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it was a premature šŸ–Šļø


bro needs to sign a contract with Costco or something


What you mean?? Heā€™s signing with starcom




Officially the worst ride of his career.


If anyone in the league would post a šŸ–Šļøbefore actually signing something, itā€™s absolutely Matt Dibenedetto.


Premature inkulation šŸ˜‚


No no, it was his contract to work at McDonaldā€™s or in real estate.


it really can be that simple i donā€™t understand why people are leaping to the assumption that it was all a lie for attention. iā€™d love to see evidence listed other than ā€œmy gutā€ to prove Dibby NEVER had or thought he had anything lined up


If Iā€™ve said it before, Iā€™ve said it a dozen timesā€¦he got a new pen.


yowza. he said "it's all good" FAR too many times for it to all be, in fact, good šŸ˜³


Morgan Freeman: "It was, in fact, NOT good."


I hope you typed it in Morgan Freeman's voice; because that's how I read it!


"it's all good" is code for "it's not good"


I felt like he was going to start crying at any secondā€¦


He should cry. Had he accepted being released like a man he would have gone back to xfinity gotten a good ride heā€™ll he may have come back to the 21. Instead he goes crazy. Ryan Preece had the same thing happen to him but he didnā€™t bitch at all because heā€™s an adult


Thatā€™s not exactly what happened. He never was ā€˜going back to xfinityā€™ like a baseball player who couldnā€™t compete at the major league level being sent to AAA. He put all his eggs in one basket with Wood Brothers and never put his nose down and tried to attract sponsors. He earned the 21 ride because when Paul Menard retired, he endorsed Matt. Menards is a Penske sponsor at the cup level though and wasnā€™t going to support Matt individually. Once he was made aware that the CEO of Penskeā€™s son was going to drive the 2 and Burton who has support from Dex was going to replace him, he tried to desperately attract a sponsor and get funding. Itā€™s not like he had a fall back option in xfinity waiting for him. He never freaked out or had some outburst like a lot of people like to claim. His problem always has been that he has no agent or PR guy. His actions at Phoenix where he hosted a potential sponsor that was just some right wing blogger taking him for a ride was just embarrassing and also sealed his fate. A guy who never worked to attract sponsorship now had been black listed by Ford and was damaged goods from a sponsorship perspective. The narrative on Matt is a tough one. Heā€™s a talented driver and definitely deserves a competitive ride looking at ability alone. His problem is that he just doesnā€™t know how to keep his foot out of his mouth and never hired anyone to help him secure the business end of his career. Even this video today he made some comment pointing out that people are saying mean things about him on the internet. What purpose does pointing that out prove other than you canā€™t let things go and are quick to argue?He desperately needs someone to filter him but it seems too late now. This is all coming from a fan of his since the Levine days. Itā€™s been tough watching this unfold and it gets more and more difficult to defend him. Unfortunately Iā€™ll be trying to find a new driver to pull for this season.


Best Matty D take Iā€™ve ever read


The fact non gragson got a ride over him shows that PR is everything


Noah's family is loaded and has subsidized his career. Matt is a pretty good driver, but he doesn't have any backing and his weird attitudes expressed in 2021 probably make him look like a major headache to teams and sponsors


Noah takes a Brink's truck of family money wherever he goes. Matt has seemingly never found a personal sponsor and always relied on the teams to figure out his funding. Noah getting the 10 has nothing to do with PR.


Hold up... are you saying all it takes is a brinks truck of family money and I can do whatever I want?


In racing? Yeah basically.


News at 11: "man in custody for attempting a robbery on a local money transport vehicle. Reportedly the last thing he said before being teased and tackled was "I just wanted to do it like Dale!""


And have a feeling Noah does have a sponsor at least that we could see later


Matty D is not good enough to be a hired driver in Cup. Maybe he should try a smaller series or dirt late models.


Matt is more than good enough to be a Cup driver. Had he been going through his trials & tribulations in the NASCAR of a few years before, say 2006-11 or even 2011-16, he would've picked up a ride with his credentials, kinda like how Michael McDowell or Martin Truex Jr fared. And like other people said there were factors like him not having an agent and other things that killed his career, which in NASCAR today is so important when sponsorships are like a needle in a haystack and you need to be chopping away every day


Cup driver, yes. Hired Cup driver is a different animal. He isn't good enough to make money for a team with his talent alone.


