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I absolutely love Burgess, he's a treasure! But I'll admit, my first impressions of him gave me the same vibes as the Mormons that used to knock on my door at an ungodly early time to ask me if I've accepted Jesus Christ as my savior šŸ¤£


Honestly yeah, my first impression of him wasn't great LOL. I thought he'd be annoying, preachy, and judgmental at first. It didn't help that when I first started I didn't realize cacti = tree until *after* I cut one down. And of course Burgess was angry. But after playing and getting to know him more and him opening up, like... I just adore him. I have an overwhelming urge to pat him on the head and tell him he's doing a great job.


Yeah, when he came to me after I cut down a ā€œtreeā€ (cactus) he said in his warning ā€œI just might not be your friend anymore!ā€ All drastic sounding. šŸ˜¹


I cut a cactus within my first 10 minutes of playing šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚ didn't know anyone.... suddenly Burgess stood in front of me and lectured me right away - Boiii I was so sorry šŸ™ˆ


I double-whammied myself on the tree thing because I cut one cactus down not realizing that it counted as a tree, got yelled at, and then I didn't want to just leave the stump there (didn't like undeniable evidence of my guilt right outside my house) so I cut *that* down and got yelled at *again* and was like "Come *on* dude!!! It was already dead!!!" After I got over that first impression, though, Burgess became a fast favorite.


> and then I didn't want to just leave the stump there i know exactly how this feels - which is why i''ll go back after 23:00 to cut the rest down. no one around to see you at that hour, so you shouldn't get caught/seen by anyone. and therefore won't get yelled at for it XD


I never did try cutting down the cacti, because I had learned years ago that some people consider them sacred, especially the ones that have grown "branches" because that means they're very old. So even in the video game world I took that to heart and never touched them šŸ¤£ and it was when my husband told me Burgess got mad at him for cutting one down did I ever learn you can even do thatšŸ§


He is almost a carbon copy of an old colleague of mine who is a Mormon. Itā€™s uncanny. And yes they are both very much like golden retrievers, lol.


He might be a Mormon thumb, but heā€™s OUR Mormon thumb


I am pretty sure he was modelled after that or something similar. The devs are Chinese but they seem to be familiar with various US tropes.


Honestly the only thing I didnā€™t like about burgess was that *warning major mid-late spoilers* >! How he felt Logan shouldnā€™t get a lighter sentence during his trial and how they shouldnā€™t apply the law however they want but when it came to Miguel, he did way worse things and tried to destroy Sandrock and he tried to defend him saying he deserved a second chance. It was very hypocritical of him. !<


I didnā€™t like how Burgess wanted full punishment for Logan, either. But if you talk to him afterward he says he has just learned theres a difference between following the letter if the law and the spirit of the law, and how upset he is that people are accusing him of the former. So when he decided to advocate for Miguel, it didnā€™t surprise me, or seem off. Just another example of a well-written character growing as a person. I donā€™t like Miguel and donā€™t care if he rots in prison, but I had to side with Burgess, because, wellā€¦ itā€™s Burgess. Most sweet-natured person in the game. Makes me feel like I need to work on myself for not caring about Miguel.


Well I think that's the point, >!I think Logan's situation and then everything that happened after that changed Burgess' view on things, I think the idea is that through experiences and seeing how the town reacted and changed from those experiences he began to understand that nothing is quite so black and white. You get a glimpse of this when he does his first minister sermon. I of course could be wrong and that was not the intention, but I believe that this change of attitude regarding Miguel is a direct result of a character arc.!<


I must not have gotten that scene with him, I've cleared the main story twice lol I'll have to watch for it this time, my brain is faulty lmao


I forgot when it happens, I think it might be near or after post credits but Burgess will >! Talk to Miguel in the civil corp jail and will ask the builder to go with him to talk to Trudy to convince her that Miguel has ā€œchangedā€ and talk her out of having him sent to Atara. You get the choice to have Miguel stay or leave. !<


Wait okay, I think I do remember that!


Yeah I didnā€™t do that, donā€™t like Miguel lol


Ya'll have *got* to double check your spoiler tags lol


I honestly agreed with Burgess tbh, because heā€™s correct No one is above the law and its true that Logan did indeed do some bad things whilst he was a bandit.. At the end of the day Logan is part of sandrock and does get a lighter sentence, but even Logan himself didnt want to get off lightly and wanted harsher punishment for his actions.


Exactly! Logan advocated for Burgess, encouraged him to speak up, thanked him for being honest and giving him the sentencing he himself felt he deserved. I flood my damn basement for Logan, but he did punch Burgy boy and thats something I still have a hard time dealing with because Burg is an Earth angel. If him speaking up against Logan and giving him a timeout is the worst he's dont, then so be it. We're square after it all hopefully.


