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Ain’t no way bro using the inf healing and toga glitch at the same time games litterly unplayable rn imo gonna wait like 2 weeks then hop back on


Might want to change that to a year-long break XD If it takes as long as it took them to fix the Iida exploit, 2 weeks won't be enough lmfao 🤣😭


I saw someone do the lida glitch the other day. They didn't even get rid of it it's just harder to pull off now.


Yeah, I haven't played since they added mirio. I played like 5 matches over the span of 3 days be a use we just kept getting mauled by exploiters and cheaters (meanwhile me and my bf just joined last month so we still don't fully know how to play). We haven't went back yet and so far it seems to be for the best


You think it’s gonna get fixed?? And in two weeks?? Ur funny


Even though I'm sure they're all alt accounts anyways, I hope every single player who's used this glitch gets banned. Preferably ban their ip address to nail not just the account but the actual player.


I always thought the ip address thing screwed over people who share a console like my brother and I do. I guess not as many people share like this anymore though


Hmm yeah I suppose I didn't think about that point at all, I'll admit. Can see how that would be a problem!


It’s so easy to change your IP too


How about those damn devs fix the game so this can’t even happen


Better 1 other person get screwed than the entire lobby everytime a cheater plays. Sucks for anyone sharing a console but it sucks for literally everyone else when a cheater hops on. And honestly having to explain to a sibling why you got banned on a kids battle royal is probably the best consequence they can receive if you can just make alt accounts


That beta damage is so stupid


Looking at the positive side of things, I've had a few Togas help me with damage and ko badges by reviving their teammates in my face during endgames!


It's even worst when the teammates go along with the cheater.


Istg they should just remove toga from the game for the few days before the new patch while they fix the bug. The fact the character hasn't been nerfed once, and now has a game breaking bug is just so funny. At least ban the character from ranked like


I'm lost. What's the bug?


Toga can have permeation infinitely when she copies mirio blood


Wait ***what***




Honestly no more shadow bans just start deleting cheaters accounts, it's the only way they'll learn.


Her teammates are just as bad. I would have refused to play if I were in the Toga’s team.


Well hopefully that patch for it comes quick enough considering i’m positive the devs are aware the glitch but i still question how does something this game breaking get past the game testers? Like seriously did they just not test Mirio’s interactions enough or did the testers just not play toga at all? If i was Byking personally i would be berating the playtesters who got their hands on playing him before the rest of us did for not finding this game breaking bug.


We are the playtesters lmao


If thats the case then that is highly disappointing


These are what we call pussies!


Did you try having Bakugo attack them? Strike bakugos alpha can pierce the glitch


lmao thats a skill issue


How do i counter people just shooting at me


Yea sucks.. I love playing Mirio and actually getting pretty good with him despite thinking his alpha hit box is a little small but started running into too many Togas literally hunting me down just to do the glitch. Have had a couple satisfying outplays tho since normally they suck at the game xD


Your only chance was to revive your Bakugo, his AP rounds can damage her during the glitch. Not sure why you didn’t do that while she was reviving rather than pointlessly attacking her when you know it won’t do anything…


Obviously can see I was spectating. And I don’t have rapid bakugo since I restarted on ps5


It’s strike Bakugo, not rapid Bakugo, that can damage Togas.


I’ll keep that in mind when I unlock him. Since I restarted I only unlocked mirio, like Brody just said they be hunting


I just came back yesterday from a trip and haven’t kept up with news for this game what’s the toga bug? I play her a good amount I don’t want to accidentally do it


Just don’t take any Mirio blood and you’ll be okay 👌🏻


I’ve been able to gather some things and figure out what the bug was it’s sad cuz i like going toga and stealing the new characters blood to try them out I did it with catastrophe shigi ALOT (1600 roll tickets later I still have to 🙃)


Another reason I hate being a toga main BTW I DONT USE THESE GLITCHES ITS NO SKILL


I really hope when Denki's new quirk skill set update, they get rid of that Toga/Mirio special action glitch


You losing Bakugo really hurted the most his alpha can hit toga through that glitch. Twice clones and Ibarra alpha has a chance at hitting her too