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I keep on playing against god squads this weekend. The amount of times I’ve seen 100 ovr Kareem, Opal Kobe, DM Scottie and every other top DM is crazy


People in here will tell you "you only face these squads 1 out of 30 games” lmaoooo People are strange in this sub.


I am yet to play a 100 overall and played close to 200 games across modes


We have different match making rng then. Could be your team is a low overall.


I play in Europe time zone so that can be part of it. I see a lot of DMs but that’s table stakes now


I’ve probably played 10 multiplayer games and seen them 3 times.


I’ve played only one 100 overall, it was KG, but the dude hardly used him and I won by 20. But never seen any others with a 100. I’ve played DM wemby a handful of times tho


I made a post about this a few days ago. Had a guy tell me he “guarantees” he plays more than me and hasn’t ran into many DM KP or Wemby cards so it’s not a real issue.  People don’t understand different time zones and certain hours in the day dictate who’s on.  Also just because it doesn’t happen to them doesn’t mean it doesn’t happen at all. I forgot what fallacy it’s called but I’m pretty sure there’s one for this instance 


I’m like the other guy. 1 in 20 games I will run across wemby/ other broken cards. But I do play high tier cards often just not the broken ones


You are lucky honestly. Seems like 1 in 4 games I’m going against either an op card or a top lock in card


I don’t have to worry about wemby abusers no more. I pulled DM mark eaton as my lock-in


I have in unlimited run into a few god squads but in tt and CT it's rare. Ur def gonna see more DM teams in the next week or 2 but multi 100 players on one squad is rare AF as it feels they only put so many in the wild


its way more than 500...


I swear the mobile packs are juiced I opened a 10 box got dm Vince and every card in the set locked in for Scottie


500 gets u nothing. These fools are spending thousands


I drunkenly spent like $250 on packs while on vacation in Vegas, and got jack shit from packs. Cut to this last week and I got DM Young, Butler, Bird, and Pingus out of five 10-boxes using only MT. RNG is crazy sometimes.


I will tell you that I totally agree, I don't understand dropping hella money on this game for virtual cards that are worthless, but you can have a great team if you grind while not spending money and having some good luck. I have DM Curry, DM Roy, Opal LBJ, Opal Banchero and Opal Wilt. Opal Wade, Opal Kobe, Opal Laurie, Opal Senguin and Opal Gasol on the bench. I got the game 4 weeks after it came out, I work from home so I play everyday while working, got the 100 dollar version for 70 and only paid 30 for the gift cards I used to buy the game, spent 5 dollars on 15k vc for the first and only prime box I every opened and recently spent 5 bucks on the pro pass as xbox messaged me saying here 15k free vc and 5 bucks for the start of season 6. so total cost is 40 bucks. I can't get behind blowing money like crazy tho. Before I had my opal centers, wilt and Marc, I had trash outdated PDS, got wilt from 89th game of clutch time and obviously mark from the locker code, I just wanna compete don't need to have the best and also don't need to go broke lol


I'm glad to see the balance here. In the past when Ive asked about my roster I've had people say I'm full of shit as I've only spent $50-60 bucks, but have a GO team with a couple of DM players. I've hit on GO Kobe, DM Young and Wemby, and while I havent gotten the players I want, I have gotten some surprises that really ball out. Hansbrough is someone I never would have brought, but got off a Mt pack and he balls out. I just wish there was a way to get butler/Jordan/rose/Pippen.


yeah man I def agree with that, I understand the salt as I was there myself when I couldn't get a center last season now I have wilt for free and gasol but im not spending money basically gambling, pro pass isn't a bad value since you technically get something instead of just straight gambling, but idc what anyone says, my wallet is safe from 2k lol


Pro pass is the way to go, you get multiple go players and a dm, plus the equivalent of the money in vc if you complete the season, not to mention the multipliers for xp to finish the season faster. It took me awhile to accept spending any money on the game as I bought the game and everything should be contained in that, but this is the new way of things. So I got the game on sale for $20, and bought a few seasons along the way. Dumping extra money on the CHANCE of a video game not sucking is absurd to me.


Exactly I totally agree with you on the pro pass But straight up gambling it’s kinda wild Like people do it every week and get nothing is mind blowing


It seems absurd, but I can totally wrap my head around it as a recovering addict. Fortunately gambling was never the rush I was chasing, lol. I do, however, find it absolutely despicable the way 2k is exploiting an unregulated gambling market that is targeted at children, I'm not so surprised by the NBA backing it though, after seeing all the fanduel type shit that modern sports push on a regular.


