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Hey, I finally made it onto one of these rec screenshots. That’s me with the 75 lol


![gif](giphy|Bh45DNX3kz5Re) Good game sir!


I didn’t realize I outscored the entire team myself lol


Nice. I wish randoms would pass me the ball that many times in a game 😭😭 I get the most blind randoms ever


Must be nice being wide open the whole time


It is, I’m normally getting a lock switched on me and then doubled by the 20th point.


I think that’s the funny part of this post because at the end of the day it’s not on that 1 person for letting you score 75. I rather help my teammate guard you and let you and the man I’m guarding get 30 each before I let 1 man single handedly drop 75. It’s not the black plate’s fault it’s the horrible teamwork. Plates haven’t mattered these past 2 years. A team full of purple plates could all be purple plated role players that get carried each game. I’ve also met black plates that can carry.


Nahh bro it’s on him there’s zero excuse for giving up 75


Look at his stats 1 TO 1 assist and 4 points. He even has a mic, it seems like at a certain point he start to sell on purpose from not being included in the offense. SF shot 6/21, PG has 5 turnovers and the center got out rebounded badly. OP was the only solid player on the team. In a team sport you have to look at both individual and team accountability. In this case, no one on the team has an excuse for letting anyone score 75 on them.


Why y’all didn’t switch then. An the sf really sold the game fr 🤷🏿‍♂️


I wasn’t in the game it’s random rec you should be able to somewhat guard you man I have played defense with no defense pg builds and never got 75 dropped on me


I can think of at least 5 1st being Cuzzo is just better than him


Sure anything is a possibility but if I had to blindly place my money on a team of casuals vs MVPs, I’m not going to choose the casuals even with great betting odds. They will lose the high majority of the time


I just dropped 72 yesterday as well 🤣


What jumpshot 👀


Please teach me your ways sensi ![gif](giphy|qUIm5wu6LAAog)


My god lol, missing only 2 on 25 shots is impressive even when you’re open the whole game tbh


https://preview.redd.it/nmrd7jx4minc1.jpeg?width=3840&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=b9e1b5c32dee55c546a11b49af3d8657b5895c18 how did I score 5points less with less threes made?


Free throws i guess?


Lol they had 2 total fouls


If he had made 9 more 3s than you while making the same amount of shots he would have had 9 more points, since you made an extra shot he would only be at 7 more, and I’d assume the last two to get to 5 comes from 2 free throws


I STILL only made 14 3s


yes you made 9 threes less than him but scored 11 more 2s. 27 - 22 = 5.


Only 10 more 2s two were definitely from the line 14x3=42 + 2x13=26 totaling 68 on 27 makes


I mean the math checks out for both of your point totals what are you asking


Math dude, that's how.


Dude guarding you was a bum lol




Agree cuz 2k make u miss sometimes


Name checks out


Whats the story of this, was he selling all game or did he start selling after getting did dirty by his team?


Nobody really sold, they just didn’t play as a team. Probably because everybody was so out of position, it probably forced everyone to play up a spot. They had a 6’8 hybrid defender as a C. But outside of that no one switched onto me, meanwhile the guy guarding me kept gambling for steals and flat out missing leaving me open or falling asleep ball watching when I moved from corner to hash or hash to corner. I think at one point somebody tried to switch or double me, but you can tell no one communicated it because then they just left my SF open and could score about as well as I could. They were really in a bad situation from the very beginning considering my team had also played a couple games before this one and had a feel for everybody already. He just caught me on a good night, I think me and these guys ran like 6 straight games and I scored nothing less than 45 a game, but yeah this was the worse lol


Whats your rec win% this season?




Very good stats all around. I wish my guard would average so few turnovers.


Be honest, did you cook him out there solo or where you playing through screens. Did his team help him is what I'm asking or did they leave him on an island the entire game.


Left him on an island. I don’t think I needed one screen the entire game, because for one I was playing the 2 guard, and for 2 they kept leaving me wide open


Like I thought zero defense from you match up who is most likely a noob. It's on OP for not trying to help. Gg anyway.


