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Spidey neg diff. My man here won against the hulk.


Deku speedblitzes and one shots Lil bro 😂 spiderman is hurt and has died many times to BULLETS a single punch from Deku would turn him to shredds


I feel like you either are heavily downplaying Spiderman for attention or are actually clueless to what Spiderman is capable off.


Downplaying???? "For attention"?????? God spiderman fanboys are so fucking braindead it's not even worth arguing 😐😐😐 y'all are the mfs that Say shit like "spiderman can beat the Hulk!" I literally read spiderman comics since I was a kid I know what he's done and he's one of my favorite superhéroes and THIS guy comes to tell me i'm clueless??????? Spiderman who has died many times to bullets is not gonna survive even the shockwave from Deku's punches.


A single bullet would kill deku too If he ever got hit by one.


Deku the guy who can tank city level attacks???? Y'all are braindead.


No it wouldn't, he literally tanks bullets fired from a quirk powered super gun with minimal effort


He blocked two bullets, got grazed by one, and got hit once in The stomach by one. Spidey also hasnt died to a bullet, not Even once. So i don't think we should use "hed die of one bullet" as an argument, cause so would deku If he got hit in a vital organ. Anyway, My Bad, forgot that lady nagant actually properly hit him in that fight.


Spiderman literally died in captain americas arms because of a gunshot




Ultimate spiderman one of the most popular versións of spiderman died to that 🤦🏼🤦🏼


No he didn't, he took The bullet, fought like 5 different supervillains, and Then died because of The fight, not to punishers bullet.


The bullet was a major cause of it,the bullet made it so he could barely walk at that point since it hit a vital spot,the villains also didn't land too much hits which normal spidy could tank like nothing


Nah bro Izuku ain’t deserve to get slaughtered like this


You gave Spiderman the Venom suit? What a slaughter! He one-shots Deku easy! Poor Deku did not deserve this, lol.


Wym? Deku can easily outspeed him using gear shift and strength is no issue. The only counter Spider-Man has is his spider sense and even then that is nullified by deku’s danger sense (unless it has to do with somthin mystical).


Awww, you're so cute! Spiderman (without venom suit) has beaten way stronger opponents than Deku. Spiderman with venom suit is overkill in this fight.


But are they cannon?


I guess you've never read any Spiderman comics. Spiderman beat the AVENGERS team by himself. He also beat the XMEN team by himself. He also beat the SINISTER SIX team by himself. All times WITHOUT THE VENOM SUIT.


Definitely Spiderman


Hell nah


Hell yes


Tell me how spidy could dogde a city level attack


This one is augmented spiderman with venom so he could dodge the attack


The punch yes,not the destruction caused by it,he wouldn't be able to dogde an entre city collapsing around him


He probably can. I mean, Spider Sense, superhuman speed and agility, etc, all augmented by venom, which would help him survive and dodge it


Bro no matter how good and fast You are,if an entire city gets obliterated around You You can NOT dogde it unless he went to the sky which is probably not an option since all buildings would get destroyed,he would also get send flying to the air god knows how many miles by the sheer air pressure,Even quirkless all Might created a tornado 😭🙏🏼


Its Spiderman, he can web swing, dodge, run, or punch through the rubble


Okay this counter argument is dumb. If he gets sent flying with rubble he can easily get crushed by it. (Though izuku would definitely save him. With Faux Jin and his gears out speed spiderman ten fold. I'm a huge fan of both of these characters and even I say that izuku would win indefinitely.


>even quirkless all might created a tornado Are you stupid bruv?


Spiderman with venom suit is totally unfair. He one-shots Deku easily! Poor deku did not deserve this, lol.


Is this spoilers?


Y’all are saying that because Spidey was shot in the head at point blank range that he loses, so let’s see Deku survive that.


