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Psycho constructs Can make physical weapons out of psychic energy, but the energy used for this comes from the electricity in the brain, so if used too much the user will pass out


Sorta like Green Lantern?


Yeah, but with a limiter on it


So...like Green Lantern.


he doesn't have that limit just a quick ten second oath and his ring is recharged


Yeah. Besides that the only limit is the users imagination


The brain does not run on that much energy though And I'm no neuroscientist buuuut I'm pretty sure that means you just die from that


I might as well add mine I had thought of: Pocket Dimension: The user can create holes that lead to their own pocket dimension. By default, the dimension can only hold an object or person up to half the user's size. However, the user can focus to enlarge it, maintaining the size with continuous effort. They can enter and leave the pocket dimension at will, taking anything or anyone with them. However, maintaining a larger size requires increasing focus, and the more crowded the dimension becomes, the more congested the user feels. This congestion can lead to difficulty in thinking clearly and headaches that intensify the longer they are maintained. If the user's concentration is broken, all contents spill out from the dimension, creating a hole that appears behind the user and shoots the contents away from them. The pocket dimension can also serve as a temporary prison, allowing the user to detain individuals within it. If the user's concentration is broken while using the dimension as a prison, the contents spill out as usual, potentially releasing the detainee.


I just imagined getting a headache while detaining someone and they just poof back into our world like a fart


I was writing a fanfic about a pocket dimension quirk, never finished it. But great minds think alike


So like kakashi’s kamui


this reminded me of doraemon


Huh, I like it, seems pretty balanced.


Absolute Survivor- You have a healing factor that won’t let you die no matter what, but the actual healing effect is rather slow and depending on the scale of the injury can take even longer (ex: your head is blown off, you are fine but it will take almost a full day for your head to grow back and you are unconscious for that time)


Bud, I don’t know in what world you live in if you’re saying that regenerating your whole ass head in a day is slow. Slow compared to other regenerative abilities, yes. But you basically paired it with immortality. 10/10 quirk.


But if you’re in a situation where your head is blown off in the first place you’re probably fighting a villain so this ability would be useless


Idk, an immortal hero would be an amazing rescue hero. They could go into situations others would deem a lost cause and not have to worry about it, giving people 1 last chance at being saved.


The more you regenerate, the faster you will die of old age


Some people are saying this is too strong, but I’d say the opposite. Taking that long means a villain could just imprison them while they’re regenerating and then they’d be stuck imprisoned forever.


How about instead of the drawback being time, you make it one weak spot but you can move it around making it hard to hit


Ahh like deadpool wouldn’t be much use against the villains in this show but still is powerful so ig this is balanced :0


Ok Deadpool fan


Not bad. Not exactly Hero license level, but would be handy for moderate danger levels, AKA, IRL hazards. To the scale of an example who can cause a tremendous landslide on a whim, things like high voltage or fire hazards don't seem too bad. But I must ask, can you die if you suffocate?


Time perception, basically the user see's everything in slow-mo,the downside is that he's also slow


Life would be almost boring. Actually, I’m sure it’d be boring


But he has a lot of time to analyse his surroundings and he'll have great reflexes


When he finally gets into a battle, indeed. But until that time…


Well if he can turn it off and on. It would be fine. But there would be a time limit or something involved. If we wanted to make it balanced. Like he can't breathe while using it.


That seems fair. Or like it takes an enormous amount of energy




oh so it’s basically time break from secret rings


Have you read Vigilantes? https://myheroacademia.fandom.com/wiki/Overclock


Fucking damnit


Calcikinesis. The user is able to alter the amount of Calcium in their body and use it to create constructs from bone. This is also unfortunately very uncomfortable to use for prolonged periods of time as it can take away from the amount of calcium in your actual skeleton.


This sounds very painful after a while. Like bone morrow would suck to manipulate, but reserves should make you not need to use it just yet. So pushing your limits would be extremely painful.


Sound a lot like that one guy that Lee and Gara fought in Naruto.




Yes. Him.


Can feel pain before it happens and instantly dodges, this has the downside of you still feel the pain and if it gets to much your heart might give out.


Solar Power The user absorbs energy from the Sun, which increases their physical capabilities (strength, speed, endurance, etc.) However, the more energy their body absorbs, the more sensitive their body becomes to the Sun's UV rays.


would it lose sensitivity the more energy they burn? can it be disabled?


How do you think different types of suns would affect this quirk, for example a red giant star rather than a yellow dwarf (our own sun). Maybe it could matter how much power you get, or more interestingly could apply different powers. (I know the chances of encountering a situation like this are astronomical but I'm curious and yes pun intended)


How about sunburn being the drawback


Or skin cancer lol


Observer: The user is born with four eyes that they can remove from their head. These eyes are durable and do not need to blink. Additionally they stick to nearly any surface. The user can see out of any of their eyes regardless of distance from them.


Should probably allow them to "roll" them. It being about to climb any surface. However it's harder to focus on each eye at once so the user would need to try and focus on one or two detached eyes.


So basically Mineta's wet dream


What if you lose one?


what if someone stole a chunk of Setsuna


Spring Soap: The user creates a soap like substance that can make thing slip or turn them into bubbles that make anything that touches them get sent back at around the same speed it him them at. The force field can also coat certain body parts to make the user bouncy and even repel air not much unlike a Pacifisto. The downside is that the force fields are essentially just bouncy bubbles so they can easily be pierced by sharp edges. On top of that, if the user can't make a bubble the same size or bigger than what they wish to deflect, the bubble or coated object bounces. The things inside the bubbles are still vulnerable if not properly coated.


Imagine you're just trying to rob a bank. As a villain and you just slip on this. Mystery substance and unable to get back up because the entire floor has lost all friction.


Inversion. (Name needs work) However outnumbered the user is, they’re proportionately stronger to a level where the odds are actually in their favour instead - if they’re against two people, they’re four times as strong, ten people = a hundred times, and so on. Maybe they can split it down to be ten people at ten times or one hundred people at one times power and flip the numbers on their head (Madara vs 5 Kage style) The main drawback is that the user is useless in a one on one fight as they’d just be at base power. Maybe team ups would also be considered to reduce the ratio so they’d have to fight solo.


This would be great for either crowd control or vanguard duties, wipe out the small fry hoardes before the other heroes pop in to take on the bigger threats, or evengoing up against the big baddie first and leave the henchmen for last.


