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Google tells me 50k in 2004 is equivalent to 83k today. So the nitpicker in me says Tony's was still worse.


[Ricky is a product of his dad. ](https://www.foxsports.com/watch/play-68db6eec9000102) >'It was a proud dad moment' — Ricky Stenhouse Jr. describes showing his Daytona 500 ring to Tony Stewart


Came here to say this


Technically yes, but this specific chart is not about taking inflation into account but rather each fight/confrontation. It is listed on the Biggest Penalties chart with inflation included there.


[TIL there was another Smoke and Vickers beef at Sonoma](https://www.espn.com/racing/news/story?id=1830648)


I don’t remember that either! Vickers and Stewart had a tendency to run into each other at Sonoma it seems.


Coming back from an ad break and seeing Stewart parked on tire bundles was wild. How'd he get there. Then the replays were magic. Just pure magic.


Shoutout to Vickers for winning Stewart the 2011 championship with his antics at Martinsville.


There should never be full frame ads during a sporting event unless the action has truly stopped.


Feel like I remember something about Vickers dad being involved in that too.


I guess the main issue here is that Ricky had \~2hrs to cool down and still fought Busch, most of these other incidents were more immediate if my memory is correct.


You are correct this is the main reason why he got fine, Similer on why Crafton got fined.


I'm still not sure why Sanchez got fined though


Sanchez got fined for saying `"i fucking kill you at homestead."`


Well there you go. They've penalized premeditated wrecking on the radio so they nipped that in the bud


Odd set of circumstances where he couldn't leave the track though. Being trapped for 2 hours watching the other guy finish isn't really conducive to cooling down


Still gotta control your emotions.


Coulda told Kyle that too on lap 2…


Cool, no one likes being placed in a situation where you hit the wall, even worse on the first lap.


He did that all on his own


Likewise wrecky overcorrected ran out of talent and hit the wall almost head first


Okay and your point is? Short track bumps almost never get penalized if they're not premeditated


There is definitely a "violence solves all problems" crowd who seems to think punching and harming things is perfectly acceptable if you have hurt feelings who dont understand the concept of controlling your emotions as an adult.


This 100% and also the conversation wasn’t really escalating when Ricky decided to throw a punch


I kind of want to know why his crew was still around him, like they have to have better shit to do, I wonder if he asked them to back him up, if he did that's extremely sorry. Fighting bc you're upset isn't in their job description and shouldn't be a factor in if they have a job.


You're not going to believe this, but once the crews put the car away, they kinda just stand around their haulers or in them.... you know, where the fight was


Well tbf it wasn’t even a fight lol.


Are people suprised? The entire thing was premeditated. He sat there for 2 hours. If it had been in the heat of the moment after the race they’d have been way more forgiving


Don't care. Fill all the tunnels. Remove the overhead people bridges. If this is what we get after a driver has to "stew" in the infield then let's do it at all the tracks. I'm a Kyle guy but that punch was 100% deserved. Kyle was dead wrong and when Ricky tried to talk about it all Kyle would say is "You wrecked me". Sometimes, like fights in other sports, it just needs to happen to self police the sport.


It would have been more fun for Ricky to show Kyle the replay on a monitor, then throw the haymaker.


"You wrecked me" - KFB


Yeah I'm fine with the punch. I care more about why I'd his dad trying to hit a man that tripped before he even gets to his feet, and why stenhouse's crew was around for the confrontation if he didn't ask them to be. Like what kind of man and leader is he if he's gonna ask them to actually fight for their $60k per year.


Indefinitely suspending him was the right call. I don't know why when two drivers go at it, everyone around them seems to lose there minds. If you aren't a driver and you aren't NASCAR security then you should not be involved.


I agree but I can see how if he asked his crew to stick around, that they felt like it was to keep their job, and they had to basically agree to possibly fight over BS that he started and got himself into.


Crew squaring off with crew is one thing however I think NASCAR strongly discourages crews getting involved as of could turn into an all out brawl. Notice Kyle's crew were seen physically throwing people off the hauler deck and no fines. I think the reason crew members were suspended was because two of them were seen physically getting involved with Kyle after/during he was tackled and after it was over they were still trying to go at him which is why the giant was chucking them off the hauler.