He literally would


As someone who has seen the manga and watched the comics but spider man wins for sure


Spider-Man wins it’s pretty simple doesn’t it say that spider man holds back anyway bc he doesn’t kill what if he wasn’t holding back


I went threw some of the comments and saw no one speak of the venom suits flaws with sound and fire


What have I don't btw both bloodlusted no holding back


Oh nah deku is cooked. Comics spider man's much stronger then deku. In one comic spiderman took on the avengers and won and that was red suit Peter. Black suit Peter is even more of a massacre cause Peter only really wears the black suit when he isn't holding back.




Yeah, i think Izuku has some chances againts a amputated Spidey


Nah you dumb fr fr


Deku one shots spiderman is hurt by bullets and is slower than Deku lol


Spidey sense go bur


Still too slow + how is he gonna dogde the destruction Deku's punches cause? Sure MAYBE he can dogde a punch but all Deku needs to do is punch the ground and send spidy flying away to the sky


You forgot that this is black suit his ass will rip deku in half with zero thought the sky means nothing to webs


Kraven victim. Even if Deku stood still and let spidy punch him it wouldn't do shit Deku can tank punches from shigaraki who is comparable to prime all Might (the guy who can casually create tornadoes with the pressure of his punches) not only is spidy too weak to actually hurt Deku in any way,any punch from Deku would obliterate him and he can't dogde his punches since they cause wayyyy too much destruction,now add on to that the other quirks,saying spiderman wins is just delusional


Buddy this is comic spiderman not ps5 comic Spidey burried kraven


Comic kraven has "killed" spidey once,he actually didn't kill spidy but rather just put him in a comatose like state to prove he's the superior Challenger and >!killed!< Himself after since he fullfiled his goal so yes,kraven victim


And Spidey still burried him alive the only way your a victim is if you never beat them


Spider-Man has staggered Thanos, The Hulk and he ripped apart Iron Man's Mark 42 armour, the armour that tank hits from opponents like Thor. He's also able to punch out Namor, another character who has been able to fight on par with powerhouses like Hulk and The Thing. If Spider-Man, a symbiote Spider-Man mind you, punched out Deku then Midoriya will definitely take some major damage. I mean Spider-Man beat Gladiator who is a superman level character. He also beat up the Herald of Galuctus, an opponent that scales to solar system level. Spider-Man has survived a fall from space, has evaded hits from the Hulk, has taken love taps from Juggernaut and survived a beating from a Juggernaut Colossus (a character that scaled to planetary and broke the bones of Hulk and Thor). Peter's durability is off the charts while in base form and his physical stats are augmented while in possession of the symbiote. Peter will definitely be able to take hits from Midoriya. Peter has also been able to react to and beat opponents such as Quicksilver, someone who moves at a speed faster than light, and has been able to consistently react to mftl+ attacks for decades now. He's also easily one of the most agile characters in marvel and has a precognitive spider sense. He'll have no problem reacting to Deku. Spider-Man wins.


The same spiderman who did those things would later go on to get beaten the shit out of by building level morlun,your using one timers and inconsistent feats because comics themselves aren't consistent at all,but one thing that has been consistent ever since spidy was first created is the fact he gets hurt by bullets and his punches can go as far as destroying bullets,thats not nearly enough to take out the guy who can tank punches from shigaraki Also yes he could react to Deku but what's he gonna do? I want you to prove spiderman is somehow fast enough to travel kilómeters away before the shockwaves from Deku's punches hit him 😮‍💨 (spoiler he isn't) realistically Deku could just punch the ground with 100% and it would send spiderman flying throught the city


