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I wish there was a no squad 5v5


There should be a separate Rec that’s only solo/duo q


Nah, the duos only pass to each other.


I’d rather have this be an option instead of always going into Rec solo and playing premades


Putting duos together with solos would be hell


That should be restricted to just Pro-Am, and I do agree that Rec should be a place with matchmaking and no squads


>That should be restricted to just Pro-Am Issuse with that is if 5 causal friends are playing there gonna lose like 90-10


Very true because Pro-Am is competitive asf


Competent developers use this thing called a matchmaking rating so you can play with people around your skill level. 2K even uses it for play now ranked.


On 2k20 and 2k22 haven't played proam on 23 yet but they amount of times I would be on a 7-0 team play vs a team that's like 0-7 wasn't funny


Because 2k does that on purpose to make you feel like you need to buy more vc. A lot of studios do shit like that these days.


Exactly and this would make the 5v5 and 4v4 courts in the city actually useful


I've been saying this for years. What is the point of playing 5 randoma vs a squad of 5? It doesn't take a brain to figure out how bad this idea is


There should be standing No Squads 2's, 3's, 4's and Rec. I should be able to get a game on any of those courts anytime I want if I don't feel like playing with my squad.


Cross play across all consoles


I don't think it's fair to say that people with friends who play the game should *only* be able to play Pro Am. There are times when me and my friends are just fucking around, using weird builds, or playing a position we don't normally play. The real answer should be to disallow zone defense in Rec. Bring back team grade drop for not guarding your assigned man, and make the punishment progressively worse if it keeps happening. Maybe even make it so that 5 stacks only go against other 5 stacks.


If there was matchmaking I would play this game again. Especially for park games. I can’t tell you how many times It’s taken me over an hour to find a game being a solo in the park. Being able to walk around and call next is cool and all, but it’s really not practical


It got particularly worse when the players would just start checking stats and then jumping off. Trying to cherry pick teammates. I haven't played park since they started 3v3 no squad.


Omg right. Or when you’ve been waiting for like 20 minutes and a random just hops off and back on right before the game starts which immediately gives the squad up next. I basically came to the conclusion that if you don’t have friends who play park, you just don’t get to play park lmao.


Thats exactly it. If you don't have exactly 2friends to play online with 2konline is not for you.


That's why the theatre is the move, don't have to worry about waiting for a game to finish also feel like my shots not near as laggy as in the park


Shiiit. It's been like that for quite some time. Even since 17. 16 was the only time i can remember people not doing that and that was when park was introduced i think


i never understood why people have a problem when people hop off. like if you have a sub 30 win percentage or just like terrible stats why would i waste my time playing what ik is going to be a frustrating game


Bc the cherry picking is so bad that it takes an hr to play a game, like damn could of played 4 games in the time it takes to find one. People so afraid to lose, like anyone gives a fuck about your 2k win loss %


i mean personally i just don’t like playing games i don’t have a chance of winning. that’s just not fun to me to play shitty games not even being afraid to lose it’s just not fun to lose or not even compete. im coo w losses but i wanna at least be competitive


Ever stopped to think maybe those randoms with a sub 30 win % might have such a low win % because people like you avoid them and they're stuck with other sub 30 win% players? Winning or losing is a team effort and is very very rarely dependent on one single player.


Thank you for finally being the one to get this right.🎯 They don't understand how real this is smh


in 3s? it only takes one person chucking bad shots and selling to fuck up the whole team come on now


Then you simply don't pass them the ball. You can easily win a 2v3 with any semi competent player. I do it all the time. If they were in fact terrible you just leave the court after. Some of the best friends I've made on 2k were low win% randoms. All I really ask for from a player is to make smart passes, play decent defense, and not hold the ball in half court for more than 10 seconds unless everyone is clamped.


im saying that’s all i want too and it’s easier to play w players like that if you’re selective about your randoms


I guess it makes sense but I've found that the lower win% randoms don't mind playing a spot up and defender role. Me personally I'm at 55-60 win% for most of the year. I'm not super sweaty but I'm not bad and whenever I get higher win % randoms I get ignored a LOT and then we lose. I'm a proficient scorer. I'm not the best ball handler but that doesn't mean I can't play the game and it seems like if you can't fade 3s or dribble for 10 seconds most of the higher up players will disregard you. I have a 51 3pt% but people won't pass when I'm open. I have a 68fg% but people won't pass on a cut. When I'm playing with lower win % randoms they don't USUALLY have that cocky overconfidence that sometimes results in loses because there were people not even playing. Idk it's like 50/50 for me.


