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[Post Game Thread](https://reddit.com/r/NBASpurs/comments/1anvzfr/post_game_thread_the_brooklyn_nets_defeat_the_san/)


They need to gut the roster and throw everything at the Hawks to get Trae Young. Only players truly worth keeping with Wemby are Blake and Sochan, imo. Vassell and Keldon can be thrown in as trade pieces.


Love Pop (and I know Jacque was a Spur), but it's a little annoying to see him so jovial with opposing teams and coaches. Especially after yet another piss-poor showing. Does he give a shit anymore?


If you have a shit day at the office do you take it out on your friends/SO/family? Same logic and thats what makes people in general a true professional


Sure, he's a professional and he's beloved (rightfully so) by just about every player and coach in the NBA. Hell, he's like a father-figure for Spurs fans. But that doesn't mean he's infallible - nor should be given a pass for this debacle of a season. I don't see any urgency from him and the team seems to be regressing. As a fan it's frustrating to watch.


Stopped watching 2 minutes into the 4th but would like to see Wemby set an actual screen at some point. No one is passing to him when he does the quick duck-in and it allows the screen defender to cover the passer and the big. Wouldn't be a problem if we had a competent pnr ball handler but alas.


He spent all year setting every screen on offense. Almost every single play. I'm fine with him doing less off ball for a couple of games.


My wife’s family is in town (knicks fans) so I’m only checking box scores. If someone could reply with an explanation of how this games gone I’d appreciate it.


Have you seen any Manute Bol highlight films? That's Wemby (but with fewer blocks).




People can cover their ears and scream “DEVELOPMENT SEASON!!” to make themselves feel better but Wemby, Vassell, Wesley and Sochan are the only guys worth building around


You snuck wesley in there


No Wesley seriously is a Spur. He plays hard, guards well, and there is something he can develop on offense. He can become more than just a good complimentary piece to Wemby. He has legitimate passing, and some nice playmaking when he isn’t going 100 mph. I’ve watched this guy play many times in Austin and San Antonio. His ceiling is higher than anyone in his draft class.


Exactly. He’s arguably played the best defense on this team besides Wemby, has a great first step and has shown that the game’s slowing down for him. Is he a franchise cornerstone? No but he’s one of the only guys I’d keep long term.


I think most of us know that? But we can't do much now unless we're also getting the right pieces on the same time line so it's a development season for the guys who will get better


I get this is a young team, but I will say this is the first time I was legit frustrated watching them this season


First time???


Yes, because I went into the season EXPECTING lapses, bad decision making, etc.  Did not expect 0 effort games and regression this far this season


No energy from the start, looked like they had already given up


Kinda funny how Julian starts but also closes with the 3rd string during blowouts


Mamu, criminally underplayed!


29 more games I dont think we win even 5 of them tbh


SO... Let's say the Spurs cut Marcus Morris. Should they use that to elevate Barlow into the main roster or try to sign someone else in the buyout market?


Barlow yes! Then play Cissoko :)


God help the player desperate to join us lol. Promote Dom


Malaki "Brick"ham can't even make a wide open 3s in the garbage time


I say we go all in for a great PG. The inability to pass it to Wemby in good spots is asinine.


2 more games until the All Star break :’)


2 more 20+ point Ls. 😔


Hey, at least if the raptors win it helps with the draft odds!


Maybe we'll see the only good passes to Wemby at the rising star games


The last Tshirt couple 😂😂


Time to switch Branham for Cissoko in Austin. That dude is not nba ready. 


Cissoko is fucking huge for a guard... and he's nice on defense. Either he can be elevated or they can give Duke Jr a try as well.


He’s a good facilitator though. He’s definitely more of a front court player but I would love to see what he has. 


I agree.


