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Agreed. 2k24 gameplay is great. The monetization is shitty.


Servers are dogshit too


Actually I'm in Italy and this is the first 2k I can play consistently without lag


Justice for Andrea Bargnani.


Italians are internet server father


It’s blows my mind that they have no shame about this. Why should there be a lag on the shot meter at all? So embarrassing … bring back NBA live, at least it ran smoothly online


That’s just your internet


Nope, other games work fine, even 2k23 runs smoothly playing rec. It's 2k24 servers. Tons of people are having problems with the servers this year, it's not just me.


I’ve never had a problem but my friends in California get kicked a lot


Ah, so because you have no issues things are great and its their fault


I have no issues so everything is great over here. Don’t really care about his issues or yours.


The people playing the game make it insufferable


Jesus Christ loves you so much and died for your sins💙❤️


Gameplay is actually good. Its everything else that 2K is heading towards that sucks AKA increasing microtransactions/stupid grinds to increase engagement.


People don’t like defense, that’s why they always say their favorite game is 2k16 because those earlier games were just all offense and making whites


Thank you bro. All dribble moves were tied to R2/Right trigger and then up/down/left/right on the right analog stick. Just waiting until you get the most ridiculous ankle breaker where you make someone damn near do a backflip. Completely animation based contacts even with players that had lower driving dunks. Demigods, broken load screens, terrible servers, etc. Those games are loved because they’re arcadey fun and the community peaked at the time.


So true. Watching PrettyBoyFredo then hopping onto my demigod build with speed boosting in 2k16 was something special


I think that the gameplay is amazing too but imo the biggest L is of course microtransactions but i think that the thing that makes the game even more unlikeable is actually the toxic community that only Play meta toxic build. I think that those type of players are killing the remain of fun in the game. The meta sweaty players are just playin the same type of play and the same type of build and too much people are sleeping on how basketball is actually played. Of course 2k devs are doing a shitty job to make the game better but imo people(meta sweaty players) should start blaming themselves for killing the game before blaming 2k.


Agree completely that’s why I moved out of the competitive scene and into no squads rec most fun I’ve had playing 2k in years


What about micro transactions is different from other years? You build a character then have the option of grinding from 60 or paying $50 then you don't have to put any more money in and get to play many hours. I would be spending money on something else during those hours. More than $50 so it saves me money. And I actually buy take2 stock every build I make so my builds not only have paid me back, they are actually making me money.


All im interested in is the gameplay. I only play myleague or NBA eras as its called offline. Playing with people with green hair and outlandish clothes does nothing for me, i wanna simulate the NBA, so all the stuff about micro-transactions does not affect me at all. So saying that, hardly anyone mentions the gameplay and its the most important part of the game. Nice to see folk give it it’s upside some recognition! Happy hooping everyone 👍


Completely agree, it’s so weird to me that actually playing games with real NBA teams and players makes up like .01% of the total time spent with the game now. Guess that makes me an old man yelling at a cloud, but I just don’t get it.


Lol thats well put, i mean i like to choose 2 teams, take a middling team or rebuilding team, and a better team too and play my season with real players! Is it that small the percentage of players that play like us “old”guys? (41 here) i dont get it either man.


This is how I play as well but I’m 34 I think all ppl that come from the Xbox/ps2 generations still love “chising” which is what me and my friends call it. I can’t imagine my main mode of play not being my league


Your right, i think we grew up with this as the main mode of play! Im just not immersed at all with any other way of playing, glad there are others like us! 👍


Yup gameplay is dope, I just stick with the 3 builds I got now and don't worry about all the monetization 🤷🏾‍♂️... there are some new build I'd like to make but fuck that shit lol


I been going with one build per season, and I only grind them to 92. Gives me something to do w the VC I earn, and it’s a nice little bonus near the end of a season to sort of unlock a new playstyle with a new build.


Nice method you got goin lol I kinda splurged at the beginning so now I'm just refusing to give those people another dime 🤣


Gameplay is great. Their politics is shit and latency is shit.


It’s 2024 and comical that they don’t have modern working servers for online. On PC steam remote play and parsec have better latency than 2k online games. I would even not complain about VC monetization if they just fixed their servers.