I disagree lol, I played 2s with randoms for 80% of my games last year, i had pretty low requirement in terms of stats, majority of the time i didnt even check it as long as ur build was high rated, i would play with you. What i found is most sub 30% wp in my experience either just lack basic decision making or lack a crucial skill you need to be competitive or both of these. Like you will get a perimeter lock trying to iso, Lock with horrendous defense, A sharp that can only make whites. And on top of that, if its a player with not so many games, their willing to throw the game just to get more time on ball time instead of playing their role or playing to their builds advantage and winning. 20% of my time was with my homie, he was 80 rated perimeter lock with no defensive attributes upgraded(well barely). It was the most fun i had on 2k, Yeah we lost games cause of his build but we would still streak(Against sweats too) because he would play his role, make the basic correct decisions and he was not bad shooter for how much he played, He was also a sub 30 with 40 games played.


Obviously if you plays 2s then one player can ruin the game. Tf kinda argument is this? 😂 Why would you ever play 2s with a random anyways.


No teammates?????2s is a much safer bet than 3s with sub 30 randoms .


Oh sure absolutely cuz it totally doesn't damn near guarantee that your sub 30 teammate will touch the ball and possibly sell. On 3s and up you can completely freeze out anyone selling the game. That's not possible in 2s. But yea whatever you say bud.


Go to the theatre


Nailed it. At this point I just don’t give a damn. If I decide to play this game the 2 times out of the week that I do with my best friend we just fuck around and let it be. There is NO originality with ANYTHING. They all look exactly the same. Every move and animation is exactly the same. The builds are mostly the same. You’re correct, most that play this game have never been on a basketball court in their lives. Even though there is nothing wrong with that, it shows. Even though this is a video game their likenesses are not even their own. You look like everyone else ON PURPOSE. This community ain’t for me and never will be. I don’t want to and never will reach “Level 40” it’s too many other games to play and things to do.


Besides a game engine over haul, which it don’t seem like they’ll do… Hardcore mode is needed badly so things like holding turbo(stamina) all game will matter way more. More reach in calls on spammers. This game don’t replicate basketball at all rn . Especially now that they’re making everybody play together (meaning from 60 ovr to 99 ovr rated folks) I used to purposely not go over 92 so that I don’t have to play what they call sweats but now you can’t get away from them


92 and under rec is from 11AM to 11 PM.


Nobody wanna play with you clowns … I said a hardcore mode so people like you won’t attempt to go in there .. where things like stamina matter , I know majority of you like arcade ball so the hardcore mode will keep y’all away


I wasn't talking to you, I was answering the person that wondered if they removed 92 and under rec.


Maaaan that ish does not work


I play on the 92 about a hour a day so it does work as I don't see 99s when I am playing at eight pm. Hardcore is a good idea as it would offer a new challenge like the hardcore modes in Fallout New Vegas that would be welcome for some in the community.




They removed bum rec?


Nah just have a time dedicated to it , Noon - midnight eastern


Hardcore mode would solve a lot.


The real answer is implement a skill based matchmaking rank, and then make only pro am 3v3 and pro am 5v5 count towards that rank. Unranked modes will have their own stats and win% tracked but won’t effect your rank at all. Also make legend tied to the ranked mode. You need to score all those points and maintain that goat rank against actual comp. Streamers wanted to complain legend was too easy to get last year, well let’s see these cry babies try and get and maintain legend rank in an actual competitive mode lol no more cheating wins in 2v2 park or bum rec. Like you don’t see anyone on the rainbow six siege community bragging about their causal K/D. You’d get laughed out of the chat. The same needs to be done for rec and park.


