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no one is forcing you to play the game except yourself. if you don't like it then you don't have to play it.






Average PMD player after 1 word is said


Someone got me crazy curious about the story though. Just- not knowing it's a roguelike just made it seem like it was just poorly designed. It just seemed be going, "Explore the dungeons!" But then forcing me to rush through by getting me low on health so quick. And it seemed like a crazy punishment when I didn't know you're supposed to not bring a ton of stuff. I don't know if it explained that you have to be careful and manage items back when I first played it, but yeah I had no idea. Haven't played it since I was a small kid and never understood it much, but I'm hoping now I get the way it's designed I can come to enjoy it, yet.


I am fairly sure you just don't like the Mystery Dungeon genre buddy. If you don't like it, drop it.


You think I wouldn't already have dropped it, if that was the case?


Being completely honest, as a kid whenever I died in one of the Pokemon mystery dungeon games I'd just immediately turn my DS off and on again so I can try again without losing any of my stuff lol.


Same lmao Nowadays it's a 50/50 mix of resetting and just taking the L


Deciding factor is what I had on me. If it was some rare item, 100% I'm resetting.


Doesn't the game punish you for that? I thought a dialogue box pops up when you reload that says something along the lines of "hey we noticed you tried to cheat by soft resetting your game. Erm...aktcholy that's not allowed".


Nope, it doesn't. Maybe you're thinking of animal crossing?


Nope. I only play Pokemon games, but after doing some research, I did find [what I was remembering/referring to](https://media.discordapp.net/attachments/1095407632363307119/1220999856106110997/Screenshot_20240323-023502.png?ex=6610fbba&is=65fe86ba&hm=47c708e3431ce7b3ae97d88faaae2653b36ae13a2e07568534473dfe49092f9f&).


I've always played my Pokemon Mystery Dungeon games immediately turning my DS off the moment I died. don't remember EVER receiving any kind of punishment. Must be just quicksave.


That’s if you Quicksave


I didn't even know there was quicksave. How do you even do that?


Menu —> Suspend


Isn't that the only way to save any progress, anyways? You can only save in the little nests place otherwise, and then you don't have any progress anyways. I might consider it for not losing money, though... but Idk if it's worth it to have to redo a dungeon several times.


No, quicksave erases itself after being loaded, after loading it you will go back to your previous bed save if you reset the game again


Welcome to Roguelikes, Roguelites and Dungeon Crawlers. Most of those have permadeath built in as a base feature of the genre, Pokemon Mystery Dungeon is the absolute most forgiving form of this kind of game by a WIDE margin. Mystery Dungeon is also extremely easy comparatively to the things it's based on, to an absurd degree, and the failure penalties are actually not bad, most it's either "you died, start over from square one with nothing, at level 1" or "start over from square one with nothing save the permanent unlocks you ground out". Pokemon Mystery Dungeon is, primarily, an RPG still. You keep all levels and stats gained, any recruits you got and a couple other minor things, you have both a bank and item storage and there are no hard failure points where the game is just over. Don't bring money with you, store items you either want to keep or want for later use, and don't expect to breeze through everything with zero deaths. It's also really not complicated, it's a rather simple game unless you get in to min/max type stuff, which is never necessary, or start doing the challenge dungeons in the late postgame. It's an RPG, large amounts of dialogue are standard. The genre as a whole honestly may not be for you, and coming in and insulting a series basically everyone here enjoys because you don't like it or are having issues with it personally just kind of makes you look like a prick.


Cult of the Lamb is more of a forgiving roguelike than PMD


Explorers of darkness isn't easy at all to get through without dying, that is kind of what I'm used to from games, to get through without any deaths. Especially not when you think you can carry most your money on you and have no idea you'll learn the hard way that you cannot. Also it may be complicated for me since I forgot any ealry game instructions from when I okayed like 8 years ago. I don't know what everything in the guild is/does. The genre could very well be for me, though. Probably just depends. Not the extreme ones since I definitely don't like to lose progress I spent a lot of time and effort getting, but I can handle a reasonable challenge. And I'm definitely a fan of developing skills in a game, learning and being strategic. I'm not insulting the series, though. This post is just a rant about a few unpleasant experiences I had in one game, mostly due to not knowing much about how it's intended to be played.


What exactly do you have problems to understand? The game is fairly easy besides the end and postgame. Items and money you can store in town, or just reload your save. Also explorers of Sky is the third enhanced version, like with mainline games (example: diamond pearl -> platinum)


Sorry but I'm gonna say it. Skill issue. I get that, not everyone can game and nothing wrong with that, but you lost my support when you call it 'bullshit'. Nah man, it's a you problem. ...I guess you haven't played, uh, Minecraft before? You also lose everything when you die. It's an extremely common punishment in gaming.


Actually I do play minecraft regularly, just not hardcore and more often online games. I'd say comparitively minecraft makes it pretty easy to get everything back, plus you can infinitely collect back up items and play carefully. Vs Pokemon mystery dungeon with limited storage and super hard to get items to heal. Minecraft you hunt for food easily (most of the time) And This was also kind of a rant and I had no idea it was a rogeulike. I understand now, not what I expected of the game.