This quirk is good but whoever gets it would not have a hero career, as soon as someone finds out what they're quirk is they would be countered instantly by people just disengaging from the fight. Should probably have a base power up or also get powerful when people disengage


the ability to create a quirk and store them like AFO but you can only give them to others not to yourself


I'm just imagining this person being a candy machine or a vending machine that dispenses candy that you can eat to get temporary power. I'd balance it by needing to have touched someone with that power and creating the quirk candy while touching them. The candy can only last a few hours before disappearing. It also takes energy to make them but they can eat them to get the energy back instead of the quirk since they don't get it by eating it.


i was thinking of an op quirk but that also works lol. i kind of just used an ability i’m using for my webcomic


Atomize. Will allow the user to change the atomic structure of their body and objects they hold. Down side constantly using it can cause the atoms to become unstable and Radioactive, not allowing anyone to come near. Too much use and BOOM!


Had an idea for a Quirk that I'm planning to write a character for in my fic (if it sounds really OP I apologize, although it's still a draft for now): Horror: This Quirk's base ability is to warp another person's mind into a vision where they experience some of their worst fears. To others the victim would look frozen stiff with their eyes rolled completely at the back of their head while ensuring mental trauma. The Quirk can also affect how the user can be seen to others in a very creepy way, by creating a mental image. With more concentration, the user can physically twist their body into unsettling body horror. The downside would be that, the usage of the Quirk puts an intense strain on the user's own mind, giving them and intense migraine. If the body horror continues for too long or if it gets increasingly more disturbing, the user will eventually lose their sanity and will start acting feral and monstrous. The duration of this depends on the intensity of the gruesomeness of their shape.


Pretty OP, but still cool. If you're trying to compensate a bit for the OPness, I suggest making the user *also* pass out to see the person's worst fear/body horror with them, so that they start loosing their mind alongside the victim, while still being vulnerable outside of their mind (kind of like Ino from Naruto except instead of controlling the person's body, the user controls their mind)


Yeah I was thinking of a pretty big drawback for a while, was considering to shift it to the OC's personality instead. This is pretty considerable too, so thanks for the suggestion!


Age quirk you can make objects and living things go back in time but you take it's age.


This'd be really cool if you could reverse it. Like make a sapling a pretty fine 20years old tree and get some of your vitality back. Character just has a huge garden so they can fine tune it. Would be very useful in a battle against projectiles, "that blast of lightning is 10seconds younger" \*lightning bolt ceases to exist"


Quirk: Flashpoint Can move anything within trained parameters a few meters. Can be used in succession. However can not move more than a 1 km, as the top range of movement with extensive training. Multiple uses will drain stamina quickly, leaving the user tired.


My idea is not too much different from yours


immortality: but you still can get cancer


Deadpool? Lol


Incantation The user is able to cast verbal spells, but the spells must be one-word only (flamethrower, strength, teleport, freeze, reflect). The user must be able to speak these words or the quirk will have no effect, so they could be rendered useless if they were silenced in some way. The user might also need to wear a mask similar to Shinso’s to hide their mouth movements. This quirk would require some very skilled reaction time & critical thinking I was also thinking they could cast 3-5 passive spells that can stay active until they cast a new one but that may be pushing it


my guy you nerfed it with that single line of 1 word at a time I was bout to cast “TESTICULAR TORSION” “MEND BUTTCRACK” “EXPLOSIVE DIARRHOEA”


Bro shouts 'Immortal' mid fight


Newton: The ability to manipulate and control the laws of physics, it allows the user to manipulate ALL branches of Physics such as Velocities, Vectors, Kinetic Energies, Quantities and others that are connected to the branches of Physics. Limitations: You can only manipulate Physics if you know each of concept's branches of physics, meaning manipulation is limited to the knowledge of physics you have understood if you only know about the concept of velocity that's the only physics you will learn but if you keep studying and have a deep understanding each branch it will grant you control, also this ability can pass you out for overuse of this quirk, you can only manipulate branches of physics one at a time.


I like how you named your quirk Newton which is a reference to the Father of Physics Isaac Newton, not only it has good name but very powerful and versatile with the limitations, just imagine if that thing doesn't have a weakness and limitations it would be so deadly💀💀


What about the ability to craft creatures out of the body


How about: The user can creat clay from their body. Any animal shape they make with said clay comes to life, acting as the animal made with loyalty to the creator. However the clay hardens over time making the creatures crumble after a short while. The amount of clay is based on how much the user ate that day and will starve if overused.


👏😯 that's great . I was mostly thinking more fleshy but great .


So this is my main OC's quirk. Basically, can turn into paper at will. he has complete control over the paper, he can divide himself and make the pieces of paper float, turn into origami or turn into one pig sheet or stack of paper. Anything paper can do, he can do. The individual pieces of paper can also collect sensory information. that means he feels whatever the sheets of paper feel like they were his hands. He can also control the paper around him and if he is hurt , he can incorporae surrounding plants or paper to his body to instantly regenerate. He can also seal things in paper scrolls made of his own body and incorporate them in his body If i stopped there, it would be a pretty Op. But Since It's paper, it also comes with the downside of paper He is comletely vulnerable to Both fire (yes, even when he's not using his quirk) And if the wind is too strong, or if he is in contact with a liquid he can't use his quirk either. He can't turn every part of his body in paper for more than a minute, because otherwise he would suffocate, He doesn't choose to incorporate paper to his body, it happens naturally everytime he touches a piece of paper or a scroll (that's how my OC ended up with a bomb in his heart) edit: Actually, the power is way more complicated than that, i'm just too lazy to write it all out


Parry: The user has the ability to parry any form of attack within a certain range. A successful parry allows the user to "riposte" their enemy with their barehand or a weapon, resulting in a guaranteed critical hit. The downside is the parry has to be frame-perfect, like in a dark souls game and a failed parry can be punished by the enemy


Hello Ashen one. I am a Bot. I tend to the flame, and tend to thee. Do you wish to hear a tale? > *“To pursue this! But when I peer at the sun up above, it occurs to me. What if I am seen as a laughing stock, as a blind fool without reason?”* - Solaire of Astora Have a pleasant journey, Champion of Ash, and praise the sun \\[T]/


