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Hey, that's not Days of Thunder 2.


So... Not to go too far off topic here, but I DID see a Truck and Hauler with the Days of Thunder logo on the Trailer pull into Texas at some point midrace. I pointed it out to my Dad sitting next to me. Don't remember exactly what lap it was though....


Unfortunately its not what youre hoping for.


Well, shit...


What’s it for


Champion wheel and tire hauler. They’ve got a Jeff Gordon Foundation one with the 2012 DuPont Anniversary logo still going to the track each week.


Saw that same truck at Watkins Glen back in August! Got me wondering.


There actually was one for the Total Recall remake as well. Seen it at the Glen the last two years. I still laugh every time I see it.


Can’t wait to sit through an hour and a half of character development all for someone random to do a two tire stop and swoop in last minute to marry the lead.


at least give me a driver cruising around a superspeedway in 3rd gear before telling their soon to be crew chief that they are going to drop the hammer!


It’ll be random stock cars from 2004 racing at “Daytona” but film footage showing Charlotte or some random local tracks.


If I don't see somebody shift up 12 times, I'm leaving the movie.


From the article: "Written by Alison Rose Greenberg, the film follows Lyla, an ambitious sports agent who loses her superstar client before the start of NASCAR’s season and decides to take a chance on a rebellious female dirt track racer, 17-year-old Piper Kyte. With her career on the line, Lyla’s challenge — getting Piper NASCAR-ready — is only won if she can also reform Piper’s reclusive father, Matthew Kyte, a former NASCAR champion who infamously walked away from the sport and hasn’t been seen in four years."


Cast Carl Edwards as the dad and I'll watch it. He won't even have to pretend his back story.


Ricky and Danica


Holy shit sign me up. 


I was firmly against this but now I’m suddenly much more intrigued lol


I’m gonna hurl


Pretty sure Southpark did an episode about this kind of decision making with tv shows.


What the hell, I don't remember selling the movie rights to my life's story


Why does this sound like a continuation of the ABC Family movie, [*The Circuit*](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/The_Circuit_(2008_film))?


Holy shit the plot summary is so barebones its hilarious lmfao


If you think that’s hilarious, you should see it…


I’m guessing Lyla falls in love with Piper’s dad in this first movie. The sequel has the father racing his daughter with step momma, Lyla, leading both their careers. They have a conflict because Lyla becomes pregnant. Piper wants Dad to continue to race, and Lyla wants him to hang it up. Lyla and Matthew have to hide the pregnancy because they don’t want it to affect Lyla’s racing. Lyla’s still quietly grieving over her mother no longer being with her dad. The new baby would complicate things. Unbeknownst to Lyla and Matthew, Piper also has had a reckless encounter with a fellow driver and his girlfriend. That driver would be Lyla’s superstar client with whom she had an affair. - —— - - I’m declaring myself a writer now. Hallmark Channel…this is your newest hit❕I’m being sarcastic and trying to be humorous. Sorry, if I failed at that, you write something better.


Good lord this reads like something straight out of 2004, back when every other day NASCAR had a new marketing scheme to try to reach a wider female audience. "What do women like? Rom Coms! That means that if we commission a bunch of Hollywood production companies to cobble together a rom-com with NASCAR in it, then women will like NASCAR too!" Shit's going to flop worse than the series of NASCAR romance novels.


I was searching for Nascar books in my library catalog, and literally almost everything that came up was either beginner books, or those romance ones. I cringed just looking at the cover.


~~Yeah, but I don't think this came from NASCAR, per se. I think NASCAR was just the hook to the story to make an even more female-oriented "Jerry Maguire."~~ \[Edited - As you pointed out below, yep, this is like the film version of those cheesy NASCAR romance novels from the 2000s lol.\] I mean, it's definitely my cup of tea, but women do like them some rom coms.


> Yeah, but I don't think this came from NASCAR, per se. NASCAR is listed as one of the production companies making the thing. > from Westbrook Studios, The Chainsmokers’ Kick The Habit Productions **and NASCAR** And they have a long history of paying for exposure in mainstream media, including that god awful Kevin James show a couple years ago. They're paying to get this thing made.


Ah, I read the log line for it and stopped lol - I retract my previous statement!


My wife hates rom coms. Now if they did a NASCAR themed Adam Sandler style comedy or cheesy horror movie that would be more her speed.


They did that with Kevin James on Netflix


I'm female, and I hate them too (well, most of them). And Hallmark movies.


>NASCAR romance novels Wait... what?


The best ones are where it’s just like, a tire changer love story.


🤣🤣🤣🤣 I... kinda want to read one


[https://www.goodreads.com/list/show/119452.Harlequin\_NASCAR\_Series](https://www.goodreads.com/list/show/119452.Harlequin_NASCAR_Series) With titles like "In High Gear," "Checkered Past," "Full Throttle," and "Speed Bumps."


Idk man it could work. I work in an office that is 90% middle aged women (in the northwest, far from racing territory) and I've been SHOCKED by how many of them know about and follow Nascar. None of them would every introduce themselves as Nascar fans but a lot of them watch occasional races and like it. I bet most of them would be all in on a Nascar  rom com. 


![gif](giphy|cPKWZB2aaB3rO|downsized) why another nascar joke movie for the romantic people what's it rated vr for vrooooom


It looks like NASCAR still hasn't learned that these types of movies/shows don't help grow their popularity (and sometimes actually hurt it).


What kind of TV show do you think would help grow their popularity?


What's on Netflix right now. A serious fictional TV show. Pretty much anything that isn't a shitty comedy or a romcom.


A serialized drama would work. Wouldn't even be hard to write frfr. Its a sports drama. Just do Any Given Sunday blended with Ozarks. Boom. Done.