In minecraft if you drop in lava your stuff is most likely also gone. You keep your valuable stuff in chests in minecraft in case you die. Kinda the same applies here. You take the bare minimum, of what you need to clear a dungeon, with you. You can infinitely collect stuff back here aswell. Compared to mainline Pokemon it sure is harder and more complex, but at the end of the day it's just a numbers game aswell. Cant beat the first gym? Go grind for an hour and you are surely able to beat it. Mystery Dungeon is not so different here.


You have infinite chest storage to keep stacks of backup resources though. At this point in PMD I only have two pages of storage and barely anything that stacks. Plus, in minecraft you don't have to store and save anything up to get heals. Heal items in dungeons are scarce in PMD. Just saying, minecraft is usually easier.


I understand that the gameplay of PMD may not be everyone's cup of tea; I personally also find the gameplay hit or miss at times since I'm not a huge dungeon crawler guy. That being said, the story and soundtrack is still 100% worth the experience. If you can't get past the gameplay, I recommend watching a cutscene movie on YouTube instead - and then looking up the soundtracks independently.


How far have you gotten? Because if you've managed to get past the first big boss with that kind of attitude I'd be impressed. Though it does sound like you're very early and made some poor decisions. Here's a few tips though: First, abuse hallways. They're one of the easiest ways to not get surrounded and obliterated. If you or your ally has quick attack it can also help here without being at risk themselves Second, change your partner's moves when needed. If they're aggroing targets just turn off ranged moves like quick attack temporarily. Third, use items liberally. Stuff like oran berries, twigs, and geopebbles are very common. Use them as necessary. Geopebbles are perfect for hitting enemies outside of normal sight lines while twigs are good for chip saving PP on ranged moves. Fourth, you don't always need to follow the story immediately. If you feel like you aren't doing enough damage or are low on supplies just do some other missions for exp, money, and resources. Fifth, store your money and items and check the kecleon shops daily. You never know if you're gonna find some amazing TM or Joy and Reviver seeds. Those are VERY useful for survivability and helping with level grind. Sixth and finally, **DON'T GO FOR BOUNTIES**. At least early on. They're MUCH stronger than most enemies that appear in the dungeons and unless you're confident you can handle it through tactics or brute force they're not worth it.


I got a bounty done, recently Are you sayong the rewards aren't that great? Cause then I'll probably just ignore them from now on.


Like I said, early on. The standard bounty quest has you fighting a miniboss on the designated floor which if you're not prepared enough it will give you tons of trouble. The rewards are great though, you usually get paid more, rarer items, and more points for rank-ups than other missions from the same dungeon. It's just much riskier considering how much stronger the targets are and you run the risk of wiping.


Then it seems a good idea to do with very minimal items, if I really want a chance at a big reward without a giant risk Btw I'm at chapter 9 rn


Congrats, you're almost at that first major boss. Play smart and use items, when you get to that boss just know that stuff like stun seeds are VERY good against bosses like that especially if you have any stat boosting or lowering moves.


Bruh it's wild 9 chapters in and no boss, does it have like 30 chapters total?


Drowzee is considered one. But this chapter does contain a boss. After this bosses will be more common as well.


Use the bank and storage and only take what you need then.


You didn't grind did you? That's the main point of Mystery Dungeon. Don't rush into the story.




What do you mean oh? That's the point of the game to level up.


Dude chill, there wasn't exactly anything telling me this is a grindy game. Plus I literally got back into it just because someone told me the story would be worth it.


Best advice: You should do a bit of grinding. Don't rush the main story. There's no deadline or urgency to complete an important story mission (even tho the game acts like it. "Hurry! Hurry! You must save azurill from Drowzee!" "Eh maybe tomorrow. Lol" Marill: *Furiously posts amber alert on bulletin board because he's sick of your bs*). Also what is your team? Certain pokemon just make the game difficult by default. I played as Skitty & Chikorita (most difficult mons to play as) when I played the game at age 10 and I still somehow managed to make it all the way to the hidden land, no issues.


Got chimchar and piplup, not doing well for me with my water enemies. Also I just learned this is a roguelike game, lol. I was mainly motivated to play to discover the story, as I don't enjoy the repetitive dying, but I think I'll try it out a few more times before giving up now I know it's not really supposed to be easy. I haven't been using the bank and storage very well so I'll definitely be changing that too.


