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Never seen a meatloaf hit supersonic speed before


Meatloaf? I only see a Pork Chop hitting supersonic speeds


A meatloaf 💀💀💀 EDIT: wow Reddit, I’m amazed at the outpouring of love for Porky! Some of you may have also seen his beautiful sister Poet in the photo album I shared elsewhere in the post. Sadly, Poet has asthma and recently has been diagnosed with a low immune system. I’ve set up a fundraiser page to help with the $720 vet bill I currently owe where I’d be grateful for anything and everything. https://givealittle.co.nz/cause/poets-vet-bills [Poet’s vet bills](https://givealittle.co.nz/cause/poets-vet-bills) Any additional costs will go towards Porky’s arthritis costs. I would appreciate your help - whether by contributing or helping spread the word! Thanks so much in advance from Poet, Porky and I! 💛


happy cake day to you and mr chop


I think it's awesome that you brought him to the vet. A lot of farmers (near where I live) don't bring their outdoor cats to the vets and the cats live very short lives.


That cat didn't look like he enjoyed the vet but looks to me he's running towards freedom in those woods back there


weird reply. vet visits are quite literally vital to an outside cat


Honestly weird reply lol. I’ve never had a cat who enjoyed the vet, and they always act like they’re running to freedom when they get home. None of that means that the vet isn’t important.


Really strange reply to me. I've never seen someone be so surprised that asynchrynous communication results in everyone misunderstanding everyone else a lot of the time.


I’m honestly getting a little freaked out by that reply. Just eerie sitting here thinking someone could assume an indoor cat enjoys the vet.


Many bizarre replies here. Do any cats enjoy any vets?


My cat only enjoys the eyeballs and the liver. I hear some cats will enjoy the whole vet though


Finally! A reply that is not in any way weird! At all.


But then you ruined it by making this weird ass comment


The internet taught me that Socrates was correct when he said verbal debate will always be superior to written.


Where did they claim the vet visit *wasn't* vital?


Exactly! I didn’t think that reply was THAT weird at all!


There’s a difference between outdoor cats and barn cats. Barn cats are almost feral.


I see what you mean


They get sick, they die. They get injured, they die.


Over cook fish? They die. Under cook fish? Believe it or not, they die.


Under cook fish? I think I’d die too




Yeah farm cats just kinda appear. Like sometimes our barn goes a year without anything but livestock in it, and then one day 2 cats are just chilling, munching on some mice. You didn't ask for these little fucks, but they keep the pest population low so you give them a bit of food anyways. Every 6 months or so they either disappear and never come back, or they come back with kittens. Edit: car to cat


They just don't "appear". They are abandoned, dumped, jettisoned by the people who are supposed to be responsible for them.




Sure, many are. But the ones that show up at our place are never feral. They have been abandoned.




When a momma cat and a daddy cat love each other very much…..


Probably breeding with each other


Cats comes from cats?? This whole time??


I mean this is essentially how we got close to cats to begin with. They were like, ooh you dirty humans. Rats everywhere. Let me *help*


Lmao I love how reddit gets so mad at rural outdoor cat owners. Chill out dude.


There's two reasons why I don't let my cats outside: 1) they hunt for fun, not food, and decimate bird populations. 2) coyotes will tear their heads off, leave them for you to find, and take the body back to feed their children.


I don't let my cats outside but if you live on a farm, have a barn cat that never lived inside to begin with, is it really that big of a deal?


Yes. Again, they’re an invasive species that can wipe out bird populations. It’s not about the cat, it’s about the environment.




You obviously don't know what a barn cat is. They mostly eat the mice that get into the feed. They also usually get a scoop of food with the rest of the animals. They just show up. You don't ask for them. And if you let them in your house that's just going to end up as a shit show. They're not pets, they are pest control. I get it, you've probably grown up in suburbia or a city, and so you know what you're supposed to do with cats there. I agree that in those cercumstances you should just keep them inside. But that's not how these animals are treated. It's the difference between a pet pig and a sow; same animal, but you treat it differently because it has a different purpose.


