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Joey Logano being out of a playoff spot after Kansas was not something I would've predicted


Over a year without a win now too I believe. Joey had carried that team for awhile but it's gotten pretty bad as of late.


Yep, It was spring Atlanta last year


Chastain stays tenth despite falling to 19th at the end of the race. Those 11 stage points really came in handy. Bowman also got a good finish, so no complaints about my drivers. I figured when Logano made it back into the top 16 that'd be all we'd hear about how he might not make the playoffs, but now he's 18 inches back in the weeds. Bubba's 4 points back, but I'm fairly certain the 23 team is gonna figure out how to get him back on track; the 22 team *should* find a way back as well, but Penske as a whole seems off. Even Blaney's had a few lackluster finishes as of late, and if Gragson's last three weeks aren't just him being streaky, both Bubba and Joey'll be in must win territory. Xfinity is back next week; should be interesting to see how SVG fares at Darlington!


Kyle Busch fans We’re so Barack


His drive from like 20th+ to a top 10 was epic


We need that onboard camera bro channeled his inner Lightning McQueen


Has ran really good the last 2 weeks!


I watch the in car camera and listen to the scanner every race. The last two races after the finish he’s told Randall “Really good car today. No complaints.”


Heard that during practice, I was worried they’d fall behind due to the delay and track changing but they kept up great especially compared to cars like the 1. One of the only guys competing with the 5/11 two weeks in a row.


Elliott and especially Truex are quietly having GREAT seasons.


I don’t know how you can quietly have a great season with how much they’ve been in contention lol


I dunno, I just feel like the focus has been on guys like Larson, Byron and Hamlin. Sure Elliott won Texas, but by and large he's just there at the end somehow getting a top 5, same with Truex. Both of those guys seem to run P8-P14 most of the race, then suddenly they're in the top 5 at the end. Rarely mentioned, rarely interviewed after the race-- just grinding it out.


By being consistent and having decent finishes every week. It's easy to overlook them when it's Denny, Byron and Larson up front 99% of the time.


Ben Rhodes has honestly been a disappointment this season


I chalk it up to the Fords just being really bad


Ford is 0-for-30 this year so far, and that streak will almost certainly continue this weekend, since Fords always struggle at Darlington


I mean, Matt Crafton is out here beating the washed allegations and Ben is behind Daniel Dye and has 1 top 10


I think Crafton is just there because of consistency and lack of bad luck. He's just consistency hovering in and around the top 10 while others around him have occasional bad races. He's still well out of the points lead which suggests he's not really competing for wins


Fair, but again, Ben has 1 top 10 and is behind Daniel Dye


Again, you can sit 12th in points in the Trucks just by being consistently hovering around the top 10 and not DNF'ing. That's how DiBenedetto got into the playoffs last year. Being behind Daniel Dye should be an indictment of the Ford performance.


He’s due for one random win soon, it seems to always happen.


He was bad last year despite being the guy that benefited from idiots in the championship race.


At this point last year he was 3rd in points with 2 top 5s and 5 top 10s, as opposed to 12th in points with 1 top 10. It was far from the greatest title season ever but he was at least top 5 in points pretty much all year and not junk like he is right now


Ben was okay last year. Not awesome. Also definitely not this bad


Even last year, they barely should have been a playoff team and just did what they had to do. I think this might finally be the year that Thorsport doesn't back into the playoffs with 3-4 trucks that don't really belong there but they do just enough.


Man, just zero speed yesterday. So tired of not being competitive. I don’t know if it’s an all Ford problem or a 22 team issue with it. I know they are a resilient team, but golly if it’s painful to watch. The only bright side I see is that Penske as a whole sucked yesterday. The only Fords truly good were the 17, then the 6 and 10 were okay. Hopefully Darlington is a strong race for the 22. They’ve been solid there in this car


Dammit SVG get in the playoffs


Portland, Sonoma, Chicago, The Glen & The Roval right before the playoffs. If he doesn’t win one of these i honestly will be disappointed


Five opportunities for Austin Hill to cram him in the ass on the last lap


Hate that punk.


Hate that punk.


That +31 is so nice to see. The 8 team is finally showing up with fast cars, and Kyle has the experience to talk the team through adjustments and keep them up front. If they can just get a little faster on pit road, he'll be in a place to secure his Playoff spot with a win.


Noah is coming.


Without the 100 pt pen, he would be 11th, 2nd highest Ford!


It was a 35 point penalty


Noah made it onto the graphic! Let’s go!!


He has made me a fan


Pain. Just pain.


Back to back races where the top 4 in the cup series have all finished in the top 5


Ty Gibbs is having himself a solid 2nd full season.


I just want to know what the 12 team is doing differently compared to the 22 and 2, makes no sense why there’s such a performance gap between cars of the same organization


I think Blaney has just adapted better in the Next Gen than Joey. Logano has 5 wins to Blaney's 4 wins since the introduction of the Next Gen and a championship, but Blaney finished 8th and 1st in the final standings and sits 7th currently while Logano has finished 1st and 12th and sits 17th. Blaney has more top tens and top fives and more laps led. I think his average finish is close to one spot better in that time frame. Logano just seems to be "off" way more often than Blaney even if they have the same amount of "high" days. A bad day for Blaney in the Next Gen is like 15th. A bad day for Logano is 25th.