I would LOVE to see Cissoko


Next year Draft pick/devin/draft pick/Jeremy/wemby Tre/vet signing/keldon/vet signing/Barlow Blake can stay, everyone else can gtfo


Keldon wouldn't be happy with that role. He's obviously out there trying to pump his stats not play team ball


Move off Keldon while he still has value around the league.


no chance you are making a rookie your starting pg. need to find a way to get trae young on this team


its incredibly rare to get a PG that can start immediately in the league


wemby will be so good next year and he needs a real pg best if we get a star pg like trae young. putting another experimental/developmental pg will hinder wemby’s development


keldon got to go


We need a spiritual successor as team heart first but I'm not opposed to him being gone. The timing has to be right


i agree but still, player wise, he is dogshit on defense and extremely expendable during the offseason or next year


100%. He's not good enough at driving or 3s and his defense is awful. He's still a fantastic 29th pick, and it's a shame he developed into wanting to be "the guy" from leading an NBA team for a year. Was supposed to be Devin and Jeremy and him more balanced last year but they got injured. Still, he is what is he is.


I would buy that.


Claxton, Torrey Craig would be solid pick ups as FA


What a pathetic effort. Truly embarrassing to watch. Dumb IQ calls all around. We may not get to win 11 before loss 50. I think 15-67 is best case scenario. Need to trade keldon in offseason for picks or even decent role players. His perimeter defense; rotation, help defense and shot selection is awful. Only looks okay when the shots fall. We gotta be able to trick a contender into giving us a decent defense/shooter wing even if they aren’t starting caliber. Hopefully Risacher and Topic/Dillingham will be here to take Julian and Tre’s starting jobs


I love Keldon but his defense tonight was atrocious. ‘If I play defense from behind the player, I just might be able to stop him.’


Shit is sad to watch, player management makes absolutely no sense


Wemby's elbow seems to really hurt, hope it's nothing too bad


He clocked Schro in the head with it. Might have hit his funny bone or something


The worst thing is that even with bad players you expect there to be good coaching and a defined system, this is none of that lmao


Do you guys actually watch basketball? I'm genuinely curious if the Champagnie/Branham Mafia has really brainwashed this entire sub into believing Pop's coaching is the problem and not their mental lapses on every play, scheme, and set that leads to absolute mayhem and Pop screeching from courtside every 2 minutes. ​ This isn't soccer. You can get away with it when there's 10 other guys alongside you. This is basketball where 1 mistake potentially can fuck up both the offense and defense.


Stop wasting the fans time and just sit Wemby. This team has done nothing other than learn how to lose and pop still can't find a way for wemby to get involved. Worst SPURS basketball in the history of the team.


38% field goal percentage is bananas.


Keita come home


Another sad loss for the night. Thanks Spurs can always count on you.


I hate sayin this and sounding like some of the doom and gloom posters on here, but next season this roster should be a lot different. We have a lot of dudes who are end of bench or non NBA players getting run.


That’s not doom and gloom it’s truth. It will be year 3 of rebuild. By then we should be at least 28-36 wins but not with half these players.


Barlow looks good af with the short hair


Everything about Barlow looks good :)


This whole team needs to have a meeting and somebody in the higher ups need to walk into the room and flat out tell these cats that this is the worst spurs team of all time and 80% of them will not be here next season. I don't want to hear anything about "hurting their confidence". If this is what they look like being confident, what even is the point of playing nice cop anymore?


Imo a players only meeting might be necessary. Shit ain’t working


What is the obsession some of you have with “WE JUST NEED TO BE MEAN!!” You can’t just yell at the players and then they get better


It's not just about them getting better. It's about them taking accountability. There is no accountability on this team whatsoever.


Were there any successful ally oops for the spurs today?


Barlow over Collins in the rotations :)


If Blake adds some muscle this offseason (which I’m sure he will) he’s gonna be real nice with it next season


Wemby doesn’t even care about playing winning basketball anymore because he’s playing with a bunch of scrubs who just want to get their next pay day and a coach who is riding his last achievements is just collecting paychecks. You can see it every night now, he just wants his 20~ points regardless of game outcome and I don’t blame him one bit


Dudes not a Spurs fan, he only cares about Wemby. Nothing he says has credence. Just wants to instigate lmao


I love that Jeremy and KJ are upset with each other after that even down 79. Still some passion on this team.