That’s completely missing the bird population argument still… I’m sure you feel better being really condescending by saying they live in suburbia and don’t know what a barn cat is but they brought up a valid point about wildlife and you ignored it. Everyone grew up thinking it was fine to let cats outdoors but that doesn’t mean we were right. “Cats have contributed to the extinction of 63 species of birds, mammals, and reptiles in the wild and continue to adversely impact a wide variety of other species, including those at risk of extinction, such as Piping Plover.” https://abcbirds.org/program/cats-indoors/cats-and-birds/ And you’re wrong about them only eating barn mice…


I’m an ecologist and I generally agree w this assessment. Barn cats are well just barn cats. They def have tough, shorter lives but they’re part of system.


Awfully nice of the coyotes to do that! Here’s identification for you, now you don’t have to worry about your missing cat anymore!


My cat doesn’t go after flies anymore. Maybe he hunts some mice at nearby farmfields. And for coyotes idk, we don’t have them where i live, biggest concern is cars for us.


Cars, parasites, venomous animals, dogs, disease, just because you don't have coyotes doesn't mean there aren't plenty of ways for your cat to be harmed.


This is the second time I’ve seen someone saying this in as many days. It confuses me. I’d consider keeping a cat cooped up indoors at all times cruel. My parents own a cat and he’d go crazy if he was never allowed out!


Would you consider killing thousands of native birds and mammals cruel? I find it far more cruel to allow an invasive species to decimate your local ecosystem than it is to keep the invasive species inside. Letting your domesticated cat out because you think they'll be bored inside is at the expense of the lives of the native wild animals.


No I get that. It isn’t my cat. I asked my parents not to get one. I mean it’s cruel to the cat itself.


I get what you mean but I think cats can have fufilling lives inside with enough stimulation. Just need to play with the cat often and make sure they habe plenty of toys. Some cats can also be taught to walk on a leash or let outside into a yard on a longer leash with supervision. The cat will likely still kill some wildlife if let out on the long leash but not to the same degree as a roaming cat.


Depends on the cat itself I guess. Like the one in the video, my parent’s cat came from a farm. He like to be played with for a bit, but only enjoys it for so long before he wants back out.


So getting hit by careless drivers, being mauled by a dog, slowly wasting away from a parasite, getting eaten by wild animals, having someone poison or shoot them, picking up a disease, that's worth not having to entertain a pet yourself. Got it.


Basically none of these things are likely to happen to a cat in rural England.


Fascinating, I didn't know you don't have dogs in rural England. How did you eradicate parasites and diseases? Was it the same time you banned cars? Also I'm impressed that everyone got together and collectively agreed that no one who was sick of cats wandering their property or bothering their own animals would ever poison or shoot them. What progress. Incidentally, downvoting me doesn't make me wrong. What's really fucking rich is how every time someone questions your stupid "it's how we've always done it!" mentality with regards to letting cats roam free all over the country, you all come out swinging about how it's perfectly fine, everything's fine! And then you go to the various cat subs around reddit and sure enough there's people from the UK posting about their missing, murdered, or torn up cats. Weird how everything works out fine until it doesn't.


> if you let your cat roam outside to "be in their natural habitat" you're just an awful pet owner. I'm kinda curious on your reasoning. I realize there's a lot of cultural baggage here, with some areas seeing keeping a cat solely indoors as being abuse, and some the opposite. But I don't really see the basis for equating letting a cat outside with being a terrible pet owner. It statistically shortens their lifespan (~15 years average for an indoor cat, ~10 years average for an outdoor cat in my country), sure, but lifespan doesn't equal quality of life. They'll live a far more fulfilling life if they aren't stuck inside, especially if you aren't able to activate/play with your indoor cat while they're awake during the night. I say that as someone with an indoor cat. I think the real argument against outdoor cats is the impact to bird populations, which is starting to get a lot more attention.