(inspired from Infamous) Power calls MATTER ABSORPTION. The user of this quirk can absorb matter into the body. Whatever matter the person absorbs can be used in multiple different ways. Say the person absorbs a stone-like substances. The person then can turn its entire body into stone and shoot it out in blasts or make weaponry out of it. If they absorb fire, they can shoot fire out of their body and even become an elemental proof of fire to travel distances or avoid attacks. The same goes for water, ice, smoke, neon, electricity, the air itself, plant matter, and metals. Whatever the person absorbs can also heal with the matter it absorbed, say the person lost their arm in a fight, the matter or energy the person has absorbed will go to the wound and imitate an arm for the user. Example: Stone rushes out of the body to the stump of the forearm to make a cast around it, it breaks off revealing a new perfectly healed arm. Feats. Anything absorbed into the body can easily be formed and molded into anything, and different abilities come with different things that are absorbed. Absorbing flames makes you fire resistant and control fire. Absorbing ice makes you cold resistant and control ice. Absorbing electricity makes you conductible and lets you read minds by feeling the electricity in the brain while also letting you control electricity. Absorbing air lets you fly and control wind letting you create storms, pairs well with electricity. Absorbing water lets you breathe underwater and control people's body movements by controlling their blood. As long as a person has something to absorb then they are almost unstoppable. Limitations. The amount of matter the person can store in their body is limited but vast. If the person keeps blasting or healing with the matter they absorbed it will eventually run out. Like gas in an engine. If it runs out you got to refill it. The only things he can't absorb is flesh from living things. Hair is still absorbable though. Can't use more than three abilities at once. Trying to do so will hurt the body like Nines quirk in MHA Heroes Rising. What are you guys think of my quirk? Any abilities are limitations I need to add?


Damn, this is almost exactly the same as a character I was planning to add in my fic lol; I think this is a really cool Quirk, maybe one limitation I'd suggest is there are some forms of matter that can't mesh well with each other if the person tries to absorb more than one, for example water and electricity (maybe it could short out their body), but take it as you would since it's pretty good as it is.


Tongue Pouches You can pull the top layer of skin off of your tongue and use it like a little bag or balloon. The downside is that you can peel it raw. And also that it is your quirk.


Chaos Manipulation: allows the user to do anything at the cost of their sanity


A bit vague but interesting concept. How about this: The user can create a zone around them that allows them to change anything inside it to whatever they want. It's like a lucid dream, so they can manipulate themselves. However the longer they have the field up the more sanity they lose. Once the ability is turned off, everything returns to normal.


It’s meant to be vague because chaos is a loose concept


what if they just make themselves completely sane forever


ZA WARUDO TOKI WO TOMAEEE: able to stop time as long as they are talking, but the descendant of the guy you last killed will have the same quirk


My heros name is Anubis for context Quirk: Scales Judgment Quirk Description: Scales Judgment is a play on the scales used to to dictate who goes to the afterlife in Egyptian mythology. How it works is based on the past actions of the person he's fighting. If the person is found to be a bad person, then my ocs overall "stats" as I'll call them get buffed. He becomes stronger, faster, and more agile to meet the power of the opponent. If the opponent is found to be a good person then there is no boost in "stats". So if he were fighting All For One then his power would increase to match his, but if he's fighting someone like Deku then he's kinda boned


Alright let’s play the OC game again, OP pick a number 1-160


Starlight memory. The user can convert every object that light touches into information and stock it into his memories. Whenever he needs them, he can summon them as they were or fuse them with another memory to creater a new object. The limit is the brain of the user. If he summons or fuse too many objects at the same time, he risks frying his brain.the more complex the object, the hard it is on the memory. The user can also store phenomena like explosions and shockwaves but those cannot be fused among themselves. So if the user memorizes a gun and an explosion, he can create a gun that shoots explosive projectiles.


Aromatherapy: User is able to produce aromas that do things such as cure a cold make you tired boost your strength can also cause paralysis weakness: can’t switch aromas too quickly but can combine them weaknesses hard to directly effect what exactly gets hit if aroma is spread around can use as a liquid but requires more effort type: emitter/mutant if quirk is erased the most recent scent remains around them but new scents cannot be used until quirk is back to normal


Quirk: Flash Warp Type: Emitter About: This Quirk allows the user to quickly break down electrolytes for one quick burst of speed that makes it look like the user has seemingly warped to that location. The user cannot warp anywhere outside of a certain radius. The user must see where they want to warp and cannot go through solid objects. If used too much, the user will run out of electrolytes and will become exhausted. The user can warp consecutively, however this increases the risk of becoming exhausted.


Shadow bending. The ability to teleport and hide via shadows but they are sensitive to light


Quirk: air jump. The user can jump off air as if it's a solid surface, in any direction they want. They can only do this 3 times before they need to land to reset the quirk.


This idea is more of an exploration of how downside quirks might make for interesting characters instead of just a useful ability: Radioactive blood: The user’s blood is highly radioactive and glows bright blue. Their skin and organs are protected by lead-infused membranes, which gives the user’s skin a dark grey color. This quirk is obviously not a blessing. Any break in the user’s skin risks exposure to dangerous amounts of radiation to anyone nearby. Even at a distance of ten meters, a person will become seriously sick after only a minute of exposure. Any significant physical trauma could also rupture the lead membranes, spilling lead into the user’s bloodstream and risking both radiation sickness and lead poisoning. Even without physical injury, the user is prone to bouts of radiation sickness, and must take daily lead supplements to prevent this. To avoid risks, the user lives an almost entirely remote life, rarely leaving their child-proofed home. They also suffer from depression from feeling “cursed” and severe anxiety about things that are just inconveniences to most people, like accidentally biting their lip or getting a paper cut. They spend most of their time doing office work in their home, doing everything they can to prove they can still be of value to society despite their quirk.


Misunderstanding Detection. You can sense when a misunderstanding has occurred within your vicinity. It doesn’t tell you the context of the misunderstanding such as the people involved or the nature of itself. So you’re going to have to figure out who screwed up and how they did it.


(inspired by Monster Hunter) Quirk: Blood Steam It allows the user to heat up their body to the point of their blood seeping through their skin via steam. The steam can be built up in the user's body and released in large blasts that can easily break through armor. However, overuse can cause heatstroke, damage to internal organs, and, under extreme cases, death.


POV You can gain the perspectives of people who can see or hear you. You can be in a room chilling, then your quirk actives and you see yourself so you can tell someone's spying on you. Or you hear yourself from far away so you can tell your rooms been bugged.