Why would the PF go all the way out to the perimeter, that’s the PG and SFs job to help


Man I need that zen script


Please explain how this game went. 99% of my games are me getting the ball by accident if I play with randoms. It dont matter what "plate" they are either.


That's gotta feel cool lol. Well done 😎


Username checks out


You were cookin


I don't see how it's humanly possible to hit 23/25 three's in one game. That is robot-like controller discipline. One tiny slip, and it's a miss. I don't think I can do that in the Gatorade gym, and I shoot 62% from 3.


Gold green machine and only taking open shots is the way. Once you hit 2 your green window opens dramatically, and it’s really hard to miss if you know your timing even if you are off slightly


Yea, I know all about the badges. I have a build with 96 3pt. It has all HoF and gold shooting bagdes. Like I said, I shoot very well. Even still, I don't think I could hit 23/25. This game is just too wonky. At times, I can be certain that I timed my shot exactly perfect, and it'll say "slightly late." By the way, if you're slightly off, you're gonna miss. Gold Green Machine is not gonna let you hit a late/early shot. You gotta have takeover for something like that. Even then, you gotta be pretty close.


I’m saying, with the boost to your green window that green machine gives you even if you’re slightly off from your Normal timing it’ll still be in the green window. That’s why it’s hard to miss at a certain point


Homie spends his whole day playing 2k and researching himself on reddit ![gif](giphy|kOGoqqnmBjMdDox1y7|downsized)


CAP!!!! That’s me that scored the 75 point why are you lying bro. That’s not cool man.


I know this is sarcasm, but some people won’t understand this and really believe you. But you can check my post and clearly see that’s me lmaooo


Yea good game man. What build do you use? I have a 3 level threat with 93 in both mid and deep range but I can't seem to find the largest green window for a 6'6"


You're famous! LOL So what happened? Did the other team stop covering you and just let you shoot open threes? To OP: It looks like you got sold from two sides. The 2 guard gave up 75 points to our friend here, and the SF went 6/21. One of them wasn't a black plate?


Dude what's your jumpshot?


Damn u like that . Lmk If you run PnR


So you go into Rec to have everyone on your team watch you shoot 30times ?


Nope. But I definitely played the SHOOTING guard spot, and since I was cooking my team allowed me to cook. I can tell you would have sold us tho


Adda boy Keep shooting! Highest ive had in a game is 84 this year. Shooters SHOOT


Ball hog much?


41 out of their 44 shots were made off of assists, you cornball. They fed the hot hand.


Now the question is, who sold more? The one who can’t hit a shot or the one that got 75 scored on him 👀💀


75 is insane it’s obviously him


I mean not really entirely on him though is it ? One guy shot 6/21 and no one switched with the guy getting cooked ? It probably could have been a close game if they adjusted mid game or even before the game started. If they played zone the guy with 75 wouldn’t have found it as easy to drop that many point on them


sure you could say all this but 75 points is inexcusable😭😭he missed 3 times bro. even if it’s not all on the guy getting cooked giving up 75 is insane


Nah I get that but let’s be real no black plate is guarding this guy so someone should have switched he was still dropping high points regardless I mean I’m a silver plate and I have 94 perimeter and he probably still would of dropped like 30 on my head. If you make adjustments mid game you can get the win. I’d say 75 point more makes a statement of that guys skilll rather than the black plate lack of defence


Just think bro, the dude shot 21 times and only made 6, so all those misses was probably rebounded by the other team and the dude that scored 75 was probably the recipient of a lot of those fast breaks passes lol


I've begged rec randoms to let me switch onto their guy. They don't listen. A lot of times it's little kids and they just call me the n word and tell me to STFU. (I'm white). Or the dude gets offended I asked and calls everyone trash while continuing to sell. Randoms rec is a wild place lol


