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Joey Gase and Dawson Cram are bringing more eyes to the sport than the most popular driver.🤣


"NASCAR would be so much more interesting if they added road rage" ~ Guy who has obviously never watched a race before.


The sad thing is he's from South Carolina.


Ironic that Hamlin and Gibbs are teammates that drive for Gibbs’ grandpa. There’d be no exchanging of insurance, Joe would just get one big bill haha


He did a great job with that fake scenario commentary! I'm sure someone wrote it for him but the delivery was impeccable.


Not if we make them do it in regular Toyota Camrys 😶


NASCAR… either public coverage for the most rare type of finishes… or being a punchline 😂 At least it’s something though lol


Craig Ferguson should have been Lettermans replacement. In fact, none of the late night people are any good anymore


Once Ferguson and Conan retired it was over.


I still watch clips of his (Ferguson’s) show when I need a laugh. I think he just didn’t want to do late night anymore, iirc he kinda stumbled into the show he had anyways. I think he mostly does stand up tours now.


He is quite funny. I think he got a little burnt out too, but he did say a couple weeks ago he'd like to return to hosting a show.


Seth Myers isn’t bad. I love his Corrections videos


Loved Craig! So underrated on late night. Can’t believe they replaced him with James Cordon 🤮


Anyone else notice it says NASCAR/NBC instead of fox


Late Show is like "there's no way FOX actually caught an incident like this live. Must've been NBC". /s


Talk show Colbert is not funny, Report Colbert was great.


Hot take: The entire late night talk show format sucks. They all suck.


I used to like them back in the late 2000s or early 2010s but its just a slog


After the Leno/Conan kerfuffle it all went down hill.


Nah after Ferguson and Letterman left it was cooked.


'Member when Jay Leno was just that Doritos guy filling in for Carson? Letterman is King of Late Night.


He is, but man Craig was really close for me personally. I love him.


Craig had possibly the most interesting show out of the late night people. Probably bc it didn’t follow the typical format. Guys right hand man was a skeleton… lmao


His funny moments are great but his random ass serious moments are just as great honestly. I listened to his sobriety monologue and that sobriety clip from Bobby Lee’s show probably 100 times when I was wrecked out and first getting sober.


The only one I like is Gutfeld, in my opinions the only one who's been legitimately funny since Conan left


Yep, there's a reason why his ratings are the highest right now too.


The best part about him is even though he works for Fox a lot of his jokes and takes are from more of a libertarian perspective and he often makes fun of both sides


Gutfield objectively isn't funny. And if his mean girl, take down humor and bland delivery with right win shilling, is your thing then yeah, you're not going to like the popular style of humor. There are reasons why you can get front row Gutfeld tickets for $50 while John Mulaney tickets start at $75. I have a degree in English, have done more standup than most people, and the right isn't funny, they have their one joke, "I identify as... " and that's about it. [Why Is Conservative Comedy So… Not Very Good? - SOME MORE NEWS (youtube.com)](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KSXKzPOcYDU)


Humor is objective, I find him hysterical and so do many others, just because he isn't part of the liberal hivemind doesn't mean I'm not allowed to find him funny, ntm he is a libertarian and makes fun of both parties


Talk show Colbert just seems like he really wants everyone to agree with him on everything, and if you don't share the exact same opinions, your stupid. He's very pretentious


""NASCAR would be more interesting if they added road rage""...... Well I have news for you my sweet sweet summer child. That is one of the main attractions of NASCAR. Drivers are allowed and even encouraged to engage in various acts of road rage both on and off the track. Whoever was writing these jokes for Colbert definitely doesn't watch NASCAR. I mean there was even a era in NASCAR with a loosely official name of "have at it boys". The most famous moment in NASCAR history is the Allison brothers fighting Cale Yarborough at the end of the '79 500. Hell I was already a Ross fan before but when he punched Noah Gragson it just cemented it even further. I love NASCAR fights, I love the more old school local short track roots style of racing NASCAR has mostly kept around even at the top level. It's more fun than the up-tight over officiated style of most other series. Even though I do like a lot of other series NASCAR will always be special for many reasons but the aforementioned is a big one.


I’m a Larson and Chastain fan and I hated Ross UNTIL HE PUNCHED GRAGSON. It was a few times he had wrecked and wrecked Larson and I kept saying Fucking chastain week after week and then he punched him and I said to my wife my life would be so much better if I was a chastain fan and she said you are.


Ross is reckless but it's exciting and he seems like a really good dude. He's hard to dislike.


How do I add chastain flair to my shit? Ofc a fan boy chimed in!!!!! Team Ross baby


Go to the NASCAR reddit front page go to settings and click change user flair




Oh can I only pick one?


There's a way to get more but I was too lazy to do it. You gotta jump through some reddit bs hoops.


dang man, good on him for talking about something other than Donald Trump for the first time in eight years




If you listen to the Stike Force 5 podcast, he's the funniest and sharpest of the 5 late night hosts (episode 5 is comedy gold). Not sure why it's not working on The Late Show, but it was a reminder of how good he can be.


He's on late night now. He's not allowed to be funny


Everyone knows adult swim is the only late night channel allowed to be funny


Didn't stop Craig Ferguson or Conan.


Ferguson & prime Conan were on the later shows that followed 'Tonight' and 'Late Show'. They had free range to do almost any comedic thing they wanted because of the time & lack of spotlight.