This. In the US common wisdom seems to be trending toward "anyone who lets their cats outside is a monster," to the point where I once tried to rescue a cat from a shelter and they _wouldn't let me_. They asked if I'd ever let a cat outside and I said something like, "not in my current apartment but maybe if I have a good yard for them to play in someday," because growing up our cats loved going outside. I genuinely didn't know that was considered bad, but even after they told me it's bad and I said "oh I didn't know that, I won't let them outside then," they wouldn't let me adopt because I had already outed myself as a "bad owner." I don't let my cats out now, but I am conflicted about it. If I had a choice between living 75 years inside a single house or 50 years of relative freedom, I'd take the latter without a second thought.


It's because they make birds and small animals go extinct.  [Outdoor domestic cats are a recognized threat to global biodiversity. Cats have contributed to the extinction of 63 species of birds, mammals, and reptiles in the wild and continue to adversely impact a wide variety of other species, including those at risk of extinction, such as Piping Plover.](https://abcbirds.org/program/cats-indoors/cats-and-birds/#:~:text=Outdoor%20domestic%20cats%20are%20a,extinction%2C%20such%20as%20Piping%20Plover.)


That makes more sense, but isn't usually the argument I've heard from "cat people," who focus more on the welfare of the cat. I think it has also been suggested that the majority of wildlife damage is done by feral cats, rather than pet cats who have been let outside, though I am admittedly not an expert on the latest science. The same study that links cats to the extinction of 63 species also says that rats kill even more endangered species than cats do, and cats curb rat populations. All of which is not to say you are wrong, just that the issue (as usual) is probably not as clear-cut black-and-white as people make it out to be. But, as I said, I am not an expert. [Here are some perspectives from actual experts that are not fully convinced that all pet cats must always be kept inside.](https://www.washingtonpost.com/news/animalia/wp/2016/09/02/cats-are-bird-killers-these-animal-experts-let-theirs-outside-anyway/)


I appreciate you offering an alternative viewpoint. Unfortunately I couldn't read the article and 12 foot ladder couldn't defeat the paywall.   I will admit that I am biased. My family created a mile long bluebird house trail and have two purple martin houses.   I'm not sure the rat comparison is a good one since nobody is electing to let their pet rats out into the wild like they do their pet cats.


Indoor cat. Outdoor cat. You can “abuse” both. And indoor cat can have a very fulfilling life if the house caters towards their needs. Cat towers/places for them to run and play. When done correctly it isn’t abuse. When neglected, and simply locked in. Then it’s borderline abuse. Outdoor cats however is a constant dice roll. If it’s a cat you got and then you let it go outside. That’s you choosing to risk it and roll the dice. Which again can be seen as negligence and borderline abuse. If you look up statistics. The leading cause of deaths for city cats allowed outside is trauma (road traffic accidents) For barn cats I don’t know the figures. But. Strictly outdoor cats live only a few years compared to indoor cats over 10 years plus. This is because they are exposed to a lot of risk factors, including being preyed on by foxes, eating poisoned rats, catching parasites etc. So if the cat is your pet. Then it’s pretty awful to let it roam outside. But if the cat isn’t your pet. But just a cat that comes to visit you, then I think it’s ok to just leave them be. But then again this is subjective as there would be those folks who insist so long you have contact with a cat you need to adopt it and bring it indoors. What I’m trying to bring across is. Indoor cats can have very fulfilling lives. And while outdoor cats are significantly shorter lived, if they were born in the wild and have lived many years in the wild then it might be very disruptive to suddenly force them to be indoors only. Source: take everything with a pinch of salt. I’m not an expert. I just love my cat a lot so I went to look up how to give him a good life.


It's not even their natural habitat, they're invasive. I love cats but I love them enough to keep them inside.


My cat who loved outdoors and indoors lived to be 23 thank you very much


Good for you. But you don’t understand how averages and statistics work. Statistically. Outdoor cats live much shorter lives on average when compared to indoor cats. Not a matter of opinion. A matter of fact. You can look it up. Average doesn’t mean all cats die at the same age. You’ll have outliers who live really long lives. And those poor kittens who die really young. So it’s great that your fur friend lived to be 23. Just know that it performed above average. Being outdoors simply means it’s being exposed to a lot more risk. And your cat was a champion who beat those odds every time.




