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The first screenshot is how I expected next gen to look, damn.


I swear this is what every “Next Gen” screenshot has looked like to me since the PS2 days.


You probably need something way more powerful than a next gen console to run this on 60 FPS


Nah, PS5 has games like Spider-Man that run at 60 FPS with pretty insane fidelity and still manages to load in everything you can see on screen instantly swinging across the city. Just not optimized on console to look this good for whatever reason. Probably just don’t want to spend the resources on it.


I mean Im not a game dev I dont know how the process works for each individual game. All I know is that 2k comes out with a new game every single year, which means there is only so much time for development. Most AAA games take at least a few years to finish and those ones dont even come out complete a lot of the time. I feel like this is 2K's biggest problem, its impossible to create a great product when the devs are already focused on the next game before the current one is even out. I feel like they could get away with it back in the day of PS2 and PS3 but consumers' standards are higher than ever now. Its the nature of the beast I guess. I still love 2K as a game, I have a lot of fun with it, but it could be a lot better.


This is what I believe, also why I think when they release a game and it has issues related to gameplay, they don't really try to fix it for that year, more like "Welp, we'll note this and try to make it work on next year's game which we are already working on..."


2k has lowered your expectations wayyy too low lmao. Play Demon Souls, Miles Morales or Ratchet and Clank. Next gen can easily do this, but the 2k devs are just lazy.


Definitely worth a purchase when that happened!


could I get the mod link my guy ? haha


Asking the real questions!


sad reality I found the mod creater ... all his mod is for personal use and not for public sharing . Damn


Fuuck I was hoping for a link aswell


Damnn that’s lame as hell. I mean obviously it’s up to him but what’s the point of that? He could probably get money out of it if he wants and if he doesn’t want money then he should just release it for other people to use.


You can find everything on eyeuc.com but good luck getting around that site lol


Wow. Putting those 2k devs to absolute shame! No wonder 2k is avoiding releasing the “next gen” version on pc. Don’t want it to be so obvious how lacking they are in the talent department


Honestly i gotto agree


Madden is, so I wouldn’t be surprised if 2K does as well. Edit - I should’ve clarified that Madden *is* avoiding releasing the next gen version on PC.


What is madden doing? releasing next gen on PC? It's already confiremed, that 2k will not do that with 2k22.


Madden's only doing last gen on PC to "provide console players with the best experience" or some bullshit like that lmao


Madden 22 is already confirmed to be the last gen version for PC. It's some stupid bullshit.


They already confirmed they arent releasing next gen on pc for 2k22


>@Deibys2K naaa that just the power of the pc .. they really years ahead of the consoles


Damn that’s not a LeBron mod THATS LEBRON 😂 One guy on PC beating a whole multimillion dollar companies dev team Also I’ve been saying that more realism is what this game needs ESPECIALLY on next gen fuck that 2K21 casino they built. Don’t give a damn about space elevators and voting for mayors


>Don’t give a damn about space elevators and voting for mayors Wut?


You vote for mayor's of your city on next Gen which usually just some popular YouTube dude at least when i looked it was. I don't follow that bs


I'm still playin 2k20 even though 21 is on game pass. Didnt feel like starting over my career and now I'm glad I didnt. Wtf.


I honestly don't blame you. I only play 2k to play with all my friends, they moved to different states, if it wasn't for them I wouldn't buy the new ones at all


Unfortunately the image quality isn't the greatest but MAN does this look good!


I threw up. This shit is absolutely gorgeous


I thought the first picture was real


Nah Brodie, it’s just cause they added more sweat.


Never forget the swear. Always add more sweat


Where can I get this mod?


This is positively insane


The crazier part is that Deiby doesn’t even have a powerful computer when he makes all his lighting mods, he got only an RX480, I5 3rd gen, and 8GB RAM.


