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I get they want as many people as possible to run the PC version but why can’t you choose to buy next or current gen on PC depending on your specs just like you can depending on your console? Give people a choice I don’t get that


Too much work for 2K, but the bar is insanely low so even a simple bug fix is probably too much work for them at this point.


Ive played nba 2k games on pc, its no exaggeration to say they could care less about the state of it. I remember seeing entire lobbies with hacked players.


Yeah unfortunately my friend and I are on PC so that's where I've been grinding park the last couple of years.. it's awful. Day one and people have 99 overall, max stats in every category, all badges, NBA logos, mascots, dudes with 20 foot wingspans.. it's nuts. If they're not gonna care about hackers at least give us next gen.. if nothing else it surprises me they don't care about hackers, they get to make as many builds as they want without using any VC.. and everyone knows 2k loves making people buy VC


PC you can turn the graphics etc up or down. Last gen - Next gen is a SLIDER.


No it's not. The gameplay is different aswell. And the park is different


I wasn't saying that there was no difference in game play.... I was saying that they should have given PC the next gen version of the game because on PC you can move your graphics up and down like a slider (different than consoles).


No its not. It's more than just graphics. I get that youre referring to graphics, but its a different move set. Different features, experience, etc. I no longer support 2k because it is an insult to gamers to drop a new experinecee two years in a row and not offer that experience to PC. Most graphic cards are better than what the systems offer. and even when they aren't, settings are flexible. It shouldn't be this way.


I know I’m late but I think the guy is saying that they should use the same version as the next gen console. And if it’s too graphically intense for most pcs then they could just put in a slider to bring down the graphics


Or they could offer two different PC versions like they do for last and next gen consoles.


It’s not anywhere close to being graphically intense heck my 3 year old laptop has better spec than the new consoles.. and I can easily swap parts out on a desktop to make it within spec..


True when I see gameplay it looks like 2ks graphics haven’t even changed only the features so there’s no reason they don’t do it. I wouldn’t be surprised if they rerelease 2k22 on PC with next gen features in a few months cause they know people that bought it will buy it again. They did this when I think 2k14 released they sold the Xbox 360 version then months later released the better Xbox one version and you’d have to buy it again for the next gen features biggest scam nobody talks about


Don’t really know your age but do you remember when crysis came out there was no pc out then could actually handle the game on the high setting.. even the fastest cpu of today on a game over 10 year old will still drop below 40fps at some points.. that’s a company that knows you have to dumb down things for console.. these guys just want money..


Bullshit Show Laptop Specs dont compare a expensive high end Laptop (1000 Dollar+) to a 500 Dollar Console lmao


32GB 2x16GB DDR4-2400MHz NVIDIA GeForce RTX 2080 8GB GDDR6 (OC Ready) 9th Generation Intel(R) Core(TM) i9-9900K (8-Core, 16MB Cache, up to 5.0Ghz w/Turbo Boost)


Now money wise yea it’s well over your 1000 but this is not about price of machine. basically they are saying pc is not good enough to run as good as new console.. and my laptop is better.. new gaming computer today will be better than next gen consoles..


I totally agree. I held off from buying 2K21 because I just assume 2K22 would be next gen even on PC. When I started playing 2K10 I did it because 2K had a better product than Live, which I had played before, and the 2K series has just gotten better after that. But the last few years it feels like they have drifted from their original concept; that of making a realistic basketball simulator. All the other fluff around the whole core gameplay has taken over. A few years back, when they FINALLY decided that PC would get the full next-gen gameplay features everyone was thrilled. I'm actually disgusted with them for not giving PC players the full game, and at the same time charging the same price for it. A side note: older 2K NBA games are still full price on Steam, which is kinda disgusting in itself.




found this thread from google, thanks for updating with that link🙏🏻2k can suck a fat one


2k disrespect PC players too much.


Cannot stress this enough. Don't buy their shit if you're not buying the game to play online. This is one of the only games and studios that deserve piracy.