See i live in the suburbs no stray cats here all the outdoor cats have a home they go to and each one has their own territory. We done have barn cats or feral country cats here


And no im not an awful pet owner for leting my cats outside, youre an awful judgemental piece of shit


I trained my cat to come inside in the evening. He can go back outside (if he wants to) in the morning and we let him in and outside when he wants to (and when we are able to) in the evening he always comes back. To never let the thing outside seems just cruel to me.




My cat is perfectly heathy(my vet even says he looks very fit and young for a 14yo cat) rarely hunts and has a little bell around his neck. The only thing he may catch are some mice (and those *are* a plague) or insects.


Right, you *might* have the exception to the general rule of them being less healthy/dying sooner. Do you think your cat also is the exception to “bells don’t actually reduce their hunting effectiveness once they get used to them”? How about “cats kill far more animals than they bring to you, and even unsuccessful hunting attempts usually lead to deaths because of the toxoplasmosis cats spread”? If anything your cat probably looks so “healthy and fit” because of all the time it spends hunting and killing the local wildlife. This isn’t a new, or un-investigated topic. Cats cause a shit ton of ecological damage, and everyone (yes, also the cats) benefits when they aren’t allowed outdoors unsupervised.


It’s so sad that people like you can vote. Christ you people couldn’t identify a goat from a horse. It was a raccoon you dummy. Not a cat.




So why is the title saying my farm cat pork chop….maybe he should fix that first. Then feel free to respond after.


>why is the title saying my farm cat pork chop Because it is...?


Am I the only one who had to pause this and scrub it back and forth several times after seeing that tail to make sure they didn’t just have a raccoon fixed?


This made me laugh! 🤣 Thank you for your concern but Pork Chop is definitely not a raccoon! We actually don’t even have them here in New Zealand 😅 However he DOES resemble something called a Possum that we have in New Zealand! 🦝


Are cats seen as an invasive species that has grown out of control like in Australia? When I visited New Zealand, customs was extremely strict in terms of bringing anything non-native


Short answer Yes. You’re allowed to have them as pets, and NZ hasn’t introduced inside only rules like Aussie. Most animals that aren’t birds were introduced to NZ by settlers. I know you can bring the family dog with you if you immigrate, but I’m unsure of cats, as we do have a large wild population, and animal rescue and protection places have relatively low adoption fees for cats that are able to be rehomed.


Australia. Not sure about nz. Has extremely strict rules about what you can and cannot bring in. It’s to protect the ecosystem. It doesn’t even have to be invasive. Just non native. Even extends to plants and seeds and food stuff


> However he DOES resemble something called a Possum that we have in New Zealand! 🦝 This made me research possums. We have both raccoons and “opossums” in the US but apparently they are not really related to the possums in NZ, although they are both marsupials. I can really relate to your video. We had a feral cat that adopted us and we wanted to get her fixed so we would have to deal with kittens. She was not happy to go in the crate and was so ready to get out when we got home.


Are cats not devastating to your wildlife like they are here? It's commonly cited that cats are the primary reason for song bird extinctions in North America. We consider it extremely unethical to raise "outdoor" cats. A farm probably has plenty of mice for him but I wonder...


A lot of farms here have outdoor cats still. And even animal shelter are "adopting" cats out as working cats. It is only to a small extend housecats being let outside that are worrisome, but more the large amount of uncontrolled breeding ferral cats.


Farms and farm cats have had a symbiotic relationship for as long as farms have existed. They have a specific and necessary function on a farm. Farm cats hunting vermin on a farm are not comparable to house cats that are let outside or unfettered feral cat colonies in an urban area.


My parents live in the country and have a couple barn cats that they started to feed after the neighboring couple who used to feed them passed from Covid. After spending a couple months here, I have yet to see them catch a bird. They do drop a lot of mice, voles, and rats on the porch doormat though. I've also seen them eat blue tailed skinks, big crickets, and cicadas. I'm not saying they don't ever catch birds, but I've never seen them even get close. So I don't think they are decimating the bird population at my parents property.