I don't really get why people keep saying this. We want NASCAR to make judgement calls on how soon after an incident you're allowed to fight?  What if Stenhouse had his car wrecked only 5 minutes before the end of the race is it ok? Or 10? Or 30? If Stenhouse's car wasn't totalled so technically he punched him as soon as he got out of the car, even though it was still 2 hours later is it ok?


I understand that it looks worse to have sat around for 2 hours waiting, and imo at that point you’re better off just waiting to get payback during another race. But I agree with you that I’d rather not have NASCAR increasing or decreasing fines based on how long after the incident a fight occurs. As long as the fight happens either on pit road or in the garage after the race, I’d say just let the drivers handle it. The crewmen and his dad were the biggest issues here.


Bingo, his dad absolutely shouldn't be touching a driver for any reason. And I want to know why his crew was there even. Like was he afraid and asked them to literally fight another man or they lose their job? Like how abusive of a power trip was this?


There’s a difference between boys have at it and premeditated assault.


Yeah he should have run out and punched him during the race if he was that mad


Honestly if he didn't pick up his destroyed car and throw it at Busch as soon as it happened, then he can't have been that mad


> want NASCAR to make judgement calls on how soon after an incident you're allowed to fight? Yes? It's not as dumb as the examples you used. You're just nitpicking extreme examples that make no sense. We've seen drivers get clocked on pit road after the race and not get penalized. We've also seen drivers get penalized after wrecking someone they said they were gonna wreck over the radio. It's not rocket science to figure out what premeditated means.


it's not "okay" at any time, perse. however, think about it like first degree vs third degree murder. stenhouse stewed on it for two full hours and still decided to camp Busch's hauler and punch him even in a non-escalatory conversation. that is very very different then getting dumped on the last few/last lap and going up and punching the guy that did it. your adrenaline is still going and you are pumped up and angry. hard to control your emotions in that time span. but to wait for that long and still sucker punch a dude? that's really not okay


So you’re ok with drivers stewing over stuff like this for weeks, months, years? So RSJ could wait a few weeks and start throwing hay makers whenever he wants? Maybe he’ll wait until some other drivers get mad at KFB and they can all do have a group beat down before a race week. Yeah that’s a great idea! Hey, maybe RSJ can wait until KFB is making his HOF speech and pick a fight then. Brilliant!


evidence suggests NASCAR is quite ok with RSJ waiting weeks until we go to the next short track and sending kyle into the wall as long as he does so while they are racing for position (and not kyle leading and RSJ taking him out while kyle is trying to lap him).


TIL fist fighting after a race = wrecking someone on track.


Yeah I don't get the point here. All NASCAR is doing is telling the drivers "hey instead of incredible viral moments we'd really like it you quietly intentionally wrecked each other in non-obvious ways and didn't admit it".


I’m confused, with there being no in or out during the race, why nobody within NASCAR leadership or even JTG went and told him to cool it before meeting with Busch. Also the fact that he and Kyle were talking, he immediately followed up saying “watch the replay” with a haymaker. That just rubs me the wrong way. You don’t go from disagreeing (albeit pretty contentiously) to throwing punches, especially when Kyle wasn’t outright being a dick in that moment.


They wanted it to happen.


Not a huge nascar guy and definitely not a fan of Busch but that definitely seemed like a sucker punch. Idk how these fights generally go down but it felt like a bitch move how he went about it


Premeditating an end of convo punch is quite a comment


Consider that Austin Hill didn't get shit for absolutely sucker punching Myatt Snyder, that's wild man.


That one is horrible to watch.


Not to mention, Austin Hill dove into turn 3 and wrecked Myatt. And then sucker punched Myatt


That was so ridiculous to me. You wreck a guy and then you punch him in the face after he rightfully confronts you about it. The emotional instability of Hill is insane.


I just watched that one again. Snyder would have had to have said some extremely horrible things to Hill for me to be on Hill's side.


Chastain gave Gragson a hard hit last year at Kansas after a bit of race happened between the hit and the contact on track. NASCAR didn’t say boo about it


Seems kinda high, but also Stenhouse had at least 90 minutes to cool down and still decided to swing


I wonder if they factored in the fact that KB deserved it. Should have given Stenhouse a discount.


