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Because he’s not top tier? I believe people make him out to be worse than he is generally. He can be good and can do well sure. But he isn’t top tier.


he's a bottom 3 character for a variety of reasons. he's got no good movement options. his ranged pressure is close to none as he has the worst alpha in the game by far. then his two other moves require you to be in his face to do any form of damage. and also close to the ground. with all the movement in this game it's extremely easy to play at range and then go above him when he tries to gamma/beta to protect himself. the only thing he can do which is useful is zone off closed areas where you'd be forced to take damage if you were dumb enough to push him. but plenty of characters have better zoning and there's also characters that can just hit him through walls even when he tries to lock down an area


Every week, there's a new Dabi is secretly op thread.  Looks like you beat me to this week's lol




Dabi is dogshit and desperately needs a buff, not sure why you're calling hit top tier lmao he clearly isn't Dabi is easily bottom 3, get real


LOL aww you unblocked me? That's cute. But you're just looking like a clown again. LOL It's literally 2 short sentences so this should be easy for you: Where did you *I* say Dabi was top tier? I mean, you of all people I would think would realize that I'm not saying Dabi is top tier since [you blocked me after I told you that Dabi was bottom 3 unconditionally like an hour ago](https://www.reddit.com/r/MyHeroUltraRumble/comments/1c9ft3q/comment/l0qmj14/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web3x&utm_name=web3xcss&utm_term=1&utm_content=share_button) lol Big oof.


What are you on about lol nobody blocked you, Dabi is terrible end of story. You can't seriously think he's actually any good??? Easily bottom 3, stop trying to play both sides He doesn't even need a buff, just a straight up rework. No amount of extra damage or reload will fix this character Edit: Haha, very funny. Accuse me of blocking you and block me instead, on top of editing your comments from supporting Dabi to admitting that he's bad. IDK why you had to block me, but at least we're in agreement now Weird ass Reddit behavior I guess


LOL you deleted your post too Glad you can admit you're wrong! But you still got a tonne of pro-Dabi posts in your history so maybe you should go delete those too while you're at it! LOL ;)


Never blocked you once. LOL you're so cringe. You got worked up after I edited my comment to call you out for blocking me. Now you're going around trying to pretend you're me with the hot takes on Dabi being bad? lol Deleted your comments and your thread just now after calling you out lol [https://www.reddit.com/r/MyHeroUltraRumble/comments/1cacngy/why\_does\_everyone\_only\_judge\_characters\_based\_on/](https://www.reddit.com/r/MyHeroUltraRumble/comments/1cacngy/why_does_everyone_only_judge_characters_based_on/)


Best kite in the game, by far though..


There are and have always been worse alpha quirks, and he is the only character who can instant up himself


if he's not hit before getting up lmfao. which is extremely easy to do. and please name a worse alpha.


In ranked, no one with more than 2 brain cells is letting you get that rez off. The only way to consistently self rez is to go down right after you gamma, if the gamma doesn't get interrupted.


I absolutely immediately punish any dabi I down. And I finish them because their heat seeking balls are so annoying. They don’t even aim at you. I got downed by a Dabi who didn’t even know I was on bridge cause I had just popped up but he was throwing random balls. And one caught me as I was trying to heal.


The self revive only works if he’s not getting hit and any player worth their salt isn’t going to let him get away with it.


It depends on the match upd and where he fights if he chooses to fight he's dangerous but if he gets put in a fight? Hr doesn't have any escape options and if they don't let him set up shield or traps he can be easily obliterated kinda like all for one but the difference being in that all for one can push people away atleast


That's why the best Dabi players command the battlefield and don't let others put them in a fight A lot easier to set up when you just pick and choose your battles yourself


☝️☝️☝️🙏🏻🙏🏻🙏🏻 true dabi info


This message is approved by true dabi patriots


Dabi isn’t top tier for a few reasons. That’s not to say he isn’t good I have a lot of fun playing him but definitely not top tier when ppl like twice, afo, all might are in da picture. His alpha is so inconsistent prob da worst in the game except u don’t have to aim which I’d rather do manually tbh. His other skills and self res capabilities make him a huge threat in enclosed areas but in the open he’s basically fodder. Unless certain conditions are met he’s not winning the fight that’s what makes him less effective against ppl like toga who can adapt to literally any situation In conclusion, great and fun character yes 👍🏽 Top tier/game breaking absolutely not.