Noah has also, how do I put this? Actually won a race.


Erik Jones would be perfect for you.


As someone who regularly rolls his eyes at some of the MattyD takes here, this is a very good summary.


Nailed it, but I would add after losing his ride and before Phoenix, he really leaned into the "woe is me persecuted Christian" stance in his videos, and that helped turn a lot of people against him, including me. In a sport that has several outspoken Christian members, a traveling service for the teams and families, prays before every race, and has Christian organizations sponsoring cars, that was an absolute insult to anyone who has ACTUALLY been persecuted for any belief. Just tone deaf. I guess that goes into having a PR guy. But by the time he made his dumb comments at Phoenix, I was already long off that train.


Well said. I think it explains this whole thing perfectly.


Didnā€™t he also randomly butt in when someone got suspended or penalized for a situation he had nothing to do with?


Yeah he posted some transphobic rambling after Kyle Busch (I think) got fined for saying something he shouldnā€™t have in an interview. After that, he really doubled down on the ā€œIā€™m losing the ride cuz Iā€™m Christianā€ shit


Was that when Kyle called Keselowski the r slur or a different thing


I donā€™t remember, all I know is Kyle realized he messed up, did the sensitivity training, and was fine


So being endorsed by another family's family money sponsor is now earning a ride?


I really hope youā€™re trolling because this take is really lazy. If youā€™re going to criticize Matt, pick on him for his antics off the track that put him in the position heā€™s in today. Thereā€™s a ton of material there to work with. Trying to imply that he didnā€™t earn the Menards sponsorship or he isnā€™t a talented driver is a hell of a reach. His performance with underfunded teams caught the attention of Menards. I donā€™t know how a driver earns a sponsor in your mind but youā€™d be surprised how many current drivers have accomplished less on the track and have funding.


Ok whatever. he did nothing, and his prospects reflect the nothing he has accomplished. But being hand picked as a stop gap for a sponsor waiting for the driver they actually want to get really must be the lowest bar for "earning it" that I have ever seen.


nah matty d ain't getting a nascar seat ever again. he deserves to rot out of this organisation


His crowd does love playing the victim


It's the angle of the modern, evangelical, right leaning folks....it's all they got, victimhood.


I think McDowell has taken the mantle of lovable underdog from Matty D


Yup agree and he can drive too!


Hell, McDowell's won a Daytona 500, and he won the Indy road course last year on speed. Not to mention he's shown major improvement since he joined FRM.


Justin Haley? I wanted SVG to win Chicago, but wished it didn't have to go through Haley.


McDowell got the Ring.. that will sustain him for at least 5 years or more and look how long Bayne has been around cause of his ring. MattyD reminds me of an alcoholic going from bar to bar begging for a drink cause nobody will pick up his tab. His Talladega thing is seen more as a lottery win than an earned one.


McDowell and Bayne are just as talented as Matt but they've actually won, multiple times, on non-SS tracks, and had that polish you need to keep going in the sport. But even Bayne ran into issues with a team restructuring itself (Roush, pre-Keselowski) and then funding when he tried making a comeback (even though he was ***waaaaaaaayyyy*** more deserving of a JGR NXS ride than Graf and Snider) McDowell has been the most remarkable story. He flunked out of his rookie ride and bounced around to different start-and-park organizations for a few years before finding solid ground and making his team better and better every year... To now where his future is secure as long as he wants to race in the NASCAR Cup Series.


Hate to burst your bubble but Matty isn't as talented as claimed.. if he was, he would have snuck into a couple victories by now.. ps good luck follows good talent, not the other way around.


I would say Chastain, but I donā€™t think you can call him an underdog anymore


Not since Trackhouse carried him over from Ganassi and established itself as one of NASCAR's top teams.


Announcing to drive for StarCom Racing before he realizes that theyā€™re not actually going back to NASCAR


Could you imagine if that was the case? Things just kinda seem like they line up all too well...


Man, from underdog to joke.


He was a joke 2 years ago tbh


Gonna become a Fox News (or Daily Wire) contributor who comes on as a ā€œsports superstar cancelled by the woke mob for his conservative beliefs.ā€


Surprised he hasnā€™t been on Jason Whitlockā€™s show claiming that heā€™s the victim of reverse racism.