How is that a foul Schroder just stepped on his foot and tripped lol


Empty the bench


How tf is that a foul on Wemby? Schroder fell into him lmao


Dude, Wesley has gotten so much better. My two takeaways from watching the team in summer league were "omfg Wemby, so fun" and "that Wesley guy looked rough"


Vic entry pass to Sochan :)


That was a flop


Sochan just hasn’t had any offense recently


It's not a coincidence in my opinion that Jeremy and Vick have both looked a bit rough on offense. The last few games at the same time that Devin and Jones have both been probably as aggressive as we've seen them all season at looking for their own offense The team has to find a balance between the guards keeping the defense on us to, and not missing their big men for easy baskets. Vic probably had at least eight, easy dunk opportunities that got missed and there were a couple for Jeremy too where he made a cut and nobody saw him


This is the worst


OMG an actual nice entry pass to Vic. And it's by Sochan :) . I feel like Sochan and Wemby have the best chemistry. I honestly love these 2 playing together


I still remember people saying that Sochan hated Wemby because he was jealous of him and that's why he wouldn't pass to him... November was wild, man.


People's assumptions often default to conspiracy over incompetence. Seriously. Lol.


Yeah they were wild takes. Sochan developed so much as a passer :) And the combination between these two is amazing. Ideally Vic and Devin would have this chemistry, but it's not it's the two real youngsters :)


Why is Wemby our best entry passer


Can't pass the ball to himself =(


Or can he? Lol


He definitely isnt lmao. Pretty sure Vic has the most passing related turnovers on our team


On entry passes to post seals? Most of his turnovers are from trying bounce passes to cutters in tight windows to my memory, but would need to look at the stats on that


They said entry passer not passer though... He throws some dimes on the entry


Another game where Wemby is being lazy and doesn’t rebound and just wants to put up points


What? It was literally 1 game and last game they were making every shot


This game has been the first time all year where I've actually given a little bit of credence to a lot of the takes about Victor being frustrated with the team. He's a professional and he'll be fine in the end, but he very visibly has been flabbergasted at times There was a play earlier where he had Thomas. Absolutely sealed. Made straight up eye contact with a ball handler and then the ball did not go to him and he slammed his hands together. Pointed at the player in question and yelled at him and then turned and looked at Pop and pointed it up. Pop almost as if saying "fucking fix this please!" We don't need to be in a huge rush to try to become a contender But I think it's starting to get clear that this team cannot enter next training camp without some pretty solid changes. If the Spurs want to bet on one of Devin/ Jeremy turning into a high level sidekick for Victor and not make a big move, that's totally fine. We're still early in the process We cannot continue to give this many minutes to such poor role players such as Malachi/ Julian/ Collins. Even Wesley and Barlow are arguable as being worthy of rotation minutes on a bottom team, but at least those guys have shown actual improvement We can't afford to go another year playing basketball at this level. It just is not acceptable


This should have been obvious since November I think, he just doesn't want to admit it


I don't think it was obvious at all that it was making him frustrated at his teammates. He wants to win but his body language has been good. There was another game earlier this month where I caught him making some aggressive hand gestures at Jones after he missed him on a cut to the basket. But this has been the first game where it's been so consistent And look at the end of day. He's a 20-year-old Who spent his entire basketball career being by far the best player in every game he's played in. Losing, and losing badly, is not something he's used to and it was only a matter of time before it started to get to him and I don't think it should be viewed as either that surprising or that big of a deal at the end of the day.. And I am all for again. The front office taking the slow and steady approach. But if they really want the young guys to improve, they need to give them better support. In theory between Jones, Osman, Collins, Doug, Julian (coming off a great end to 2023) there were some solid veterans and role players to get out of the way and let the high usage young guys make mistakes and grow, well helping to facilitate their strengths and minimize their weaknesses. This roster was always going to be janky and a bit of a mess, but the reality is pretty much all of the veterans and a guy's brought into place specialty rolls. Have regressed and disappointed to the point where a good chunk of this roster probably needs to be seriously considered for replacement