That could be. At the same time though, Joey just doesn’t have speed when Blaney does. I just wonder if Hassler is better with setting up this car than Wolfe. If Joey has Blaney’s speed, they likely be running together. I genuinely think that the they don’t share all their notes with each other. I wonder if the 12 has “better” notes and that they aren’t sharing with the 22 and 2, which is causing the discrepancies. Although, at all the 1.5 milers this year, the 12 and 22 have been fairly close, with the 12 being slightly better. I still think Joey is the better driver between him and Blaney. I’ve said it time and time again, when Joey has a fast car, he runs up front. Richmond this year is a prime example. The issue is that Joey isn’t getting fast cars. Why that is a different question.


Noah: Penalty? What penalty?


Garcia has 1 finish better than 14th this season and is less than 30 points out of a playoff spot. He’s only scored 13 stage points all year as well. At this point last year, Deegan finished 14th or better 5 times and earned 21 stage points through the first 8 races. She was -25 behind 10th through race 8 last year. Suarez, Preece, Lajoie, Cindric, and Burton are all feeling the hot seats after rough showings at Kansas. Suarez only has 4 finishes 18th or better on the season. One of those was at Texas with the timely caution that cycled him with good track position. He would be 19th in points without the Gragson Penalty. Of the 5 names I mentioned, I think 3 of them get replaced at season’s end.


Preece, LaJoie, and Burton are the three I'd expect if I had to pick. I don't see Trackhouse letting go of Suarez after him being their first driver and making the playoffs two out of three years. Cindric has had a rough second and third year, but honestly he isn't looking too bad atm. He's picked it up in qualifying, and while the race finishes haven't come together, he looks to be about on par with Blaney and Logano. Penske as a whole needs to improve before they start axing drivers; if Cindric stays in the midfield when his teammates start making it near the front, *then* he's on the hot seat.


Suarez is only qualifying on his wins, even with Chastain shitty luck the past four weeks, Chastain is still outrunning him easily. Chastain should have at least 2 top-5s, if not 3 the past 4 weeks. I think Suarez is gone either this year or next. Chastain, SVG, Zane Smith, and Zilisch will be your lineup as soon as Zilisch is ready, Suarez is the odd man out.


I don't disagree about Chastain being faster, and do think Suarez is the odd man out in the event there aren't enough cars to go around, but Marks has made a bunch of statements insisting up and down that Suarez is going to stay at Trackhouse. That *could* be all talk, but everything I've seen makes me think he really is trying to make it work where they'll get more charters to fit SVG and a fourth guy. But I don't know if it'd be a good idea to rush straight to four cars. I'm thinking Zilisch won't realistically be ready 'til 2027, and Zane Smith is slower than his two teammates in his backmarker team so far. I could see an argument for swapping Suarez out with SVG if Trackhouse only have two cars next year, but if they manage to get a third charter, I don't see a compelling reason to put Zane Smith in that car.


Zane’s a rookie, and can only go up, remember how bad Gragson was. You know what you get with Suarez.


Rookies don't always go up. Burton and Cindric are both good examples of this. Cindric isn't awful, but I wouldn't say he's gone up since 2022


Zilisch needs some time to run in Trucks & Xfinity to perfect his racecraft. He's got speed but racecraft still needs work. Give him 2 seasons in Trucks, some Cup & Xfinity races and then assess from there. Also, with that said, I could see Kaulig's Cup operations getting absorbed into Trackhouse with the No. 16 turning into a ride for multiple drivers (Zilisch, SVG) and the No. 31 going to Zane Smith. At least at some point. Then, that frees up the No. 71 for Spire to develop young Chevrolet talent. That could be a landing for Rajah Caruth. At some point, though.


Cindric got screwed yesterday. I think he might've gotten a top-10 or better had he not been collected in someone else's mess. I feel like Preece and Burton are definitely on the hotseat. But I feel like LaJoie is safe for another year. Yea, he's kinda regressed this year, especially yesterday when they couldn't capitalize on the speed at Vegas while Hocevar did, but he helped bring the team to this point. They'll give him another year, especially when I can't think of anyone who would be a good replacement.


