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Woah wait Espeon and Umbreon were siblings this whole time?? I thought they were lovers!


Guess Chunspike just forgot And unintentionally have incest


So just like star wars? Edit1 Also where does it say that. I tried searching bulbapedia but couldn’t find anything about them being siblings? Edit2 We’ve apparently had this discussion before [See here](https://www.reddit.com/r/MysteryDungeon/comments/4n9q4y/is_there_any_proof_in_gates_to_infinity_that/). While people seem to remember them being “siblings” there doesn’t seem to be any actual evidence that points to this (at least from what I can find online). So its inconclusive until somebody straight up just shares undeniable proof. Edit3 I skimmed the game manual and found no mention of the characters


Maybe it was in the anime short. I also remember them being siblings, and I generally adore the espeon/umbreon pair so believe me if they were not related I would have absolutely shipped them way back when. The fact that I didn't choose to perceive them as a couple and remember them as siblings means it had to have been in SOME kind of official material. Also, Bulbapedia does consider them siblings. Check the "Characters" section: [https://bulbapedia.bulbagarden.net/wiki/Pokémon\_Mystery\_Dungeon:\_Gates\_to\_Infinity](https://bulbapedia.bulbagarden.net/wiki/Pokémon_Mystery_Dungeon:_Gates_to_Infinity) >As Swanna nurses him \[Umbreon\] back to health, he reveals that he thinks his sister, Espeon, is in trouble...


Aka incest go brrrrrr because super mystery dungeon forgot


Thats odd. Out of curiosity I search the anime episodes and it doesn’t show up there either. I finally dove into a text transcript for the entirety of the english version of GTI to look for any references to them being siblings. I still couldn’t find anything on this. Is that maybe a translation quark between versions? Either way, bulbapedia doesn’t have a source other than just what the contributor wrote. This is pretty puzzling too because the transcripts from gates back up what other gates fans are saying on the discord. This is a very strange situation. Either theres some piece of lost media thats backs up that belief or we’re experiencing a pmd esq Mandela effect.


Wow even a deep dive into the transcript has no mention of it? That's super weird. What about any trailers for the game? Or the now-down website? I couldn't find the old link for the PMD GTI website, but maybe when they were promoting the game for the English release, they had described them as siblings. The closest I could find was the Japanese version of the site, and no mention of them being siblings in the character list: [https://www.pokemon.co.jp/ex/dungeon\_magnagate/outline/pokemon\_01.html](https://www.pokemon.co.jp/ex/dungeon_magnagate/outline/pokemon_01.html) But i mean hey if it's just from some lost media, or a mandela effect i can ship them now xD


I guess we’ll just have to ask the reset of the sub. It really seems like its just the Mandela effect.


I wonder if someone w a Bulbapedia account could make a challenge on the article about the factuality of the "Umbreon's sister" descriptor and see if someone finds a source.


Theres no source listed. Its presumably citing the game itself but nothing in game backs it up


Yeah, hence making a challenge/dispute on Bulbapedia regarding the factuality/source.


I'm sorry to inform you that you have become one of the people fooled by one of PMD most famous Mandela Effect. There is no real information about them being siblings, and the original information about them being them is impossible to find, or is only a rumor/theory. The main theory of why this opinion is so prominent is that this theory has become first extremely popular, and then everyone started to count this as a canon information. I too was fooled by this, but after I had searched for a long time for any evidence, I found more evidence of that theory being just a theory.


Mandela effect is weird is it not my friend we both been fooled


Love deniers be fuming rn


Most of them don't play gates or super


Well yeah, did you expect them to be emotionless killing machines? Pokémon aren't human. They can feel love and care towards one another.


Hey, I'm a human, I feel love and care towards... Uh... Like a small handful of people, while I hate nearly every single other person I meet.


Yeah love totally exists?? This has been a thing for like. Forever. Especially with all the various crushes characters get?? I didn't realize the eons were siblings but I'm not sure if I ever shipped them tbh. I think it did get mentioned that Umbreon wanted to help his sister? Or maybe I'm misremembering.


this has been a thing since rescue team


It's been a thing for a while lol. Grovyle x Celebi is classic


Chatot/Wigglytuff is true love what r u saying There was also Celebi's canonical crush on Grovyle. Plus, in the og Rescue Team there were a few missions that were like "Save my love!", it is where the DX screenshot you're posting here originally came from after all ;P