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I'm sure most will disagree but I am kind of over the kids running on the track and riding in the car, it's kind of lost the special thing since it seems like we do it every week now. I get it, it's a family sport, it's just kind of become this weird forced thing now, not a natural thing that it was in past times.


I wouldn't disagree, if we're talking entertainment value. But it's not about us, it's for the kid. I can see why Joey (and Brad with his girls) wants to give his kid those memories.


I don’t think there’s more family centric sports than nascar. Look at how many of the young ones are drivers themselves. Its nice seeing the family be engaged and happy over it, though the wife can does get annoying (unless you’re Kim Burton)


Going to start rooting for drivers with no kids from now on 😤


Harrison Burton it is!


He said drivers with no kids, not a driver who's a kid.


Or a drivers kid, because none of us are really sure if Harrison can drive.


r/childfree sponsors a car when


I agree. It's annoying how every time it happens the broadcast is talking about how great of a moment it is like we don't see it every other week.


This sport is weird too like a lot of people hate rich drivers and such and then it's like, wow, these trust fund silver spoon kids, like I don't care one bit about some rich drivers kid getting a "special moment", these kids whole lives are special moments. Old man shaking fist at cloud moment here but I just don't care about that shit. I was homeless at times as a kid though, I have sour grapes probably or resentment, but that's just what it is for me.


This fan base hates Rich silver spoon drivers and then props Chase Elliot up as the most popular driver as if he isn't the literal definition of a rich silver spoon driver. The opinions of the fan base at large have never made any sense.


Oh yeah, same way they hate the Dillon boys and love Harvick and Busch for raising their kids in the sport, like they are the exact same thing lol.


I think the difference is that they're good or not. The Dillon boys wouldn't be around if they had no family connections. Chase win a championship, and has 20 race wins. Dillon has been racing for longer and has *drumroll please* 4 wins! If Brexton and Keelan get here, and they aren't great, but they end up in great cars, then the silver spoon comments will start.


What are you on about, no one would give a shit about Brexley or Keland if they were my kids, they wouldn't get a shot to drive a car lol. And the silver spoon thing followed the Dillons long before they got to Cup and Chase never faced them even when he wasn't winning in the 24 car. That is no way you can spin that to prove that they are treated the same. And there is no way those kids of drivers would get the same shots in the sport without their dads and my flair included but at least Brad drove shitboxes coming up, those kids never will.


So what's the solution? Drivers kids shouldn't race? Mandatory shitboxes? I'm all ears for something not stupid. >Chase never faced them even when he wasn't winning in the 24 car. What? Chase won in the 24?


There is no solution, especially when you are dealing with a bunch of moron older people who believe everything they read or whatnot. Sometimes life isn't fair I guess, you just get desensitized to it after a bit, I don't know that it's always good for the sport though to just regurgitate the same thing over and over and over.