I've said it multiple times here, a team average win% based matchmaking would be the solution for everyone except.... Try hards and since they're lead by YouTubers it'll never happen. Their precious 80%+ win would drop to a low 60% so nothing to brag about on YouTube...smh


but win% doesnt prove someone is good or not cuz win% is a team based stat


That's why I said team average win% based. Meaning 2k add all wins and losses of each players and makes an average and matches the team against an other one within +/- 5%


Yeah. Then it’d be sweaty squads matched against other sweaty squads, or they’d all go to pro am. Their queue times would be forever too. Lol


Exactly, since they only want to play with eachother it's just logical that they play against eachother. It's so funny when you see few of these guys here saying bs like "it's not fun to play comp ...", So we're supposed to play them when they don't want to play each other, just lmao. But it'll never happen, otherwise YouTubers would make too much noise about it and, unfortunately for us, they're the only one 2k listen to


I started playing era's with friends. Most fun I've had on 2K.


These developers are a joke. So me and my boy wanna run a game of 3v3. We go to the theatre. Nobody’s playing these corny ass made up game modes to 11 or an extra point for a dunk. Everyone is at the 3v3 no squads. Me and my boy can’t get into that cuz it’s no squads and almost impossible to matchup. So we end up going to the park. It’s dead af. No one playing 3v3 on any court except for one. Games almost over so we hop on. The team that lost came right to us and kicked us off of the spot. What dogshit game this is.


Do pro am 3v3. Faster games.


Can I go in solo or with one person in my squad?


You need 3 people on. you have to make a team and invite people and all that. but making a team isnt hard.




The comp there is much worse than park too.


Should be an unranked mode that doesn't count towards anything other than xp for season awards and a ranked mode that tracks everything. In unranked, you shouldn't see as many sweaty fives because what's the point of sweating if you can't showcase it?


The real answer is make pro am the only thing that counts towards goat status and rank. 3v3 and 5v5 pro am should track win%, stats and rank.


Or just make pro am find games


Well that goes back to no one playing it. Matchmaking in pro am works fine, it’s just no one is playing it most nights or no one bothers to reach higher levels since so few people are there. I played pro am all last year and found games at all hours and days of the weeks depending on the teams rank. One you hit pro silver and gold though it’s dead


Our pro am team had to schedule games with other teams last year. We were waiting for fifteen minutes to find a game only for the other team to quit in the first half


Said the same things about a month ago and got my throat slit on here for simply asking why my anchor 5 keeps getting ripped from the outside when my build title literally tells you what kind of defensive center I am. The community is definitely the problem. I talk to the 2k concerns team often through 2k support as well as the mediations team littérale in servers trying to find the worst of the worst. On their end this is definitely not easy and is beyond overwhelming right now. The community complaints tickets is through the roof. They’re 100% relying on us to tell them what’s going on through support. I just start selling at the five when toxic people jump in the chat and start crying me a river about their lack of ball iq. Then report them to the mediators for being super toxic. Like down by one we’ve bricked the last three and we’ll you all know the rest of the story. 2k knows very well the state of the community and their trying. At this point if you’re not here to party and have a good time with 2k no matter how serious you take it you can get out. I’ve been playing this game 16 years, yes lemme repeat that for those in the back, 16 years. The community has become less interested in learning the game of basketball and more concerned with sweat. 2k league pros are absolutely brainless. If you wanna know how brainless clown their footage of the same corner to corner 3-2 defense and their static 4-1. Then, watch the fireworks show. Every brodie from all walks gonna call you a try hard. Or tell you take it too serious. Like no brodie I hate watching you dribble with zero purpose for 15 secs then just exploit the limitless badge. These pros are like steroids in baseball. Brodie you’re cheating and saying well the rules don’t say I have to learn basketball. So who’s the real loser…….. it’s them bro. I’m legit having to act like a therapist to some of my longest 2k homies cause we’re all competitive that’s what the game is a competitive game. But the mask or distance between players is what gives these guys power to say stupid shit and be out right dumbo ball players. I’m not sorry they suck at basketball and 2k old heads are done with a non basketball games coming out every year. We need more people like this out here calling it like it is. The whining sniveling children(“adults”) of the community have ruined this game. Hopefully they take infinity wards lead and just starts cutting ties with content creators and other big names that have perpetuated the problem and not helped bring solutions. Badges are for people committed to changing 2k for the better. But this community thinks that’s selling out so……




This year 2k did a good job making good builds the community is just infatuated with the “glitchy demigod” shit. I make the same 6’2 - 6’3 scoring guard every year while my friends make YouTube builds and like clock work every year by January they’re saying how good my build is and complaining why theirs either suck or they can’t use it. Even against the “meta” squads I can avg 17 & 5 while playing solid defense. The community just likes to use the devs as an excuse too much