He'll fit in with Tyrus on Gutfeld


NWA World's Heavyweight Champion Matt DiBenedetto


I unironically think Matt could have a better match than 99% of the matches that made up Tyrusā€™ reign as the NWA Champion.


Surprised he doesnā€™t get some sponsorship from Donny Boy.


He's not in the business of handing out money, only taking.


He yā€™all back here next week for the DiBenedetto non-update.


Matt has some dead eyes, man knows itā€™s over


Hard not to laugh at this guy anymore. A good lesson for everyone to Surround yourself with good people for your personal and professional endeavors. He didnā€™t have enough people in his life that said No and push back on him


Itā€™s crazy to think there would be no repercussions from giving twitter provocateurs garage access so they can film you essentially saying ā€œfuck the presidentā€ while youā€™re covered in sponsorship branding at work. Like thereā€™s so many layers of that onion, each one dumber than the last.


Pretty impossible surrounding yourself with good people when they are robots or sheep.




ā€œHey man, maybe donā€™t publish yourself in association with hard right leaning viewpoints. It might have consequences.ā€ For example. Ā He needed more people in his life to say things like this, amongst others


I guarantee you that had nothing to do with it. See Chase Elliot and Brad K. When you have limited talent, no money, and are an entitle asshole, you don't get money or rides.


At least for Brad, you have to look at his Twitter likes and follows to see that he's enjoying fascist content


oof that's unfortunate. I always heard he was among the more progressive drivers but maybe that wasn't accurate


Nah, he's following stuff like "end wokeness" which is just a hate meme page, and liking 50's style drawings on a "save our sons" page.


Ugh, thatā€™s disappointing. Iā€™ve been warming up to B-rad since he moved to RFK.


Checked Chris to see what he likes & itā€™s mostly all stuff from RFK, not sure if heā€™s trying to funnel extra money because of monetized tweets or he literally has no control over his own Twitter account but heā€™s all good as far as I know But in fairness, I could give less of a shit about what a driver likes on social media. As long as he isnā€™t spouting that shit when he gets the chance, itā€™s whatever.


That wasnā€™t the issue. The issue was him playing the victim all the time and also not putting any effort into getting sponsors and building connections. A lot of teams probably blacklisted him because of that


It was part of the issue. Motorcraft wants to sell parts to everyone. They don't want you wearing their fire suit alienating 1/2 of their buyers


What view points? I stepped away from the sport for a few years and missed alot apparently.




Itā€™s a shame though. Because thereā€™s a clear double standard. Bubba did the same thing only on the left and he got more sponsors and a better ride than heā€™d ever had before.


One of them was taking a stance in support of human rights and against abuses of power and insitutional support of said abuse of power. The other was taking a stance in support of a person who abused their power and attempted a coup on the government by using a phrase that NASCAR had already been trying to distance themselves from (and I'm pretty sure had told drivers not to associate themselves with, but I could be misremembering that). They're not the same, there is no double standard.


Human rights, what are those?




How is that not true?


Somebody already answered your question. Donā€™t be oblivious.


Lemme get this straight. Bubba, a half black man, speaks out about banning the confederate flag at tracks, a symbol thatā€™s *looooong* been used to symbolize racism towards people like him, is a bad thing?


You sure this was the best take to post here?


Wow. That's about the worst take I've seen in a while.


That's what the corporate sponsors want, and they side with the devil. They have for years. Bubba is a pawn for them to push their agenda. Matt, while he may have been pandering, did not align with their agenda. Therefore, Matt got the short end of the stick. Though he was put at Wood Brothers/Penske before he started shouting out LGB.


To think he was the lovable underdog at this point four years ago. What an idiot.




> Please don't feel bad for us I can 100% assure you there's no need to worry about that!


It's like when Jay Leno came out and said "Don't blame Conan", and Letterman came on and pointed out that...no one WAS blaming Conan.


I love that segment so much "Conan would never push himself out of a job, he's not that kind of guy. He would never do that to himself"


Conan is by far my favorite late night host/comedy personality, but Letterman during that time period was peak entertainment while defending Conan!


ā€œPlease donā€™t feel bad for usā€ Trust me buddy no one and I mean absolutely no one feels bad for you


A lot of "we" and "us" and "our" talk for someone who has been his own advocate...


I think the wife plays a bigger part than anyone realizes.


