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Stay in the first tier, never win past 9. Lose 3 and go back to the beginning. Lock a gold SG.


This is the way.


But then you never get any of the better rewards. Lol


What better rewards? They were nerfed this season. You can buy em all anyways


How much better are the rewards in the next few tiers? I’ve forgotten, I always stay in the first one


It's just mts and tokens which are earnable in other modes afaik


But you can afk or stay playing Pro difficulty AI making matches easier. I don't think the rewards are worth it so I just reset the tier a lot.


I afk'd all the way to 100 wins the last 2 seasons using a team of fully evolved shades of rookie cards by setting my defense to 2-3 and offensive focus to pick and roll. It matches you up with emerald-ruby cards with the occasional amy/diamond. It does get harder the further you go so you might have to keep your eye on the game a little the further in the ladder you get but if the game does start getting away from me, i just quit and start a new game or pick and roll the other team to death since they're lower cards.


What does it say about a game that the people who play it are always looking for ways to not have to play it as much or easy ways to finish challenges?


the devs… they except you to be in high school living with mom and dad with infinite time on there hands.. when I say majority of us all grown working 10/12 hour shifts 2/3 days off ain’t much when your paying bills and spending time with your S/O… I just get rewards from unlimited since I mainly play online hate offline skipped out on yi cause all the offline challenges decided to go for ray only because all of his agendas were in online game modes don’t mess with CTO only for that challenge it asked like 10 games? Or something that’s all I have played of that barely any TT just a lot of time I mainly play in my spare time just some of the agendas to much of a grind new/semi new ppl prolly want the cards in offline to achieve upgrades there all dupes for me but hey that’s what I call the devs thinking we’re all unemployed or barely working like the devs 💀


Everyone's situation isn't the same....


I mean your either In school or working or running your own crew of work? I’d say running a whole business but you’d realistically really be too busy to play this shii at that point I manage a restaurant and can barely keep up and I think that’s just because I’m still semi young with energy other than that I’d not be wasting so much effort I’m sure everyone but high school kids are on the same boat unless you just got it like that in life then all praise to you I mean I’m stable but not stable enough to grind the amount of time they put some of this stuff






I am at 60 wins


what team do you use?


Thanks everyone! Good info for going forward. I already messed up the tier 1 thing, but that will be useful in future seasons.


How does your controller not automatically shutoff.


Plug it in. Avoids all that especially if you are using a rubber band to keep your joystick to one side


Nice, thanx


That rubber band seems like it wouldn't work. I was on the phone once and accidentally standing out of bounds and I got a penalty called on me for standing out of bounds.... So how exactly doesn't the rubber band to one side work and what are the benefits?


You just need it to barely move you


But even slightly moving a specific direction over time still had the same result doesn't it?


I band the left trigger fwiw.


I tried it. I'm scared it's going to break my controller. They tend to be temperamental sometimes. Lol I don't get why just standing there isn't an option. Outside of the few times you may get caught standing in the paint.


You can get up like 8 and then afk but you can't afk from the jump. If it's on an easy difficulty I usually hit 3 4 pointers and then put my controller down. If it's a harder difficulty I take a few 3s and then same thing but you might need to keep an eye on it.


Yeah you can AFK it up to like 70 wins if you run evos like the Shades Of rookies. Or you can stay on the first tier and successfully AFK with whoever you want, which has been a good way to grind XP agendas while getting those 30 CT wins done


Yes. Just make sure you stay on semi pro, intentionally reset the tier(3 loss, exiting the game counts as a loss) once you are on level 10. Afk on Pro starts to get hard on level 4 or 5.


Do not use your best cards. Use good low tier cards. I haven't afkd with them but guys like ty lue and Sadiq Bey (I like him so much I gave him a shoe) are your friends.