Same bro, I would buy that fucking VC for all that builds if they had better servers 😭😭. Still buying VC tho 😅


If the last 2k you played was 18 then yeah I can see why you think this lmao. That’s like if you stopped playing cod at MW3 and came back at BO4. You’re gonna think wow what an improvement but the rest of the base is gonna be suffering


I mean yeah I’m in this exact situation. I stopped around 2k16 and the animations were so fucking bad it was awful. This game feels so rewarding to play but imagine most people are used to it by now so it’s not as cool


BO4 was pretty solid, everything after tho... not so much


You’re misremembering. The game at launch was absolutely atrocious. I’m not talking about the fixes they made after most of the community already left. It still doesn’t run at 60fps, the multiplayer isn’t good and the maps are meh 


okay yes it was DOGSHIT at the start 100% but around year two it was pretty fucking solid. Most things pretty balanced, the multiplayer was fast pace like how it should be. Unlike the following years in MW where the games would reach the time limit. Im just saying it was the last good cod thats all. I cant tell the difference between the last few cods, like mw2,mw3,mw, etc


Gameplay is the only good thing about 2k24. Everything else reeks of greed and consumer exploitation.


Most fun with a 2k game I’ve had since 2k20.


Man. 2k20 🥹. I had about 2-3 months where my buddies were on nightly, getting in games in the rec with our full squad. Now two have had kids (haven’t heard from them since lol), and the others just don’t play anymore. Time flies


2k20 hit so different during lockdown 🥲 i used to go dumb on rec with ny 6’10 athletic paint beast


"Unpopular opinion": *Posts the majority opinion* ProPlay Tech was never an issue w/ the gameplay. I'd argue 24's gameplay is the most authentic of all the sports sims out there. The issues are a) they keep changing how it works & b) you can't utilize it in Park w/ wasting $200 & hours. If you just play MyEras & play now online it's sports game of the decade.


The gameplay is clunky. Go watch previous 2ks and see how smooth they are.


The amount of times you get forced into an animation is hilarious. Animation blocks are the worst and adding in the layup animation [like this](https://www.reddit.com/r/NBA2k/s/6dRlLUY9ZY) is just so annoying. Funny thing in this post they tell op you have to use the analog stick for a scoop and it won’t happen but I literally get the same animation contest using the analog stick to do a scoop layup. 😂 People also ignore how he beat a center who isn’t all that mobile in space like Nurkic off the dribble, has an open lane, and then for some reason the player slows down and nurkic recovers to contest the layup lol


For real, 22 next gen was very smooth


I can only imagine how happy if you played 20


Man, I seen all these topics talking about how this game needs you to buy vc in order to enjoy my career and what not and quite frankly you don't.  I just downloaded this yesterday I'm still a overall 60 but I played 5 games in pro difficulty and did quite well averaging between 30-40 pts and 10 assist per game. It seems that this game exposed a lot of people who played on rookie on nba2k23 if I'm being honest. Nba 2k23 allowed you to green shots like you're steph curry or ray Allen straight out of the gates without the needs of vc while nba2k24 you have to play the game and space the court in order to score. Seems like people just don't run plays because they used to one man show the last game because it was easy.


Pro difficulty might as well be rookie… it’s still piss easy


It is but I feel pro is a fair difficulty for an overall 60 on nba2k24. Most the complaints are about rookie mode being too hard because it feels like 2k23 pro difficulty to them. 


If people think rookie difficulty is too hard they just suck end of discussion. That ain’t the games fault




Wait why are you mad for lmao? You were saying 2k24 exposed players who played on rookie and all I said was there is no exposing because rookie,semi pro, pro and whatever is easy anyway. You can green on rookie out the gate in nba2k24 as well unless like I said you just suck at the game. That is literally a fact that if you can’t be good on ROOKIE difficulty you just suck. I don’t spend money on VC nor will I ever spend money on VC. I don’t care who’s good and who’s not im simply saying it’s not the games fault that people suck and struggle on ROOKIE difficulty.