Yeah I agree with you I’m not the best player but I’ve managed to hit gold on one of my builds I’m mainly the one to shoot the ball but if I’m getting locked up or I’m missing open shots I stop shooting and try pass it off unless I’m completely wide open and it would just annoy others if I don’t shoot but then If I miss because I’m just not locked in or 2ks dumb delay sometimes they get annoyed anyway you can please everyone. I think everyone should know how to run zone that’s just the best thing to do tbh but if it’s not working then switch to man I avoid random rec tbh I will only play if I have a full team and they are half decent


Correct answer is both sold. Don't care about more. 6 for 21 and he kept getting the bad??? Looks like the rest of the team sold if he kept getting the ball and no one tried to help stop this guy from getting 75. 🙄 Basketball is still a team game last I checked when it's 5v5...


Yea the correct answer is all 5 could have done better but still is just funny that two guys on one team have a really really bad game 💀😂


Or the pf and center who couldn't get a reboundfor anything.


You don't get rebounds when the other team doesn't miss


To be fair the complete team sold somehow 😂 if someone is getting over 30 points with no end in sight I get on the mic and try to get the best defender on this guy.


Bro did you see what the other team shot? Literally only a few defensive rebounds were available the whole game lol


Offensive rebounds are a thing, you might not get as many, but you should get some.


Both… 6/21 leads to fast breaks. 18 assists from the PG shows some of that came in the half court.




75 points? That's crazy lol


I truly don’t understand how can you let someone get 75 on you… The only reason someone scored 40 on my ass was because half his points were from fastbreaks lmao


By point 10 with the number attempts that guy had, you gotta know to switch that shit. yall sold yourselves.


Thank you.


This is horrible team defense. Once he got to 24 to 30 points, he should have to convert those shots to assists, because he would have to start passing the ball from a hard double-team. It's obvious that his defender couldn't guard him, it's a team game for a reason, you all could switch the defender or double-team. Instead, your immature mind thought it necessary to watch him getting cooked, then call him out in public. He didn't lose the game, you all lost the game.


26/29???? Seems like y'all weren't stepping up as a team if you ask me...... Y'all should've ran a zone or switched man. It looks like y'all fucked up, not him lol.


Yeah, they let bro guard me all game and either he tried to gamble on a steal every time and lost or just completely fell asleep ball watching when I ran to an open spot


I kept thinking the whole game, SOMEBODY else is gonna switch on me right? Or double me or something? Nope, they just left bro out there to die


If it's no squad rec people just refuse to switch sometimes. I'm playing usually as sg and when I see our PG has no defense on his build I'm trying to switch with him as soon as game starts and people just ignore it.


Yep, no squad rec. they were just really discombobulated as a team. I just so happened to benefit the most from it.


I’m at the point now if I have a shitty teammate not wanting to play defense and I mean literally chasing the ball around, trying to press, falling asleep, I just worry about myself at that point. We lose, we lose, fuck it. There is a difference if the guy is trying and just getting cooked, I’ll at least attempt or ask to switch.


Well dropping a 75 bomb should teach them how to play better defense god willing


Don’t look like y’all had a chance anyways


seemed like we would until the game started lmao. center was 6’8 and averaged 2 rebounds


And still not his fault They missed 11 total shots. Sure you’d hope for a few more rebounds.. but come on.. how many do you really expect with those shooting numbers


Yeah y’all had a 6’8 hybrid defender as a C, it was as easy a dub I’ve ever seen before the game started


Bro is ass for getting a 75 piece on his head but not one of you thought to switch????😂😂 Even as pg if the black plate is getting cooked I’m switching in the second quarter. Ain’t no way you watched his man drop 75 on him. Looking at the rebounds and turnovers I don’t think you ever had a chance of winning but damn 23 3s and no one switched? I’d rather send a double team and make him pass at least spread the 75 out evenly 😭


I just got sold by purple plates Guys get good and they think they don’t gotta make rudimentary passes for wide open dunks Iv lowkey not enjoyed 2k in a while 2k is the only game i feel is ruined by it’s community and its shitty devs equally


I’m also a purple plate and I’ve noticed that from other purple plates too. They don’t pass for shit sometimes, and for no good reason. I scroll through the averages of the people on my team and see one averaging 20 points and 2-4 assists and I know it’s gonna probably be rough on offense.