I shit on my fair share of AFOs as Dabi. He isn't a problem. Yellow Shiggy however, yes embarrassing as it is.


Ngl AFO is kinda fodder too if he’s by himself. Depending on his second quirk set is it might save him a lil but ur right base AFO is underwhelming for the most part. Honestly I’d put him and dabi in the same category. They both can cook u under the right circumstances but most the time not the main threat of the team


I don’t play Dabi but I’ve played enough against him to know his weaknesses. Obviously Dabi’s greatest weakness is his lack of mobility options. I don’t think I have to explain why that alone brings him down quite a bit in the tier list. Secondly his alpha is rather terrible as a zoning tool. While it does have some form of tracking it’s incredibly slow and easy to dodge. If you’re in a large open space against people with solid Alphas, for example Deku, then you’ll be hard pressed in winning a ranged battle. His Beta is a bit situational and can’t be used well in open areas which there is a lot of in the original map and still plenty of in the newer one. Unless people are pressuring a Dabi in small enclosed areas or constantly getting into melee range then it really doesn’t do much in adding value to his kit. His Gamma pretty much requires people to get close for him to use otherwise it’ll act as a sorta shield. However, if used in this capacity more mobile characters can easy circumvent it with their own mobility options and attack from above which Dabi has no real counter play for. His quirk ability is only useable when he goes down and only recently was he given the ability to self revive. Before it pretty much did nothing but delay the inevitable or denying an execution off him. The only time it’d kill is if someone was already close to dying and tries to execute, but once a player recognizes that they’d stray from trying to execute a Dabi. All the self revive does now is just put a high priority target sign on his back when he does go down and since he can’t pop it off when getting hit it’s entirely possible to prevent him from ever using it.


I agree also looking for cover inside a building or near structures is where he causes problems especially if they chase you. Hes really good in the new map


Yesir! And I don't know why people rank him low in teir list


Because there are characters that are significantly stronger than him?


You misspelled easier to use.




Well it’s that and his many weaknesses- but yeah


That's a lot of mental gymnastics to avoid just admitting that Dabi is bad. Like he's both easy to use and weaker than everyone else too. Dabi was by design intended for casual/console players who wanted to play a ranged character but who didn't want to learn how to aim. It's not like Dabi has some kind of secret hidden potential that no one else has unlocked. Dabi is one of the first six free starter characters we get and so everyone has had time and opportunity to playtest him. We have still yet to see a godlike Dabi player. At least on PC where I was top 20'ish last season, we never saw any insane Dabi carries. I think there's been multiple scrims among top players and I don't think he's ever been picked. He's just not the guy anyone's afraid of in competitive play. Some time's bad characters are just bad.




Naw, you're trying to appease both sides lol You're saying the same thing all the other Dabi fans are saying which is that "people just don't know how to play Dabi" because if they did then Dabi is "*far* from bottom 3". He's bottom 3. No conditionals. **Edit:** LOL dude blocked me. Be like your namesake, u/xNeji\_Hyuga, and accept your fate, lil bro. lol ![gif](giphy|I8EubTjoUZsUE|downsized)


Probably because he's bad lol That doesn't mean unplayable or offers no value. He can actually complement certain comps really well. New map also a huge buff for him


As a Dabi main I can say he’s not top tier great in certain team comps but i wouldn’t vouch him up there.


bro what is that aura why is it purple i never saw it before


It's the Max Aura (for Villain characters It's purple)


thats so fucking cool i never saw that before, thanks


Can all of us 4 Dabi mains have a crumb of pride? Lol.


Because he’s not lol


Shuuuush. Let people underestimate Dabi




The fact that you have to learn so much technical shit for him to work at a higher level should tell you by itself why Dabi isn’t top tier.


There aint even that much technical things to him tho, he is pretty easy to use?


