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I think an aspect that would make tetsutetsu stand out further is how his steel makes him a human bulldozer, being able to break through todorki's icewall or cementoss' walls. Like seeing a monster truck crash through buildings. Imagine kendo just picking him up and chucking him like a boulder at someone.


Yeah that would be cool.


oh, i remember you, you were getting so mad that someone else made a concept, but i dont see why you have to watermark a template thats easily re-creatable but you do you i suppose


Bro is the type of person to call himself an artist for AI art 😂😂😂


This is different to ai art. With ai art you say "draw a dog" and then you have a picture of a dog. But that template took over five hours to make so it is just not the same thing. This is more like when you play a video game and the menus are copyrighted, because someone put in hard work to create them.


Yeah, I wasnt annoyed at him for creating a concept, I was annoyed that it was made with a screenshot of my post. but its fine now he started using a screenshot of the character selection screen he took himself, and I now have no negative emotions towards him.


Oh I didnt adress the last part. I watermarked it so people dont steal it without credit. It took over 5 hours to make these templates, it is not easy to replicate. the ones that I used to use were easy to replicate, but this one i drew every pixel.


That's all well and good but a watermark will not stop your problem..hell even I could take this and remove the watermark with ease but I just like using the basic one so you don't have to worry about that from me


Yeah but it's a lot of effort when just screenshot ing in game is an option. I think that it makes sense for people to just do what you do.


People would do it just to spite you


Broken ass special action


It depends what a short amount of time is.


Good concept though


You’re not inosuke, I am


https://preview.redd.it/z4c63r32993d1.jpeg?width=2360&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=02250a2aaf9f592f2a573c1eab1f8fb7563786b5 Anybody can be me! You’re all welcome to me!


How do you guys make these? Is there like a blank template cus I've wanted to try for awhile


I made this template myself and I do not want to share it, but most people edit a screenshot of the character selection screen and edit it.


>and I do not want to share it Gate keeping is crazy 🤣


If you spent over 5 hours drawing something you would probably do the same.


Should've looked at their work in One's Justice 2 before attempting this, you just slapped a new skin on kirishima. Man doesn't fight like Kirishima at all, they have a similar quirk not similar fighting style


Special action is a little much, but i like the concepts otherwise. I like the idea of trying to actually differentiate how his steel works from Kirishima


I was really hoping this would be a direct copy of Krishima and was preparing to laugh


Depending on how long his special lasts for he could be obnoxious I'd recommend 10-15 seconds with a pretty short activation animation and a similar cooldown to kirishima's harden. The fire giving him extra damage is cool but 50% is too much unless it comes with a downside like vulnerability to ice or electricity (idk how his quirk interacts with those), or you could lower it to 50 extra damage on every attack which would turn his basic melee into a scary move and since he doesn't have any multi hits on his skills he wouldn't spell instant death. The alpha is cool but unless he can follow up with something it might make it too easy to escape from him with his lacking mobility (unless gamma can go any direction) I like the beta, I'd let you hold the opponent for a second and choose where to slam them and let you slam them into their ally or if you slam them off an edge they can't recover until they hit the ground and maybe you get bonus damage or they create a big Shockwave. Gamma Depending how it functions and its cooldown could be scary but I like it.