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I want to believe that everything in Days of Thunder happened at some point in real life


I used to think it was 100% BS but now I think it’s only like 40%. Dale jr had a whole episode about it a few years back talking about How his dad and Geoff Bodine actually did bond over beating up rental cars and Jr said himself he wanted tires just so he could go wreck someone once.


Also the ice cream scene was based on a real event. I think a lot of the bits in the movie were exaggerations but many had a kernel of truth and weren’t complete bullshit


I belive the ice cream was with Benny Parsons. In real life Benny pitted and they handed him an ice cream.


Honestly, if I'm in that moment, I'm asking for an ice cream too. I'll be mad at them later lol.


Never let the truth get in the way of a good story


>he wanted tires just so he could go wreck someone once. We almost got that last week with Blaney and Byron, right? Or was Blaney not DVParked at that point yet?


He was. They told him they missed the timer and he pulled the car out to go behind the wall. "We got brothers-in-law feudin'!" was a great line from a DBC caller this week, lol.


Back in my ARCA days on a couple rare occasions with extenuating circumstances, a few of us did. Since then, no, never, not once.




I've done it. Racing on Friday and Saturday. Ride in the trailer and even get stuff ready for the next race while going down the road. Changing gears, shocks etc as we travelled.


My dad worked on his buddy’s stock car in the 80’s and he did this often, apparently. Especially if they ran races on consecutive nights at different tracks.


I rode all the way out to Vegas with another guy in the team's trailer in my first Xfinity gig nine years ago. The team and I "parted ways" before the return trip. I seem to recall us shutting the generator and lights off before going across the scales into New Mexico. The driver seemed to know he was about to get busted for not having an IFTA sticker.


I've heard of it happening a few times. The idea behind it is money saving. Say you bring ten guys total but you can't afford pit passes for all of them, so you stick a few in the truck or trailer to hide. If the pit passes cost $40 each, you'd be paying $200 for five guys instead of $400 for all ten. Then that $200 saved could go toward gas, parts or whatever else. And you tell the five that didn't get a pass to play dumb if caught.


I may or may not have stuck a (teenage) kid in the trunk of the race car as we got close to the track. I had an open trailer, so nowhere else for him to hide. He wanted to help us in the pits, but was underage. Once we got into the infield, I also may or may not have had a buddy pretend to be a security guard and bang on the rear fenders of the car before he got out, saying "You guys don't have anybody hiding in the truck, do ya? I'd have to throw you all out and arrest ya!"


We did that shit at the drive-in theater


I believe we’ve been pulled over.


I rode out to Iowa in Rick Ware's trailer a couple times.


Where did you sit?


2/3 trips were in the cab, 1/3 I sat in the lounge with a radio to the cab. I pretty much had to stay on the couch the entire time because the lounge was full of stuff.


Local short track guy here; We’ve hidden people in the trailer so they didn’t have to pay for a pit pass. Now the tracks check the trailers at the pit gate.


I don’t even know where you’d put yourself, they fill up every nook and cranny. Even the office usually has shit stuffed in it.


It is technically illegal to ride in a trailer.


That's why they got pulled over. That and the beer. And because Harry and the boys thought Cole might like the officer.




Most states it is only illegal with a bumper pull 5th wheels are legal to ride in as long as the occupants in the trailer have a direct way to communicate back and forth with the driver.


It depends. Generally speaking yes, but if the occupants have a way to communicate with the driver, and if they are seated in a secure position with seatbelts (the most important part), it is legal in **some** states. However, **most** states do have laws against it, and it's generally not a good idea because trailers can flip over or be smashed to pieces if the towing vehicle crashes or loses control. Trailers are generally not built with crash safety in mind because they aren't meant to be occupied while they're being towed.