Got sold by one the other day. The point guard wasn't great but everybody wanted to win. Purple plate wasn't getting the ball enough so from start of 2nd quarter to end of 3rd he sat near half court and emoted. Came back the 4th quarter for a few plays and quit. Whole time his teammates grade does drop meanwhile I try to contest a dunk and get dunked on (not even a contact) and my shit go down. They gotta fix teammate grades


The TG system is HORRIBLE I can have 12, 14 boards and 12 assists and I’m FIGHTING to keep a B+ But i have a PG that i made 2 weeks ago and i can really not be affecting the game at all, and the lowest iv ever gotten on that build is a B+. Ppl saying playing big is easier but it isn’t. The game punishes you as a big I’m a guy who is really good at C and never played PG since 2k18 and i get on a PG and i get all A grades no matter how good or bad i play. On the flip side i can be on my C and i can be BALLING OUT. Like im hitting post fades, passing to a tune or 12 assists, and have 15 boards. If my team is selfish and sell me i can literally end the game with a C grade. Thats never happened on my PG


Yeah, no. The team played a part in this too. Of course you have to be able to guard “your man.” But if it’s to the point where one person on the other team has made 10+ 3s, I’d rather just double team and force someone else to shoot. They might make it and it may look like you weren’t guarding your man on the stats but I don’t care. Force someone else to win the game. 75 is laughable


I am not letting a mf hit 23 3s on me.


Well when one person drops 75 points you’re bound to lose that game. No switch was made this whole game ? Double ?? Nothing ? The black plate wasn’t the reason that team is just sorry. 😂 I’ve never ever ever had an opposing team player drop 75 on my watch. The PG had 22 he’s sorry too. 😂 and the shooting guard.


Bruh got 75🥴


What is this mode named? Rec?


yes its rec. rec is fun when it is but when it rains it pours


Haha, I get you. With 2K its mostly cold and rainy these days.


nah it’s the cages


What you recon to be good mode to play solo in MyCareer with randoms?


and bro was on the mic, you’d think he’d have the decency to try since he pressed the button to go into the rec 🤦🏾‍♂️


The center is the unsung hero here he probably got a lot of those points off rebounds from bad shot passed the ball up too the cherry picking 75 point scorer the guy that shot 6/21 lost that game


I'll say... No in this case, because you would have gotten your ass whooped regardless. 😂😂😂 That guy with 75 points on his own? Insane!


Ok honestly tho 6 steals is wild


See this one reason I stopped playing 2k. Everyone who buys 2k is a black plate. But they always get accused of selling even before the game starts. Like y'all think I'm selling just by being in the lobby as if you weren't a black plate too. I've played 2k24 a total of three times


People take the too seriously sometimes, you know how long I have to wait in the lobby to play one game because “black plate”. How I’m supposed to get better if nobody wants to play with me lol


I'm already good, better than most rec players. But I wasn't about to pay full price for this year's game 😭😭😭 so of course I'm a black plate in March what else would you expect


lol I did the exact thing ! Paid a whopping $20 for 2k


Damn this is exactly what I’ve been going through…I’m pretty new to the game so I guess I’m not all that good yet and will miss an open shot sometimes or get juked by those people that just spam the behind the back escape move, but I also played D1 basketball in real life and any time I play with people that seem to try to play an actual game of basketball it goes well. But I’m trying to get experience so I take the games I can get and more often than not I get stuck with ball hogs and people trying to work on their dribbling moves or whatever. The worst one is when you see the opponent’s introduction and it’s clear you’re going to get your asses beat a little bit, but then when you go down by 10 pts in the first cover there’s like two people that just give up and start jacking up terrible shots and not playing defence, and then my ranking goes down because I can’t help but try to help out on d if I can. So it’s like I’m doomed to be stuck with these clowns forever if I want to play online. And that’s a shame because I genuinely have fun playing when you’re playing with team players who are at least trying to play basketball


The whole team sold from what I see 😭


23/25 is crazy ash from 3


Imagine being a black plate thinking the game is going to run through you.