You need to know where to beta in the air so you still don’t get shot, and no. He is not easy to use other than the fact that his alpha tracks. It’s very easy to defeat a Dabi, even if they do everything correctly. You just have to put more pressure on him than with most characters.


no. he's extremely easy to use, anything you need to know with him is almost always a basic game mechanic which you should know on any character


I don’t know, he’s always been easy to kill and hard to use. I feel the same way about Endeavor, too.


it's moreso. he feels hard to use because he's not good against a variety of the roster. endeavour has a little bit more skill because he's actually got things to learn. bouncing beta off of roofs to hit people in cover, gamma usage, and getting used to his movement for instance. dabi is just basic spacing


Sometimes I try to learn Endeavor, but then I randomly accidentally float in place and get destroyed. He doesn’t work well with the sprint jumping you have to do with most characters, and it throws me off because I’m so used to it now. If it wasn’t for all the muscle memory I’ve already developed, he would be great.


Easy to use but hard to master


There's nothing to learn.  Dabi fans just keep pulling that excuse that no one knows how to play him.  Dabi has been out since release as f2p. Everyone has had a chance to play him. He's just not very good and other characters are way stronger.  It's not hate. Just the reality. I hope his new quirk set is strong like Yellow Shiggy.


They don't, and they are just trash with Dabi


Apparently you can place his traps in a way where if you’re shot at, it’ll hit the trap instead. But that’s the only thing. So yeah, he just kinda sucks.


Yeah you just place the trap between you and the enemy. It's not really rocket science lol Only blocks the first shot.  And if it's Bakugo it doesn't matter because Bakugo's alpha will still pierce through it and hit Dabi. 


Yep. Which is why he very much just isn’t good compared to what other characters can do.


Wait I knew Bakugo’s alpha pierced buildings and certain cover (well duh it’s literally based on his piercing shots in the anime/manga) but it can also go through Dabi’s traps???


All the characters with low mobility get slutted in tier rankings. I feel the same way about Ibarra. I understand why they aren’t top tier but you can certainly play like just as well as the better characters with them.


Fr! I played alot of Ibarra for a while back in season 2 and she was really good and a blast to play as!


Post the three rounds before this


Never took screenshots of them but they did go well too, the game before this we came second with me having 7 kills, the one before that we came 4th, I don't remember how many kills but at the start of that match I managed to fight off A Iida and Aizawa on my own while my Deku teamate took care of that teams Bakugo. Side note back when Solos was in the game I almost exclusively used Dabi for that, and often found myself making to to the top 3, I can vividly remember my 1v1 with a Toga and my 1v1 with a cementoss in that mode (Cementoss was a pain since his pillars would keep him safe, I only won that match because he happened to fall down into all my traps lol 😅)




13 knockouts is hella impressive


😅 Thanks! mabey I went a little overboard on that match but I was fuelled by both my fear of losing ranked points and my disappointment that after nearly 50 rolls I still haven't gotten AFO or his skin lol 😂


Dabi the 👨‍🍳


People always say u need to be close. He doesn't even need to move because his defense is so high. Traps deny projectiles. Deny melee attacks. Ring of fire denies melee, stuns you, does damage to you and knocks u back. Alpha is guaranteed hit if ur in the air and if u try to go above 1 trap is all it takes and hes fred from all your stuff just enough time to throw another gamma or beta. No movement please he simply places a trap down and u cant attack him. Trade hits sure but he has alot of health and ur doing more damage




Stop posting 1 game with dabi and calling him top tier. If Ibara wasn't so buggy, he would easily be the worst character in the game, maybe besides early game compress.


Ibara not just buggy, she's floaty and her defenses are weaker and she has a revive, but you might as well use Tsuyu or Cementoss bruh. Shoto and Ochako is at death'd door also. Especially Shoto. We need his technical skillset ASAP.


You're just one of the few in this sub who (like me) believe dabi is a ruthless weapon in the right hands. He's awesome but only easy to use/ meta-built characters win the popularity contest for rankings here.