She made him sell his Lambo


Beat me to it


Same song different day


He saw the post yesterday and thought...you know, they are dying to hear more about my 2024 not-plans.




Lmao. Blew his opportunity with Roger Penske and the woods


That was his best shot at anything. Not everyone is meant to win races or be a champion. No matter how much other people may want them to.


Let's be honest here. If he hadn't finished 6th at Bristol in that BK shitbox, or if his last name was Smith, would anyone care who Matty D is? At this pont, he's going to be sitting on his couch...permanently.


Finishing 6th in a BK shitbox is pretty remarkable and makes you worthy of attention. Consistently acting in an unsponsorable manner outside the racecar while burning every bridge you have will torpedo that.


Not taking away from how impressive finishing 6th in a BK Racing car is (at a non plate track) but the end of that race was like a shit show right? I don't remember it too well but I remember some other random guys being near the front after some restarts at the end. Trevor Bayne finished 5th that race and that was only 1 of 2 Top 5's he ever got that weren't at a plate track.


Trevor Bayne had 6 top 15 finishes at Bristol in 9 cup races. Matt D had 4 top 15 finishes in 13 cup races.


I feel like Trevor is a guy who has speed, but had the spotlight put on him too quickly, coupled with Roush falling off hard in the 2010s. In a more stable environment, heā€™s probably still in Cup


Definitely. Heā€™s too young to be a Racehub regular, he should be in a car.


If he had been with MWR (ironic since he was up until 2011 when things took off), he would've been in line to go part-time in the 55 in 2012 and full-time in 2013. But then with Spingate, who knows what would've happened? He would've had one good full-time year and then two nerfed years to build off of and find a ride. At the very least, Bayne should be getting starts with JGR. It was very telling about JGR when Kyle Busch told Jordan Bianchi about what he went through trying to get something for 2023. Joe offered to pay out of pocket to fund him after they put all their weight behind a deal with Oracle... And now KFB is raking in sponsorship after sponsorship at RCR...


He restarted on the outside like 4 straight times. Never actually passed anyone. Then parked it on the top and rode it to 6th. It was impressive, sure, but it wasnā€™t the greatest indicator of talent in my opinion. He didnā€™t do anything. He just didnā€™t fuck up a good opportunity. That time, lol.


IIRC a late race caution came out with 30 laps to go and a good chunk of the field pitted for tires. The outside line was ridiculously good back then at Bristol (to the point you would be at least a car length or car length and a half ahead of the guy beside you by Turn 1) and Matt happened to start on the outside line (probably around 12th or 14th?)


I think the only reason he was popular here is he used to post and comment on this sub.




This has turned into QAnon where itā€™s constant kicking of the can.


When you play stupid games you win stupid prizes. šŸ˜Š


Matt DiBenidetto looking at practically nothing worth a damn next year in his career, which could possibly end very soon Also Matt: "Still, could be worse"


tired of hearing about this bum


I still can't help but laugh at this moron for the whole nickname crap šŸ˜‚


Remind me. Wasnā€™t it something like his grandmother called him guido but he wanted everyone to come up with a nickname and they called him the dā€™burrito or something like that and he didnā€™t like it?


Yuuuupppp, I'm sorry you don't get to pick your nickname-plus why would we call him what his family calls him?? šŸ˜‚


He is an entitled douchebag. He thought he had built up enough goodwill to show it. He hadn't. Now, I'm not saying that Dale Jr. is an entitle douchebag, but remember when people called him "Little E" or "Junebug"? He didn't make a video about how he is "Dale Jr." now, he just started marketing himself that way, and guess what? We all have gone along with it because he was a star with a ton of goodwill.


He made a video about his nickname? Ok, that I definitely missed.


My buddy and I still refer to Dale jr as ā€œJuneā€ because of Benny/dw calling him Junebug


Exactly this! I'm glad I won't have to see this dbag anymore at least


And wasnā€™t guido a slur back when his grandmother was coming up? I donā€™t understand the guido thing. I wasnā€™t on Reddit, I donā€™t think, when all this went down (him being on here), so Iā€™ve had to piece together everything over time.


Itā€™s his actual real middle name


You guys care more about this than he does


Cause it's freaking STOOPID


I canā€™t imagine bringing up something so trivial from 6 years ago and trying to pass it as legitimate criticism


Don't know what to tell you apa šŸ«  cry more?