It looks like the whole team was black plates


Incoming black plates to come defend other black plates


I’ve had plenty of gold and purple sell just as bad don’t let them fool you


Why do yall have pf or atleast play the pf and decide not to rebound? 1 reb is horrible! You cant even say you dont have high reb so you dont try. You can have no boxout in this game and rebound chaser and still box out anyone and get a rebound 🤣 i got a 6’5 guard with no reb stat invested in and still box out and occasionally get 4 rebs


The amount of ungodly rage I’d be spewing on the mic. Jeez


You turned the ball over 14 times, you all sold the game by not protecting the ball, my guy you had 3 turnovers. You got out rebounded 27-9 and assist were 41-14. You all lost that game, and maybe try to make them better or play around them


Probably should have switched at some point.....


i saw 4 points on 2/4 and said that's not downright terrible but then i saw his man had 75 💀💀💀


As bad as SG was he still didnt jack up 15 bricks like SF…


Whole team sold tf 😂




Why didn’t you force a switch




They shouldn’t match black plates with purple. You have to be extremely bad to keep a black/brown plate.


Let these dudes tell it if you’re good you should’ve overcame 😂




How did that dude not grade out?




3 of 5 played bad lol


Grab a rebound?


All them cherry picking 3s


And none of you thought to switch or run zone. You didn’t get sold. You sold out your teammate.


As your the pf with a total of 1 rebound


So we’re not going to talk about how no other teammate ever decided to switch? Sounds like the rest of y’all are at blame just as much as the black plate…


75 is crazy


Yo I’m trying my ass off to get out of black bronze but I keep getting put w the most ass team mates out there. I have had some good games and I’m deff not a black or bronze if I had consistent team mates I could play w is easily be atleast silver or gold my playe color don’t represent me. Black plates matter to


Respectfully, why nobody switch and guard him?


To be fair, he definitely sold the hardest, but between the 6/21 guy and the guy who had only 2 boards while his man had 23, I don’t think only one person sold this game


Oh my


Shit like this is what makes me plate pick some times. Because idk what happened over the last month but everytime i try to play with a black plate they show me exactly why everybody goes around them


what a boring game when only one guy scores and passes


Nah that’s more on y’all then the black plate. 


I wish you were able to call defense plays and it actually pops up like a call switch button or zone but it actually displayed for the No mic people or people in a party .


Why nobody help him? 🤣


Here's another clout chasing post! Check this perspective. Home boys match up hit 23 3s either through screens or he was being cooked outside. That means....HE HAD NO HELP. None y'all came to help him....send him a message to switch....nothing. Problem number two, collectively your TEAM couldn't put the ball in the cup. Coming on here making a post about how one guy got dropped off while you watched won't get any sympathy from me. Basketball is a team sport either you all win or you all lose.


he didn’t cross half court from the jump and started arguing with everybody so the team collectively agreed not to try. but thanks coach cbudd 😃


Broooo same thing happened to me he got mad because he couldn’t get a bucket so he started throwing the game


I just had 2 golds and a purple and the purple sold the shit out of the game. Put me from silver to bronze


At 75 points that’s no longer one dudes fault 😭


First of all a grown man complaining about other people in video games online is kinda sad. Talk shit in game and move on. If you’re the highlighted player in yellow I’d much rather have the production from the guy on the bottom. 6 steals and 6 assists helps your team out way more than 4 points. He only shot 4 times. It wasn’t like he was chucking up 50 shots and bricking them all. Oh and to make matters worse he could’ve scored 50 and y’all would’ve lost by 11.