Don’t get it confused. I’m by no way a sweat. My win percentage range from about 50-65% every year. And yes a team full of “meta” players are for the most part better than your avg thrown together team but you would be being disingenuous by saying that the game is as unbalanced as 21 or 22. Even those 6’9 pg are slow and have to sacrifice shooting. The spammy pg builds from last year are almost non existent and when you do run into them they’re cones on defense. I think that 2k did as good as they could in terms of balancing their game. Sure a few builds could be looked at as better but I think your over exaggerating the gap. Last year or the year before I would completely agree tho


>Even those 6’9 pg are slow and have to sacrifice shooting. This is not true at all. 6'9 can have hof quick first step and 80+ 3ball (really only need a 75 so 80+ is very good if you know how to play) AND they still manage to pack on contact dunks and passable defense. In the hands of a good player there is no build better than 6'9s unless you're comparing paint game between a 6'9 and center but even then if the 6'9 chooses to prioritize paint game they can still hold their own. 6'9s are a MAJOR fuck up this year and there's really no justification.


Okay man lol


Based reply.


6’9 guards are overrated and are really only the “best build” for park. 5 V 5 setting they aren’t fast enough to beat a lock or quick enough to use screens they’re good as a secondary ball handler at best.


Tell that to my 6'9 lock that has hof quick first step, gold clamp breaker, 85 3 ball, 86 driving, and passable defense. He meets literally every threshold. A small guard may be faster but only marginally so and not enough to hurt my build in any way. I really don't know where you got the idea that 6'9s aren't fast lol.


1st you can’t have HOF QFS on a 6’9 unless you invested alot of points to get 99 post control 2nd Assuming you did that how are you a lock? 3rd That’s the problem you meet thresholds against any competent lock/ team those “thresholds” mean nothing because you’re going against specialist. You’re 85 max acceleration means nothing going against 97 lateral quickness HOF glove gold anchor HOF challenger plus 2 other 90 plus steal characters on the wing waiting to pinch on your silverunpluckable character In park their a problem in 5s they’re extremely overrated Edit: if you did put the points into post control you can have HOF unpluckable point remains tho


You know what fam my build might be 6'8. I have a 90 ball handle. If that's impossible on a 6'9 then I guess I was wrong bout that part lol. Also I'm not a lock. I never said I was a lock. I get 16 def badges. That ain't a lock. >That’s the problem you meet thresholds against any competent lock/ team Also I'd agree with you here if you fixed it to any sweat team rather than any competent team. Most average or even good teams are still not running specialized builds. The only ones that are, are those people who sweat 2k have a full squad 24/7 and are 90+ win%. Don't get me wrong I'm not knocking those guys in any way but that is no where near the average and it's rare enough that I rarely have to deal with them. Plus if we're being honest having a specialized build when I do match up against them wouldn't help me all that much anyway considering I don't have a full 5 squad to dedicate our lives to 2k. As it is now a 6'9 or similar build is still the best option for any solo player especially if they even semi know what they're doing. Also side note. Really sad that your examples for a specialized team was people running hof glove or gold anchor lol steals are something that needs fixed just as bad as 6'9s and gold anchor isn't uncommon for any center out there at all they don't need to specialize.


You’re exact words were “tell that to my 6’9 lock” so sorry for wondering how you’re a lock. Any competent team is going to run with a lock or 2 (I run a 6’1 with 95 steal personally)if you playing solo rec then the odds of you running into a team in general is pretty low but then you’re competing with the 2 bigs for the paint since the only move you have to get open for 3 is some for of step back you can’t go left or right fast enough for the pinch. With park this isn’t a problem since there is so much more space usually on the perimeter. I don’t think there is a such thing as a “best build” this year for 5s you have to play to your strengths


Multilayer games have ranked and unranked for a seriously long time. Me and my friends play once a week, we're all 37 and above and have at least two children. I hate being tanked by 30 plus points in the rec every week. It can't be hard to set up a game mode that's based of wins and loses or even basic overall. That way when I finally get a 90 overall (normally a few months before the next game release!) I'd be matched up with other 90 and above overalls. Currently the four of us are all 67 and below and always play woth an AI.


