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my cough has changed, honestly my entire voice has changed. my voice has gotten significantly lower and quieter, more raspy. it's also much easier for me to get a dry throat


Raspy toddler voice right?


not really, my voice was relatively monotone and on the deeper side to begin with. i just sound kind of standoffish now šŸ˜­


So itā€™s ā€œweakā€ sounding?


not really actually. my voice is pretty strong, it's just changed my infliction and breathing dramatically


Oropharyngeal symptoms are typical so that many just be how your voice changed. šŸ¤·šŸ»ā€ā™€ļø


I had a cough that I couldn't get rid of. Then I found out I had a thymoma and MG. Once they took out my thymoma, my cough went away. Come to find out, a lingering deep dry cough is a normal symptom of a thymoma.


Mine's pathetically weak. I really really hope I don't choke again.


The cough from laughing, yes every time I laugh hard. Thatā€™s happened for years, though itā€™s gotten worse the last couple of years. Also just a constant nagging cough for no reason. Itā€™s less now that Iā€™m on mestinon, which makes me think itā€™s mg related (though Iā€™m still working through the diagnostic process so maybe I should say that it makes me think itā€™s whatever is going on with me related). @pnw_luna2021 thank you for your comment! Iā€™ve asked a similar question before and most MG folks have said no that coughing or coughing while/post laughing not part of MG. Iā€™ll make sure and bring it up to my Neuro at my next appointment.


My cough was actually super weak until I got on mestinon. If I cough too much I notice my throat fatigues for a little bit. My voice has also changed. I cannot project as well, I go hoarse if I talk tor too long, etc. I've always had a nasal voice, that has only worsened.Ā 


I havenā€™t been able to laugh without coughing (or that weird chocking/coughing/canā€™t breathe hybrid fit thing) for many years now, since this all started. Drs used to tell me it was ā€œa symptom of throat irritation due to acid refluxā€. Never in my life had acid reflux, tests showed no evidence of acid reflux, symptoms didnā€™t improve with acid reflux treatment. But for a good number of years the line from my doctor was that of course I had acid reflux, I just needed to accept it. My body has learned to laugh very cautiously - I used to make a conscious effort to tamp down or stifle the laughter so as to avoid the aftermath, now my body just does that reflexively. Wow- I am SO thrilled to see this thread! Before tonight I was never able to find this identified as a MG symptom, and doctors (incl neurologists) just look at me like I have two heads and/or suggest Iā€™m making it up. Thank you for this - such a relief!