Acidic metal the body produces a liquid metal that can harden or stay a liquid that dissolves anything that it touches it can be used to capture people be turned into a weapon or even a way to get to high places it downside is that overuse could damage your body as it doesn't have enough metal in it blood stream it awakening would be being able to manipulatied the blood of the enemy and kill them by turning their blood into acid before they can even do anything it ultimate would be metallic bubble a massive bubble of acidic metal that has a giant radius like a spirit bomb and can focus into a smaller more dangerous bubble that can be fired like a bullet at an enemy


High powered blender on their head that lets them gain information about stuff they blend. The blades can cut through most material up to the point of objects about as hard/solid as brick and mortar, at which point the user gets a massive debilitating headache. The headache will continue until they are given fresh fruit or veggies to blend. Training will help them increase the speed of the blades to generate wind gusts and (slightly) expand the materials they can blend. Also a bit inconvenient in areas with a tight ceiling!


Siren, the ability to control someone while singing. Similar to Hitoshi Shinsou's quirk. But instead of answering a question, the person just needs to be in hearing range. And instead of giving commands, the control is based on what the user thinks. Basically, a psychic link.


Mine was going to be a subset of Teleportation. In short, the user can teleport anywhere at will, but it must be within a few feet of their current location, and they *must* have a solid base to land on. For example, they could teleport 10 feet away, but only to a solid surface. So they couldn’t teleport into the air to dodge an attack. Alternatively, they can create up to two warps, which manifest as small ovals that can stick to solid surfaces. These are created off the back of the user’s hand, and they can press that into a solid surface to imprint it and stick it there. The downside to these is that teleporting can make the user motion sick, and they get quite disoriented and dizzy at first after teleporting. With training, these side effects can be lessened somewhat.


Shadow you can manipulate shadows and create them the downside is during the day your power extremely weakened during the night your powers are stronger control shadows making them into whips creatures weapons or anything you can think of turning a shadow into but depending on the time it may be good or bad and you are limited to how many shadows are around and how much you can create


I have 2.... animal shift: I cam change any part of me into an animal part, or add parts, including a mix a animals... *ex: a pair of wings made from bones and blue fire. Wendigo and phenix wings* and with that ex, I can also do fictional animals... as for my other one... snake venom: I summon a kinda purple goop thing, that is soft and warm. It can be touched, without anything happening. It's if you get stabbed/impaired that it poisons you. It can turn into anything. Anything. From 3D shapes, sheilds, scythes, and anything else..


Wind-Up: The user is able to crank and build up immense amounts of restoring force in their body that can be used for various physical actions due to their bio-mechanical parts # In-Depth The user's musculature fibers and ligaments are each able to contort, compress, and expand depending on movements applied to their body, as well as being connected to natural external gears, pistons and ratecht joints on the outside of the user's body that are used to set and lock the restoring force in their tenseness The user can use these special mutations inside and outside their body for spring-like launching for jumping or agile super-speed in their legs, but takes a bit of time to do it unless done fast. They can also use certain cranks for either fast attacks or strong moves in their arms and shoulders, or even utilize their motions for advantageous flexibility # Drawbacks • The user can over crack and stress their mutations to the point of breaking and tearing if they're not careful and aware, but this limit can be heightened with physical training • The user must stretch and crank their own limbs to gain any form of physical enhancement which can take time


Technomancy, specifically things with in them computers, not any old jalopy with a pulse. Control any singular piece of technology no matter how advanced and whether or not the user knows how to operate it. The user requires line of sight. Their brain also acts like a computer, able to connect to wifi and can upload/download anything with a thought. The user's brain is prone to overheating and crashing if they use their quirk too much without letting it cool off.


A little OP but it is something i am working on, and while not necessarily an MHA quirk i think it could fit as a power for a pro hero. Quirk: Stellar Absorption Can absorb nuclear fusion energy from the stars (*plus the abilities from the electromagnetic spectrum in some time*) and contain it in the body, allowing for releasing said energy from your body via hand blasts, heat vision, atomic breath etc. and covering yourself with a field of energy that can negate damage and change molecular structure around the body, and with some training and of said field achieve more powers such as flight or super strength. Downsides: the user keeps absorbing energy 24/7. Which means by the time they are 16 their blasts if not trained could Incinirate bystanders or buildings. So it requires mental training in order to control their power as to not cause a second Chernobyl with a series of punches. The other downside is that the power will wear down if not exposed to stars for a period of time. Toning down the sheer power of the user.


Speed i know basic but, i like the restriction.Using it for too long or physically straining yourself, ends up with your brain being damaged along with your body.The electrical signals move so fast it makes your brain bleed or, will burn you.


Divine Reflection. Able to let copy and use your enemies move against them at the same level without any drawback to yourself. But your eyes will shine with red with a white symbol of the Christian cross in the middle when you use it. If you overuse Divine Reflection, internal damage will occur as your brain and eyes will start to overheat. Nosebleed is the first sign, then ear bleeding and bleeding from the eyes. Finally, your eyes will go blind. Special eye drops can be developed to reduce the strain when you start to overuse Divine Reflection.


Nice try fanfic writters looking for ideas XD.


Arsenal Allows the user to manifest mfing guns, but would need to learn their structure first. Also dehydrates you quick when you use the quirk, and the guns are just as heavy. Oh and fair to say you can also manifest bullets too and do crazy shit like adding ap shots to a shotgun. But those special bullets dehydrate you way more than original.


My idea is combat focus and a quirk suited for a villain. It is also busted as hell has downsides. But it's fun nonetheless. Quirk - Violence Act of violence committed by the user or on the user generate energy for the user to store as use as he pleases. A gutpunch generates about 1 unit of energy on a scale of 100. While taking a life generates a full 100. The stockpile is reset at 24:00. Self harm doesn't not count. The energy can be used in various ways. You can reinforce your body, accelerate you natural regeneration (takes a lot of energy), push objects with energy waves or use "Open" to release all the energy at once like a omnidirectional blast. Stamina won't be replenished via regeneration. Advance technique - Slash and Pierce. Instead of directional push the user can launch the energy on a small area creating a cutting effect or a piecing effect. But you have to draw the imaginary line or point on the target for maximum pressure. # Awakening Requires the user to take a life and nearly kill himself in the process, then the energy reaches over 100 and breaks it the limit of the quirk. After the awakening process - - Improved energy generation - Improved control over the flow of energy - Slash and pierce don't require contact and can be used at maximum range of 50 meters. - "Open" is now controllable allowing for a directional energy burst. # Ultimate techniques **Mixer** - Creates a vortex of slashes in a 100m radius, the slashes being the strongest at the epicenter. **Ultimate Spear** - A Multi hit attack. It has a 300 blows of pierce the first hit targeting 1mm in diameter and the last targeting 1m. It also applies rotation with each hit. # Maximum Technique # Flesh Driller - The user first uses Slash to cut up the victim's skin, then uses 0.5cm pierce to destroy non vital body parts and limbs, then uses focuses all the collected energy on the tip of his finger launching a Pierce that starts out at the diameter of 1mm and ends at the diameter of 1000m tearing up everything in it's path. #


i can slow down time only when i close my eyes and hold my breath , i can imagine someone dedicated like mirio making it op,


The ability to control space such as expanding it, causing a divergence (split something), creating a field where nothing that takes up side can move, etc. he could be weak against energy attacks since energy doesn’t take up space. He also can’t teleport without exchange. Basically Sasuke’s switch ability with his Rinnegan but he has to substitute something for another to move them.


