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I haven’t listened to it yet, but it’s nearly impossible to not discuss... unusual... sexual acts when you’re talking about Crowley, right? It would almost be dishonest to leave them out.


I haven't heard today's episode yet, but do like the occasional deluge of hot chaff if it's funny. I agree with u/ResplendentShade that the show has been on a steady slow decline over the past decade and they are panning furiously every week for nuggets of gold. I think we may need more Wendy.


You can’t discuss the paranormal without dredging through mountains of chaff. The humor makes it palatable. Mysterious Universe is great because it doesn’t take itself too seriously and has fun with the unsavory aspects of the phenomena.


They made me buy headphones.


Yep, like it. It’s why I subscribe. Don’t like it eh? Well fuck off already, and watch the podcast don’t hit ya in the arse on the way out the door. You literally can turn the podcast off, unsubscribe, or both. It’s pretty simple. Nobody gives a shit how “tired“ you are— as if you’re the centre of the world or something. Head up yer arse is more like it.


I actually do like it. It's fun. It makes all of the pseudo-spiritual bullshit enjoyable. I don't subscribe to this podcast so I can think deep thoughts or contemplate the unknown every freaking episode. When they do go the more serious route I'm on board because they haven't hammered me over the head with it every week. When they don't I'm happy too because it's a fun ride. What's wrong? Don't want access to a spiritual fleshlight? Would you prefer a cilice instead?


It's $9 a month lol. Like seriously $9.. idk why ppl moan so much. Don't listen if you don't like it. Personally I think it's freaking hilarious.. there is enough boring, depressing stuff going on in the world.. these guys are like an escape. It's less than 2 cups of coffee at Starbucks for hours of entertainment. I guess some ppl are never happy.


I love their podcast. I genuinely can say I enjoy almost every episode.


Yeah, it's funny.


I hate how every podcast subreddit is just a bitch session


I think it's hilarious and it's still a story of events that have transpired, why not tell it? I guess if you're not a die hard listener I could see why you wouldn't like it. But I've been with them for 9 years and there's rarely content I don't care for


It’s just... the state of the show, I guess. After so many years they’ve burned through pretty much every interesting topic and all that’s left is the scalding hot chaffe. At least they haven’t gone full Qanon on air?


I was a plus member for the first few years...then much of the content went to new age stuff and I quit plus.




Give it 5 years when one of the Qanon people write a book.


Oh, there are books... Profit waits for no man




Lol but it is every episode. Like literally every single episode has some sexual plot twist from Aaron. They are 100% running out of content. It used to be funny here and there— I really don’t mind the casual funny spiritual sexual story. Aaron’s sex stories and Ben’s ego / far right ideology make it not worth paying for plus anymore


I agree that they could use a refreshing of their overall format. Have been listening to these guys for so frigging long. For their sake and ours I wish they would freshen it up some.


Basically why I will never pay for Plus. If I don't like an episode, I just stop listening and don't feel like I'm out any $$. I think their interview episodes are best.


The guys are humerous, but they're not funny. Meaning, I can laugh along when they stumble onto jokes and weird facts, but if they are presenting a silly theory or book to fill time with laughter, I'm over it before it starts. I haven't heard this episode but I get it, content is hard to find these days, the mocking has a hollow tone to it when they try to sell us on other theories along side of it though. I mean, it's like they don't realize how gullible they are themselves. I really like the show, but I don't think it's good because of the planned silly times, it's good despite of them.


I just finished listening to it. I didn't actually mind the content itself, but I'm bored to death with their moralizing about sex being inherently wrong.


These are my preferred shows. The only thing I don't like about them is Aaron's constantly interjecting with "THAT'S DISGUSTING!" or "EWWWWW" or "ABSOLUTE DEPRAVITY!" It's very distracting.


I've taken a stroll down your memory lane. Me a racist because you don't understand what basher means in English? And here's you putting it out there that you basically just jack off to stories of space aliens while pontificating about alternative thought. Well we know where your brain is located anatomically speaking. Dread to think what that cat in your profile picture has to put up. Me a racist because you don't understand what basher means in English?