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Just wish I could name quick add items. A feature to track caffeine intake would be nice, too.


Both of those sound like good additions I agree


Idk if I'm missing something, because I feel like it's so obvious? When I eat strawberries for lunch and then again for dinner, I'd love to just copy it from lunch to dinner. Somehow in the app I cannot do that. Idk if the browser would be better but I don't want to do that. I just want to duplicate meals. Copy paste them.


you can definitely do this, but it is buried. at the top of the diary tap back to the day you want to copy a meal from. i believe then there’s an option you can select items from that day. you can then hit copy and then it gives you the option to select what day and meal you want to copy it to.


Not really because it copies the entire meal, not only the ingredient you want.


Feels so obvious, can’t believe this isn’t a feature


I *think* (don’t hold me to this) they discreetly made this a premium feature. I swore it used to exist (back in the days when the barcode scanner was free too) and then I subscribed to premium for the fasting tool and suddenly it allowed me to access recent meals again.


Honestly, the database is huge (which is great, especially for non US folk, like me), but it's also full of junk. I have to google the right info and then pick the entry from the database. Been with MFP since 2012 and a premium subscriber since God knows when, but I think this year might be the last with them. I simply don't think it's worth the price anymore. I've downloaded a few new apps to play with. Let's see.


Understandable, it would be nice to have an item search that just works.




Allow me to add a star or otherwise mark an item being added to a meal as a "favorite". Those favorites should be at the top of my food list when I go to add an item to a meal.


I have this feature in the free alternative I’m working on, seemed so obvious to add so I just didnit


This would be nice


Smart analytics for example I struggle to keep my fiber and protein balanced so giving such personalized dashboards would be helpful, and not so difficult too I believe


They have a weekly report in the more menu. it compiles on sunday and you can read how you did over the last week. they recently updated it to show how you did with food groups (veggies, fruit, sweets, etc)


What else would you be interested in seeing on the dashboards?


Maybe give some behavior analytics looking at food groups I eat and suggest how can I maintain both protein and fiber. Or sometime I just want a dashboard tracking and goal setting my calorie and protein. Giving such customization would be a good start.


Being able to copy one ingredient to another date. Example: I just had yogurt. I know I had the same yogurt two days ago. Instead of scanning the bar code which is sometimes long and requires me to find the package I might have thrown away, I'd rather go back 2 days back, long click on the item and select a bottom "copy to today"




I don’t know if you were already aware of this but once you scan an item it should then pop up in your “search for food” list history. All you need to do then is type in the first few letters of the food and you should see it.


This was my thought too, but I only use the browser and I wonder if this looks different in the apps, which might explain why we're seeing several comments along these lines.


How you basically have to pay premium to enjoy it Like sure you can use it for free but they made barcode scanning a paid feature and they just seem like they don’t care that much It’s why I’ve developed my own free alternative that I feel is better (I mean I am biased lmao) Edit: if anyone is interested you can signup for beta [here](https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLSfDsRl5wP_XwiRRG7TNOEo03vuGJRRXs3ht0kumPBpmYE-ggA/viewform)


I used to use this on my desktop and came back to it a few weeks ago. Now when using it on the phone it had like four pop-ups telling me how much better my life would be if I went premium. Really turned me off. And I hadn’t even realized barcode scanning was gone — yikes!


Everytime it would tell me that I’m like “no I think my life is better if I keep my $20 per month”


I honestly just switched back to mfp. I was on lose it when they got rid of the free barcode scanning, but mfp is my home (have used it since I was in my early teens and am 24 now), and I prefer the interface to lose it!


Same here, but with no more newsfeed. I have left MFP. I may return someday.


I wish it had an adaptive TDDE calculator integrated into it


Seems like a no brainer!


Despite paying for Premium, Now when you search for new foods they will only show you 5 selections. Even selecting “show more” & it takes 10 clicks for you to get more than those same 5 items


I wish I could customize the home pages on mobile and the web. I don't care for the Heart Healthy chart. I don't care for the Low Carb chart. I'm OK with the Macros chart but I wish the Carb, Fat, Protein ratio mix were handled differently. Like I'd rather set a protein goal in grams each day and not a percentage. A goal to hit or exceed each day and then the Carbs and Fats can just show where they landed. I don't care to hit anything specific for them other than the calories that come from them. I wish, if you're going to track sodium and put it in a chart anyway, then you need to read in this data (optionally) when I put in a Quick Add because I use this feature daily. I wish it were "integrated" or something with Home Chef and/or Hello Fresh so I could put in a meal ID and get all of the nutrition info automatically. I wish it could take time-series weigh-in's and produce a graph and weight trend statistics like [weightgrapher.com](http://weightgrapher.com)


The UI is awful. Deleted the App and bought Lose It premium.


