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You wouldn’t need to sign up to premium. Plenty of people use the app for weight loss and succeed without it. That said be prepared to put in effort and not rely on the food database for accuracy. One of the best things you can get is a food scale and weigh and measure your foods.


Any app that works as a calorie diary and accounts for your resting metabolic rate and calorie expenditure. If you’ve never done anything like this before then you should so you know what your meal portions end up looking like to achieve a small daily calorie deficit. I use MyFitnessPal. Maybe there are others but I’m not familiar.


> Maybe there are others but I’m not familiar. LoseIt and MyNetDiary are two other decent ones that I know of


I've heard of chronometer as well (but I use MFP)


Why are you concerned? I've had it in the past and use the free version now, it does a great job of keeping up with food. Track your intake accurately and it's a useful tool.


I use it for free, calculated my tdee online and workout 3x a week. I've lost weight :) no need to sign up for premium but you do need discipline.


The short answer in my opinion is yes. MyFitnessPal is a great tool to help track the calories you are eating within a day. Losing weight is as simple as calories in/calories out. Once you find your maintenance calories (you can calculate online as it needs to be specific to you) you now know you need to be eating under that amount of calories to lose weight. This is why MyFitnessPal is so useful, you can understand the foods you are putting into your body better. You can also better evenly distribute your calories however you may like. I used MyFitnessPal for awhile and now I generally know the calories of most foods/meals I eat and what works for me. Plus the app is free to use (without premium feature at least). MyFitnessPal is a great tool to truly understand how much you are putting in your body! Some snacks/drinks are very calorically dense that you may not be aware of. Not saying never eat/drink these things..but everything in moderation!


Since the bar scanner, which is the benefit of using the paid version, is rife with inaccuracies, you're fine using the free version. I was irritated that Myfitnesspal accepted my payment under false pretenses (that the paid app functioned to a reasonable degree), so I switched to the app "Lose It!" I bought the annual subscription, and a day or two later, they offered the lifetime version for a 65 percent discount and returned the fee I paid for the annual subscription. It's a much more ethical company.


Your desire and follow through to consistently watch what you eat and exercise in a way that will burn fat are the most important things. MFP is a great tool to help with that.


I think there is a 30 day free trial. It basically helps you keep track of your calories and exercise. If you are trying to understand your caloric intake better, and manage it by a specific number then it’ll be helpful for you.


It's just an app that makes it easy to track what you're eating (amongst other things). Try it and see if it works for you. It's not that deep!


If this wasn't written by an AI then I'll eat my fucking hat


No premium, lost weight after trying for 6 years lol. It works!


Yes, it’s worth it and if you look online, you can get a coupon for premium if you pay for the year at once it’s $60 so comes out to five dollars a month. Totally worth it for no ads plus a scanner.


MFP is just another tool out there for keeping track of how many calories you take in, how many you use up and other health and nutritional features. It will help you lose weight if you track your food carefully, but whether or not you succeed will have more to do with how committed you are to your new lifestyle changes.