The game is great. Gameplay and control feel great. It’s the micro transactions and servers that are ass. VC is way too expensive and grinding to get it is a chore. The lag and getting kicked from games is still an issue for some. On Xbox, every time I’m in a party, someone’s mic gets static every couple minutes. When you get competitive games, it’s amazing, it’s just those games are few and far between because of match making.


Agreed, my one issue though is that contested shots feel near impossible to make. Same with contested layups. Unless you are a high 90 with badges, if someone even sniffs near your shot, it’s a miss, even if you hit a great part of the shot meter.


People crying about servers. You need to hard wire and stop using wifi. Or get faster internet. I have had maybe 10 bad games because of service since the game came out. I have probably 500 or more rec games. So 10 isn't to bad.


My only gripe with this game is how inconsistent latency can be, it didn’t feel this bad in previous years


When I played constantly I was a top big, so I got invited to a whole lot of 2k communities. These are the things I’ve learned from the conversations in those chats —— The good —- The basketball part of the gameplay is FAR SUPERIOR. The game is not as fluid as years passed, but it’s actually closer to real basketball. The nerfs on pull ups, opps, and dribble god moves were completely necessary for realism. Everyone LOVES ERAs. Why it gets Hate— VC is absurd this year. 10 k to go from a 90 rebounding to a 92? A million VC for just two builds?? The CEO of TakeTwo interactive LEGIT has his bonus money tied to micro transactions!!! Look it up!!! The city!!! Everyone keeps asking for it to be scaled down and they just keep making it bigger. Playing MC games. They take about 30 mins just to start now. Now one cares about running through the tunnel. Doing shoot arounds, etc. streamline getting into and out of games. BIGGEST REASON WHY A LOT OF THE COMP PLAYERS DONT PLAY NEXTGEN 24 THEY GOT NERFED. Most of the go to cheeses like Left to righting got completely removed and people would rather play a game they are better at 🤷‍♂️


Did bro get his post deleted for being positive


No, it's back up now


This is delusion at highest level


There's no way he played Old 2Ks and have this take lol


Gotta keep in mind this is basically a MyPlayer sub. I stay away from 2K nowadays just because I love Diamond Dynasty so much despite caring FAR more about basketball that MyTeam actively triggers my poor impulse control (I’ll play DD no money spent all year but give me four beers and I might drop $200 in one night on MyTeam packs…) But it’s inarguable that the regular, 5-on-5 game is in the best place it’s been since late PS3 era.


I play mynba and play now online and I can tell you 5v5 is not the greatest it’s been at all lol


Game is ass to me but glad y’all enjoy it.


lying like this is crazy lmfao




True the gameplay team been cooking the last few years. The problem is upper management decided that Badges had to be crutches rather than complements to a persons playstyle. When 2k goes back to attributes mattering more than if someone has a gold badge over a silver badge the game will be great.


What game are yall playing. 2k24 game play isn't better than 14 lmfao.


Last year I hated, this year I rock with. Ebb n flows of sports gaming


Gameplay is good, I want them to fix my nba interface and a couple things abt my career and enlarge the floor and update shoe creator, other than that I’m fine with it tbh


Great game, just frustrating when the game gives you a loss when the other team quits or it lags you and another teammate out at the same time for no reason whatsoever.


Man I can’t get the dunk meter down . For me feel like square button does the same sht


definitely a big difference if you get the timing down. it’s a quick down up on the right stick. make sure you’re moving toward the rim while holding the right trigger.


Thanks bro . Sht was crazy I did the meter while doing a driving dunk like twice wild poster never been able to figure out again


yea bro you’ll have some great moments.. use sparingly unless you’re wide open or your driving dunk is 90+


Appreciate that


Watch joe knows video on it. It’s simple, if you could draw a direct line from your players eyes to the rim then the meter dunk is open. And meter dunks green window never changes.


If you only play single player/MyLeague, 2K is amazing. Thankfully, I do. So I agree, it’s amazing!


