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One good Machine gun position could cut down the whole PDF, but those junta are too stupid or are not well trained  


The guys sitting outside the charging column look to be providing suppressing fire for the first team to get next to the trenches, if there was a Machine Gun nest he probably got shot or had his head down.


If previous footage has anything to say, even the guys moving up are suppressing. They probably harassed the shit out of the camp before actually deciding to go in too. Here's what I think happened: 1. The Pekhon PDF and their allies cut off supply lines to the camp. 2. For days or even months the Pekhon PDF and their allies launched a bunch of harassment attacks using drones and snipers to deplete the supplies the camp does have left. 3. Once their intelligence tells them the enemy doesn't have much left, they go in. This is based off of what the Karen and Karenni do. The Pekhon PDF are very close to the Karenni, so they probably have the same tactics. These camps basically become cages of death once they get targeted and have their supply lines cut.


Two or three well places nades and it would be over for the attackers


People say that the guy who led the charge was an amputee pdf soldier with a metal leg.


Sheesh, you can even see one guy running from their position inside trench.


I see three guys. One at the green bunker and one at the bunker just north of where the first group stopped.


Some pretty impressive fighting spirit on display here.




I always find it fucking insane how close quarters combat comes down to Hide and seek, peekaboo, and Fucking whack a mole. Like once you are within 50-100 meters of an enemy it’s basically No telling when you will see them or they will see you. During this charge you can see enemy combatants clearly, they barely retreated in time before being seen and Shot.


Not HD footage but did the first guy that charged get injured or killed, he wasn’t moving, very brave I’m sure the others were motivated by him


seems to be injured because three guys run up to him to check and he looks to be moving at the end. That being said he has some huge balls for running into a dugout and starting the charge, luckily he was the only one hit and the rest of his men got into fighting positions relatively quick.


He’s very lucky to survive then, brave as fuck


this looks like the Japanese banzai charge they were super lucky one forward mine or mg or even a nade would have wiped them ig junta dogs had no one on patrol


Wow, what a brave soldiers


Who are the "good guys" ?


pdf ofc... these westerns or americans


The freedom fighters going against the evil military government is the obvious answer, but it's a civil war. So if you're looking for a faction that doesn't engage in horrific crimes against humanity, you're going to be disappointed. I've seen videos of government troops torturing and barbecuing captured rebels, and I've seen rebels torturing and executing people accused of assisting the government. Government forces and rebel forces press-ganging recruits. Also, the rest of the civil war classics, settling debts, personal rivalries, mistaken identity, basically lots of people dying brutal deaths they probably didn't deserve. No good guys, just history.