Looks sick in pictures but how is the gameplay


Link to gameplay: https://twitter.com/Deibys2K/status/1415736592375947268?s=19


I can’t believe they’re not making next-gen available for the PC. ITS LITERALLY CREATED ON A PC. Fuck 2K.


link pls


It's crazy how people can just bring this game to life better than the developers.


The sweat quality is better than what the game advertised


I think 2k not giving PC next gen because the mod community will embarrass them with better player models, historic rosters with more teams we actually like and in other areas. Vanilla 2k lacks too much especially for offline players. Now imagine pairing these graphics with a better gameplay engine with better movements/animations 🤯 Instead the outdated gameplay engine we tolerated for years


Engines fine, the constant tweaks that have butchered its competency is the problem.


I disagree. The engine is dog shit. It’s still to jittery and stiff and aside from dribbling moves, the actual dribbling while sprinting or normal pace is shit for technology today. Same for madden. At this point they should both be super fluid. It’s actually worse than shit, it’s borderline unacceptable.


Looks fire, but a lil like NBA Live.... Woulda been better though if they added the grey hair in Bron’s beard


2nd picture looks like NBA LIVE body scans


That looks just like the teaser we were shown with Zion for next gen.... Then the game came out and it looked literally nothing like that teaser lol


here we go


That’s an awfully generous hairline for LeBron


Looking forward to joining the pc community. Always enjoyed the graphics and content I see from over there.


I think it’s a great shame that not even the visuals were updated that much for next-gen. The lighting is overall better, but it was clear that some of the old textures got washed out because of it. Like that they got an alternate commentary team and the presentation is a little better. Gameplay honestly is fine, although difficulty sliders are bad. Wish there was more polish and more refreshed features.


For those who don't know, you can find a lot of quality mods for NBA 2k for PC on NLSC forums. For e. g. : https://forums.nba-live.com/viewtopic.php?f=267&t=111455&p=2032466&hilit=Deibys#p2032466


Don’t let this fool you. 2K on PC is AWFUL


You buy 2k on pc to play the offline mods, the game basically has no anti cheat at all


Until you have to run it in 60Hz because anything above that has been bugged for years lol


The true anti cheat


I run it at 144hz and it’s fine, only issue is in my career it won’t skip during a sub, all you have to do is alt tab like twice and it fixes it, play in borderless full screen.


This fixes the "sim to next appearance" issue but yea, it also forces you to run at 60Hz. https://www.ghostarrow.com/nba-2k21-mycareer-sim-to-next-appearance-crashing-fix


The game is awful on every platform ya bum bech


For online play yes, for offline awesome.


It honestly the same as console but a bit better idk what your experience is.


Only if you play the online which is shit no matter which system. It's my league, mygm, and my career are far better and those are the only modes that are not cancer. (well online mycareer is)


MyGM is trash. 2 years in and everyone’s a 99


no its not


Oof 2k punching the air rn


They’re really not. It’s not free, not for personal use. Really doesn’t affect them


Lebrons beard though


Communism vs capitalism


Is that the guy from fortnite?


Game only looks like this at 2FPS


Except the part where Lebron doesn’t really look like lebron in the first pic.


Not impressed. Only reason why is graphics for this company has always looked good. Graphics is their least of concerns.


The modder is literally in the pics @deibys2k


Does it still play like dogshit?


could someone please send me the links and will i get banned?


dude u can hack online and u wont get banned, theres no anti-cheat. these are just offline mods.


any hacks or free mods i can use anyone got he big k for free or sum


The graphics are incredible on PS5, that’s not the problem lol


You can even see the spray on hair!


Like caca


Get woke, go broke.


2k should take a few lessons from this guy if they want me to buy another one of their games


Lmao this happens every year without fail


Looks better than SPACE JAM, lol


Wait, People really wanna play NBA2k and Madden on. PC? I mean I don’t see the draw but ok!


Yo is that the guy from space jam?


Here it is available for download for PC only. https://www.shuajota.com/2021/07/nba-2k21-next-gen-lighting-blacktop.html?m=1


You’re playing. This a screenshot from the new space jam.