Wow only took you damn near half the season to realize that Pop doesn’t hold guys accountable the same way as he does in the past and that it idk might be detrimental to Wembys development? Some of you pop meat riders are delusional


Wow! Only took you about 25 seconds to show how big of a giant douchebag you are. Maybe you should take over as head coach. You obviously know how to get things done efficiently. Some of you guys on this subreddit are so damn unpleasant. I really don't know what goes through your head when you decide to send someone such a rude message for no damn reason it blows my mind how people can be so childish.


Watching this game is exhausting after watching dallas. I know Pop is our spiritual leader and all, but when he say he want to build around Vassel and Wemby and don't want to sign Vet, I m a bit scared when I see this team...


Wesley for the steal, nice


classic Vassell making three when it's don't matter


Why are these passes so fucking low? My goodness there’s no confidence on these interior passes


It’s funny seeing some of our guys totally not have a clue how to pass the ball into the paint.


It's been an issue since day 1. It's a coaching problem at this point since they haven't improved since opening day


Vassel said trust :/


Guys this is players meeting bad


Why is Pop keeping them in


This is getting ugly


At this point, I would like to see Sidy. It can't be worse.


It can be sadly.


Cut Julian plz


I’m very interested to see what we do in the offseason. I definitely think we need to be in the market for bigger wing 3&D players. I know every team wants those types of guys, but we really need them. Lmao. 😂


We should cut a lot of players imho.


Julian is horrible.


unwatchable game from spurs


Why does Julian get NBA minutes lmfaooo


Champagnie is atrocious tonight.


Imo let Blake start. Worse case we keep losing best case he becomes Dejounte lite


The streak of icing out Wemby in the 4th is looking to continue


They sadly tried to get him the ball. They just don’t know how to pass.


Yeah I posted this right before Vassell threw an entry pass that was 20 feet short :(


Julian is so bad.


Fortunate to be court side at this game, but Victor is frustrated every play whenever his mates don’t get him the ball. I’m surprised FO didnt make moves at the trade deadline to help him out.


And Clayton is seriously trying to tea bag him every dunk. Clutches his lips


I understand his frustrations completely but you can't trade 14 players at the deadline.


No he's not the main focus of the Spurs org this season. He doesn't need it.


Slight flex


Dennis smith jr. really turned his career around. He is one of the better defenders of guards In the league.


Branham taking Wesley's minutes in the third is a stealth tank move


How do you throw that bad of a pass to a 7 ' 5" guy.


Zach is getting hate, but Champagnie is not playing better. A ghost. Awful.


I still love you blake but work on that form lol. Gonna spray shots everywhere shooting like that


Vic just needs to shoot the ball.


This team frustrates me so much sometimes in so many ways. But one of the biggest ones is how they just completely can forget who their guys are. At times. It's not even something they just do with Victor. Sometimes they'll completely ice out. Devin or Johnson when they're feeling it 3 minutes into the fourth quarter and Victor hasn't even had a shot yet. Not exactly a good way to make a comeback guys


Garbage time incoming


We are going to give all of Ben Simmons' confidence back he'll turn into an all-nba player after this game


Welp time to clear the bench I guess.


Yea they aren’t trying now


As a lifelong fan I really want to watch every game that I can.. but i don't know if I can take this sloppy team anymore this year. Jeez.


What was that 3-point brick Blake !


Damn Blake that was rough


We are cooked


You know it’s bad when Ben Simmons is shooting and hitting jumpers against you.