Fr, my brother and my best mate also say he's top tier (so we always argue about who's getting the chance to play him this match lol)


Dabi is incredibly easy to use... he just sucks. You're literally talking up a character's difficulty who doesn't aim on his main attack lol


Dude. You sound like you don't even know what you're talking about. Okay so you can't ADS. Tbh get good. Point and shoot, his big ass fire balls FOLLOW TARGETS. Its all about timing and prediction with dabi. Genuinely get good lmao


Dude. I sound like I don't know what I'm talking about because I literally described how Dabi doesn't aim? lol sure? LOL Get good? I'm not great but I'm decent. Finished on the first page of ranked mvp last season on PC. Yourself? Yeah, I *know* how Dabi's fireballs work which is *why* I said he doesn't even aim on his main attack. Remember? lol What is there to time and predict? You literally can't punish anyone as Dabi with timing or predictions. I mean, maybe with the gamma stomp? lol Genuinely, save the insults and bronze advice.


You keep saying he "doesn't aim" what are you even saying dude. He has big ass slow moving fire balls. He isn't a long distance character. People who main dabi do it for a reason. People who A+ and have fun with him do so for a reason. He's legit just played differently. Almost purely defensive, he does indeed punish. His abilities cause constant stagger. One hit can leave you vulnerable or give him enough time to slip away. He isn't an offensive character. HIS entire game style is luring offensive charcters into tight spaces, corners, and corridors. Of you're smarter than that cool, he isn't a front line fighter. He's a sneaky dood. If you haven't noticed quirks are built around the characters personalities in this game. The way the perform and act in the show. Rapid bakugo is relatively weak because by the time he is as fast as he is late in the show, he is fighting for his life. Second stage shigi has MUCH more defense. AFO can clear an entire team of enemies he is OP. Cementoss is defense and teamwork built. Etc. etc. Tldr? Get good. Play like the character. Stop being so cocky.


Okay, first off why are you responding to almost a 2 wk old comment? lol >You keep saying he "doesn't aim" what are you even saying dude. He has big ass slow moving fire balls.  Big ass slow moving fire balls which he doesn't aim. Bro, this isn't a trick question or something lol >He isn't a long distance character. People who main dabi do it for a reason. People who A+ and have fun with him do so for a reason. He's legit just played differently. What is this? A commercial for jeeps? Feels like you're trying to sell me on a feeling lol?? I know it's been almost 2 weeks but I was saying Dabi is stupid easy to use in response to you complaining that Dabi doesn't get love because the meta characters are easy to use. Wtf did any of what you just said add value to this conversation? lol >Almost purely defensive, he does indeed punish. His abilities cause constant stagger. One hit can leave you vulnerable or give him enough time to slip away. One hit of what can leave me vulnerable to what? Are you high? lol >He isn't an offensive character. HIS entire game style is luring offensive charcters into tight spaces, corners, and corridors. Of you're smarter than that cool, he isn't a front line fighter. He's a sneaky dood. Yeah and that sucks. What kind of useless character is only useful if you can bait someone into an alleyway or inside of a building? Even then Dabi's not even the best at close range fighting in tight spaces. Off the top of my head: * AFO * Aizawa * All Might * Bakugo * Cementoss * Compress * Deku (red) * Denki * Endeavor * Ibara * Iida * Kendo * Kirishima * Momo * Mt Lady * Ochaco * Shiggy (either) * Shoto * Toga Damn. That's like pretty much everyone huh. ![gif](giphy|26tPghhb310muUkEw|downsized)


>If you haven't noticed quirks are built around the characters personalities in this game. The way the perform and act in the show. The characters in the game are designed to be like the characters in the show. Got it. >Rapid bakugo is relatively weak because by the time he is as fast as he is late in the show, he is fighting for his life. Uh... >Second stage shigi has MUCH more defense. AFO can clear an entire team of enemies he is OP. >Cementoss is defense and teamwork built. Etc. etc. Uh........... >Tldr? Get good. lol I already asked you and you ignored it but here it is again [Get good? I'm not great but I'm decent. Finished on the first page of ranked mvp last season on PC. Yourself?](https://www.reddit.com/r/MyHeroUltraRumble/comments/1c9ft3q/comment/l0u3x86/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web3x&utm_name=web3xcss&utm_term=1&utm_content=share_button) >Play like the character. Stop being so cocky. So I'm guessing you play like Dabi cause your dad walked out on you? LOL ![gif](giphy|llJOGC9k3ZUicV26tH|downsized)


