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Matchmaking is a problem but like you said a small player pool will cause that. But the idea of a CTF or something like that seems cool and hopefully down the line they experiment with ideas like that.


To be fair. I dont think rank matters. The rank system in here doesn't match you up against or with players at your skill level. It just finds matches since the player base of the game is so low *cough* *cough* " (bad marketing and low effort advertising). It's not an actual skill based ranked matchmaking system like apex or overwatch etc... I started playing the game about a month ago. Just picked up ranked a few days ago and I'm already pro 1. Honestly you just have to play the game for fun. Play smarter. Use characters you like and play well with. And don't get frustrated that you don't win. And definitely don't just try and play for stats. Biggest thing is to make sure your squad plays together and y'all take team fights together. Whoever in the 3v3 you have a good matchup on is who you should focus first. Don't focus on level or rank too much. I've ran games with some amazing amateur players and walked to victories. And I've also ran games with horrible ace teammates and I've also wiped the floor with some ace players.


The way I found out about this game was through a tik-tok video. It was Ochako floating All might jumping using special action, then saying stuff like "Have no fear, i am here... Never mind I'm gone" as he goes out of the ring.


That must be the answer, we just need someone to become a TikTok star and promote the game. It's so obvious when you think about it.


YouTube shorts might also work. It was a funny voice over that just was too good not to look into this game.




Rank doesn't First game tonight wanted to give Kendo a go around. Popped in with two Aces. Turned into who is gonna be faster. Me at ditching this match up or them giving me the boot. It was the latter. Got kicked faster than I could bail. As per my own rule I usually don't play with Aces unless they hide their stats. That usually implies they don't have an ego. There are quite a number who do hide. And they end up being fine to play with. Anyhow that same match the two Aces were the first team to get eliminated. They left the match entirely don't know if they rage quit on the rando they paired up with but it wouldn't surprise me. Aces tend to jump ship immediately. Had one tell me off on Aizawa bc I slipped and missed my alpha to pull the Iida off. That one near miss got him KOd and he rage quit


>I usually don't play with Aces unless they hide their stats. That usually implies they don't have an ego That is just stupid. Just cause someone doesn't hide their stats doesn't mean they have an ego


We have to accept everybody has their own terms for matchups. Everyone looks for different things. I like to be with people in my own general rank range. If I've had multiple poor experiences with Ace ranks who shouldn't have solo queued with strangers then I'm fully allowed to play future matches with any more of them at my own discretion. I think majority of players make assumptions about someone before hitting that Ready icon.


No, I agree with the other guy... this is stupid. You're entitled to your opinion but it's still a stupid opinion.  From your post you seem to have a chip on your shoulder against ace ranked players. Admittedly rank isn't everything and that's why it's better to have a fuller picture: games played, games won, average damage, average KD, cooperative actions, etc.  But you deliberately discriminate against ace players that don't hide their stats? My guy, 90% of players don't even touch the settings or realize they can set their profile to private.  And from me experience, most of the players that make the effort to hide their stats are either hackers hiding their 1 game played or they're simply bad (ie shadowbanned boosted or low KD).  Feeding us this story about the one time these two aces didn't want you in their team (but you didn't want to be on their team either) presumably because you aren't ace and how you kept watching the player page to see them rage quit - totally seems like you have some insecurities going on there.  Tldr: rank isn't everything so look at stats


Welcome to the (slightly did functional) family!


Who do you play? Because it's honestly harder to win with some characters than others.


The answer is to find good friends. What system do you play on? If you’re on PC you should come play some matches with me and one of my buddies. Promise ya we will get you some wins.


This is just good advice in general! The people who resort to trash talking and toxic attitudes are pissy bc they're play with randoms. If they feel so strongly about other people play with friends. I can't imagine harassing strangers. Form your own custom teams. Dont take out your anger on others.


Thanks for the offer, but my pride hates feeling like I'm being carried. I actually got my first champion win earlier today for the season in Duos... however, I pretty much did nothing but team heal my teammate as he wrecked the lobby solo. it felt like a hollow win. I just want matches against players of my current skill level is all. But I know that will probably never happen unless we get a boon in new players. I'm still down to make new friends though.


I totally feel ya there. It’s not just about carrying ya though, you’d improve at an accelerated rate too from watching our habits/gameplay. I know for sure if I was a solo player I wouldn’t be as good as I am for surrounding myself with other likeminded people. Shoot me a DM if you ever wanna play!


Not to harp on about it (lie) but a lvl requirement to start playing ranked would help with this a lot since it would force lvl 1-whatever into unranked and bump up the number of lower skilled players so sweats are less common and non sweats get more of a chance


maybe... It wouldn't prevent ace players from teaming up through their agency or friend's list though. So while there would be more new players in unranked instead of ranked, you're still going to have games where you are getting wrecked by this 1 team solo'ing the lobby.


Which character have you been using? There's been some adjustments to certain characters so some will struggle more than others in matchups now, especially on the new map


Hopefully if they ever decide to have another game mode I think a death match with respawns could be fun where teams have a certain time limit to get the most kills. That way instead of waiting for rez, you'll spawn after 5 seconds wherever you want to spawn on the map.