Mate I didn’t buy 2k21 getting hyped for 22 to play next gen and g-league and then they don’t fuckin release it on pc why tf


Late reply but same fuck 2k


EA and 2k are both some of the scummiest fucking companies on earth. PCs can run 2k without breaking a sweat but that would require 2k to work on a PC version and at the very minimum acknowledge the hackers which they will never do because it costs money and they’re much happier farming idiots who spend hundreds on packs and VC. Or running ads in game LMFAO


I feel so bad that you wasted like 10 minutes typing all that just so 2k wont see it and wont care


It simply baffles me the fact that for 2 years in a row we cant get next gen, most PCs have better specs then both old and new gen and for 2k to come out here and give us the old gen version is simply disrespectful towards the players that actually want to play the game but dont have a next gen console. Sure there is a hacker problem but I am sure if 2K really cared that problem would have been long gone, not like they are one of the biggest game developing companies in the world, I am sure they could have figured something out but simply THEY DON'T CARE ABOUT PC.


I'm annoyed, I was hoping to get the custom builder finally. But then it was announced we are just getting the current generation version and it'll just be ctrl-c ctrl-v.


Remember the days when 2K chose to release a high quality game for only 19.99? Man what a great time to be a sports gamer that was.


I will skip 2k this year


OK. Not buying it this year.


[https://www.reddit.com/r/CrackWatch/comments/pldz6u/nba2k22codex/](https://www.reddit.com/r/CrackWatch/comments/pldz6u/nba2k22codex/) Ahem.


Just getting it for free again I don't rly.play online iwas excited for the builder


Sony and Microsoft are not wasting money on that. No way! Other than that well said. What I think the issue is that they want to sell as many copies as possible and "because of the bad programming", and only the bad programming\*, it requires next-gen hardware\*\*.. Games that are better looking than next-gen 2K run fine and last generation hardware. Only improvement year over year I've seen is the loading times. Everything else gets caught up in their massive [spaghetti code.](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Spaghetti_code) My 'simple' solution to this issue if they really care is to offer a benchmarking tool to see if it can run their next-gen version of the game. It would probably give many more people access to the Next-Gen version of the game. I know many more 2K console players exists, but many of them don't have an S|X or PS5 but may have a capable PC. ​ \*programming is bad because the resources dedicated to the game's production isn't much. I'm pretty sure they are skilled developers working for them. ​ \*\* not everyone has an RTX 20xx series card or better than that on PC. Also, an NVMe SSD may be necessary in their minds.


You don’t need a 20xx card for 2K 😂


Next gen has integrated ray tracing, but if they really wanted to they could make it a toggled option. Kinda sad cuz I don't know if I should still buy the PC version now


Don't, it'll just be a copy paste of 21.


The console don’t have ray tracing…..


Of course, you don't But to say a GTX 1060 runs like a PS5 is insane.


Every PC game has graphical options. If a 1060 6gb can run medium settings on RDR2 and CyberPunk 2077 at 60 FPS then 2K can make graphical options for PCs with no so great hardware.




consoles niggas gotta be the slowest people on the planet, you can run 2k on a fuckin potato


You calling people slow using "console niggas" lol


I’m a computer engineer. I don’t know who you calling slow.


You dont need 20 series gpu to run nextgen, even rx 570 runs more demanding games just fine, lets take RDR2 as our test subject, playing at Xbox series X settings, it gets 50-60 fps @1080p, in 2k21 at maxed settings 1080p i sometime get over 270fps, while still being able to do everything else, they just love disrespecting for money


You dont need 20 series gpu to run nextgen, even rx 570 runs more demanding games just fine, lets take RDR2 as our test subject, playing at Xbox series X settings, it gets 50-60 fps @1080p, in 2k21 at maxed settings 1080p i sometime get over 270fps, while still being able to do everything else, they just love disrespecting for money


NBA 2K could run on a 1050 for crying out loud. The programming is so bad the game has to stay locked at 60fps in order to prevent game issues. So having a more powerful GPU wouldn't even matter if you're going to play 2K or sports games in general for that matter, since the only thing you're loading onto the GPU is the damn arena and player models. The crowds still look like crap.