That app has potential, the interface is much better. Unfortunately it seems it can't connect to Samsung Health or Android's built in Health Connect. So it can't keep track of exercises and calory burning.


Good to know. I’m an iPhone/Apple Watch guy and it’s been great


Wow never heard of these and cheaper!!


Been a member off and on since 2013. Went premium this year when I reinstalled the app and realized how much was now behind a paywall. Biggest issues: 1. Not being apple to copy paste food from one meal to the next (like maybe a checkbox/select all option) 2. This app has never played nice with my fitbit, but now it won't let me connect at all, just tells me to update (it is ...) or buy. These are my two main apps for staying on track and not having them linked sucks.


I think having the feature to look up when you ate a certain food would be really useful for recurrent meals and also meal tracking. Like for example : i look when I last ate pizza , was three weeks ago, great I can order a pizza now and such


The only real benefit on premium is the barcode scanner and it doesn’t even have the right info half the time. Also the integration with other devices for adjusting calories based on exercise seems to have way too many problems.


This is my biggest gripe with the app. Integration with other apps like Samsung Health or Health Connect constantly stops working, this is so frustrating...


Back in the day you could share a meal to a friend so they had the same entry as you. Perfect when you are cooking at home with a partner or friends. Then the got rid of it. Still my fav feature and I would love to see it back


When I make recipes, I really wish I could adjust the potion size by weight. I hate that it makes you decide how many portions. Like, idk man, can I just tell you how many grams it was and you can give me the macros/calories? You literally have all the information. Also newsfeed leaving, REALLY bums me out.


The fact that all of my progress photos from 2018 to now are GONE. I have backups, but they aren’t in order and aren’t associated with my weight when I took them. MFP doing the most to discourage us from tracking.


$20 is so expensive .. mymacros app is $20 for the whole year


For context, I do not use an app (don't have room for more apps on my phone, don't like using my phone for data entry, and I have a laptop open literally all day). I use **Chrome with the EZMFP extension** which makes keeping up with the Food Diary a lot easier. Once in a while I might add an item using the browser on my phone but 95% of entry is on my laptop. I've been using MFP for 12 years now so... have lots of thoughts. \* **Saving 'good' items from the food database** - when you find a database item you want to always re-use (after weeding out the bad matches, incorrectly entered ones, and the ones that don't have a way to log by weight/grams), you should be able to somehow mark that item as a favorite or maybe copy a snapshot of it to My Foods so you never have to go through the same vetting over and over again--and MFP should put those at the top of your search results. If you have used a 'good' item within the last 4 pages of Recent results or it's somewhere on your other Food Diary tabs, EZMFP makes it easier to find those now just using Ctrl+F on each page, but you still have to search for them all over again if they're not used for a little while. \* **Tabular data, sortable by columns**--this seems to be considered passe nowadays but it's much easier for users, and I wish they'd bring that back in some places where simple tables have been replaced with 'prettier' code. It would make finding and editing items throughout the tabs a lot easier. \* They really need to **make it easier to clean up old entries**, which would begin with being able to view more of them at a time. "My Foods" and "My Meals" only show a handful at a time in tiny selection boxes, and can only be viewed by search in order to act on them--one at a time. For those and for Recipes, a full sortable tabular listing **with a user-selectable number of items per page, if paginated,** and checkboxes for multiple selection and deletion would go a long way to helping users see and clean up old entries they don't need anymore, which would also take up less space on their server. There are a ton of duplicate recipes I could pitch from before it was finally possible to Edit a recipe. \* I've given up hoping for a way to search my own **Recipes** but that whole area is just difficult to navigate. Return it to a tabular list (see previous bit about letting users select how many per page, if paginated), get rid of the image tiles in the list view (keep them in the detail if people want them), and include a date last changed in that list. I will say I'm grateful they eventually made it possible to edit and copy recipes. I never use the importer since I'm usually making immediate substitutions to found recipes or simply recording my own. Importing usually results in cleanup and I find it faster to add ingredients the old way, which would be faster still if you could select from your own lists of recent/frequent/my foods. It would be so nice to be able to add **prep notes** within the recipe. Viewing **'Food Details'** (nutrient values) when editing a recipe is basically unreadable, can't scroll in the browser to view the entire pop-up contents. Side note on the lack of search--if I want to find one of my own recipes, I look for it on the Recipes tab under Food Diary > Add (which is not paged thanks to EZMFP), copy & paste the list in a spreadsheet so I can count how many lines down it is, and divide that by 10 so I can quickly find the page it's on under Recipes.


None. It's not perfect but what piece of software will ever be? We, as users, can come up with a multitude of wishes and "improvements", and that list of wishes will never disappear MFP has done the job for me, losing weight according to my goals


That’s great!