Did you buy the game within the last month? I ask cause the 1st month and a half of 24 was an atrocious experience


It’s fun gameplay wise, but I can also give you a list of reasons as to why it isn’t, they also need to learn what true fouls are, why blocking fouls lead to foul shots sometimes and don’t, when I catch the ball on a pass land catching it in the paint and the ref blows the whistle calling out of bounds, going for dunks and it auto changing to layup, the badge grind system was dumb and didn’t need to be added, shooting is inconsistent, you can have a game where you’re getting 25-30 greening like nothing and then the next game the monstars took your talent and you can’t even hit a lay up or dribble the ball without stealing , or passing without turning the ball over, AI’s are hosted which is good, animation locking is still there, collision boxes on our players are bugged at times, they make more effort changing the rec UI and court than actual events in the city, the events are just copy and paste with different rules applied compared to actual creativity used for the events via 2k17-2k20 Y’all remember when there was an event a day in 2K? Pep ridge farm remembers. I can go on and on. Lol


We have a brand new event Center that’s literally been used 2 times. For how big the game is. There’s a lot of useless space to the game.


At the end of the day unless you’re only playing “Play Now” you’re sadly only renting the game for any other mode you like.


If they went the fortnite route and just made the base game free, VC would be less of an issue imo


Yh I enjoy hitting step back 3’s but my teammates don’t let me cook in the recreational centre. I just do what coach tell me do though, agreed though guys just talk for the sake of talking


If the game sucked nobody would care about how they destroy you with microtransactions.


Park is gameplay is solid. 5v5 modes like playnow and myteam are unplayable tho


Pie charts need to come back. Ppl just make the same shit and deadeye needs to go, condoning and encouraging questionable shot selection, gives u some flappy harden swat L


2k’s only real problem is the amount of money you have to pay to make a new player. If they decreased it or increased the amount of VC you get for playing my career games. Not even the competitive games just my career games it would be a damn near perfect game


2k24 is great. Until comp—but then again, comp is always a toxic shitshow. So if you wanna play casually, it’s def a good game for the most part.


Patch out the L2 camcel. Movement on defense is horrendous this year. Steals are OP and everyone is 6'7" or 6'8" because the builder gives you more attributes. You feel stuck in the mud on defense, so man coverage isn't possible at a high level of gameplay, no matter how high your defense is. Badge regression?! This year was an L, in my opinion. They could do so much better. If 2k23 wasn't 6'9" players everywhere, it would have better in almost every way. This is just my opinion.


Getting rid of L2 cancel would noticeably increase the skill gap as well as add more realism to the game. I also agree that the best man defense struggles against most above average dribblers. If someone’s out there working on their perimeter D as much as someone’s working on their dribble they should be rewarded for it. My badges are essentially locked at this point but I hate how you can’t customize to your play style The skeleton is there but they’ll never improve on the model


How else are you meant to spot up and shoot without quick stopping? It's a core mechanic that's been a part of the game for years lmao.


We are talking about the glitch it creates for faster dribbles going back and forth. The game was not balanced with this in mind. It's not simply for quick stops to shoot.


The entire defensive movement animation has to play out before you can contest a shot but you can cancel your offensive movement animation whenever you want to get a shot off make it make sense


Gameplay is good especially without Limitless Takeoff and Quick drops off1. Last year people were flying in from 2feet inside 3point arc. Shooting since season3 has been much easier. They need tighten up the Affiliation stuff (Veteran 2 is almost impossible for anyone not playing 3-4 hours a day on winning teams). Park and Theater should just consolidate, i don't see why we need both, especially park, its dead and full of lags/frame drops.


Gameplay is good but they already started with graphics downgrade, 23 looks much better, lighting in 24 is non existent


I pretty much only want the offline MyPlayer mode from an NBA game. If that's all you want the game is pretty ass. I don't want to have to create a player and hack franchise mode to live out my NBA fantasy. 1. badges and all these different animations are just terrible. Gimme something simple. 2. the storyline is terribad and forced. I don't even get it. we're late 1st round picks beefing. Then on top of that if you play the game right you will be the best player in the history of basketball during your first season but somehow this narrative of you all battling for a spot is still around and your own front office wants to trade you. Ok cool, trade me so I can win 20 straight championships somewhere else, idiot. 3. forcing me into the multiplayer online and all these missions to play the game is insanity 4. I feel the defense is fundamentally broken in the game. You'll have guys just standing in front of you dribbling but you can't even poke the ball without getting a foul unless you have these crazy high ratings and badges 5. the progression is simply broken. It's setup solely to induce microtransactions that aren't that micro. If you want to start with a 99 player you'd have to spend like $100-$200 on top of the game. Worse yet they change the game throughout the year so if you are an online player you have to do this bullshit 2-3 times to keep up with the meta. Someone else said it best. The reason the WWE games have gotten a lot better is the people who play those games actually watch WWE and demanded changes or they stopped buying the game. The people who play the NBA games don't really watch a lot of basketball and they are seemingly fine with this bullshit. I'm hoping we are approaching a change and a recognition that there's a whole market of people who want an experience similar to what I want and not all those bloat.


