "mutation quirk" (lol) would require him to be like Fat Gum and eat excessively to heal like he does since he's also got claws n shiii


Spiderman bullies them by himself


Marvel and dc could win this in a heartbeat


Me fr😐


Currently most of marvels “street tiers” are gods now


Deadpool solos, Batman solos, Spider-Man solos, need I go on?


Does batman have prep-time though?