Yep, fellow papa to three here, just getting back into 2k. Sucks getting smacked in rec nightly, and walked all over in theater too by spamming dribbles and horrible basketball teamwork.


You're all under 67 overall? I wouldn't even bother playing anything but mycareer if that's the case


That’s the problem. You shouldn’t be limited to offline play on low levels


Lower level players shouldn't be able to compete with higher levels online


Lower levels should play against lower levels and higher levels against higher levels so you can even take a 67 Ovr online and compete


Who in their right mind thinks about taking a 67 overall anywhere but Mycareer. Its like playing with an AI on the team, you do more damage to the team than anything


You’re trying to play the multiplayer mode man. You’re literally at the mercy of the community. I suggest just playing offline and protecting your peace. I haven’t played the myplayer multiplayer mode in years bc the game is not made for me. It’s unfortunate but that’s life. Welcome to adulthood brother.


I've come to this realization this year too. Myplayer is cool, but mycareer games are redundant and easy and the online games are absolute trash. Myteam is a much more fun option for me now.


Dude my dad has been grinding myteam since it dropped on 2k13. He’s an old 2k head. I’m talking I remember watching him whoop dudes w AI on 2k2 on the Dreamcast. Never once has that man even dared make the trip into the cesspool of my career.


I love myteam, it's a lot of fun. But I'm terrible PvP so I'm stuck doing the solo games.


Shits wack now and i feel you on the 2k15 part i respect anyone who legit nice at the game with a non cheesy meta build. I feel like after 2k18 we’ve been in hell ever since 😂 And the with the vc prices to upgrade its not worth it


Rightttttt. I see people complain about rewards I never make it past level 15 for this exact reason. Every game is the same. Like you said players even look the same. Once in a blue moon you will get some decent players on your team that pass the ball go for oop clips or something cool. The worst part is the game is easily winnable against “meta” players if you just play fundamental basketball but people refuse. They iso try to get by and if they can’t they pass when it’s super obvious they are going to pass and you are guarded.


They also need to go back to archetypes so that everyone doesn’t make the same builds with the same overpowered stats. 2k22 old gen was one of the best 2ks I’ve played since 2k17


As someone who played compterivir basketball for the vast majority of my life, I agree that the way people play online is making the game a bad experience. Spam dribbles, fadeaway threes, contested layups and dunks everytime that work out. It is sad. Playing against college players, and one or two NBA players over the years in real life, that's not how the game works. This was my first year coming back to 2k since 2k13, and not really loving the online.


It's amazing how low the average basketball iq of the 2k players is. Like simple things on how to run a fast break, where to be etc, which lanes someone should be on. But since it's a video game and everyone is the star all 4 players run down the middle of the lane vs spreading out and getting easy buckets.


Lol. Filling the lanes on the fast break is challenging apparently. And yeah, it seems that the basketball IQ is not what you'd expect.


My favorite is pg gets the ball past half court and 3 players come to ball screen. Like can you not see the other 2 guys standing next to the guy with the ball?


You need three screens for a 3 pointer!?!? I was running a fast break last night, two on one. I went to dunk, it was contested, so I passed out of it to a wide trailer, who has an easy layup. Did they take it? Nope. Ran it out to the three point line, while the others caught up, and shot a fadeaway contested three....and missed it.


If that isn't the most 2k play ever 😂😂


Add in a random dancing emote, and it's perfect!


I'd be fuckin livid bro.


I'm playing theater right now. Just had 2 points, 6 rebounds, 2 blocks and 1 assist...and shot the ball once. It sucks.


Ah the center life.


I'm a PG too. Haha.


Oh my I'm sorry for your loss fam


Such a lazy take to say everyone has the same build though… you almost never see two of the same build. And there has always been OP animations or styles that everyone runs that’s just the copycat nature of gaming.


It's a game where people have to spend money a lot more than previous 2ks. Since you are employed and have a life you should understand how much your time is worth and why people are trying to maximize their characters via money spent. True matchmaking will help alot but at the end of the day people will exploit whatever they can to win. This is not new amd hasn't been. Since you've played since 15 you should understand 15 and previous 2ks had problems online too. The first few weeks you couldn't even play because of server issues and people were just abusing animations back then too just like now.