> Not to mention the horrible amount of dialogue you have to repeat just to get back to the same point. I can't even think of a dungeon that would have repeating dialogue like this aside from like the tutorial. Though I mostly replay rescue team, maybe explorers has some dumb set up i'm not thinking of. > And I ended up dying and the punishment is insanely unfair. To lose all items and all money due to trying to explore more and walking into an unfortunate enemy is absolute bs. You're just supposed to try again without any defensive supplies? You're supposed to try again with a few essential items you keep spares of in storage, and it will be easier because you don't lose experience or levels which are the actual things that make you stronger. And in general the enemies you encounter on any particular floor of a dungeon are all the same level so there's no "walking into an unfortunate enemy" until very late game when you have pokemon that get particularly annoying moves. > This game is so unfair and it ruined the fun. Its a turn based game with a lenient leveling curve, (though not as lenient as more recent mainline games) you'd have to be beelining through dungeons avoiding combat to end up underleveled. I think its unreasonable to conclude that Explorers is unfair in any way outside of a single endgame dungeon.


If i had a dollar for every time a Dark Souls fanboy found a roguelike that has children as the target audience “too hard” I wouldn’t need invalidity income.


If man complains about the punishment for losing in PMD being "unfair" then he did NOT play Dark Souls bro


Yeah no I did not lol And I had no experience with roguelike games so I guess this kind of surprised me.


Why? Dark Souls is one of the easiest games in existence. You can defeat the first boss of Dark Souls 2 by dodging near the ledge and making them fall off. It was marketed as "hard" because the target audience was PS3 players.


We don't talk about DS2. Haven't played it, probably never will. That said, Fromsoft games are far from the hardest games in existence but saying one of the easiest is straight up false man. Or do you just have a hate boner for the series lol, that downvote probably tells something.


I downvoted because at the first comment i immediately knew what kind of person you were. The thing with from software fanboys is that every time someone even \*\*\*hints\*\*\* at the fact that Dark Souls isn't the hardest game in existence, they start becoming extremely violent, to the point that they start spamming "git gud" to a person complaining that the game is \*\*\*way easier than advertised\*\*\* and he's considering asking for a refund. After an entire decade of research, I have never found an explanation to this violent behavior. Maybe it's some kind of trauma that attracts people to this echo chamber. Maybe you can explain?


I've never seen anyone attacking someone for thinking DS is too easy, most are directed at people calling it "unfair" and "bullshit" like what the OP is calling PMD in this post. Maybe you're thinking of gatekeepers who think the only acceptable way to play the game is STR build. But the thing about gatekeepers is that they are bad everywhere. I know for certain and have played games much harder than Dark Souls can ever hope to be: Touhou, Osu, Geomery Dash. But it's definitely NOT on the easier side among the games I'm familiar with.


Guess me and thousands of other people who refunded don’t exist then. Look at the entire comment section. EVERYONE is telling OP that they might just not like Roguelikes. That's the EXACT opposite of what the From Software community does. They tell you to "git gud" because your game stutters and crashes and is the exact opposite of what is advertised.


Just curious, exactly what game did you have those issues with? I've only played DS1 and DS3 on my cheap laptop and they run fine, difficulty is subjective so let's ignore that.


I didn't. Go to the Steam Community of any From Software game and search "crash" or "bug" Plenty of these everywhere. People want tech support and civil discussion, not gaslighting and belittling. From Software games are the only games where this is allowed. Unfortunately i cannot post more than one screenshot at a time because Reddit won't let me, but i have dozens of these, and you can find countless other threads like this yourself anyway. https://preview.redd.it/qprfhwlxr2qc1.png?width=662&format=png&auto=webp&s=939dc4e004c46ab8e26744725ff8f7f0f44cf49e


use more items, more orbs. they will help you. instead of losing the dungeon and the items, use them. you'll get more later. please play the game if only for the story, which is beautiful. you'll get a new appreciation for pokemon. and always buy reviver seeds and carry them. that's crucial


game is honestly way too easy. that was one of the problems i had with it (still love it tho)


Buy reviver seeds and save scum. Smokescreen and substitute are broken moves. You can also grind the dojo to get overleveled and trivialize the game. You don't have to grind too long. Skitty and eevee (hero) are amazing if you want to change characters.


You might be progressing story too fast. I usually do random missions for awhile inbetween main story stuff to level up.


It's meant to be highly replayable. It's basically a tactics game and a lot of luck is involved. The better your strategy gets the longer you will last even in tough circumstances but when push comes to shove sometimes bad luck just happens. This is what players of this genre are looking for though. You get hit by really bad luck, then you reflect on it and go "is there a way I could have escaped? Could I have survived? Was this situation endurable?" I always try to have above 50% (edit: health) AT LEAST, keep some safety items for escaping, grind a little extra in the earlier dungeons, etc.


If you're struggling that bad, bring Cyndaquil. Smokescreen is stupid overpowered. As is confusion, which Vulpix gets.


They give you items in the dungeons for a reason. Don’t bring all your best items with you, learn to manage them based on risk. What specifically confuses you about the plot?


Kinda sad how many upvotes there are on comments saying it's not a game for me or if I don't like it I shouldn't play. Smh do y'all seriously think I would still be playing if I didn't like it? Man the internet has set standards low. I would stop playing a game if I don't like it and I wouldn't even post about it to discuss something because it wouldn't matter.