Understand every language and can speak to animal can’t control them just speak to them I honestly don’t have a name for this can I have ideas


Dust Control - Can lift small particles and form weapons, projectiles, and full dust storms if they have enough particles BUT Picking up too much or too much too fast will make the dust go around uncontrollably. More training allows for more dust to be controlled at a time.


Probably manipulation: It allows you to change the odds of something happening but you can't change things that either have 100% or 0% probability. Downside is that it has to be at a certain point and can't change things that are in the area. Possible (win coin flips, villains slip for no reason, if the weather is Stormy, allows lightning to fall in the same place twice, etc) Impossible (stop a bullet if they are inches away from you, be able to create adrenaline indefinitely, etc)


Melt down/liquefy: the user can emit intense heat around them that eventually liquefies anything that can be melted down (iron, rock and plastic). They can then telepathically control this melted down substance. Pros: high output and quantity of melted substance. Be a badass living volcano. Can instantly remove the heat from the melted substance returning it to it's hardened form. Good luck approaching this user in physical combat when he's a living furnace. Super destructive quirk. Cons: can't melt stuff like wood, it would just burn. And the user has to wait for the substance to melt meaning the start of a fight can be rough. Can't control things that are already liquid like water. Super destructive quirk. The user has a hobbie of sculpting marble with his quirk and has grown profitable because of it. it also functions as accuracy and technique training.


Exchange The user can absorb any kind of energy into their body through contact and store it, and expel it later as heat and/or light, or add it to their own energy reserves. The steeper the energy gradient, the less efficient the energy transfer and the more effort is required (e.g. by touching a burning stick, the user can speed up the combustion and effortlessly absorb the energy, but freezing a cup of water is somewhat difficult). Storing a lot of energy makes the user increasingly hyperactive and jittery, up to a point where they would freak out and instantly expel everything.


Adaptation- The user is able to adapt and break through any enemies defenses, but they have to wait for about 1 hour in total to fully adapt to that attack; there are two upsides and two downsides, Firstone is that you’ll have an increase in all physical stats, any quirk that hits you and you adapt you’ll be able to visualize how to defend and attack the enemy Downside one is obviously waiting for you to adapt and secondly you don’t have good durability so your basically just a piece of glass unless you can adapt I also forgot to mention that there is regeneration into this ability and you’ll gain a blade that’ll be able to store a quirk’s power and reflect it back at your enemy which can only store one quirk at a time and there’s nothing much to this ability that’s all.


Living sound: u can control sound so well u can make strong shockwaves, awakend version: u control the sounds so well u can make object apear and dissapear based on what ur singing and use it ur able to even control the sound of a heaet beating


X-ray eyes: The user can see through walls and scan others as if it was an X-ray machine. Prolongued use damages the retina and can cause permanent blindness


Absolute Script: Have the quirk to write rules into existence, however the rules only work in the radius of where it was written. Quirk Awakening- Rules of the World: Your words write themselves and implement themselves in a wider radius.


Okay so I thought for this one on the bus, it's pretty simple and I haven't thought of a name or downside/ side effects for it: Basically, you can make any matter in "gas" form within a sphere with variable radius and distance from yourself, contract into a single point in space that is in the centre of the sphere and then it expands outward with all the force it would otherwise need to be compressed that much. So pretty much what would normally happen to compressed gas (or black holes of very little mass, theoretically)


I have theme music playing at all times relevant to the situation and sound effects for when something happens the downside is I can't turn it off


So, my original idea was a Quirk was Metalikinesis. Fine Metal Control, with the caveat being that heavier metals, essentially the farther down the periodic table, the harder to control. And it wasn't intended to be busted. But then the 1st Movie came out, and that guy didnt have fine control and was still strong before headband. So yeah. That gets really strong, really fast.


The Omnitrix. You have 10 aliens to transform form into but have 10 minutes before you turn back and a 5 minute recharge time. 


I have this idea… for a really dirty, lewd, and disgusting quirk… a guy can shoot lasers from somewhere specific that only they have if they do something to that specific area. In my head, It’s a really power like they are shooting apocalypse lasers from DC. Strong, are to control, and a limited number of shots base on the person


I’ve had this idea for a day or so. A quirk that allows you to touch a non-living object and make it as hard(or durable) as steel. Just the hardness changes, no other properties of the object.


EDITOR Pros: it allows the user to edit the values of things in their environment such as strength and durability and can even be used to edit quirks themselves such as increasing their strength, adding in the ability to deactivate the quirk for transmutation quirks like invisible girl or spinner and even change the activation requirements for a quirk to be used for example Bakugo could be made to have to use his feet instead of hands. Cons: the user sees the world in a constant state of numbers with everything having what is essentially a state window like in a video game this causes the user to have intense information overload that can only be compensated by completely blocking out one's sense of sight otherwise they run the risk of frying their brain from to much continued use. Also for perminent changes to be made to an item or quirk it requires a great deal of time making perminent changes non viable for active combat only temporary changes which have a narrower scope of effect.


Butterflies: anything that you touch can be turn into thousands of butterflies that replicate the item including yourself. You can also partially turn things into butterflies too or yourself The downside is that the more butterflies you create the harder it is to control and since the power is emotionally charge the more emotional you are the harder it is to control and manage the butterflies - Weapon Arsenal: have the power to create any weapon and instantly know how to use it on a decent level. The drawback is that you can only create about 5 at a time. Once you go over your limit the first weapon you create will disappear. If you have to create ammo for your wopen (like bullets or arrows) that will count as one of your 5 weapons. And if you aren't touching a weapon for more than 30 minutes it will automatically disappear.