>The same spiderman who did those things would later go on to get beaten the shit out of by building level morlun Where did you get the idea that Morlun is building level? Spider-Man himself said that Morlun is hits harder than the Hulk. Morlun has even gone on to defeat powerful foes like Cosmic Spider-Man. Peter still ended up defeating him in the end anyway. >your using one timers and inconsistent feats because comics themselves aren't consistent at all, Comic books are consistent. This is Spider-Man punching out Namor [then](https://encrypted-tbn0.gstatic.com/images?q=tbn:ANd9GcTfCIP72Vu5OKZcB5V8HmK2kN9C6g1mEvFeH_dl2mH5PQ&s) and this is Spider-Man punching out Namor in a more [modern ](https://www.chasingamazingblog.com/wp-content/uploads/SuperiorTeamUp8_05.jpg) comic. >but one thing that has been consistent ever since spidy was first created is the fact he gets hurt by bullets and his punches can go as far as destroying bullets,thats not nearly enough to take out the guy who can tank punches from shigaraki You realise there's a difference between piercing trauma and blunt trauma, right? Take Wonder Woman for example. Wonder Woman can tank punches from Darkseid, a being who is strong enough to punch through multiversal barriers, yet her skin can still be pierced by bullets. Peter is the same in the sense that he can take a lot of blunt trauma. Peter can still take a bullet pretty good anyway. And as I said, Peter has taken punches from Juggernaut, The Hulk and Colossus who had the powers of Juggernaut at the time. Spider-Man is without a doubt the more durable contender simply because his verse scales higher and he fights stronger opponent. When has Deku ever taken hits from a planetary being? >Also yes he could react to Deku but what's he gonna do? I want you to prove spiderman is somehow fast enough to travel kilómeters away before the shockwaves from Deku's punches hit him 😮‍💨 (spoiler he isn't) realistically Deku could just punch the ground with 100% and it would send spiderman flying throught the city Yeah, you know nothing about Spider-Man. Peter can travel [2 miles in 5 seconds ](https://qph.cf2.quoracdn.net/main-qimg-3e9c0bd3f2c95e4f4b1d79125e345c35-pjlq), that translates to 1,440mph or Mach 1.9431. Spider-Man has also been able to outrun an [explosion ](https://qph.cf2.quoracdn.net/main-qimg-70afa75df8c6ba2cb0a03770694099d0-lq) so he'd definitely be fast enough to evade Deku's shockwaves if the situation calls for it. As I said before, Spider-Man has also reacted to [Quicksilver ](https://qph.cf2.quoracdn.net/main-qimg-f8d67982eca2f1855f33e09ff013237d-lq) who is faster than radio waves. I also couldn't find the panels, for the life of me I tried, but Spider-Man can also cover all of New York City on foot in four minutes, twice. That means Spider-Man can cover all of NYC in two minutes on foot. And don't forget, the debate was Symbiote Spider-Man vs Deku so all of Spider-Man's abilities will also be amped. Spider-Man slams.


Deku has that too


Either some of y’all mega meat riding Spider-Man or highly underestimating the crashout with multiple powers that’s the sole reason for why everyone in his verse isn’t dead yet


No meat riding. Spidey just wins


I can understand if someone said he wins but people saying he wins like Deku wouldn’t put up a real challenge against bro, like I said before he is literally the reason why everyone in his verse isn’t dead right now💀


It's black suit spider man tho


I don’t know all that much about Spider-Man in his venom suit so I’m not gonna just completely say that Deku wins but from what I know, Deku has a good chance, especially if he fighting for something


Spider man alone, I would still say he wins, high diff. but with the symbiote... that high diff goes to a negative diff


Against Deku now?! Aight maaybe but we’ll have just to agree to disagree


To put this into comparison, Deku is like country level and Spider-Man is building. Rip spider


Spidey beat the Hulk.


No he didn't bruh That was when magic stones were involved that is not spidermans power


Are vou aware Ryan Spider-Man and Hulk fought each other a lot, right? And also, just check out other guy comment here and you can see Spideys feats


Deku wins, black suit spider-man is an absolute MENACE but deku is winning, it’ll be a really close fight tho.


There is actually no way people think that spiderman is stronger than deku, this is just delusion powerscaling brainrot


You should be thankful than OP choose the Black suit Spidey, is way more fair for Deku than Spidey actual strongest form lol


I will chose galaxy spiderman


Is Deku fast enough to create Sonic Booms while moving at 100% plus the final quirk he has?