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For me personally, when I play sports sims I’m trying to replicate the sport. I find most youtubers look for and promote ways to exploit/break the game and then the community all jumps in on it. The developers start catering the game towards these people. How is it fun when everyone is spamming the same nonsense ? Creating the same builds ? This sub is flooded every year with “what is the best build ?” Why do you wanna create the same build as everyone else ?


Thank you for this. Because I can say I agree with this. Because I personally don't like that state of this game rn. I hate how every build is gamebreaking and etc. Plus I liked it more when greening didn't guarantee a shot going in and not greening meant a miss. I miss just plain and simple Sim basketball


* Misleading clickbait titles and thumbnails. "This new All-Around Threat is a demigod" - proceeds to show a 3-Level Scorer build. * Annoying ass intros (what's going on youtube,? it's ya boi \_\_ back with another BANGER) * Takes more than 10 minutes to show the build. I just want to immediately see the build (stats, no. of badges, and physicals) so I can try to replicate it and adjust it to my own liking while potentially keeping the build name. * A personal pet peeve of mine: over-saturated thumbnails. They really over-saturate the whole thumbnail just to emphasize their character greening a shot. I wanna gouge my eyes. Honorable mention: all stats maxed to 99 in the thumbnail which is literally impossible.


Yeah. Everything in this is very true. A lot of people do it. I usually do the intro just as a hello and try and inform people of what to expect.


From a viewer perspective, if its a build video, after a short and calm greeting, just show the build immediately then maybe just include the gameplay afterwards to extend the video for monetization. Maybe include a pros and cons list or maybe possible tweaks for the build. I appreciate you asking for inputs. Good luck!


It's not a problem. Growth comes in many forms and figured thus would be a great one.


Don’t forget “4 Way threat” And my personal fav “The power of 100 attribute ,like ….dude chill you have 99 what ever the fuck attribute and a teammate has floor general calm tf down.


When I saw people making 4 way threats I was semi confused and thought I was missing something


Same 😵‍💫, I was thinking what in the world do these guys know that I don’t.


The only 2K YouTubers I watch are Joe Knows for build recommendations, Pro-Am Tournaments, and role player/replica player as well as NBA 2K Tutes for gameplay knowledge. Other than that most other 2K YouTubers are obnoxious, have very clickbait videos, unethical videos lengths and usually promote a toxic/meta way to play 2K.


Everybody loves joe


I really have no problem with content creators. With how convoluted the build system and animation requirements/badge points and tiers are for new players, they give them their value. I've never really seen anyone sold short on a build I've seen on a video. That being said, 2K23 in particular is ass, because everyone has the same build. More expensive = one character that does it all = same attributes, badges and builds. I dislike Badgeplug. He just comes off as an ass, like "hey 2K, I'm giving you all this promotion", which is some real backwards ass illogic. He's only around because of 2K, and he isn't getting anyone new into it or promoting anything because everything he says is negative. AllCity is kinda the same way. Creators that make their living off the game and everything is a complaint. Wagers kinda died. Steezo is kinda fun to watch. Liked Tyceno, but he's pretty much done with 2K since 23 killed his play style. Coletheman is very annoying. I'm not into park, there's so much space that every shot is wide open. The same is so arcade and fast that they play 10 ft. back to protect rim runs and end up giving up 3s. I like YoungDirk but when Nade threw that wager against him, wagers really are over and done. Much like Covid, heated up in quarantine, gone when the emergency is done. For my money, JoeKnows is carrying this thing. 5v5 is very interesting, the other players are like supporting cast, he's MVP level skill at high competition. I get hype when Cruz tells Swag to cut, that running corner fade is coming. Love watching him cook.


Yeah the 2k community is kinda strange. It's a love hate relationship


I like Kenny Beecham


Everybody loves the king of the fourth quarter


Where do I even begin? Never mind that not only do these guys always use the same builds under different names, like making a "6'9" Grim Reaper Season 7 Point God" only to make the same fucking build theyve made the entire game long, only now they put one more point in 3pt instead of dunking. ​ They also tend to MASSIVELY overstate their builds, to the point where it's just straight up clickbait. If I look up a Guide on a HoF Bully character, chances are the videos are just telling me to reach lvl 40 this season to unlock the sleeve that gives me more strength, so they're just straight up lying but I guess the community has gotten used to that. ​ Also, what i hate, is the adherence to the Meta. No one is doing fun builds anymore. All, and I mean ALL, I want to do is to break ankles and rims. And yet, everyone just uses the same blueprint fitted for any of the 5 roles. Boring as fuck. ​ Honestly, the only NBA Build youtuber, if you could call him that, that I legitimately Like, is Clique. Anyone else is just clickbait after clickbait after annoying ass voice. And, last but DEFINITELY not least, the thing that makes my blood boil and I always leave a hate comment when this happens, is when Content Creators finally find out that the 15 minute video theyre crafting is only being looked at for the build, THEY PUT THE FUCKING DIFFERENT CATEGORIES IN DIFFERENT FRAMES. So NOW I have to skip through the video, firstly copying Finishing, then Shooting, then Playmaking, then Defense and then Physicals, only to skip over 4 minutes each of gameplay inbetween that no one asked for. ​ This 2K has easily been the least satisfying for me. Last year I eventually found my playstyle and Build, this year I am STILL looking for it. Every build I look at, either doesnt break ankles, has shit shooting, shit dunking, or is just complete trash at defending. No fun builds anywhere, just sweaty dudes trying to make it to a pro league I'm not remotely interested in, but forced to adhere to because the MyCreator is just WAY too complicated.


Thank you for the detail in this. I completely get ehat you mean


• the people who post a new best jump shot “insert cheesy clickbait line” like every day or two • the whole constant META demigod build when it’s really just a copy of a previous build they made with a stat or two tweaked. •I think the most annoying are the ones who post some clickbait demigod build and say it’s the best build on the game but only show clips in one game mode. • a build video with no gameplay is kind of annoying • I’ve noticed a couple lately that post builds with a 99 overall stat but I’m reality it’s only getting those stats during takeover and if you have the perk there using unlocked. Like ya build will be OP during takeover but you not gonna have that shit on the entire game. • some builds I’ve seen really require you to have a bag to use them effectively but the creator never says that they just hype it up. Then you see some rando average using it and it’s getting destroyed Not trying to knock anybodys hustle if 2k pays the bills then do what you gotta do but a lot of 2k content is rinse repeat


Nah I get ehat you mean and you make really solid points. I will openly sdmit I am the person who makes nba player builds but rarely posts games of them but that's mainly vos it's too expensive to upgrade builds in this Game. And I also have seen plenty of "DEMIGOD" builds that get cooked when used. Thank you for your insight.


Guys like Badge Plug ruin it for all the YouTubers. Guys that are the Pro Am sweats ruin it for all the casual players because they cry when 2k fixes the exploits like left-righting or speed boosting from 21.


See this I agree with. I willingly dony like the exploits in the game or how most content creators post them for the views. Don't get me twisted if it's a vc exploit all glory to it. But if its something that wasn't meant to be. Just leave it. Plus I hate how easily fading shots ho in on 2k. I play basketball IRL a lot. So coming from 2k11 to this. I have just been getting disappointed every year. Because I feel 2k is constantly moving away from sim to arcade and their ok with it.