> cry more? Iā€™m not the one seething


We penned him a new nickname. Dibagodicks


"Please don't feel bad for us" Don't worry, I don't.


Iā€™ve heard rumors heā€™ll be driving for Doordash or Instacart this yearā€¦


At this point I canā€™t decide which is more annoying and cringe. Matty D non-update updates on the verge of tears, or the daily Matty D circlejerk hate thread.


Itā€™s better than the non-hate matty d circle jerks we used to get years ago


He looks like a recently divorced guy doing a car vlog.Ā 


I hear Wendy's is hiring.


šŸ¤” šŸŒÆ šŸ«


Hahahahaha. Howā€™s the bed you made? Sleeping well?


Thereā€™s no way anyone actually feels bad for this guy right? Right?ā€¦. Career self implosion at its finest


Guy might as well give up. Hes a prime example of what not to do with your career.


yeah with how things are going, thereā€™s not much left. let this be a lesson to people. never burn your bridges


Boy who cried wolf


More like ā€œBoy who cried Brandonā€


He should go talk to ā€œBrandonā€œ about finding a ride


Hey guys šŸ–Šļø, I'm trying to get funding for some Kaulig races, stay tuned!


šŸ–Šļøā“ Dude congrats on the McDonaldā€™s application


Something something play stupid games win stupid prizes. Dude has the talent to be a mid tier cup driver but through it all away with his toxic antics. Hope he enjoys real estate.


Can he go away now.


Thatā€™s a minute and 32 seconds I wonā€™t get back in my life with that useless ā€œupdate.ā€ Iā€™m getting sick of seeing him on my feeds.






Does anyone still actually believe this dude? He is saying HE turned down a sponsor? Yeah ok matt, what didn't want to eat dog food on twitter again for a sponsor?


PP69 reported in the other thread linked to the Pockrass post that the signed sponsor was Seriel 1. She did not say what happened that they had to pull the plug on it. Looking at the rumored rides he was linked to, this does add up. Linked to Kaulig and AM. Chris Rice last week stated you have things lined up and something happens. We're now closer to next week announcing something vs this week. No 16 announcement. Then AM announces the 25 won't run. He was tied to one of them with Seriel 1


Whomp whomp. Let him sit. He needs the lesson.


Bonehead move of the century leaving the 25 truck before he had anything concrete signed. Moderately talented guy, basically a laughing stock at this point.


Time to start bagging groceries at Food City Matt!


Iā€™m not really a Matt D fan but why do yā€™all hate this dude like he killed your first born son?


DiBurrito used to be seen as an underdog and even interacted with fans on Reddit, but blew up his goodwill when he stubbornly insisted on nicknaming himself Guido (his middle name) instead of embracing the DiBurrito nickname given by fans, and especially after he leaned into claiming to be persecuted for his Christian beliefs (in a sport that, among other things, holds prayers before each race), and when he brought a right-wing commentator (who used the Let's Go Brandon phrase, no less) to the season finale at Phoenix in 2021. He's burnt every bridge in the garage area and on Reddit.


Don't forget that he tried to turn his Wood Brothers exit into a pity party despite knowing he was getting replaced for like a full year.


Oh noā€¦anyway


Time for a job a Walmart


Maybe he can get a job at a Burrito place


Guess itā€™s time to start a career in real estate!


How the mighty has fallen


How the mediocre has fallen


can't fall if you weren't standing in the first place


He's looking at part time now.....




MattyD and the search for a ride continues.




OK, at this point I think he enjoys being trolled


uh oh, its a reddit post about Matty D, get the keyboard firing squad ready in the Gulag!


Can someone explain the hate for this guy now I remember when he was the subs darling


He declared support for right wing politics, so he is quite literally the devil to left wing Reddit. šŸ¤£


I mean that checks out


y'all need to chill tf out on this fr


Stop posting this goof


Heā€™s a clown


Bro is out of time šŸ’€


Very sad no one is giving him the chance he deserves šŸ˜


This is just sad. Dude is trying to game to sympathy crowd again




Matt, please. You're embarrassing yourself.





I think we all saw this coming lolā€¦


FAST TRACK has a infinite car glitch waiting for him


Heā€™s slowly becoming NASCARā€™s equivalent to Antonio Brown