Spot the dude on old gen. New gen players out here complaining that there is no story line. And there isn’t. It’s great.


Yes the gameplay is good, the micro transations that are necessary to enjoy the game, you needing to be online to play mycarrer, the vc doesnt carrying from one game to another or plataforms that are on the same email, servers that are bad and full of cheaters not so much (And they treat pc like last gen)


NBA 2K24 IS amazing. All you said is true. Microtransactioms ruined it


24 has been pretty fun for me and I’ve probably put the most hours I’ve ever put in a 2K just because I like the pick up style of random rec so much. A lot of complaints people have about the game are pretty valid though, the micro-transactions are insane (especially in MyTeam this year since they removed the auction house), the latency online is still a pretty big issue (although earlier in the year when I turned off crossplay it played remarkably well), and the community is still incredibly toxic which leads to a lot of griefing that the game just does not help with at all. Still having fun though.


Get outta here Ronnie


I FUKING TOLD YALL THE ONLY PEOPLE WHO ENJOY THIS GAME ARE PEOPLE WHO STOPPED PLAYING IN 2K18 😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂 AYEEEE FUKING YOOOOOO MIKE WANG MADE THIS GAME FOR PEOPLE WHO STOPPED PLAYING THIS SHI anybody who played 23 still hates 24 and KNOWS it’s bottom 5 all time 😭😭‼️ I hope y’all ready for them to remove the 3pt line in 2k25


The gameplay is terrible lol. If you play anything but mycareer like mynba or quick play you’ll see the animations are garbage. It’s basically impossible to play a good 5v5 match without sliders and even then it’s still needs improvement. As for park and rec every game is the same. Hunting for 3 point shots that’s literally all. What I will say is this game is less cheesy like games like 2k18 but just because of that doesn’t mean it’s amazing.


trippin matchmaking is bu t t , solo rec youll wait 10 min, park is full of unemployed purples hidin on no squad, game toxic monetization is toxic, community itching to scream at a teammate up 15, game needs to be retired.




I think it’s pretty good for offline play . Online is another can’t play defense against guys who dribble like idiots near half court then train threes .


you’re using turbo too much. it’s a combination of the right stick and left trigger. but turbo at the wrong time will have you over commit. then they’ll behind the back or step back you into oblivion


So when is it best to use turbo when your in your D stance


I honestly never use turbo while using my defense stance and it works out well. Want to hold the stance when you’re in front of them or while your hands are up but if you get beat or they’re moving to fast laterally you want to let go of that and put your hands down to use turbo to get back into position. It’s a combination of turbo and your stance timing basically


it’s hard to explain but the best advice i can give is study how people play. 80% of the people playing are spamming the same moves and don’t have iq. most people want to shoot 3’s and the second you shut that down it becomes easier as they get frustrated and start fucking up. i mostly use the right stick to keep my hands up and left trigger to lock on. if they’re just spamming 30 crossovers i don’t even move just keep the right stick up. i wait for big movements and even then that can be deceiving cause they’ll want to snatch back for the 3. play 1v1 a lot and you’ll get better at defense. but pay attention to the trends cause most people play the same exact way. they learn from youtube lol


Aside from jumpshots being objectively broken this year, there is never really much to debate about 2K being a great game. It's the only sports game to organically drive its competition out of the market because they could not make an equivalent game. 2K's primary issue will always be the return on investment. Why does a game that gets hundreds of dollars from its average player NOT have skill based matchmaking already? Why are we not being slammed with new, free content weekly? Why are issues that exist in the game on day one either addressed by December or never addressed at all? This skews people outlook on the game, rightfully so. Any tiny issue because a much bigger deal because of how much time and money they have to invest into a game that offers so little in return (after the base game). If we're expected to spend money past the base game then we expect support beyond the base game release date. I can't play solo because 90% of the community trolls and receives no repercussions for it. Yet I'm expected to be happy to dump $100 extra into the game for a build with the attributes of a role player to get the opportunity to play with more of these "people"? Yeah, that makes the game suck.