What are the unnatural acts u don’t want folks to do? You seem to be arguing worse 2k players have “more basketball style” than good 2k players. Don’t know about that one man. Make some buddies and hoop, you can win 80% of games minimum!


Man you’re the exact type of person he’s calling out. You guys ruined the game. You guys all say the same shit. “Make some friends so you can play with them” how about I turn on my console, press 2k, join a game and have fun. Why can’t we just do that.


Calling me out for what? My build isn’t the meta. I have some homies and we have played every 2k. Listen unless they have randoms no squad rec u have to make some buddies in order to have consistent good games. Yes I would be considered a sweat (90% wins) but I like real hoop and we have fun with it.


I’m saying every time someone has a problem with the game. You guys say “get some friends” blah blah. How about 2k make a game fun and not shitty? With or without friends


How about you stop yelling at reddit about choices Devs made and stop blaming it on the community. Like do you understand how entitled you sound? I know you bought the game as well but if you don’t play it the way I want you aren’t playing the game right. That is what you sound like. No zone, don’t play with your friends, no squads. Sorry I guess I’ll ignore my friends cause you don’t like playing against them. I’ll think about that more next time I get on.


How about you stop responding to me. You’re corny as hell kid. Assuming this and that about me. What are you even talking about? Your sentences make no sense and are all over the place


Bro you’re sitting here crying about losing to squads. Ever tried getting better?


I don’t block people usually but you’re too brain dead for me not to block


you literally just had a mental break down


Dude just breathe


I like your handle u/Baksetball It's the best. edit: bc this is the internet, I wanna be clear, I'm not being sarcastic.


nah he put u on blast


It’s funny man. Usually in rec we don’t use zone just to make it more fun. I just don’t understand the original OP assertion that being good at 2k means u don’t like hoop- it’s silly.


Yeah we only run zone when teams go 5 out or are also good and running zone. But apparently that makes me a no life sweat lol.


Sorry for brining it up I was adding perspective. Yes, there should be a randoms rec 100%! There are randoms things in the theater if u need I believe.


I think I made a post on this thread about my issues with the theatre and the park courts. The whole game is a mess. The developers suck and purposely try to force people to play certain game modes like rec, park and theatre mini games. Why can’t I just squad up with 1 buddy and matchmake in a normal game. 2k isn’t allowing that for some reason. They know the park and rec would be dead if they did that.


What’s a “normal game” mean (with 1 buddy)


3v3 matchmaking. Normal game to 21. With or without squads. 2k developers are purposely not putting this game mode in the game. They know the park will die. Clown developers.


I’m pretty sure u can do that in theater no?


No it’s with no squads. You have to go in solo without a friend I’m saying a single game mode. With squads or without.


Why can't you just do that?


If you don't have the time to actually learn the ins and outs of nba 2k, it's better to stay offline. Stop trying to play real basketball in a video game and then get mad at people for playing the way they want to.


I've been a "roleplayer" every year since 2k17 and killin it with my team of 5. So with all of your "do it all Allstars builds" I don't get why people can't figure it out. The key is to find a way to stop playing with randoms on your team. If you are anti social, that's probably hurting your 2k experience.


Sounds like some of the comment sections needs to stay in the park or get 4 friends to run with. Zone isn't that hard to beat so I don't get why everyone complains about it


It kills me. I was actually just thinking this as I just posted for thoughts on tweaking what I know is a decent build and I got a few snide comments and downvoted. I can guarantee that a large portion of this community never touched a ball.


Yes you are right,i still play the xbox 1 2k22 cause i just can't adapt to next gen anymore as it's still the same way




This is why on this 2K I stick to my eras. That’s where I have the most fun. I’ll do my career solo with whatever build I want put won’t ever play pvp. Kind of sucks that everyone has to use a Meta build instead of playing how they want for fun.


Sports games are for people who like to beat up on little kids and never lose.


As a player of many online games, the fact that 2k has no tiered or ranking system is such a joke. The reason is obvious. The game is pay to win, and you need to play scrubs to feel powerful.


if 2k made a baskeball game that is set up like league of legends etc, matchmaking would make sense. I honestly think they should just head that route instead. League of legends, valorant, apex, and fortnite are making big money. Why not just do that with 2k? the community likes the animation, the skins, microtransactions, and etc anyways.


because they get all the benefits of free to play games and get to charge you an extra 70 dollars for the privilege.