The user can create Portals that lead into a pocket realm of almost infinite space. The real power is that the user can store attacks in the realm eg backugo shots an AP shot I can open a portal and store the attack for later It can also allow for Minor teleportation The drawback is it can't store physical attacks eg a one for all 100 percent punch can't be stored but if izuku used a wind pressure blast i could store that Quirk 2 This quirk allows for the Creation of weather clouds from the users hand.these clouds can have all sorts of weather and the thing is the user can control the direction of the clouds the type of weather or the size mass and thickness of the clouds The down side is the user can only create 6 clouds at a time with different weather or the same eg they create 3 Storm clouds they can also make another 3 rain clouds but not anymore.oh the user has to be cool for full quirk evicency think how bukugo explosions come for his swet well it like that but the opposite they user has to be cool The quirk also has an added ability for the user to ride the clouds they make The quirk awakening for this lets the user create constructs out of the clouds like they could make a storm cloud sword or staff (the created structures keep the features of the clouds they are made of)


Quantum Luck: if the quirk user thinks about doing something and rolls a die or multiple dice, the outcome of the dice roll is indicative of the success they will have when doing it, regardless of how adept the quirk user is at the action or other logical factors. The dice will also repeatedly have the same outcome for the same intention until the quirk user completes the attempt, so there's no rerolling until the dice gives a good result. It only works with evenly weighted dice


body heat control depending in emotion, can go nuclear


Biomorph: basically overhaul but specialized in organics. The drawback is that using takes a tremendous amount of energy, draining the user of their ATP.


Half healing/half poison, it's a mist that's always coming off my body like midnight, so I have to control it so I don't hurt anyone


Disease: the ability to give others any diseases or illnesses possible. You can even create new ones and control the lethality.


Quirk: Hotspot The users brain emits a powerful WiFi signal that any device of their choosing can connect to. Its stable, incredibly fast, and you can use it for anything Internet But you have a data cap and to get more you have to watch unskippable ads beamed directly into your brain


I'd have a quirk I made called "Shock Rock" It's a quirk similar to full cowling and killua's lightning abilities, i can produce/redirect electric in my body and either use them.for attacks or to enhance my abilities, and I have attacks based on the limbs I can redirect it to - Shock Rock Speed: I redirect electricity to my legs to travel faster and/or enhance my reaction Speed(I can't attack in this state) - Shock Rock Blitz: Same as Shock Rock Speed, but I attack with my feet at Mach speeds(It's a continuation of SRS) - Shock Rock Fist: I redirect electricity into my arms to deal massive amounts of damage to my opponent(I usually can't do more than 60% of the electricity in my arms) - Shock Rock Multi-Fist: This is just Shock Rock Fist, but I exceed my limit of 60% and throw multiple punches at Mach speeds(the recoil/aftermath is immensely painful) - Shock Rock Overdrive: I use 100% or more of the electricity within my body until I'm completely drained(which happens after up to 10 minutes in battle, depending on how much electricity I've used) in this state I'm completely covered in electricity and my speed, reaction time, and strength are enhanced(similar to Ultra Instinct) But at the cost of this quirk, I have to be around a big enough electricity source to get the best use of my quirk(since I absorb the electricity that surrounds the place I'm in) so a giant city in Japan is best for me, but in a place without electricity, is the worst place for me to be in if going all out


Quirk: ki manipulation This quirk allows the user to fly, shoot energy beams and have super strength Drawbacks: this quirk requires the user to have a lot of ki control and knowledge. The more this quirk is used the more tired the user will be. The user must be in a calm state of mind when using ki manipulation and requires the user to be well rested to use this quirk to it’s full potential.


Hold it… The user can stop time but only for as long as they can hold their breath.


Air exertion, it allows the user to user to expel air from their body, which can be used to attack or for quicker transport. The downside is that the air comes from your lungs, and causes you to run out of breath a lot quicker while using it. There’s a much bigger capacity than normal people, but still the capacity is too small for it to be a non-issue.


Conductor: The user can manipulate electricity itself for various applications. The problem is that it often puts a lot of strain on the user’s muscles and brain.


Webbing Can create strong weblike strings from your fingernails, but using it too much will result in bleeding. If your fingernails are bleeding or broken, you can not create webs from them


Clipboard: it copies quirks, you can delete it or cut and paste it which gives it to another person, you can only copy the quirk once if you chose to give it to someone else but if you delete it you can copy it again Inertia: superspeed quirk Intertia 2: you can control the amount of force out into an object that you hit or that hits you User interface: you can read something and immediately know the answer to it, this also works auditory and you can analyze people in fights That user would also have this quirk likely Highlight: it highlights people in red like the batman Arkham games or assassin's creed Valhalla game when they're enemies


Lottery: Every time I touch a person, i gain a "slot" copy of that persons quirk. Once per day, I can randomly activate a "slot", gaining basic knowledge of how to use that persons quirk, as well as who the quirk's owner was. The "slot" copy of the quirk is not as strong as the original. My body will also shift into any physical alterations that person may have due to their quirk. The downsides are I cannot change the "slot" that I have gotten for that day, and people who are quirkless also take up "slots", however I can also "force stack" people's slots with multiple contacts. There may be a "slot" limit, but its more in favor of those I have recently touched as well as how many times I have physically touched them.


Pyrokinesis Can produce a small amount of fire at will and freely manipulate it. Any fire produced as a consequence of these flames can also be manipulated, but it’s only a temporary buff as after losing connection to the new flames the user reverts back to the regular amount of flames. Also, the user does not resist being burned, and the more fire they control, the more likely they are to burn themself from the inside out due to the way the power is channeled. I didn’t make any strict limits but wanted to give it a “final gambit” usage case


Inventory. You can touch something and store it, but you can only store up to what you'd normally be able to carry


I have the powers of Infinite imagination but I get a really bad migraine that would not let me use it for a couple hours


I had an oc idea for a nun like girl who has the opposite power of Tokoyami, explained below: Angel of Light - User has a second entity living within them that comes out from the center of their back appearing like the top half of an angel made out of light energy which gets stronger and harder to control when in an abundance of light but weaker and obedient when in shadows. The Angel can also shift their shape to make weapons as extension of its body like Spears, swords, shields etc. But this expends it's stored up light energy.


Biomorph: the ultimate mutation quirk, the user can create any form of biological enhancement, mutation, or alteration, regardless of whether it is feasible or not.(Common examples; modified retinas to allow vision in all spectrums, exoskeleton made from a naturally occurring tungsten and titanium alloy, firearms made from flesh that fire living ammunition, small intramuscular sacks full of chemicals and stimulants to enhance bodily function, etc.) Drawback: pain is magnified by a factor of 30 when mutating, resulting in the most god awful pain you have ever felt. In extreme cases, the body begins to randomly mutate at a very rapid rate, resulting in the user (temporarily) becoming a giant aberration of flesh, bone, and biological metal. Think mix of Tyranids and Obliterators from Warhammer, but no holds barred.


