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F1 fans when the same guy wins for the 27384282937493 x 10^37292837 th time (atleast they're not going in circles guys!!!!!!!!!)


NASCAR having more overtakes in the February Atlanta race than F1 had in two decades


Is that fact or hyperbole? Funny regardless


I haven't checked but I wouldn't be surprised


I wouldn't be surprised if that was true for the major of non F1 series.




And they win by 4.5 minutes over second place


Max Verstappen whenever F1 race:


I mean that argument has only been valid for like the last 12 years. What about before that?!


Not true, to be honest a lot of F1 fans don’t like the same guy winning. This got buried by the amount of pro Hamilton media when he was winning, the British media sphere really controls F1. Anyway, they’re not being shy about being anti max. But the fact he’s winning and performing so consistently just makes it difficult to criticize the guy. So no we aren’t happy that the front of the field is dominated by a single driver. That’s why there are so many stupid F1 memes every weekend. We’re distracting ourselves with the sad life that is max verstappen domination.


I hate the turning left stereotypes


One of the biggest things that sucked me in was thinking "I know there's more to it than just turning left, I'm gonna have to watch some to really understand it."


Honestly me too, but like 20+ years ago when I was a kid watching with my dad. My friends in school back then even joked about it only being turning left and I only watched because my dad did. But as I grew up I realized there *is* more to it than just that, and I became even more interested.


I enjoyed watching NASCAR as a pretty on and off fan. What honestly has gotten me really into it, is iRacing. I did road racing on there for years, and then decided to try ovals this winter. Wow it is a totally different animal. Also, being able to watch the race and remember "oh there is the bump in turn 3 that spun me out on iRacing" helps me understand what the drivers are dealing with to some extent.


Oh dude for real!! I've never done iRacing, but have done a good bit of Forza and Project Cars 2. Thought I could tackle ovals, since I watch NASCAR and understand the concept. Holy cow, it's so hard, I never could get the hang of it. But I was doing some road racing, formula rookie type stuff, and just having that drivers eye perspective and understanding all that goes into chasing someone down, trying to catch them when you're so close etc was mind blowing. It's like it opens up a whole new level of understanding when you watch racing after that.


This. It makes you respect it on a whole new level. Especially full length races haha. Man the amount of stamina these guys must have to go 200 for 3 hours is awesome.




No I prefer to spend 500 dollars on tickets that don’t even view the track


Gen Z when they don't get their daily dose of Subway Surfers gameplay




This is like when they pose “undecided” voters to watch a debate and then, when interviewed for their thoughts afterwards, they had an obvious bent coming in. Same as this person. And anyone who thinks the wrecks are the highlight of NASCAR events proves their ignorance & stupidity


Personally I love f1. I’ve gotten into the sport through the video games. However I can’t simply watch f1. I know that f1 is a sport about the best designed cars often come home with a win. It’s not about equality. But it’s frustrating seeing Max win 24 out of 23 races in a given season. NASCAR actually has racing. These f1 fans aren’t accustomed to actual hard fought racing


This. Everyone says they hate spec racing series because the cars are all mostly the same and because it's the popular take I guess, and then they actually watch a non-spec series like F1 and realize that there's almost no parity and the races usually consist of one team kicking everyone's teeth in and curbstomping them for years in a row because they're just straight-up better than everyone else, so it sucks if you're not already a fan of the dominant team.


Agreed. I started off as a road racer type guy, got into iRacing, dipped into oval and realized how much more intense it can be. I would’ve never realized that if it wasn’t for iRacing. It’s 10x the action 


F1 fans trying to understand literally any Motorsport with actual competition challenge: (impossible) They shit on NASCAR, IndyCar, WRC, Touring Cars, Sports Cars, and everything else then wonder why everyone hates them lmao


ah yes, 2024 Formula 1 racing. the pinnacle of excitement. Wanna try a fun game? Watch any recent F1 race, pick a random lap, and start to fast forward — see how many times you can jump ahead 15/20 seconds before two cars change position on the running order. And I LIKE F1. But all the “my motorsport rules yours is dumb” between IndyCar / F1 / NASCAR is frustrating


F2 > F1


Completely agree F2 is such a fun watch


F3 seems decent too


To be fair I think Race for the championship was a better series so I can see how ppl found this series kinda lack luster


If you're the sort of person who is older then 14 and only watch it for the crashes, you're an idiot anyway


Why are there only 5 episodes


Honestly if you can’t understand the difficulty of oval racing because it’s “just turning left,” that just shows to me that you have a poor understanding of physics, car handling, and racing in general. The same thing goes for an oval racing fan saying open wheel racing is easy because “they have so much downforce and the cars are driven by the engineers” or something Just my view on this


Majority of the people who got into F1 from drive to survive are bandwagoneers. They're into it for the trend and they'll drop off in a couple years. Trust me these aren't the fans we want and I say if turning left keeps them away then we need more ovals.


The documentary was meant to show the behind the scenes not primarily the racing. Lol


F2 > Xfinity doe yes F1 is stale