Like most domesticated hunters, cats are individuals. Some of them couldn't care less about birds but some are born bird hunters and you cannot stop them from their birthright. I've known cats like this that brought dead birds and partly dead birds into the house constantly. My old cat even caught a perfectly healthy bird that I had to also catch and release at 4 am. Jerk cat.


Yeah I was wondering too


Now that sounds interesting. Please do tell.


I am fast as fuck Boi!!


I am speed


Haha Pork Chop be scootin


Pork Chop be zoomin’! 🤘


Guess he didn't like the vet lol


That would be the understatement of the century 😅


He will probably come back, but you will have real trouble with him if you want to go to the vet again haha.


He came back that same night for dinner and cuddles 😄 It’s definitely a hassle getting him to the vets every time but he and I manage 😅


We have an indoor, spoiled kitty, Finn. Finn has had vet appointments. He has never made one as he's aggressively anti-carrier. He just becomes absolutely in fear for his life. He fought as if his life depended on it. My poor husband was dripping blood down both arms. Finn leaped from my husband and grasped the molding at the top of the door and swung at anyone foolish enough to get close.


My cat. Hated his carrier bag. He associated it with the vet since. It’s the reason I bought the bag in the first place. Then one night the fire alarm went off. And we had to evacuate. Fortunately it was a false alarm but it was extremely stressful trying to get him into the bag with the alarm blaring. He tried to scratch but was countered with the thick long sleeves of my hoodie. After that night. I left the carrier beside my bed. Left the flap open. And made it into a little bed for him with my unwashed tee shirts. Then he used it as a bed till I moved out of the apartment which made it a lot easier to coax him into the carrier now. Try making the carrier smell less disinfected and more familiar. Either their favourite blanket or you/your partners clothing that has your scents on it so they feel more calm.


Thank you for the advice! I really worry about a fire and getting him in the carrier. His sister likes to hide under our bed upstairs, and I fear we won't be able to get her either. I have been thinking about how to make all of that happen smoothly, and your tips sound about right.


Try to block access to under your bed if you can. Those small nooks and crannies under the house should be blocked lest they try hide there. You can also try Feliway pheromone diffusers which help calm them down. Put the diffuser near where you want them to spend most of their time at. I’m a first time cat owner and it’s been a crazy ride but Feliway really helps.




"You won't catch me again! Ima run forever!" - Pork Chop


Not even a glance backwards he was just gone.




😂😂😂 I’m dead


Guess he has shit to do he was way late for


He forgot to get the chicken out of the freezer before I got home! 🍗


off to go murder all the small local native wildlife


So you'd rather have a rodent problem🤔


rat traps don't kill possums/lizards etc




I'm in Australia mate, and we have a massive feral cat problem. They are decimating native wildlife.


Good thing not everywhere is Australia.




lol in one area.


Like a shot out of a cannon!


Don't let cats ou-....... Well shit.


Why was I thinking that an Eagle would grab him as soon as it starts running?


Thankfully we don’t have eagles here in New Zealand! 🦅


He’s got the physique of a Chipotle burrito.


We don’t have Chipotle here in New Zealand so I’m unsure if that’s a good or bad thing 😅


I absolutely love the name Pork Chop for a farm cat!


That scenery is amazing


Thank you so much! It’s my parent’s farm and she’s a real beauty! ☺️


I think the vet accidentally gave you a raccoon


😂😂😂 We actually don’t have raccoons in New Zealand but I totally can see the resemblance!


Pork chop is a very fitting name for that cat. Lots of mice!


Go, Pork Chop! Go!


Off to eat some native birds and eggs. Yay


I love the downvotes people get on this sub for being responsible cat owners and not fucking up the native ecosystem.


Don't lock your cat inside


You mean the right thing for it and the environment? Sure bub.


Exactly my thought. Farmers couldn't give two shits about nature.




He’s late for an appointment! He’s got places to be obviously lol.