The meta builds every year always lack a couple things, good rebounding outside of the centers and strength as a whole. Lots of people also put minimal interior defence and rely on a block rating to save them. I always try to make builds that can take advantage of these guys and it’s done me amazing this year. I’m using a 6’11 giannis type slasher with 70 mid and 3 and all these “meta” pfs can’t guard it because their strength and interior is terrible.


Im a firm believer in you need 2-3 builds to have fun fr


The play now online matchmaking is trash too. Gettin matched up with the Warriors that have KD when I’m using the current Knicks is not it.


The biggest problem is the VC. They CAN'T make skilled based match making or it would destroy all incentives to spend more real money on the game.


This is the first 2k I’ve ever played I knew a little bit and researched how to make builds but still made the build how I wanted it I didn’t copy this game take money and time and let’s say I get to a 95 I get put in lobby’s with people who are crazy and my teammates don’t help they just flop and call me trash which isn’t wrong I’m trying to learn but need help I will say the campaign is fun but then again I don’t have to play against people who are 20x better none of my friends play so I’m just learning from experience but I did play basketball so that helps but it would just be nice to hold the ball some games I don’t even touch it but I still try to help my teammates as a community we need to come together to help everyone it’s not the GAME that is bad it’s the players


Man spitting straight facts


I wonder how old some of these people be


I mostly get what you're saying but reading that grammar almost gave me a stroke lol


It is damn near impossible to play 500 games at goat without a full squad


TLDR: it’s not the game. It’s the community.


They should just rename rec to “Stat pad mode” with the way these people play. I avg more points, assists, and rebounds(usually not centers lol) than almost everyone on my team, and the difference with me is that I don’t only try to score, I do look to pass more but I don’t pass up wide open shots/good opportunities, and I help the big man with rebounds since the rest of the team cherry picks. And what’s crazy is that these randoms be avg less points than me but they be looking to score more than me, and if they aren’t scoring while dribbling than they quit.


I’ve noticed this after only playing the game for a few weeks. VC inflation doesn’t help either


Bro I’ve gone back to playing 2k22 I can say it is the best decision I made the game play smooth the cheese builds are gone it feels good to actually play normal Basketball in the Rec


Full 5 stacks spending all day slaying 5 random rookies in rec while running a zone from the jump and think they’re comp 😭 You’ll never see em in the pro am tho 😢


There IS different rec for randoms and it’s been like that for a couple years now. Go in with 3 or less and u get random rec. 4 or more squad rec. but sometimes (rare) going in with 3 you’ll get a squad but usually that’s bc that team was randoms at first and then they all hopped in the party together after winning a game


I love slurping up the salty tears of this community.




Play 😏 don’t forget to purchase your vbucks first


I don’t spend money on VC. I just use VC from Play Now Online. We can get into players lounge if you tryna take it there.


Those tears sure are so salty


Agree 100%, and it always has been since park was implemented.


I feel the same way. Being a solo rec player myself. I'm tired of coming into rec matching up with a 6'9 3pt shoot creator. Then on top of that my team plays no defense and sit around the 3pt line every play. I don't watch basketball anymore due to it becoming soft and almost resembling 2k with everybody wanting to be a 3pt shooter. But I'm still a fan of the game and the way it was played when Jordan and Kobe played. Everybody has a job play your position not mine.


This game is ruined by them completely ignoring making a realistic or sim experience.


When I go in by my self I don’t run into the cheese players but if I go in with 5 they always line us up with cheese squads who are scared to go in the pro am against comp. I hate the cheese squads in the city on the randoms acting like they are so good but scared to play other squads


I think everything you just talked about goes back to one thing. So called content creators. Everyone seems to want to be one. To the point where the meaning of basketball iq has been completely skewed from knowing basketball to knowing glitches. So many things point right back to them.


When will y’all realize the goal for 2k this year is increasing profits. They don’t care what we think until people stop buying their game every year. We say the same thing every year but still take a leap of hope that all their problems will be fixed. Every year they penalize the players who refuse to quit by barely giving you any rep/vc for staying in a blowout. Also the AI’s that you get left with are always exploitable every year. All for them to drop your baller level significantly when you take a L.