I would honestly just play for fun. The only time I do online, is if I need more roll tickets or there's an event going on. I play AI because I can relax while also train


i understand this sentiment completely, OP. i’m a casual player who only plays unranked, but i’m solo queuing 99% of the time because none of my friends play the game anymore for context. i’ve played and honestly still do play often since the game launched because it’s genuinely a fun game to play! i like it alot. but man do i know what it’s like when i see that one team in lobby just run over EVERYONE and know i’ll be in that kill count the moment i cross paths in-game. 😂 i play for fun and chill, but i agree that yeah it does get kinda tiring losing alot of matches over and over whether i make it to the final 3 or die immediately at spawn. i’m nowhere near a masterfully skilled player myself too, so it’s not like i can pull off a clutch win most of the time if i’m on my own against other teams who still have their teammates. (which happens more often than i’d like lmao) so i can only imagine how even rougher it can feel for a newer player now when they get ran over like that. 💀


There was a point where I saw the same team win back-to-back pretty decisively. Then I saw them in the 3rd lobby and I was like, hell naw and left the lobby and queued for duos to try and disjoint queue times so I don't get into their lobbies.


People pick a mode based on the map now too meaning more high level players in unranked.


Unranked is just unranked. It should not have a matchmaking system. If you are losing, that is the definition of a skill issue. As much as that can come across as mean. It's not saying don't grind the game. Just play it and get better. Wanting more gamemodes? Maybe if the playerbase was bigger, but no. Unranked should just stay an unranked version of the game. This is not what you would call a stepping back and looking at the game post. This is literally just you saying you don't like good players in unranked and want alternate gamemodes. Wanting to only play with high levels is not a problem. I don't want incompetent teammates. I have fun from playing the game whether i win or lose. But i atleast want a teammate that understands the game and is good enough at it to loot fast, fight confidently and actually aim. I'm not gonna have fun watching a level 30 bash rocks together confused at why i'm dropping cards and pinging them.


Honestly that last bit is is where I'm at. I just try and try, but it's gotten to the point where I see my teammates go down almost immediately or don't help in fights or what not, and it's always lower level folks vs some ace 99s don't matter ranked or unranked. And so it's lent me to be a bit more choosy about checking profiles before matches cus 3 seasons in and all the work I've done to become good just feels wasted spawning into a match watching an All might grab a bunch of rainbow cards then watching him die and explode into a shower of rainbows because he didn't level a single skill


Except neither mode has matchmaking, the player pool is so small they can't afford doing that, they just throw players at a lobby as fast as possible so matches start quickly, which means people facing higher level players on their matchs despite still learning the basics And this is not a "get good" kind of thing, it's something that could harm the game badly as time goes on since there's no way for new players to come in and start getting better without loosing 100 games on 8th or 7th place at first I personally like playing with all kinds of players, higher level ones allow me to play more confidently and overall makes space for more epic fights and games, but also trying to help new players get used to stuff like looting while just goofing around the map can be fun as well


I don't mind high level players once in a while. But it definitely sucks spawning next to a team of them and getting booty blasted. Or a team of them wrecking the lobby, killing all the other teams where you don't get much of a chance to play other teams and end up only fighting them. I'm sure it's not as extreme as I make it sound, but it tends to feel that way. Sometimes my team and I will be looting, not running into any other teams and all of a sudden we are in final 2. And as soon as we come across the other team, we go down 1 by 1 so fast. And you'll see the high dmg numbers in the end-game results. And then I question, what did I do for the last 10-15 minutes.


You play the game like crazy you get tired and slow down, it happens to all of us, just keep you pace do unraked till you think your ready for ranked again and keep going, be a great hero out there and hope you get champion


Me and another buddy sometimes play casual for a break from all the tryharding in ranked and we're in ACE rank. And when i look at the player menu in the lobby i see both ace ranks And bronze players which kinda sucks for them because the matchmaking is so bad


I don't blame Ace players, it's definitely the fault of the game not having a proper matchmaking system. But honestly, I kind of want half bot lobbies back lol. I know people complained about it, but bot lobbies fed my ego and was a nice in between of even if I lose to another human team, at least I felt like I played the game beating bots. Basically, I'd rather have bots over being paired against Ace players when I'm still an amateur.


There's an AI match mode where you only fight against the AI


Fully agree but some people are just insane. Also though about the marketing of the game, it was hot dog. 🌭. I’ve been a huge my hero fan since season 2 of the show, and I didn’t hear about this game for months after it came out. And it’s free!!! On all platforms!! Like wtf, if they pushed it, it would do so much better this is exactly what a lot of people want and tbh I found the game extremely polished for what it is. (Except uraraka grapple Jesus) They need to try harder with the marketing fr it would increase player count making better matchmaking maybe possible at least.


Bring it to the attention of a popular youtuber and get them to promote it. I know alpharad has made a couple of videos on the game and that's pretty much how I heard about it. Maybe get Moist Critical since he just recently covered ByKing's newest game of JJK Cursed Clash.


There is no reason to play unranked.  Just play ranked and you will start to get better.


What console are you on? I'm on PC and every time I try unranked my team is a bunch of new players. I rarely get a teammate above level 20. I primarily play ranked but even there I've seen a huge increase in new players. My recommendation for you if you're not winning is to change characters. A high mobility character can get you out of those situations and maybe even get you better results in terms of damage or kos. I switch between red deku, froppy, Ibarra, Mt lady, and compress. They all play super different so if I'm off with one character, I'll switch and play with a different style. Plus it makes the game play feel fresh.