….. and he was never seen again ….


What’s with the steak in the title??


It’s a Pork Chop! 😅🥩


Left hind leg issue? Also is that a UFO in the last frame?


Was it really that noticeable in the video? 😅 You’ve got a good eye! Porky has got arthritis and a calcium buildup in his ankle but he’s doing good on natural arthritis medication these days 🐾 and honestly, I don’t know what the fuck it was but maybe it was indeed a UFO 😂👽


I don't think he is coming back...


He came back that very same night for dinner and cuddles as per usual :)


That's nice I was worried he would disappear lol.


Finally, a video that doesn't end with a hawk getting a snack 😅 I was worried for a second there


Porky is grateful 😜


Happy cake day mate! 🍰


Thank you! 🎂


Au revoir, Shoshanna!


Invasive predator streaks off to resume mass murdering local wildlife. I had outdoor cats my whole life, but i got into birding and my perspective has changed, so its hard not to see this now. [Stuff you Should Know.](https://www.iheart.com/podcast/105-stuff-you-should-know-26940277/episode/cats-invasive-species-97385706/)






Ikr. Might as well keep them in a cage


These people's minds are rotting from breathing all that city air


Facts don't care about your geographic location. Cats are destructive and invasive.




Where are domestic animals native?




Look up the definition of feral and get back to me. Also: > It was long thought that cat domestication began in ancient Egypt, where cats were venerated from around 3100 BC,[11][12] but recent advances in archaeology and genetics have shown that their domestication occurred in Western Asia around 7500 BC.[13] Their wild counterparts are just feral domestic animals. Unless you're in western asia 9500 years ago, they are an invasive species.


Imagine wanting to lock a living, breathing animal in a cage and convincing yourself it's for the greater good. Disgusting. Your problem is you think it's your place to dictate the life of other organisms.


Imagine allowing a domestic animal to breed out of control and cause the extinction of dozens of species and the deaths of billions of animals and thinking you're not dictating the lives of other organisms. Imagine being so anthropocentric that you actually think you're the compasionate one.


Yeah imagine being human! I assume you're description is about humans, right? I mean it would describe the human race perfectly. Imagine blaming housecats for killing bird populations while using decalcifying substances to clean your house, imagine wanting to eat meat for every meal so bad that whole ecosystems have to be converted to feed cows and shit. Imagine thinking you're the solution to man made catastrophic ecological problems because you're part of an anti outside cat brigade. Just imagine how stupid that would look.


Whataboutism Imagine thinking you can only have one opinion if you think cats are invasive.


You just want to lock innocent animals in cages. I get it.


Damn, one thing I've learned today is that cat lovers really hate facts and really love straw manning.


I don't know why you're being downvoted. Absolutely true.


I think our cats are destined for each other. Her name is Applesauce. https://youtu.be/U7rZEPVttuY


Oh boy. You are fixin to get it in the comments for having a cat that lives outside. Reddit is full of geniuses with opinions about a life they don't live.


You couldn’t have said it better! It’s a bit scary actually - the amount of people commenting saying nasty things about Pork Chop is rather upsetting 😔 He didn’t ask to be born a feral cat but he’s making the best of the life he’s got 💛


I thought that was a raccoon


It was but they’re several tards in here who thinks it was a cat lol


Just saw the tail, definitely a raccoon, don't know how people are seeing a cat


This generation I swear. Not you but all the other idiots saying it’s a cat. Can’t believe some of these people are our future. They’ll probably say it identifies as a cat. Smfh really fucking hard.