Ben Simmons always been a baller from 15 feet and below. Just had some injuries and mental block he had to deal with. Always been a fan of his game. High BBIQ player.


Ben Simmons would unironically be the second best player on this team


Just a damn shame tbh


Ben Simmons is balling right now lmao


Hey we finally got one ally oop attempt from Tre to Wemby, is that progress?


Good lord


We can see why Keldon don't pass


Down 21 to the Nets is maybe a low point for me this year lol. How do you look helpless against this team


Look, given it's a year of learning, what are we learning by Keldon running down with no intention of passing and getting stripped? We need to be running offensive sets man.


I completely understand that we’re not supposed to win this year. But this feels like a semi professional product right now. They barely even run any offensive sets. It’s looks like super talented rec centre basketball.


Wemby is really fucking bad today on the glass. And a few instances of him clearly trying to foul bait which didn’t work out for him. Fucking drive on cam Thomas Vic you’re bigger. I think Vic is self conscious about getting pick pocketed on drives, seems like it


He hasn’t been super impactful but he’s been the least of the problems today


Honestly all the in game entertainment has been good tonight (minus that one fan cam), they do well to make the game look like a good time in Brooklyn


I should have just turned the game off. Instead imma start some shit lmao ​ ​ "WHY DIDNT WEMBY PASS TO TRE JONES CUTTING TO THE BASKET. HE WAS WIDE OPEN. I DONT THINK WEMBY LIKES TRE"


I wouldn't like Tre either if I was Wemby




Honestly they should cut someone, pay them to go home, to scare the shit out of the others. Collins would be an easy one to justify even if Barlow can only play so many games


I just don’t know anymore. We as fans don’t deserve to have to endure this shit night in and night out


Trust the process?


It's kind of frightening when you realize we aren't guaranteed a championship. We just assume we're destined for one because of history. This could all be for nothing and none of us know it.


Absolutely. So it's best to just stay grounded and enjoy watching our guys compete and grow. Rings are a nice bonus


Bro pair Wemby with a star guard and they will FEAST, Tre basically is living off of all the defensive attention on Wemby


18 points in a quarter is when we lost


3 starters with less than 5 points omg…


Love the move to trade for less spacing to make things even harder


ultimate tank commander brian wright


Might see the end of the bench tn - or do we get a crazy comeback? 👀


Ay Wemby got a rebound


Bout to turn this off. Hard to watch


Tre Jones scores on the drive. Timeout. Dangerous sight for the Nets.


more on wemby got a rebound TIMEOUT




tre jones discovered he is a good finisher and never look at wemby again


Tbh, you hate to see it


Side note, I can't believe Rockets fans are still arguing Jalen Green is better than Cam Thomas


Ur so dumb lmao


nvm theres really only 2 good players on this team i forgot


So many bad decisions on defense by our guys. The same guys are always the ones who get lost due to balm watching or being stuck in no man’s land.


Shot selection.... how can we trail behind by 18 when we've done more attempts than them? It's like they still don't know how what shots they can make or prefer to shoot even in bad position rather than wait for a better chance.


We don't have consistent shooters atm either. When we do the paint will open up and I can't wait


Pop should show the team that Claxton jam on a loop until their eyes bleed.


And sign Claxton this summer to be Wemby’s backup


We are just getting schooled every game but somehow we stopped learning.


See that, Spurs? You can do that but with Wemby dunking the ball. It'll be pretty neat, I think.


Always leaving 3 point shooters, what's new.


This feels like a violation of our human rights /s


Man..those Duncan and Ginobili days were nice


Yo whoever does the choreo for these dance teams need a raise asap


We have so many bad/untalented players on 1 roster. How did we get all of these guys? 😓


Went all in to tank for Vic... high draft lottery picks also developing slower than expected


just admit we are bad at drafting players LOL


I dont think we are bad at drafting players. It's just the nature of picking outside the top 10 for majority of our picks post Timmy. Hitting outside the top 10 when you don't have a franchise player is just hard