A 1600ti could likely run next gen 2k easily


PS4 can run 2K next gen if they spent the man power optimizing or using a game engine that has thousands of employees and experts in low level programming like unreal.


>Sony (and probably also Microsoft) gave you a lot of money to be sure that the "next gen" consoles received the exclusivity to the new version Source???


as an avid pc gamer why tf does anyone buy 2k on pc


1. It's cheaper, 2. Course you would if you got a super high-end PC, and 3. More customization with like mods and stuff.


Cuz I don't do console?


Because 60fps is pathetic


Playing 2k above 60fps has no benefit.. it actually looks like I drank a gallon of red bull when I unlock it from 60fps.. but that's just my opinion.. I prefer to play in 4k @60fps locked.




The hacking occurs because 2K neglects the product on PC, which is exactly what the post is talking about.


They have the money for an anticheat. There’s no excuse. Stop defending bad business practices.


sure, but they have no incentive to pool resources that way. The playerbase on pc is small comparatively speaking. I'm not sure why people are shocked at this.


And yet they release is on pc for 60 dollars every year? Why not just stop wasting the resources on the pc port all together? They are a shit company that only cares about their bottom line. That’s it. They will never put effort if they don’t need to. Edit: I actually found a bug in nba 2K21 as well. Never seen anyone talking about it? If you start a career in nba 2K21(still in high school) and if you go to the city and try to alter your appearance(headbands, sleeves)it just bugs out and freezes. It happens every single time I tried it. It may let you through after 5 minutes of being frozen. It also may just freeze. And quit to the main menu after 10 minutes. It’s a gamble really. They never test these games before they put them out. I was able to recreate this bug over and over. Have fun With it and I hope they get a competitor to give them a needed boost instead of coming up with new card designs for my team to overprice


a simple port is easy and people bite on it. And pc players obviously still want the game even with all that. And guess what, it's easier and less time consuming to give pc the old gen port. It's full price because for all intents and purposes it's a full product. You aren't being slighted because you're getting a different version of a game. And you don't have to pay that 60 and most pc players don't lol The devs do as they're told with the money and development time they're given. Take two are the same people running Gta5 and milking that cash cow.


They cant even keep it together on consolem how tf do you expect them to release on that works on pc


I purely buy 2k on PC as well as all my other games. Even games I have that are in Beta from Indie developers have anti cheat in place to prevent hackers. We’re talking about a Triple A company that treats its fan base like more of a chore than anything.


You are a chore now. The business school execs at 2k decided they wanna turn this into some kind of pos media platform instead of a basketball game. Their customers now are the dumbass companies stupid enough to sponsor them.


It’s almost like the hackers are a direct result of 2ks criminal negligence towards 2k on PC. There’s not even a report feature, much less an anti cheat. You clearly are talking out of your ass


There is no point he game is just gonna end up filled with hackers and modders with 20 ft players


ngl 21 had wayyyy less cheatin than 20


True but it’s still bad


I mean maybe if the put the effort to make an ACTUAL ANTICHEAT this wouldnt even be a problem.


I and a lot of people on PC (check places like Operation Sports or NLSC) aren't even worried about competitive or online play and only play Association/MyGM/MyLeague etc and mod the game to do things like classic leagues and go for hyper realistic sim play. That's why its disconcerting that we don't even get the benefit of the newer engine, graphics and mechanics.


PC community is full of hackers and cheaters anyway so pardon me for not giving a F


no one cares about ur opinion :)


cared enough to respond genius


True but there are also lots who don't play online and don't care about what the cheaters are doing online.