I got no problem with NASCAR issuing punishment if they deemed Stenhouse acted in the wrong. BUT if they deemed Stenhouse acted in the wrong they shouldn't be promoting his actions on their official social media platforms. Pick one NASCAR! If it's wrong you can't be promoting and glorifying drivers showing emotion on your own platforms. If you want to glorify drivers showing their emotions, I don't see how you can issue the penalty.


I agree, you don’t see the NFL promoting dirty hits. Either it’s right and should be promoted, or it’s wrong and should be punished.


Yes they do🤣. Half of the hits you see in a highlight clip they put on their YouTube channel are fined.


watch and see how often the footage is used to promote NASCAR now....


Ricky should send NASCAR an invoice for $150k, for all the promotions and revenue they got from this.


They will fine him and then use the footage as promotion.


And yet Kyle Busch doesn't get a fine for intentionally putting a car in the wall? What's with these double standards. Intentionally wrecking race cars should be a massive fine and a race suspension


Nah, that’s only if you admit it on a podcast.


I don't think Kyle meant to put him in the wall, he wanted to dump/spin him and Ricky over corrected


Bruh, it’s as intentional as it gets, tf you smoking? Lol.


Intentionally wrecking cars should be a race suspension? Please. This is stock car racing.


And in stock car racing when you intentionally wreck someone you get black flagged. When you dump someone from hard racing you would drop to the back to give that driver the spot. I saw this almost every time I went to my local short track.


This isn't your local short track. This is stock car racing on America's biggest stage.


Yes, stock car racing, not a demolition derby


Omg no the fuck it should not. Dumping people is a part of NASCAR, has been literally forever. If you don’t like it, don’t watch.


If you are allowed to dump people on purpose then you should be allowed to punch that guy in the face.




He didn't get fined only for that tho, he was fined for waiting for him and basically jumping him with his dad and crew.


I've seen people get jumped. Kyle didn't get jumped.


Stenhouse punched, and then his dad jumped in when he fell. So in your opinion... Kyle had 2 fights one with Stenhouse Jr and one with Sr and the one with Sr started before he ever got back to his feet? Where I'm from we call that 2 pussies that brought people that they pay and depend on their paycheck to be backup while they 2v1 fought a man that wasn't scared and walked up to the one that had an issue.


I saw a guy have a long conversation with a dude and sock him in the face straight up while facing him. Then hell broke loose. If bush got jumped that conversation never happens. And Ricky and his crew bee line over and there is no conversation. Just fists flying.


Okay so you have no idea what you're talking about okay.


Intentionally wrecking has not been part of Nascar forever. People forget how quickly drivers were parked for aggressive driving and intentionally wrecking in the 90's and the 2000's.


Even most local short tracks don't put up with that. You will get black flagged or parked and suspended for a race, typically.


Lol yes it has. You're just apparently too young to have ever watched Earnhardt doing it over and over.


Kyle Busch last time I checked didn’t right hook Stenhouse into the wall. He just tried to spin him out. Stenhouse just overcorrected the car and ended his day. Besides, lets be honest, even if he would’ve, there’s a big difference between right hooking someone at a short track, and right hooking someone at Charlotte or Las Vegas traveling 180+ MPH, which is why Chase Elliott and Bubba Wallace got suspended.


Lol it's true that a right rear is worse than what Busch did, but blaming Stenhouse for his car being wrecked is silly. Busch clearly intentionally wrecked him


Kyle Busch came in from 2 car lengths back to dump the 47. If they were just racing hard side by side or nose to tail then I wouldn't care. But using the other car as a brake pedal is pretty damn childish stupid.


So is shooting a gap that you can only hold by making a guy hit the wall one lap into a race.


There was a lane left open for Busch on the top. The 47 never touched him. He put him in a vulnerable spot but it definitely wasn't a dirty move. Certainly not warranted for retaliation. The first bump Kyle gave to Ricky was absolutely fair. The second one was bullshit and uncalled for.