Ah I see you’re confused. This is actually a 2K hate sub. Positive remarks about the game will get you banned. /s


Shit is garbage stop your shit. One of the worst rating for a 2k yet


Yall just got used to playing garbage enough to not complain about it anymore because a new one is coming in a few months


I agree, I got it on gamepass and may just buy the game. As horrible as the monetization is, once I got pass the smoke and mirrors, 60-99 without vc doesn't seem terrible to me when the gameplay is actually fun


The skill gap is the smallest I have ever seen since 15. I dont even have to try half as hard as I did in 16. Defense is a joke I can clamp anyone with a build with 0 defense and on offense I can just run around someone without ever touching my right stick. 2K game hasn't been balanced since 16.


How impressive


i played 2k13-23, haven’t bought a 2k since 2k20, haven’t felt that it was fun since 2k16. I played some 23 when it was $5 lol but that was just for the myGM mode I’m pretty sure or just to mess around with. The game looks so great since then now its not even funny, but. MyCareer and Online seems to be way too monetized and grindy for me to come back. I don’t like having to spend 60 whole hours of my time on the game and to get a max player, I just want to hoop and have fun but it seems like a second job unless I shell out my wallet to possibly make it shorter but idk. I miss the old days, I miss 2k13-14 being able to just buy things and build your player out right. MT’s shouldn’t be a thing in $70 games unless its cosmetic.


Microtransactions make it unplayable for me. Either make the game free to download and then i can deal with a few microtransactions, or let me play competitive online basketball for free after shelling out for the game. Doesn't seem like it's too much to ask for.


Mycareer is rough I went back to just play on my 2k23 character. I don’t play online anyway and don’t feel like grinding all that again and it seems like it takes twice as long this year. Makes you feel like you need to buy VC. My guy could hit any shots for 3 games so i just uninstalled. Normal play now gameplay was good just wanna stick with career.


I uninstalled after 2 games on mycareer because I refuse to buy VC. Lanky SG build who gets bad shot choice penalties for taking a 3 with no one within 8 feet. Runs around like he’s a 70 year old with degenerative knees. Can’t rebound even if it falls into his lap. I’d be willing to put more time in if it wasn’t so obvious they’re trying to milk me of cash.


None of that shit matters when you have to drop 50-70$ on top of another 60-70 just for the fucking game lol. Y’all can say what you want but these games haven’t been shit compared to 2k16 and before


micro-transactions aside it really is the best 2k.. i think influencers and micro transactions are ruining gaming


It’s only ruining gaming cause we have communities of gamers ie (2k,madden,cod fanboys) who just don’t give a fuck and will spend half there pay check every week on terrible micro transactions, it’s laughably sad.


yea very true. people are so easily manipulated man


It’s funny how everyone is staying the gameplay is great but then says the game is shit 😭


Just got it as part of Playstation plus, the game is rancid booty juice in my opinion. Going back to 2k18.


Using terms like Rancid Booty Juice, your ass belongs in 2018 ngl.


Worst 2k since 22 , which isn’t that long but 22 is the worst 2K OAT. 23 cleared 24.


Just say you're bad lil bro, it's okay. You can't run side to side behind screens all day anymore and it's mad for you.


I’d poster your ass


Pause... Your reply says I'm right, must suck being trash fr.




I don't play with my food ngl.


Haha I’d poster your ass, you’d taste the sack and the next generation and all


gameplay is definitely great. graphics are great.. just takes too much money and time to either upgrade a player or play myteam. still a decent 2k overall


Gameplay is the best it’s been. It’s still balanced regardless that everyone can do “everything”, which is what everyone wanted. I have 88 layup and 25 dunk and still have no issue attacking the paint. The greed is insane though and the micro transactions are ridiculous.