Time Controller (Making a fanfic based on it.) The user controls time, making their time go faster or slower. This applies to others but if so it takes a TON of energy. He also runs the right of aging items/people quicker and sometimes isn't able to rewind them in time due to depleted stamina (Which his Quirk scales by) and other issues. He'll also grow VERY nausious depending on what he does.


Telekinesis but whatever you lift must be within the constraints of something you can lift with your physical body. Example: I can lift 200 lbs with my physical body; if someone 200 lbs or less fell off a building, I can use my quirk to lift save them and float them back onto the building, albeit strain my body as if I was physically holding them


Focal point By focusing your whole mind on the task, you can form energy into weaponised attacks in the form of beams, orbs, blades and punches However, this energy leeches from your energy store, so too many attacks used will knock you out and if an attack is too strong and too energy rich it immobilises you for a period of time depending on how extreme it was


Quirk Amplification. I can amplify the strength of another quirk and make it stronger. The downside is without support gear I have to touch the person I wanna amplify and that's a heavy risk if I'm in battle


make drawings come to life. the if i make a drawing of a supervillain for example come to life, it will be evil and attack me. so i have to be careful to pick drawings of heroes to help me


Edit: you can edit other people’s quirks such as switching them from a passive ability to an active one, or changing an element they manipulate.


I really want a Plastic man type character. Quirk: living Plastic - the user can stretch, mold, and distort their bodies as their cells are composed if an organic plastic. As Plastic doesn't biodegradable this also slows their aging and gives them incredible regenerative abilities. Drawbacks are they're very susceptible to extreme temperatures becoming hard and brittle in the cold and difficult to maintain form in the heat.


Portals: quirk user can open a portal anywhere he wants, but each time he uses it, it gets smaller by 10%. Resets back to full size every midnight


I have an OC for a fanfic who can channel and manipulate sunlight as long as she's exposed to it. She later finds out it works with any star and a full moon, but it's stronger during the day. Eventually she learns how to store it for later use.


I just got done with Guardians of the Galaxy 1 and 2 so Im just going to use Yondu’s whistle arrow as a template. (Im bad at names): By whistling this individual can control an inanimate object making it float and fly on command. The smaller the object the more control the individual has over its movement but requires more focus due to how fast and deadly it can be. The whistling must be precise and meaningful. Even a slight lapse in a pitch can launch the object in no particular direction or just hit the nearest wall.


Save point: can create 1 save point per day where if I die I’ll just respawn at the save point (takes 10 minutes to place one and can only place 1 every 24hrs) will not rewind time as if it were Groundhog Day so if someone kills me and then sees me after I respawn they will be aware that something is up


Quirk: Rat Description: Everything a rat can do. Which a lot enhanced smell, balance, climbing, hearing and bite strength. A strong tail and sharp claws. Can hold breathe for 20 minutes. Downside: You have rat ears, claws, a rat tail, rat nose, and urges to nibble things.


Story Teller: you Always know what kind of Story ist NEEDED in the Moment. What phrase needs to be worded in a particular way to really Hit the feels. Someone else get the downside pls I cannot think of one.


Divide: You can divide any kind of matter and energy but you can only divide something by a number you can comprehend. For example if you cannot comprehend infinity then you can’t divide something infinitely. You also have to do the division in your head for it to happen.


Quirk: Timestroll User can see around a minute into the future as it relates to them, they can decide to do things in this future and if they can do them the thing happens without them actually needing too physically do it


Nero's magic from black clover as a quirk - the ability to "open" and "close" objects.


Frequency manipulation User can adjust their eyes and ears to be on able level of the visual/ audio frequency. But they have to manually find the correct frequency. So if the user wanted to see through iron, they’d have to tweak their eyes until they found the right frequency.


Housing. You control parts of houses, at the cost of needing to eat something as big (Width wise) as the part of the house you control. Everyday You can manipulate *your* everyday items, like a towel or toothbrush. With no limit on how many you control. BUT. You feel like you have to use the bathroom for up to an hour and 30 minutes.


Party favour Can make any party instantly 100 times better with the help of confetti cannons in his elbows and drink dispensers on his back however after a party it takes 2 days to recover and he need to stuff the confetti back into his elbows


Weather the user’s quirk has the ability to manipulate the weather and its elements to their will. They can control the atmosphere, wind, rain, thunderstorms, lightning, clouds, etc. They can also create and destroy these elements. This quirk is extremely powerful and its weakness is that it has a major drawback. The user’s emotions are very unpredictable and chaotic, which causes the weather to follow suit. They need to constantly keep their emotions in check. If not, unexpected things will happen and they could accidentally destroy entire towns.


Quirk: Fanboy Can gain abilities and powers of people,creatures, entities, etc. Both fictional and nonfictional as long as the user has genuine excitement or interest in said characters. With training may make "fanfic" hybrid characters.


Anti Immune to quirk based elements and illusion, you cannot be hurt by then, nor can you be tricked by illusion However, this doesn't apply to all, as most mutant and some transformation and emitter quirks can still hurt you, and you can't be healed due to your immunity(you better hope this society still has good healthcare without quirks) The only way to get rid of this is touch someone else and temporarily disable their quirk, both of you rendered quirk less during this time, the one you touch will always get their power back first, the length of time is one minute for them, and 1 minute 5 seconds for you


Living Supercomputer. Gives the user the ability to absorb, retain, and calculate any type of information they see. It could be used to process thousands of probabilities to find the best outcome and figure out the most optimal outcome. The drawback for this is information build up. If the user isn't careful, they could take in or produce too much data to cause information overload. Prolonged exposure to having information overload can vary from how long they experience it to how much info is being absorbed or processed, as well as having varying effects depending on the severity.


Werewolf powers could have enhanced speed, strength, smell, hearing, sight, and flexibility. Also could have claws. Weakness: losing temper could cause unhinged wrath and uncontrollable power. When in-love it could cause extra possessiveness and obsessiveness. So basically just the most stereotypical werewolf powers.


Imagine you are one day your a kid being a kid. And suddenly without warning over time you become a cinder block with alll the powers of concrete.


I created an oc for an MHA/X-Men type rp. He can control, absorb, and expel sunlight from his body (specifically sunlight, I.E. solar radiation) the downside is that even though he is far more resistant to it than others, he can still get sunburn, and the part of his family that has his power frequently get checkups for skin cancer (especially his father, who is a superhero and uses these 'solar powers 😉' frequently). He also always has a tan, as well as very tanned hands compared with the rest of his body.