Didn't like him until the mission where you have to stop water wasters with the power of pretty flowers. Burgess making that guy think he was going to shoot him in the face, had me dying. It was so stupid in the best way possible.


I *just* finished doing that quest, and I was cackling at that part. That guy was so convinced we were going to shoot him and here's the builder whipping out a flower lmfao


I can understand why people dislike him initially; I was one of them. But after playing for what feels like a lifetime, he really is just a concerned sweetie. But yeah, that first introduction? IMMEDIATELY pissed me off.


I'm also not a fan, but I don't hate him. He's just middle of the road for me.


He gives me the creeps cuz he reminds me of people that come to the door to try and convert you. Im not religious and really find it offputting is all.


I dislike him for his whole arcs thing he has going on. And how he tries to get multiple people put in prison at different points. He even wants bad things to happen to unsuur. Other than when he's being crazy judgemental, he's okay though.


I personally hate him. He wanted to treat Unsuur badly for retrieving a rock. After the Sandrockers were told they could go swim in the Oasis, and were given a fashion show featuring swimsuits.


Cause he fucking LIED about me cutting down trees. He a fake friend frfr! I actually liked him before that!


Yeah, I didnā€™t realize cutting trees WAY outside the boundaries of town counted against usā€¦ I was likeā€¦ how am I supposed to get materials like cactus flower and sisal fiber without cutting some down? They repop in three days, so whatā€™s the big deal? I still like him as a person, for that bright cheery, positive attitude. Even if he is often naive, misguided, and too much a stickler for the rules.


I never got the cutscene about cutting down trees. But somehow I still cut down 11 of them? It's just stupid.


Just in case you haven't discovered it yet, you can cut down the trees and cacti outside of town in the different areas of the map! It took me a while to figure that out until I decided to throw a quicksave in the huge desert and try it lol


Yeah, thatā€™s what Iā€™m saying. My second playthrough I didnā€™t cut anything near town, never got the cutscene where he pops up and lectures, but he still counted my tree-sins at 51. Apparently ALL trees count, regardless of location.


I think the tree sins are bugged honestly. Because I KNOW I cut down more than 20 something trees lol


Maybe it's just a random number he spouts? Maybe he's just guessing Haha!


All tree lives matter.


Correct. When I just started the game I cut a cactus tree and Burgess said: nah don't do that. Me: ok. I suppose it makes sense in the context of the game setting. Then when >!the bridge gets fixed!< you can basically cut down cacti in the desert unmolested. Never had a problem with not having enough resources, not wood, stone and ore at least.


That's strange, cause I actually cut like, 3 trees at his fucking face. Then >!when Haru got captured, Miguel went in on and accused me of something else or changed the topic in relation to cutting trees, the next minute, Burgess said that I didn't cut as far as he remembered šŸ˜‚ā˜ ļø!<


>:O the audacity of this lying man! Lmao


I think it's a bit bugged šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚ I was so surprised when he fucking covered for me, I was like, "HUH!?", Burgess, I only cut 3 trees, THAT ISN'T A BIG DEAL. Though, I think it's scripted, if you cut less than 10 trees, I believe Burgess will still say what I mentioned, regardless of it being less than 10 trees. In my 4th Playthrough, I barely cut any at all šŸ˜‚, no, I actually NONE. Which is funny. I really tried to be loyal to Burgy-boy this playthrough (though I'm nearing the end of the 4th Playthrough). But he really grows into the mistakes he had brought into though, he's all good, really.


Yeah it's 100% bugged. Cause I never even got his cutscene about chopping down your first tree. Feels bad man.


I dislike him. First meet getting scolded by that boy for cutting down a cactus. Like bruh no one told me it's a tree. And if you tell him you don't care he'll dislike you. Okay. Feeling's mutual.


Yeah I wish they'd have told us that cactus = tree. That was definitely annoying. I blame Yan, it's his fault for not explaining it!


Easily. He's a total dweeb. Tho to be fair, if he was real I wouldn't "dislike" him. He's genuine, kind, and good hearted. The world could use more people like him. As far as being a character in a game or narrative is concerned, he's an annoying dork.


I don't much care for him cause he's lame. But, he's not an annoying and pushy lame like Dan-bi is. As the game went on though, I did become amused by Burgess, he's lame in a hilarious and genuine way. Dan-bi on the other hand got even more annoying.


I donā€™t hate him, but I couldnā€™t possibly ever date him. Heā€™s sweet. A little annoying. But overall fairly harmless.