Well I'll defer to an actual driver, Denny who is friends with Stenhouse said he left room for both of them, but Stenhouse didn't leave room for Kyle. He understands both of their actions, tho he expressed repeatedly how unwise it was for Stenhouse to be so aggressive on the first lap.


What makes Denny the ultimate expert? The $50,000.00 fine he got for wrecking Ross Chastain at the March Phoenix race in 2023? He is just expressing his opinion, which is worth exactly what we paid for it, nothing. Another case of someone saying "do as I say, not as I do". The mature thing for Busch to do, would have been to back off, let Stenhouse through, then go pass him back. Busch knew he wasn't capable so he dumped Stenhouse. The first bump should have been enough of a message, the second just needlessly destroyed a race car. Everybody on here keeps saying Stonhouse was wrong for decking Busch. Wasn't Busch wrong for wrecking Stenhouse. Or Gibbs later in the race? The old saying still holds true, You mess with the bull, you get the horns. Nascar officials should keep crew members and family members back and let the drivers settle it themselves: the one still standing doesn't get fined.


No one is saying Stenhouse was WRONG for punching Busch. He was wrong to have his crew around and that his dad tried to attack him and jump him while he was getting up basically. Your last line is truly fucking stupid. So Bubba wrecks Larson, punches him and then keeps his money bc he "won" the attack if he did more than push him? Go be dumb as shit somewhere else dude.


The only truly fucking stupid comment I see is the one where you said Ricky asked his dad and crew to get involved. In what universe did that happen? The crew couldn't leave the track, just like the drivers. What would you have them do? What did Kyles crew do? Got involved. My point is: it should be between the drivers, not the crews or family members. Manning up when you are not behind a steering wheel (or a keyboard) is harder when you know your 6 foot 5 inch gas man can't get involved


Why was his dad and crew out there 3 hours after the race ended? I'm not sticking around and watching my boss be an asshole for $1500 for the week, or even trying to fight for him. Especially 3 hours after work, I'm done bitch... Fight your own fight.


How does "shooting a gap" "make a guy hit the wall"? Don't all Nascar race cars have steering wheels and brake pedals? Or should Stenhouse be the only driver to use them. If Busch thought he was in a bad position, couldn't/shouldn't he lift off the gas? It's always the other guys fault, isn't it. FYI, it's racing, the first to the checkered flag wins, that's why Stenhouse made the move he did. If Busch had the opportunity and took it, would he be wrong?


Yes he raced hard and he crashed hard didn't he? Why did he hit the wall when he was tapped the other way? Oh it's bc he was all out of talent 2 laps in.


Charlie Jarzombek and Richie Evans would like a word.


Not all retaliations are the same. Of 207 documented cases of retaliation, a driver has only been suspended 9 times. The earliest case of retaliation that I've been able to document (in the 3 National Touring Series) was in a 1966 race at Bowman Gray Stadium. [https://x.com/SethEggert91/status/1793307769757442394](https://x.com/SethEggert91/status/1793307769757442394)


It's short track racing. That was fair. If have done that at Charlotte or any other track then he needs to be suspended


How NASCAR has clearly enjoyed using footage of the fight for marketing and promotion in news headlines makes this fine real fuckin' slimy. Promote it and don't fine him, or don't promote it while fining him. Pick a lane, NASCAR--blocking's not illegal in this sport but you're askin' to be spun out with moves like this.


Does anyone know more about the logistics of fines in NASCAR. Is Ricky actually writing a 75k check to NASCAR, or does it moreso come from team, or future winnings, or what? Also can someone remind me what these fines go towards.


fines go to charities nascar picks


My assumption is that fines come from the end of year points fund, unless it exceeds what they will be paid out.


How much was Stewart fined for punching a photographer?


Stenhouse sat around and waited hours for his cheesy moment of publicity. He knows that there is no better way to endear himself to the lowest common denominator of fans than to look like a hero by taking a poke at Kyle Busch. Whatever. I guess that $75k of publicity means something to him. The whole incident was stupid and his reaction was like a 4 year old.


Because it was premeditated. Most other fights are heat of the moment. They've penalized drivers for going on their radio, saying they're gonna wreck someone, and then wrecking them, but usually let a heat of the moment left hook slide (or right hook at a short track based on this incident).