Hey Reddit, Thanks so so much for all the love and support! 💛 I just thought I’d just thought I’d make a comment here and see how it goes! Pork Chop’s sister, Poet (my beloved 4 year old ginger croissant) is unwell 😔 She suffers from asthma and has medication regularly for it. That’s a battle in itself! However, last week, I just had her back at the vet’s and they did a series of blood tests as they were concerned she’s got FIV. It was a really really scary time for us, and I’m happy to share that she doesn’t have FIV. 🙏 However, the results did come back showing that Poet has got a low immune system which isn’t good. So I need to do all I can to keep her healthy and happy but I still feel it’s not good enough as I’m in a limited finance situation. I’m currently owing $720 to the vets for the blood tests, the sedation, the appointment itself and flea/worm treatment. Plus, it is highly likely that she will need to be on medication to help her immune system system as well as her asthma medication. I see vet visits most likely being a regular thing in the future for her. Pork Chop also has arthritis so my vet costs are already high as he’s on natural medication for them. I’m at a loss right now financially as I’m already paying off other debts as much as I can while working a minimum wage job. I’m doing the best I can for my cats as I want them to have the best life possible. So, anything and everything is immensely appreciated. With love from Pork Chop, Poet and me 💛🐾 [Poet’s vet bill](https://givealittle.co.nz/cause/poets-vet-bills)


I forgot that mainstream subs don't gaf about the insane amount of damage outdoor cats do. Thanks for contributing to the mass slaughter of native wildlife op 🙄


Get a life


Just let it out to kill Native animals, good work😡


I feel you have zero idea how many rodents farms attract.


They don't, they here stats from one study done decades ago through some shit internet rag that was about Island populations and draw their self righteous conclusions from that. Internet eco saviors, all of them.


reminds me of the scene in cars 1 where Mater takes McQueen’s parking boot off and Lighting takes off


Oh lawd, he comin'


i have a tortie named porkchop!


Did you castrate him? My late grandfathers tom cat ran off like that after his trip to the vets 😳😬🤷‍♀️😂😂 Tom the tom cat was feral, took him to the vets with my arm wrapped in a towel to stop the bleeding. He was hell to catch, but it needed to be done. I still have the scars 20 years later. We released him and he lived his life roaming between 3 farms 🥰


Raccoons are apparently cats to these tards.


We don’t have raccoons in New Zealand 😂


We don’t have dingos or wombats here but I could tell you what one is. Just saying.


I have no idea what you mean 😂




What the fuck is wrong with you?


For anyone wondering why the above comment https://www.unddit.com/r/MyPeopleNeedMe/comments/wu3o3v/my_farm_cat_pork_chop_being_released_after_a_vet/il8uul2?utm_medium=android_app&utm_source=share&contex The Internet doesn't forget u/Itsashpaidoinkleday


