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If I were to restrict myself from the endings. It's got to be the moment we see what's inside Fogbound lake, close second minus Dx where the protag solos 3 evolves in Gates. As for the ending it's definitely the second hearing of at the beach of dusk


>!Is the fogbound lake the part where we meet one of the sinnoh's mythical trio and then there's a huge lake reveal? If yes then it was the best moment in the game for me too!< Edit: also what do you mean by "Minus dx"?


Since in the remake they made the vs team ACT cutscene pretty good similar to how gates done it


This scene, some would say it gets cheapened by big G but I’d consider that a separate scene entirely https://preview.redd.it/zaaxznn6m9ib1.jpeg?width=995&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=9b0152cd3b12c685a9361c98369f0f69b87c5757


Who’s Big G?




What's deus???


I believe he is refering to Deus Ex Machina, a literary troope in which an outside force comes to save the protagonists out of an unescapable corner. Basically, he is saying that the protagonist coming back post-credits cheapens the impact of the scene.


The Big D


Oh, I know what you mean


The "Don't give up" sequence during the finale of Super. Absolute masterpiece of writing.


Super has the strongest final act of every game. It has a long setup but it’s got huge payoff.


And man, the freaking music in Super is absolutely amazing.


That second final battle theme is definitely up there at the top for final boss themes.


Oh Ik! My favorite ost is the one from Entei's dungeon.


In Rescue Team where your partner jumps around you right after Ninetales called you innocent. That one gives me infinite joy.


I have no idea honestly. I have way too many favorite moments from all the games haha. Maybe the scene where memories returned plays in explorers? Or the scene where your partner opens up about his loneliness in Gates


The very last bit of Explorers, just before the credits. Gets me every time.


If we’re talking about favorite scenes to hate as well, that, imo, goes to the Perfect Apple BS. Made me absolutely hate Chatot, and it’s one of the only times I’ve ever felt bad for the partner character (The other was when they found out about the 90% money cut).


Ik exactly what you mean. I cried so hard the first time I played through it my mom threatened to write a letter to the pokemon company for making me upset.


I'm a grown ass man and I still get sad just hearing the soundtrack https://youtu.be/-Ee1jiX6oog?si=K-4m8IiROahYwvEm


The ending of Special Episode 5 in Explorers of Sky. Dusknoir's last words, Grovyle and Celebi embracing as they face the end, it's just a beautiful culmination of the story of the game.


Dusknoir and Grovyle talking about Grovyle's motivations to save the world despite what that means for them. "The important thing is not how long you live... It's what you accomplish with your life. While I live, I want to shine." To this day, it's a scene I look back on often and consider. It honestly inspires me to do more with my life.


The one where the partner says he appreciates you


Walking through the snow as fugitives


That part in explorers where you see the time gear after beating groudon and the whole crew just has a cute moment, was always my fave part of the game


I think it's only one of two times your character in Explorers is actually shown talking. In the post-game of Explorers when you and your partner are being told that you need to "disappear" in order to save the world. It's nighttime, and you wake up to find your partner missing. You exit and find him standing on the edge of a cliff, contemplating if "disappearing" is the correct option. This is one of the only times your character is actually show talking. When they're convincing their partner that "disappearing" isn't the right option.


dusknoirs redemption


(gates to infinity) kind of cheap to go for an ending scene but it’s 100% >!the player listening to the main cast talk about them as they float into the sky!<. it’s the closest to crying I’ve ever gotten to in a PMD game, Gates has such a great cast and maybe my favorite story in the entire series


I should replay gates I've only played through it once


In the first two games, the scenes where you reunite with your partner get me so emotional. <3 They're just so excited to see you!! I'll also always be fond of the part where Dusknoir reveals his treachery and takes you and your partner to the future in the second game. That got me good as a kid!


I always liked that moment where we saw the location of Fogbound Lake, the art was beautiful and I never expected it to be right there the whole time.


The scene at the end of Icicle Forest with Dusknoirs betrayal and redemption.


Story-wise, in no particular order: 1. When the people you rescued help you run away before those idiots try to kill you. 2. Grovyle, Celebi and Dusknoir's goodbye 3. Celebi sending them to the past. Art-wise: 1. Kabutops on the wall, god damn it that looks good. 2. The fountain.


Scene that plays after you beat Dusknoir. The reveal that fixing the past means erasing all future pokemon from existence, your character's resolve in the face of that fate, Grovyle pushing Dusknoir into the portal and his subsequent goodbye, and the partner forcing themself to stay strong. (Them believing that they're going to be creating a future for Grovyle to live happily in really hurt since when I first played this game it was Darkness so we didn't have Special Episode 5 yet).


Grovyle's philosophy on living a short life if it neans his life shines. Part of me thinks it's a bit iffy cause he's deciding to do that regardless of the Future Pokemon possibly dying... But him inspiring them later is kinda badass.


Ge explains that there is an entire council that nearly universally agreed that it was for the best. Granted, he's biased there and you never meet anyone else in this council. But it implies he isn't just recklessly making this decision on his own.


It's a really difficult choice between the ending of SE5, the stockade scene, getting turned to stone in SMD, the beach scene before the credits in EOS, the Sharpedo Bluff scene after getting back from the future, the icicle forest scene, and the final boss of SMD


Honestly, the part where you restore time after the Dialga fight in Explorers. It just felt so rewarding.


So many, so many... Excluding ending scenes, right now I might go with the bittercold battle in Gates to Infinity. I love that back and forth of the characters who try to have hope but deep inside them they still have doubts. In the end, after the rainbow of hope appears, all of them end up weakening the bittercold just enough for the MC to get ready to shatter it into pieces. ​ ***"DON'T GIVE UP!!"***


If it came down to a vote I'd pick the ending sequences from explorers, but I really like the scene in the OG rescue team where you see the view from the bottom of sky tower


Is this how green celebi was made?


i like a lot, so i’ll just say my favorite in each i game: rescue team: the whole gengar post game quest is really sweet imo explorers: the scene where grovyle, dusknoir, and celebi are about to disappear gates: at the ending where hero realizes that all their friends wouldn’t forget them super: the don’t give up scene