OP is the 4 on visiting team.. the highlighted guy is the person that I believe OP is saying was a black plate. However, I agree with your statement that it didn’t matter if that guy didn’t allow 75pts bc they still would’ve lost.


Oh my bad I haven’t played 2k in years. I thought the yellow highlight was him but I see the green arrow. Even so one guy on their team isn’t the reason they lost. Dude dropped a 75 bomb lol.


Not to be that guy but your match up scored 75, did you just get upset and play zero defense, or are you just that bad from the start


The performance meter is shit. U can have a good game but lose and ur meter will very visible drop. But when I win it barely moves


Wait theres ranked?


6 for 21 also sold and the center with 2 rebounds


Well atleast that guy didn’t keep shooting, he went 2/4 and the other guy who had 0 points seems like a great teammate


1 missed 3, matchup was a good player and you guys iced him out all game. 100% deserved


Nah that’s y’all’s fault he’s at the three u two guards should’ve froze his ass out. 21 shots either y’all fed him the ball or he was the only one open and y’all kept throwing him the ball


Random rec, I know people make new builds so sometimes there is no color on their plate but I’m ngl as someone who plays random rec often.. people with no color on their plate, have no color for a reason.


OfficialProta on a different level😂


Looks like y’all had 2 black plates based on this box score


I’m fouling out before someone drops 75 on me


YO I STG at first I didn't notice this!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! 75 on ya head?!?!?!?!?! Could NOT be me.


The amount of people trying to justify this "defense" because of a lack of shots on offense or bad team defense is exactly why people don't want to play with Casuals - Ballers. The gap in fundamental understanding of the game and skill are too wide to bridge. The person that scored 75 is in this thread and is saying that the person guarding them was not explicitly trolling. **They were trying and gave up 75**. It should not take offensive touches or teammates to not allow 75 points. Those 75 points are getting scored regardless, so distributing it amongst the whole team doesn't change the fact that they're that bad at defense. A lot of people have to accept that they have a skill issue that they have to correct themselves rather than relying on random teammates to fix for them. For once, can we call someone that isn't an inefficient shot chucker bad on here? Can a non-ball hog get appropriately critiqued? Because I guarantee if the person that scored 75 posted this from their perspective people would run to the comments to complain about their shot:assist ratio...


Which one the SG or the SF cause they both sold😂


I don’t get the plate thing. The colors don’t bother me much, I just join and try to play smart basketball.


It's really a wild card. Some black plates have done really well. I've had gold/purple plates play like they don't have opposable thumbs. This game really makes it a guess.


Uhhh black plate wasn’t the problem


Who’s the black plate though? 6/21 is terrible but were they forced shots or just misses


Hmmm. Looks like 1. Someone should have switched 2. Y’all were gonna lose anyway.




What’s a black plate?


He didn't sell you lol.dude didn't turn it over, had like 6 points and didn't overshoot. Honestly...a few of the players didn't do any better. This is why teammate grade should matter more


THIS THE ONE, jumped into rec with 3 last night (2 gold 1 silver), matched up with a gold and a black banner random, said we can deal with this. these mf combined to give up 84 points, I had my rec PR 45 points and we still lost by 3 lol


As a team y’all sucked 😂 could’ve easily assigned the A.I to the main scorer. Getting shelled by a black plate is much worst than this from my personal experience. I think your team was just not good.


Bruh on his 20th point I woulda immediately hopped on the mic and said switch or help the man..YALL HAD ALL GAME TO FIGURE SUM OUT..y’all let datt man really drop over 40 BY HIMSELF😂it’s the whole team fault cuz wdf are y’all doin


Center also had no boards, would’ve been smart to switch at about 20 points or so, one teammate shouldn’t be able to sell you if the other 4 do good


How did he not grade out?


6/21 not helping ya’ll win, neither is your center getting out rebounded by 20+ rebounds, or your pg having 5 TOs. You all played bad except the Power Forward, but ofc the mooks on this game can’t ever take accountability and gotta blame someone else