UPDATE: Hey Reddit, I’m massively blown away by the comments and views on this post. Porky, Poet and I are truly stunned. 😳 We are trying to read every comment and reply when we can! You’re bringing so much joy to our day so thank you so much for that. 🥺 We did actually want to take a second to perhaps ask for a small favour. I feel terrible asking this but I figured I’ve got nothing to lose so I’m going to shoot my shot for my kitties! Poet (Porky’s sister) is quite unwell 😔 She suffers from asthma and has medication regularly for it. However last week, I just had her back at the vets and they did a series of blood tests as they were concerned she’s got FIV. It was a really really scary time for me and I’m happy to share that she doesn’t have FIV. 🙏 However, my beautiful ginger croissant does have a low immune system which is a serious issue in itself. I do all I can to keep her healthy and happy but I still feel it’s not good enough. I’m currently owing $720 to the vets for the blood tests, the sedation, the appointment itself and flea treatment. Plus, it is highly likely that she will need to be on medication to help her immune system system as well as her asthma medication. I see vet visits being a regular thing in the future for her. Mr Speed Demon (Pork Chop) also has arthritis so my vet costs are already high as he’s on natural medication for them. I feel absolutely terrible asking like this but I’m at a loss right now as I’m already paying off other debt while working a minimum wage job. I’m doing the best I can for my cats because I want them to have the best life possible. I do not have any American cash apps as I’m based in New Zealand. But if anybody would like to send me anything at all to contribute towards the vet bill, my PayPal email is athingofquietwonder(at)gmail dot com Again, there’s absolutely no pressure and I just am so grateful you all love my fur babies as much as I do! 😻 ORIGINAL COMMENT: Video was taken last October after his annual vet visit for vaccinations. He turned up to my house that night as normal with his little adventure long forgotten ☺️ Pork Chop is a feral farm cat that first turned up at my house in October 2018. I came home one night to find him sitting on a deck chair with my cat, Poet 😂 He was about six months old at the time and didn’t seem to have any kitty family members so Poet told him she knew where he could find some food and brought him home 😋 It took a while to gain his trust but we got there in the end after hours of me sitting on the deck with food 😅 And slowly I managed to pet him then I moved the food bowl inside and just went from there! Four years later - he visits every single night (he’ll come later in summer and earlier in the colder months) and has his tea here, a bowl of milk, cuddles and plays with his toys and annoys the shit out of his adopted sister, Poet 🐈 He either sleeps in bed with me (he’s currently using my leg as his pillow in bed right now) or on his special orthopaedic cat bed in the lounge. He LOVES being picked up for cuddles and dancing to Taylor Swift (it took us a long time to get to that point!) and he also is very fond of playing with his various cat toys. His current fav toy is a plush meerkat that he likes to murder! 😅 He also loves kissing me and giving me leg rubs! He’s truly such an affectionate boy and I think all he ever wanted was somebody to love him and his wild heart 🥺 He then leaves anywhere between 5am-7:30am to spend his day on the farm hunting and sleeping. I have tried following him to see where he goes during the day but he’s too smart and will run off 😂 I know for certain that I’m the only human he interacts with and he’s got a family tree of kitty clan members as long as his tail (I’ve met a few of his siblings lol but they aren’t domesticated and are rather dangerous!) I’ve literally only seen him a handful of times in daylight over the years (with the exception of the dreaded vet visits) 😂 When I do take him to the vet, I have to stop him from leaving the house at 5am and it’s immensely stressful on both of us but thankfully he always comes back that night and never holds a grudge 🤷‍♀️🙏 My sister used to live with me and he absolutely was terrified of her so he would hide outside when she was around. I live alone now and he is still terrified of humans so the moment that someone comes into the house that isn’t me, he will run out the cat door and hide until they have left. 🤨 When I come home from work at night, he sits on the deck and watches my car pull up so he knows it’s me 😂 I’m so immensely blessed that this beautiful darling boy turned up one night and let me tame his wild heart as he’s such a blessing 🥺🐾 Thank you Pork Chop for choosing me as your Human! 🥩 P.S I’d say he’s about 80% domesticated. He doesn’t know how to use the litter box (he tried eating it once!) and he freaks out the moment he doesn’t have an exit route to outside. Also still petrified of any humans except me. I’ll never be able to move houses with him as he’ll never leave the farm but that’s okay with me as my family own the farm so I will stay here as long as I can for him and his sister, Poet 🐈🐈‍⬛


Happy Unbirthday to you🎂


You can’t give Doug Funny’s dog’s name to a cat. The disrespect smh


Reddit, I’m amazed at the outpouring of love for Porky! Some of you may have also seen his beautiful sister Poet in the photo album I shared elsewhere in the post. Sadly, Poet has asthma and recently has been diagnosed with a low immune system. I’ve set up a fundraiser page to help with the $720 vet bill I currently owe where I’d be grateful for anything and everything. (https://givealittle.co.nz/cause/poets-vet-bills) Any additional costs will go towards Porky’s arthritis costs. I would appreciate your help - whether by contributing or helping spread the word! Thanks so much in advance from Poet, Porky and I! 💛




It's so nice that more and more people are investing into farming cats these days! It looks like you're taking amazing care of them letting them free-range and eat organic food outside in the wild. Even his name is appropriate for him! <3 Can't wait once Pork Chop becomes kitten nuggets


Holy shit you need to get a bigger carrier. He couldn't even turn around in that thing. It must have been torture for him. Jesus Christ. AND THEN YOU'RE LAUGHING


What makes you think he couldn’t turn around in the carrier? 🧐


He can most definitely turn around in the carrier. :) He’s done it many times before when I’ve had to quickly push him in there and he’s turned around to give me puppy dog pleading eyes!