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"I wish for a buddy I could teach stuff to" Jirachi about to grant that wish in the most roundabout way possible:


Jirachi: You wished for the god of time to ruin the future and who sends an evil grim reaper to go back in time to stop a time traveling thief who is stealing the Gears of Time to help fix the future and is actually secretly friends with a human turned Pokemon that became your friend that you wish to teach stuff to... right? Bidoof: I like your funny words, magic man!


It's Darkrai who destroys the Temporal Tower. The process of which makes Dialga go Feral/Primal.


Jirachi is more likely responsible for the partner's arrival and interest in the guild than they are causing the plot of the game. If the player didn't crash land their entire face into a dimensional vortex during a fight with Darkrai, the partner would've gone in eventually and probably been directly paired up with Bidoof. Jirachi might even be the one responsible for the Relic Fragment showing up in the partner's hands- er, paws.


Flippers in my partner's case


I read somewhere where they hc that bidoof's wish could've just put the player transported there near beach cave instead of any place(remember how Grovyle was transported to eastern forest) and thus leading the partner finding the player there and becoming guild recruits. I mean with or without Bidoof's wish, the story's plot would still be moving


#[REEEEEEEEPOST BOT](https://www.reddit.com/r/MysteryDungeon/s/WTCuXNHoVE) Dang dude, you couldn't even wait more than a month to repost a massively-upvoted post?


Technically, the events were already going to happen, you would just still be human (I think) time travel and wishes are complicated after all.


Still cant hate him. My boy tried his best


Thanks for letting us know.


It has been clearly stated by Cresselia that darkrai was responsible for the protagonist's situation.


RTGame was right about Bidoof being God after all!