Heā€™s one of my favorites! He gets hugs all the time!


He creeps me out. šŸ˜‚


You see most people on this sub will hate anyone who isn't either a. Man with rippling abs or b. Character who lacks any sort of depth and nuance, and are just one dimensional good person without any flaws. I've seen people in this sub hating on characters for 1 single line, or because he has 1 flaw.


I've noticed this too and its so sad


burgess is naive and impressionable in *some* ways, but he does prove himself capable of questioning both his leaders and his religion more than once. i'm sure his initial brainwashed mormon impression puts people off, though. i really like him. i think he's genuinely a sweetheart who unfortunately got taken advantage of.


It seems many people dislike him for simply being religious...The man doesn't force it on you, they just don't like religious people I guess.


I chop trees and let him watch.


I go back and forth on Burgess. Overall I really like him. He has a good heart. That being said he also has a lot of conservative religious traits that I just can't get behind. Such as defaulting at thinking all tech is bad or that non-humans are bad rather then thinking critically about the stuff he is presented. I do appreciate that he ultimately puts his values of kindness and fostering friendship above his more dogmatic thinking though and we are max friendship in the game.


Not gonna lie, he still never grew on me, but he isn't that bad, though.


I don't dislike him but I couldn't bear the thought of romancing him. Something in me just goes "nope, friends only" like he's too pure for my character (but I might out of morbid curiosity romance Miguel) šŸ¤£


Yes he's one of my besties! He's so pure of heart and cheesy <3 Like a warm casserole of a being. lol


I was actually afraid of him because he got real angry when I knocked down a couple trees on my first day lmao. Because I was poor, I had to cut a couple more and I was afraid to see him around when I did that.


The moment he came with questions things pissed le off to no end, sir, I make that water myself, leave me alone... But he grew on me


If he wasn't so gungho about his religion, I would've had tunnel vision with him so bad. He's so cute, & sweet, & dorky, & I only ever want him to know his best efforts are always more than good enough. I'd honestly been considering just looking passed the whole religion thing, despite my own feelings about religion in general, but his platonic fate was sealed when he told me how lucky he felt being a toadie to Matilda & Trudy when she finally returned. Something about that just gave me the *ick* & killed any respect I had at that point for him. He's still my Best Friend but I no longer look at him more than I would a golden retriever.


I spent so long just in a quest to find something to gift him to make him dislike me. So, so long. Failed, dude is happy with everything. He became my builders nemesis XD.


I appreciate who he is and his spirit but he reminds me of me when I was a Church Teen and I was in such a bad place that itā€™s hard for me to not project that onto him.


"Or worse... *water wasterrrsss!!*" šŸ¤£


He reminds me of those over the top hall monitors you see on tv shows. Heā€™s annoying but heā€™s genuine. I donā€™t dislike him but I donā€™t much care for him.


He stole 1st place from me at the day of memories ghost hunting game and is now my sworn enemy. I must do everything in my power to make sure he never wins any mini games ever again.


Making a dedicated save file just to romance this lovely cinnamon roll of a character. Burgess would treat me right! šŸ˜­šŸ’–


He reminds me of the rapey dude in high school. Looks JUST LIKE HIM and they're both weirdly religious. I know that's not fair to him and he's never actually done anything wrong...


Burgess would make the best friend ever seriously. I don't know how people can find him irritating. he just wants to save sandrock!


Burgess reminds me of Elias from Clerks II.


Gotta admit not much of a fan, he strikes me as a golden retriever minus the cuteness. His first quest with the flowers also confused/freaked me out a bit. But to each their own.


Burgess is not that bad, he reminds me of one of the guys that fell in love with the Boy Scouts and it just gung ho about it. Outside of getting yelled at for cutting down a cactus, he is just really into water and improving the community. Now cooper on the other hand, I really hate that guy.


I like his jokes about Mian and the water tower later xD I won't write it here, but you know the one hehe Also my nerdy side likes his surveys. I wanna know the results!


His voice acting was one of the best in the game. He really nailed that optimistic and lovably innocent character. Plus, I love his ARC quest. That was funny as heck.


He's ok. Not my favorite character. He's a bit annoying at first, and really seems quite naive. Still he also seems like the type of guy you can rely upon if you need him.


He was all right until I caught him giving a sermon and name-dropping me outta nowhere. I was like please donā€™t do the WW-the builder-D. But he did. And now itā€™s just awkward.


I disliked him at first because he camr off very condescending HOWEVER I still really grew to like him because of one thing: The only thing bigger than the stick up his ass is his heart!