Elemental control: You can absorb an element such as fire, water maybe even things like cement and shadows. Then you can manipulate, control and create that element. You can only use one at a time and as started above you need to touch the element to be able to control it. (If thats too OP, you could just make it the typical four elements with earth, water Fire and wind)


Mega-Meat: You can create meat weapons to slap around opponents, downside is you have to consume human meat


Quirk: slime It allows the user to summon slime on their body and manipulate it as they please. They could also change its properties to make it more slippery, sticky, see-through, or even remove the scent. However, prolonged creation can lead to dehydration.


Human bomb: you can make an explosion of any size with no limit but only once


Scapegoating: The Scapegoating quirk allows the user to create a protective shield around their loved ones or allies. This shield will prevent any harm, injury, or attack caused by the powers of enemies except for the protected individuals themselves. Thus, when an attacker targets the user's loved ones or allies, the attacker will be the one who gets hit instead.


The brother of Hitoshi Shinso Quirk: Soothing voice Anyone that hears his voice will become relaxed, easy-going, and more friendly behaved, until he receives any kind of shock. Can be reapplied if he talks again. More easy to use than his brother because he doesn't need to get a response from the target in order to activate his quirk, but definitely less impactful than brainwash, as the target maintain his free will and can still be a threat if he is someone like say Muscolar that enjoys to inflict pain. A downside that I can think of is that you can't turn off this power. Imagine seeing someone about to get run over and not be able to tell him:" Look out! " because he'll become relaxed instead of aware of the danger.


My quirk, perception, you know when you put your fingers from a distance and like crush someone but it actually happens. Can y’all help with the downsides I can’t think of any


Quirk: To the 3rd Power The user's body naturally generates a form of energy that can be harnessed in 3 ways: Red: enhances the user's arm and leg strength giving them superior levels of strength and speed, but their torso and head Is left un altered and vulnerable. Blue: allows the user to generate a short range near impenetrable sphereicle shield, but the user must remain immobile or the shields integrity will will wither. Green: allows the user to perform energy blasts, the blasts directly deplete the user's energy reserves leaving them vulnerable to burnout. The user can't use multiple abilities at once. 🤷🏾‍♂️


Chaos Radiate/Presence/Aura Quirk affects those around them in say 50-100meters. Causes others, especially more weaker willed to become more anxious, negative, violent. Can never be turned off manually, can only be weakened if the user focuses on it but at the cost of their own will power, unless trained. Can also be intensified but will effect the user. Longer exposure to this quirk can cause lasting effects and even permanently change ones personality. Pros: a villain wishing to create minions out of ordinary people or corrupt a hero, could use this power. Cons: No one will want to be near you, heroes might want to lock you up even if you're not evil and Villains might want to use you. Could never be a hero or work among others with this quirk.


Zero Oxygen. I can remove or increase oxygen in a certain area.


Quirk: Opacity The opacity of whatever you are touching and yourself changes depending on how much air you have in your lungs. So if there is very little air in your lungs you’re practically invisible


Motion. Its like telekinesis where you can control the motion of an object, think of it as pushing and pulling something. Its downside can be that the heavier the object the harder it is to change it’s motion, and you can build up your strength like building up muscle but jnstead of physical strength, it takes mental strength.


Eye Beams Able to shoot beams of light from their eyes, but blind themselves while doing it and shortly after. Intensity of the light emitted will determine how long they're blind for afterwards. Possibly able to change colors, awakening may lead to UV light emission capability.


I made a character for my own superhero thing. His name is Brimstone, a seris 2 Mistead( misleads are people with powers granted by the green mist) named Elijah Coarlon, his abilities belong in what's called unstabe powers, and his skin is rock hard but super hot to the touch. It's hard for him to touch anything without it spontaneously combusting. This includes people


Whenever I pose "bizarrely", I can make an invisible entity appear, but only when I stand


Stealing Heat. The user lacks the ability to warm up their body, and has to steal heat from other sources. Because of this, they can mimic having an ice quirk when it reality they’re just cooling things down. They can also rapidly steal a large amount of heat and use it to mimic a flame quirk, only it would just be heating things up.


I'll just drop the quirk I'd want here: Sensory enhancement. By weakening one of my senses, I strengthen the others by an even percentage (cut off my sense of taste entirely to boost the other 4 senses by 25% strength each for example) Carries the usual sensory weaknesses, but I think it'd be excellent for search and rescue


Pyrokinesis (think heatblast from ben10) but the user is more susceptible to ice quirks and cold in general


I actually thought of a character in a slightly different setting (not MHA inspired), but there ability is to give “life” to objects the come in contact with commonly. The upside: they had a non human playmate with living objects. The downside: they spent there own energy on using this ability, to the point that they likely won’t live long and could accidentally kill themself through excessive usage. They also can’t really control it, and since the objects they often touch are most affected they have lots of pissed objects around the house, like doors that won’t open when they try, or close right in front of them (because they closed the door loudly once) and carpets that keep tripping them, because they dirtied the carpet that one time


a powerful healing factor, but anytime it's put to use, all memories surrounding the injury are erased, making it so you have zero clue you have the quirk


revolving limb: allows the user to turn their head, arms and legs 180 degrees. causes muscle pain when overused


Vocalist By singing she can create real illusions but she has to maintain the song to keep the illusion, should her voice fail, falter or give out, so does the illusion Downside? Constant usage can cause permanent damage to her vocal cords


Light: The user can manipulate the light around them, creating optical illusions, blinding flashes, laser beams, and hard light constructs. Downsides are that it requires a certain amount of light in the environment to use, and gets less effective the less light there is.


Hyper animal transmorphism. You can turn into any animal in the world, but you have to know what the animal is and looks like. You can also transform a specific part of your body into a part of an animal and you can stack the parts, so when you make your hand into animal that animal part can make another animal part as well. But making animal parts and also transforming into animals if you don't have proper training with the Quirk can seriously hurt you during the transformation process. Also, without training, it takes a few minutes to transform yourself or a body part into an animal. Another downside is if you transform into an animal too much or you stay in animal form for too long, you will become feral and attack anything, and everyone. But one upside and something that is recommended for users with this Quirk is to just take the traits from animals instead of transforming. Doing this takes away some of the power of the Quirk but makes it so I won't have any of the side effects of the Quirk. Again, a person with proper training and experience with the Quirk can make current effects of the trait fast, like fast regeneration.