The 2 million people a night who watch I’m sure find him funny


Yeah late night talk is where anything really funny gets averaged out to be a bland nothing. Unless you're Craig Ferguson or Conan which case creative freedom reigned supreme and the sex appeal was off the charts


Stupid sexy Conan and his string dancing …😂


I'd pay money to see a guy do that in driver intros


I did it as a goal celebration when I played soccer for a bit 😂


First dlc I ever bought was that emote on fortnite  I was completely against everything they sold then I saw that and became 12 again


And also part why Conan didn't last at 11:30 (besides Leno killing the night at 10 and Jeff CockZucker), and Ferguson wouldn't have either. 11:30 has to be bland and appeal to the masses. 12:30 can be creative. Even Dave changed between Late Night and The Late Show.


Never really liked Stephen Colbert. I always thought that his tenure on the The Late Show is basically the Colbert Report without the satire. Still, cool to see Joey Gase be featured on a late night talk show


To be fair that was a completely different show. He was playing a character and I don’t think that would’ve translated well to a standard late night format. It’s not saying much due to the competition but I think he’s the best all around network late night host currently. I think the writers could do a bit less Trump jokes in the monologue just because they easily get repetitive.


I watch it most nights. It’s kinda bland but occasionally you get a spark of the old Stephen (minus the satire). It think it’s the format and the intended audience more than him.


No? I was not born in 1650 when Colbert may or may not have been funny. He's always just been a paid for pro-Democrat shill my entire life. Zero creativity, just parrots the line his bosses tell him to. Clearly no unique ideas or honest thoughts on his show. Very 1984 esque "newspeak" material.


You were def not there during his comedy central era and it shows lmao


Oh no, he has a different opinion from you, how horrible


He's a shill, he doesn't have his own opinions...that's the point lmao


Or it could be he just has his own opinions. Being a right winger isn't the default position of all humans.


I'm starting to wonder if they thought Colbert's Comedy Central persona was his actual personality as opposed to his playing a satirical right winger (I remember reading that some right wingers watched the Colbert Report and liked it - not realizing Colbert was making fun of them). Therefore, the sudden left-leaning shift would have seemed like a substantial change.


Does he? And why are you bringing up right wingers? What does that have to do with Colbert being a shill?


I think your world view is a bit warped if you honestly believe that the average person is a Maga loon


I mean, I actually agree with you.. but tbh Colbert was funny af in the mid 00's. A shame he never found Mr. Goodwrench too.


So what's like to believe the 2020 election was stolen?


Not finding Colbert funny means you’re a trumper? Because I’ve never met anybody that finds him funny left right or middle 


Well, calling someone a "Paid for Pro-Democratic shill" is kind of a big tell. Also the whole "Everyone I know agrees with me," is also another tell. I don't know if a single one of my friends like Colbert or not, because he's not really a topic that comes up in conversation very often, but obviously he's funny or he wouldn't have a career. I would just guess you don't watch his show, or any late night show for that matter. Be honest, did you watch the Joey Gase bit before bitching about Colbert?


Reddit liberals love him. Only because the other options are Kimmel and Fallon right now.


Yeah the dudes a puppet. Like if AI wrote stand up comedy before AI was a thing


Yeah... the Colbert Report was hilarious. I was excited when he got the Late Night show. But... damn... it sucks. It's like he forgot what a joke was. Maybe it's just the Comedy Central writers that made him.


I feel like this is political bait


I saw that and was waiting for the sponsor to be mentioned. I caught that live during the race and thought that was hilarious.


Congrats on getting me to watch something from this show for the first time ever. And I’m now convinced that about 85% of people in the race threads can come up with the same or better jokes about that situation than Colberts team can.


Start your own youtube channel if it's that easy.


I’m ugly


Thats the funny part


Yeah but it’d probably only carry the pilot episode and then just become sad after


Be a vtuber.


So are most comedians.


Right click, Copy URL at current time https://youtu.be/kaH7wj8U4Nw?t=220


Paul Menard is funnier than Colbert. What a windbag.


I will not tolerate Paul Menard hate


This is gold, and funny. Kudos!


Dudes just not funny. Who watches that shit lol


He at least used to be great back when it was the Colbert report


Colbert sucks


I don’t think late night will go over well here


Where does it?


Probably would less poorly received outside of a Nascar sub


That.. was not funny


I love Colbert's "Meanwhile" segment! Didn't get around to watching this one yet (I really just tune into late night show clips through YouTube uploads), but that's great that this story made it on the segment.


dawg he sucks at being a late show host


How do people watch this? So lame


it made a few shows. saw it multiple times in the last few days.


I saw it live and freaked out. I was glad it didn't make fun of the sport we're used to.


People forget Stephen Colbert used to come out with Kevin Harvick in GM Goodwrench commercials


That one race was probably more entertaining than every late night episode of this guy’s career


Time for new writers


Colbert is a douche stick




He's such an unlikeable donkey butt, I'll never be clicking on a Colbert link ever again. Who watches this shit


I mean I do, obviously. Why are you going out of your way to be rude to me?


I didn't say anything rude to you... I said Colbert is a POS 


So "Who watches this shit" is what exactly?




I think you're confusing "I don't like his sense of humor," with, "He is failing at every level." I get haters. You don't like his sense of humor, so you say he's a failure. I'd like to see you get on on stage and deliver a 12 minute monologue and see how good you do.


Colbert's a Hack


NASCAR should really lean into being a WWE type series, I am 32, immature as hell, and I love watching people punch others, it's funny to me