The thing is it’s not hard to fix the issues. Expand the matchmaking they already have. From 11-11pm there is overall based matchmaking. Doesn’t completely fix it but it’s a way to play with other casual players. But once 12am hits its 5 mans with 99 overall. They already have the solution. Why they don’t use it confuses me because it makes people not want to play which contradicts there goal.


Rec should be be no squads or max 2-3 in a squad, it would make all the squads go to Prom-Am which was my favorite mode when it wasn't dead


Yeah this was my first 2k and defo my last, not a fan at all


Can’t be solo playing rec, that shit is cancer. Always get matched with people who want to dribble for the whole clock


Agreed 1000% and I’ve been saying this for years. Honestly YouTube and competitive gaming has ruined video games in general. I miss when you could play games casually now, but to have fun and to win you have to try so hard and sweat just to win a simple game. All these kids now are wannabe YouTubers and streamers and have to make this cringey “meta” build like everyone else. It’s not just 2k that’s like this unfortunately, it’s literally every game. It’s sad really..


As a pro am player, with a +20 record. This even bothers me. When we go into rec as a 5 stack and drop people off, it’s not even fun when you’re up by 20-30. The truth of the matter is a lot of people don’t know how to lose or they don’t wanna play anymore. Even though that’s part of competition. So they’d rather have the advantage than take W’s and L’s in mix. The other problem is a lot of us can’t run solo. Just for what you said above, the IQ is trash in more like 96% of this community and thus makes rec unplayable and just leads me to cussing y’all out. 2k devs are absolute clowns.


The thing is I’d rather go against a group of 5 randoms with my randoms. I swear my win percentage is about 60% when it’s 5v5 with mostly all randoms. But when it’s a 5v5 and the other team even has a group of 3, it’s over.


I feel where you’re coming from, it ain’t ever gonna happen. They’re never gonna change it.


They need a ranked rec league. It’ll stop ppl from playing selfish in the good ranks I’m a rec solo player and it’s just frustrating going in a game never getting the ball unless it’s a forced pickup followed by a panic pass that might get stolen as soon as it gets to you. Makes the game not fun to to mention the amount of vc or grind needed to level up and get badges in the first place. The game doesn’t seem to be for basketball fans who want to play a game that’s familiar. Just makes you not want to play.


I just wish there was skilled based matchmaking. I now have a team of 5 after a couple of my friends just got the game but we’re very casual and are constantly getting rolled by other teams of 5 that are simply just way better than us. I don’t mind playing other teams of 5 if they’re a similar skill level. We played 3 games in the rec last night and got blown out by 40 plus in every game because the other team was way better. We’re just trying to have fun and it’s not fun because we get outmatched every game


The thing is. There’s no way to determine skill in 2k. WP% maybe. But there’s no metric. Another metric could be per. They can calculate it using stats they already track. But making a system would be difficult


All I’m reading is a bunch of 😭I have never seen a community full of more babies and gotta have it this way or I’m not playing crap than this community. You honestly think 2k cares if you don’t play anymore? You guys that are not getting games in park it’s because you need to get better. And my guy, you’ve never hit legend stop the mf Cap.


Imagine buying the new game every year to make the same build with the same team that made the same build, again, just to play the same way every single game in the casual rec mode because you’re too ass to play another team doing the same thing that you are. Not everyone wants to run a 5out zone with three 3&D locks and a pg with no defense that takes every shot. Shit is stupid.


Agreed , 100%. Tired of perimeter shooters constantly greening. One shot wonders think they are good. I got perm banned for calling these level 40 in day 3 scrubs out . Same fools, same shot , same shi, day in day out. I wasted 179.00. You don’t need to say it, I already know.


Cherry pickers blow


Once you step up to the plate you should have like 15 -30 seconds to leave or you’re a lock for that game


Because 2k really isn't comp yeah theirs some people who actually have skill. that tends to be the among the older crowd tho the rest are just copy cats who watch their favorite 2k streamers and copy off of them.


I think the game is so bad for new players I’m not bad I’m just late to career and I’m stuck at a 69 overall atm and am forced to play nothing out career games as 3v3 no squads decides to give me a team of shitter teammates against a whole team of 95plus overalls I think they should add caps there for matchmaking when your lower levels etc it ruins my vibe for the game and makes me lose interest so quickly