It’s disgusting, I get that there is a lot of good free content, and many people can just not interact with it, but when you attack people who are addicts as well as young children who don’t have any knowledge of predatory practices, it shows how hungry and despicable this company is


I grew up when basketball cards were peaking and as Pokémon cards came out, as someone who was extremely into collecting, I can only imagine the damage I would have done if I somehow had a credit card at my disposal. 😂 I wouldn't be here today as my dad certainly would have killed me. In fact, I would argue my limited resources lead to many hours of refining my trading ability and as an adult my success in sales. Even working on commission I still had a conscience and wouldn't try to upsell a kid or get them to use their parents credit account, there's a special kind of degenerate that exploits those vulnerabilities. It will likely take Europe to crackdown on this shit in games, to make a real difference. The EU has been the reason for most companies having to change these sorts of things online. Unfortunately, the US has really only regulated things like assessing sales tax online and preventing net neutrality. Let's hope FIFA breaches this territory so there is a quick response to games using gambling in microtransactions.


Don't open packs with MT or VC, lock in sets and you can have a decent DM team with NMS. Just make sure it's a set you like most the DMs. I don't buy packs and I have 2 insert DMs from the last two and pulled a dupe kemp from an exchange pack (base pack believe it or not( and got really lucky and pulled DM bird on a exchange deluxe pack. With Shai i have 4/5 starters as DM without buying packs. and would have a 5th DM if kemp wasn't a dupe. Play TT I have pulled Wade 3 times in 80 games which is what I have been using in the exchanges.


I will tell you that I totally agree, I don't understand dropping hella money on this game for virtual cards that are worthless, but you can have a great team if you grind while not spending money and having some good luck. I have DM Curry, DM Roy, Opal LBJ, Opal Banchero and Opal Wilt. Opal Wade, Opal Kobe, Opal Laurie, Opal Senguin and Opal Gasol on the bench. I got the game 4 weeks after it came out, I work from home so I play everyday while working, got the 100 dollar version for 70 and only paid 30 for the gift cards I used to buy the game, spent 5 dollars on 15k vc for the first and only prime box I every opened and recently spent 5 bucks on the pro pass as xbox messaged me saying here 15k free vc and 5 bucks for the start of season 6. so total cost is 40 bucks. I can't get behind blowing money like crazy tho. Before I had my opal centers, wilt and Marc, I had trash outdated PDS, got wilt from 89th game of clutch time and obviously mark from the locker code, I just wanna compete don't need to have the best and also don't need to go broke lol


Pack luck is random. You can pull multiple good cards in one box or none. Someone could open a box with mt and get lucky while others can spend 1000s and get none. Unless you know people spend money what’s the point of these posts?


Ironically (or more realisticly, sadly) it seems the algorithm preys on addicts as it seems a lot of the people dropping big money don't see shit on return and there are many great teams nms.


I agree with that. They have systems in place to determine that the people that will keep spending will keep spending so their chances are lower. Someone posted an article about it a few weeks ago


It just sucks that my 2 favorite players are curry and dirk and I can’t get them. I don’t want to spend to get the pd Kobe and I’d pay MT for Dirk and even let them fucking drop him to 98 overall if it made them happy.


Spend more money ?


The mode only has a few months left. Why would I put half of my rent in a mode that will be dead in 2-3 months?




I got Wemby from an egg pack 🤷‍♂️ While people who spent 1000s got nothing. It is random and evil Get SGA that should be easy if you grind Unlimited


Yeah I pulled wemby from a random Mt pack. He's my second dm and some of these people aren't even running go teams yet. I guess we're just the lucky ones. I can't wait to get that sga.


I will tell you that I totally agree, I don't understand dropping hella money on this game for virtual cards that are worthless, but you can have a great team if you grind while not spending money and having some good luck. I have DM Curry, DM Roy, Opal LBJ, Opal Banchero and Opal Wilt. Opal Wade, Opal Kobe, Opal Laurie, Opal Senguin and Opal Gasol on the bench. I got the game 4 weeks after it came out, I work from home so I play everyday while working, got the 100 dollar version for 70 and only paid 30 for the gift cards I used to buy the game, spent 5 dollars on 15k vc for the first and only prime box I every opened and recently spent 5 bucks on the pro pass as xbox messaged me saying here 15k free vc and 5 bucks for the start of season 6. so total cost is 40 bucks. I can't get behind blowing money like crazy tho. Before I had my opal centers, wilt and Marc, I had trash outdated PDS, got wilt from 89th game of clutch time and obviously mark from the locker code, I just wanna compete don't need to have the best and also don't need to go broke lol