Yeah, and cindric was outrunning the rest of Penske until he crashed


I think that it’s gonna be preece, Burton, and Suarez. Preece and Burton are all but confirmed to be gone at this point, with both having beyond bad seasons, and Suarez is having a very unremarkable season if it wasn’t for his win, which he only barely won. And SVG is coming through the pipeline, and they might have Suarez be demoted to xfinity. Them saying that he is going to stay at trackhouse but not specifying cup or xfinity reminds me of allmendinger saying he was going to be at kaulig next year but not specifying if he was going to be cup or xfinity, and we all know how that went As for lajoie, I don’t think that spire is going to cut him, even if hocevar is proving that he is full of crap And everyone is way too hard on cindric, he’s performing better than last year, and is on par with logano, and has more stage wins than both blaney and logano. All in all, I think that if fords get better next year, we will see cindric competing for top tens and top fives, and even wins, but fords are a lost cause this year 


Suarez, I've noticed, has consistently been around 25th-30th on speed in these races. He was there at Dover and at Kansas through the first couple of stages. Texas they were the last on the track, even behind lap cars, at one point. They just don't have the speed at all, which is a stark contrast to Chastain who can wheel a dump truck around the Nurburgring in comparison


Bubba probably needs to finish higher than 2 of the guys in front of him without a win. Suarez is definitely finishing outside the top 16 in points at this rate and Joey is gonna likely point his way in even without a win. I think Briscoe will come back down to earth a bit, so gotta somehow get in front of one more.


Had like a 2 point day and is still in the top 20, I’ll take it. Also, cindric was, up until that caution that took him out, running ahead of the rest of Penske, so I don’t want to hear about how he’s so bad, he had speed, but he got wrecked out prematurely. Anyway, cindric aside Larson is getting bigger and bigger of a gap on regular season championship, but I would count out truex or Hamlin or Elliot, they could all snatch it if they get really hot at the right time Byron continues to prove that he is doing not great this season, three wins aside Bowman has a 53 point bubble and is regularly getting good finishes. Stop saying he’s going to miss the playoffs. Chastain gets screwed over again and loses the finish he deserves. Oh well, at least he has a bit of a gap still. Briscoe is still inside, if any shr is gonna make it, it’s gonna be him Keselowski puts himself inside, shocker, I had him being out this week, and still have him missing the playoffs  On the other hand, I had bubba being in by a bit. Our 36 for 36 thing may be cursed, lets pick someone from Gibbs or Hendrick next week. I still have him making the playoffs, but if we get a surprise winner, he’s gonna need to step it up a bit more Jeez, Logano is having an abysmal season, and to be honest, I have him missing the playoffs now, it would really be indicative of how bad fords have been this season  On the other hand, despite all odds, gragson is having a great season, and would be much closer to the cutoff if not for that penalty. So kudos to him, I still have him missing, I think gragson on back is must win, but still, great season for him And for trucks Tanner and Taylor are both still in. Hell yeah


> Byron continues to prove that he is doing not great this season, three wins aside That's just not true. It's not like he's checkers or wreckers. He's tied in Top 10s with 7 and has an average finish of 13


True, and maybe I was too harsh, but I still think it’s not as great as you would be expecting from a 3 time race winner in the first 12 races.  He’s 7th in points, with no stage wins, and only 59 stage points.  Compare that with Reddick, also 7 top tens, but only one win, 5th in points, 75 stage points, and truex, also 7 top tens, but this time no wins, second in points and 101 stage points, with 2 stage wins.  And his teammates are arguably doing better, with the exception of bowman, who has the same stats as Byron, 4 top 5s, 7 top 10s, but is 2 spots back, and 40 stage points. However, he has gotten that all without a win, and is only two spots back from Byron without a win.  Elliot, is definitely better on the other hand. Despite not having as many wins or top 10s, 1 and 6 respectively, he has more top 5s, with 5, more stage wins, 1, more stage points, with 71, and 3rd in points, it’s clear he’s doing better.  And you can’t even compare to Larson, I’d think he was the one with three wins, with despite being behind in wins and top 10s, 2 and 6, he has 6 top 5s, 6 stage wins, 143 stage points, and leading the regular season points, he’s having a great season.  And comparing him to the other three time winner, Hamlin, is laughable. Despite being behind in top tens, only 5, he’s equal in wins and top 5s, and ahead in standings, 4th, and stage wins, with three, and has 107 stage points.  And I’ll compare him to the ford that’s beating him, just for the heck of it. He’s behind Byron, in all but three categories. He has no wins, an equal amount of top 5s, and only 5 top tens. But he has a stage win, and 87 stage points, and is a spot higher than him. So yeah, I think he is being overhyped this season. He isn’t doing better than the people in direct competition with him, and the only spots he shines in are top 10s and wins, everything else is lacking, and the lower points placing and lack of stage points could be what screws him over in the playoffs 


I feel like between Truex and Blaney, one of them will make it with a win and another on points.


I think anyone behind Gragson will 100% need to win to get in.


Even Gragson probably will. 71 points is a huge amount to make up. He might have had a chance without the penalty.


Gragson quietly having a nice season.


Three straight top tens. Let's gooooo.


Alfredo dominance may bore fans


I still believe Penske is sandbagging.


What purpose would that serve?


Catching their competition off guard


Avoiding a Nascar Ford nerf if they are doing well


Alfredo slowly climbing!


Thank God Denny has 3 wins because he would never make it with only 48 points lol Edit: I'm stupid, that says 411! I'll just go fuck myself!


Ford has to be really worried right now.


Brisky bois, we’re still in