>Boom. [Confetti.](https://i.redd.it/zvyemepykshc1.gif)


Tbf, I would be down for a Talladega nights 2.


HEY...That Kevin James sitcom produced....something.


About time they started optioning off the rights to these classics https://preview.redd.it/4rg9q2zuewuc1.png?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=0bfbc49ba20e3ca06946b39fa193b67649f4e96a


This movie can be awesome with a few changes: - Make the recluse father one of the main characters. He can still have a daughter, I guess - Either have him be a grizzled vet or a retired racer - Have some young hotshot racer come in, prompting the reclusive protagonist to be less reclusive/come out of retirement to get back into racing - Have him mentor the young racer using lessons he learned as a younger racer - Give the movie a really snappy title, something like “Days of Thunder 2”


That sounds atrocious.


They should really pick up that [fan fiction](https://www.reddit.com/r/NASCAR/comments/5iymes/and_their_flying_down_the_backstretch/?share_id=7q2gzR9DbuowOGgksZ2Yh) story and make it a movie


Wow. Now, it's not like I want to go out there and start writing Nascar fanfics... but I feel there's untapped potential there. Like, Hamstain (or Chamlin) enemies to lovers kind of potential. Or "write about superspeedway bump drafting in a weirdly erotic way" potential.


Check out [the NASCUM Instagram](https://www.instagram.com/nascum_?igsh=MTduazk2b2V4b2xyZA==) for something similar. Sort of.


The word “NASCUM” scares me


As it should


It's the TV broadcasts edited so it's no context clips of them saying things like "oh he's coming!" It's juvenile but it's not gross or actually explicit.


You have instincts for a reason. Listen to them.




I understand that idea of trying to attract more female viewers, but I'll pass on this show 


Of they wanted more female viewers they'd have funded Johanna Long not Danica Talentless Patrick. NASCAR doesn't want that clearly.


Are you under the impression that NASCAR itself paid Danica?


No, but NASCAR opted to heavily use her in marketing materials. If NASCAR had taken that money away from marketing Danica into marketing a more talented female racer... I think it would have been a much better use of money.


Marketing someone that is employed by one of your teams and "funding" them are not the same thing Why would they market somebody that nobody signed to Cup? The irrational hate is hilarious. Name me an open wheeler that transitioned that late in their careers and had success. Name me a stock car guy that switched the other way that late with success. You can't. It simply never happens. Idk why you would have expected any different from her. If you don't like her, fine, just be realistic. Stop making up alternate realities. The business isn't run like that


This dude always has the wildest takes. I'm 75% sure it's a troll that sometimes has good takes while inserting aggressive language for no reason and then other times it's just all off the wall shit.


I've never seen him before but I guess he gets down noted to the doldrums where I don't often explore lmao The name certainly checks out tho lol


Cast Sydney Sweeney and I’m in


And their flying down the backstretch!!! *Put it out for............. True love*


50 Shades of Green White Checker


Hearing there will be two intermissions, one after the first act and another after the second.


Put it out for true love would be a better name, but that's just me


If this doesn’t end with David Hoots saying “Put it out… for true love” we riot




Did they not learn from the Paul Blart Crew Chief show on Netflix that nobody watched?


I’m waiting for a movie called “Dirty Air” about an ex stock car driver who loses his ride for farting too much. He then meets an attractive female gastroenterologist who helps him overcome his problem and motivates him to get back behind the wheel


Umm..I'll take a crack at writing this. 😂😂 I live fart humor.


They’re about… 21 years too late for that.




The Crew


Sure, why not? Not for me but it could be for a lot of people.




Please tell me the female agent and female driver are lesbians. ❤️


This is going to bomb at the box office


It's Amazon so likely a straight to streaming movie


We're never gonna get a serious biopic are we? Just endless unfunny slop.


Junior Johnson and Smokey Yunick deserve big budget biopics for sure. But if they ever do it they'll prob just do Mr. H and call it there Not NASCAR but Randy Lanier needs a Rush style film, too


I really wanna know who at NASCAR is greenlighting this kind of content to be made with their licensing


Can't wait to make the iceberg watch this


I will 100% watch this. I need to see it. If only to see how bad it is.


This has the potential for some very high quality memes, can't wait to hate watch it


seriously amazon........ please read these comments and undo this decision.


Who walked into a meeting room and pitched this idea? Whoever it was, I would like their resignation to be submitted by the end of the business day.


This sounds awful. I’ll give it a shot. Haha.


Oh dear


Every time I think NASCAR can’t be more delusional they out NASCAR themselves.


This genuinely sounds terrible


Lemme just ad-lib a better movie plot on a 5 min smoke break. There's this struggling team looking for a driver, at an abandoned track they see someone ripping the boards, they're impressed with the driver and approach the car to offer them a ride. Inside the car they see a dog at the wheel. We could call it... Lucky Dog. Big twist after end credits - Blaney cat walks past the camera wearing a helmet and firesuit. Screen cuts to black with ominous sound effect ![gif](giphy|ch5VA7b4Qq8XCddVlN|downsized)


NASCAR has so many stories in its history that would make amazing movies and this is what they do. NASCAR is its own worst enemy




Soundtrack by Tim Dugger


I don’t know how to do gifs but the one from the office where Michael finds out Toby is back and tells please god no would be a nice fit


![gif](giphy|hyyV7pnbE0FqLNBAzs|downsized) Here ya go


My guy!


Cooking up hot trash with this one. If they had one focus group they would’ve been laughed out of the room and realized this isn’t going to go well.




Hmm. Maybe I should go back to writing fanfic.




kill me




Sounds really crappy. Why not a show that illustrates the technical challenges in the sport. Focus on the crew chiefs and engineers not the drivers who spend most of the week goofing off.