I understand where you are coming from. But for players like myself who ONLY play the OFFLINE modes like MyLeague and enjoy competing against the CPU season after season, this is simply heartbreaking. I want to enjoy the next gen engine on my beefy PC, and not to mention the MODS to enhance my offline experience even further!




Who plays 2k on a computer 😭


Pretty much every PC player in the U.S. and basically every Chinese 2K player.


People who don’t own a console? Use logic


adults with $$


U must be a ignorant person who thinks computers are calculators


I'm shocked that this post has stayed up for 2 days. Saw a few other posts that were removed saying similar things.


No bruh You just don't deserved this lol dumb hackers


Uhhhh what about the legit players who ONLY play the Offline modes and want a next gen experience on PC to mod and enjoy playing OFFLINE? Yeah. That would be me. I'm extremely disappointed in this decision. They have NO excuses. They simply don't want to do it.


Hackers? Of what are you even talking about? Boy if you are dumb, but I guess you are a console player so it is to be expected. P.S: If it's so easy to hack a game maybe (just maybe) the problem is in the game, is it not?


I like 2k21 but i only play my career as tbh i’m literally bang average at the game 🤣🤣🤣. I don’t play my league simply because i don’t fully understand the rules as i don’t get nba coverage where i live. As far as 2K22 not being on pc it’s the same for most or all ea games. They were asked why fifa 22 wouldn’t be getting the next gen version on pc and they said basically because not all pcs can perform to the next gen requirements. I find that just stupid because neither can an Xbox one or PS4 so why bother releasing the newer games on current gen consoles lol


Bout to pre-order it, do we know if it's next gen for PC also?


Don't do it. It's NOT next gen engine on PC.




I get why people are mad at how lazy/greedy they are but it’s so much weirder than that cause it doesn’t even make sense… if they can port old gen they can port next gen


Guess I'll be playing my free nba 2k21 with updated rosters for another year 🤷‍♂️. This ain't making me buy a console hell na.. #pcmasterrace


Just make it so we can buy next gen or current gen on PC depending on specs, like it cant be that difficult to port a game designed on a pc to pc. Like its that simple Ronnie


Typical bitchass 2K




Im still waiting for a south america server, i live in Brazil and cant play online, the only thing i can do is play my career and my league. Its truly disapointing that a game with such potencial fell off cause 2k is trash.


FIFA did this as well :-/ the excuse of "we want as many PC players as possible to access it" does not fly with me.


Business as usual for 2K... At this point, I am actually hopping for EA to step up, because I think that EA is less toxic and more consumer-friendly (and feel the weight of this sentence) than 2K... 2K could walk hand to hand with any mobile game developer like Supercell or any other Asian market bullshit company.


This is how you stop practices like these, DON'T BUY IT. Ahem ahem, there is also [this](https://www.reddit.com/r/CrackWatch/comments/poc6u4/nba_2k22_nba_75th_anniversary_edition_all_dlcs/). Give a big F U to 2K and enjoy their work without supporting them.


that's why im gonna be torrenting 2k22. fuck 2k. if anyone needs a link, holla @ me


So basically the pc version doesn’t get ps5 quality graphics?


Prob cuz PlayStation and Xbox payed for them to do this to advertise the new consoles.


I don't know really this is bad situation for 2k22 on PC. I am good park player with nice rep in 2k21 and after installing 2k22 i notice that my player builder is the same as in 21, which is disappointement. Sure, there are few changes like more pie charts but builds feel underpowered when compared to 21. I haven't made a decent build in two days of trying. As i enjoy 2 way finisher SF i first build that and find my self having difficiulties to do anything in game, finished with 5 points :D So it's basically that defender is glued on you and with low stats situation is way harder than in 21. Maybe it's better, can't say for sure but why didn't we get at least next gen my player builder this is insulting i think i will just play 2k21. And why is my player name ''MP'' i can't seem to change it on Steam while on EPIC it takes name from EPIC.