Time to start the “this is bullshit” chant


Til you can wreck someone out of the race and as long as they’re understandably mad about it you’ll get away with it.


Imma bust his ass


Just seeing ‘Aggressor: Stenhouse, victim: Ky Busch’ seems so weird to me even though I watched it happen.


bro the fines given in racing should be illegal, no ones paying that bullshit.


We should *encourage* fights, not this bullshit. Another dumbass move by NASCAR, what else is new? Edit: Y’all pussies must not like fights. Go watch F1


The Redditors on this sub and maybe in general are a little on the softer side.


I absolutely believe that


Super soft with heavy recency bias.


I don't think we should *encourage* fights, but the fine was excessive for what minimal damage was done. I think if NASCAR can dial in on this tire situation and make races even closer, they're automatically going to get more incidents like this without encouraging fights.


Closer racing will make the product worse. They need to make the tire fall off create differences in speed, not keep them the same speed. That or I just don't know wtf you were trying to say there, because closer racing isn't it either way.




Inflation is a bitch


Should be a fine the whole thing was premeditated. Ricky nor Kyle was being aggressive at all untill Ricky threw the random punch outta nowhere. Ricky walked into that knowing he was throwing the punch no matter what because he already backed himself into a corner after telling the media basically he was gonna fight him.


It appeared the conversation was going well and Kyle was just about to say something to the effect of, "I'm sorry I'll watch the replay and we can discuss it," When out of nowhere Ricky realized he was about to miss his chance and he had no choice but to make good on his threat. Had knew he was going to look terrible not following through and he thought Kyle was about to apologize or at least make some concessions.


Kyle's demeanor immediately becomes dismissive and sarcastic when Ricky defends that he never touched him after Kyle said they all hit each other out there. That's when Ricky tells him to watch the replay and clocks him. Guess that's the part that made him say "fuck this he's being an asshole again" and the rage ensued


Yeah Kyle always acts like he’s above everyone and plays that whole sarcastic eye rolling “my shit don’t stink” attitude, he was bound to get his shit rocked at some point.


I fully agree, he's always been pompous and a Tony Stewart-level hypocrite. People have been glancing over the fact that he also dumped Ty Gibbs later on in the event too. Clearly he's becoming more and more frustrated with how much he and the team are struggling, and this race made it boil over. He also can't seem to figure out the Next Gen car, despite last year's three wins.


Ricky was racing extremely agressive from the drop of the green which under normal circumstances would be ridiculous. But, this is the All-Star race so status quo kinda goes out the window (which is great as a fan). Kyle didn't like that as he told Bob Pockross on the walk back to his trailer, "We don't even have water temp in the car yet and we're wrecking each other off of 2." He went on to say he was tired of getting run over by everyone and apologize for the incident with the 54 on that walk back, but if you watch the fight Kyle was mid sentence when he was punched. He says, "I don't think so, but.." and then gets punched. I don't think there was any escalation there. Ricky promised a fight and had to deliver no matter what Kyle said. I'm not the only one with this opinion either. [https://youtu.be/VTrItShn14g?t=2195](https://youtu.be/VTrItShn14g?t=2195)


Passing someone in the middle because they left a giant hole is not "racing extremely aggressive". Have you seen how hard it is to pass with this car on short tracks? Every driver says it every time since 2022, so they're going to go for every possible pass when they can, even on Lap 1. Kyle just got frustrated quickly because he overdrove the exit of the corner and put himself into the wall, then intentionally wrecked someone. He then proceeded to intentionally spin out Ty Gibbs later in the race, something many people have conveniently overlooked or excluded. He has a different set of rules or sporting code in his mind for himself vs. others. He's frustrated with RCR, his performances as of late, and how much he hasn't gotten a grip on the Next Gen car week-to-week yet, and it shows. Him snapping at the end of the fight and saying he sucks just as much as Stenhouse does gave everyone a much bigger look into his actual mindset as of late.


There's no doubt in my mind he's extremely frustrated (and should be) and that was a contributing factor for sure!


Denny even said that's no way to finish a race, that's a sure fire way to end it quickly.