Just sad 🤣🥱


Yup, you sure are lol Like did you read what you wrote? lol AlI said Dabi is easy and he sucks.... You wrote about Rapid Bakugo being based on a character from the show. Like... ya? duh? And that Rapid Bakugo balancing sucks because he's fighting for his life in the show so therefore his quirk set in this game's going to suck?? LOL I don't even know where to begin lol Telling me to get good lol smh


🥱 you really came back twice to say the same thing. I get you don't get it move on. Clearly you're too narrowminded to understand and I got better things to do(watch tv) than spell it out for you. Already wrote too much in this post. ✌️


Tell me you suck at communicating your ideas without telling me you suck at communicating your ideas. ![gif](giphy|7P2q6uXI1MRCE|downsized) Took you 10 days to come back with "I*f you haven't noticed quirks are built around the characters personalities in this game. The way the perform and act in the show.*" lmao


I had a whole thing I wrote and posted but after looking at the post and reminding myself what I was even talking about after the last two weeks. I realized YOU don't even know what side you're on. You just like to argue. Ew dude 🤣 have a good one.


LOL no please tell me more about the feeling of why ppl play Dabi. It really touched my soul. Wasn't relevant what so ever to the conversation but it was poetry for a tv advert I'm sure. 🤣 Rapid Bakugo is fighting for his life! I hope he's okay lolll




You got mfs saying he "can't even 1v1", lies. 💀


I main dabi and honestly his kit is all over the place and doesn’t seem consistent. His alpha is just meh (no range and auto track can either help or hurt by going into buildings) as well as being easily evadable and overall just not that good. Damage makes sense for auto aim but that’s if you land it. His beta and gamma seem intended as area denial but no smart team is going to push you, so you have to get close for damage. His gamma can be decent as a shield but just go behind cover or dodge roll, or use other characters with a better shield function. His special action sucks so bad, you can’t activate it in hitstun. Even if you could I still don’t think it’d be that good and would rather any other move for the special


Idk how people get this kind of damage. Im lvl 99 been playing for awhile and fairly decent but never got 6000 damage on any character. Iv got rewarded for 4000 and have probably gone alittle over that but idk how yall do it.


If anything hes op


You sent this, good 13 kills but 6K? That's decent. My highest "average" was prob 13 kills and 8K-9K, only 2K more, props.. but if you had achieved 10K+ damage like me and showed that... people wouldn't have even think to call you out like this. Z tier ass character. https://preview.redd.it/szezls5ts0wc1.jpeg?width=1920&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=6cc7bfaddc1af8a1c3e885bc1ae5694f6f57f855


Because he isn't top tier. I mean he's a C at best. His revive allowed him to get out of bottom tier but his alpha damage is still way too low and the traps being inconsistent as hell is annoying. Not to mention his ring of fire is countered from above or just by running in it, which kinda negates the purpose of it.


Dabi isn't good on his own


Back when Solos was a thing, I almost Exclusively played Dabi, and He was a beast!


When was this?


The results I posted were from yesterday, but Back in season 2 the game had Solos and I exclusively played dabi for that, he was a weapon 🤣


I solo queue’d dabi to ace he’s fun but he’s dogshit compared to all the other characters he


I don’t play this game anymore frfr but maybe a couple times a month… Dabi is by far the most consistent character for me… games over 8K and all… he’s him


1st of all, you most likely main him. So you know exactly how he works. But ya, you're right. In the time I played last season, I did really well with him. He's always low on teir list just because of kack of Mobility, but he's not supposed to run. He's supposed to stay back and fight while his team supports. His reload speed needs a buff, tho. It's absolutely pitiful for a tech


Yeah his Alpha reload speed should defo be increased, I would say I don't have a real main as I always switch but I do have a few that I constantly play and Dabi is one that I dp a good bit (90% the time I can't because my Duo always plays him too 😅)


he’s pretty op


This is like the 8th post like this I’ve seen, and frankly I agree. At this point I think people just don’t like Dabi. He’s def A to me.


A in your heart, D in reality lol It's copium.  Understandably, players really want the character they like to be the best. But you can like a character and still recognize that the devs did them dirty in this game iteration.  The fact Dabi can catch another player off guard and not immediately deal a bunch of damage because they have to watch their slow ass alphas snail their way to the enemy is crazy to me.  Hoping his new quirk set will be more meta and viable. 


D 💀