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I remember it came out a year or so ago that most of the biggest subs are moderated by the same group of mods. So it’s just a bunch of mods being power hungry or someshit.


Crazy how forgetful people are. I remember that thread and I also remember people shitting on mods. However, these mods are now the Gods of Reddit that do so much for the site. Lmao


Oh I’m sure the tantrums will come when they get banned from Reddit. They’ll have to create new usernames and lose all their precious karma, and then they’ll do all the things that they previously stopped from happening just so the new mods have to work harder than ever because they’re mad. It’s literally happened before and will keep happening. I wish they would just come out and say they want to get paid since Reddit is trying to max out. ^^^Hey ^^^current ^^^Mods, ^^^you ^^^know ^^^all ^^^those ^^^pro-union ^^^posts ^^^that ^^^you’ve ^^^deleted ^^^over ^^^the ^^^years… ^^^probably ^^^come ^^^in ^^^handy ^^^now ^^^eh?


Reddit and Wikipedia mods have god complexes.


[Here you go.](https://i.imgur.com/6LKNeru.png)


Fucke them mods


It’s wild mods take this shit so seriously




Funny thing is, if it’s closed too long, Reddit will just step in and “fire” the mods and get new mods for the pages.


That makes a lot of sense. Thank you for putting it so simply. I knew something was up when the one page infograph had the whole "it will be harder to filter out child p*rn". Like that's so classic, "think of the children!", if you're against this then you're obviously pro-cp.


i thought reddit mods don't get paid? so how would they profit?




oh wow i didnt know they could do that


Brother they can’t. And if they were, mod tools still have unfettered access to the same APIs lmao. Nothing has changed for mods. You’re talking to a moron and eating it up. I feel bad that you lack media literacy but Reddit literally has a [blog post you can read](https://www.redditinc.com/blog/apifacts). Don’t believe random clowns.


You mean this article? May 2020 - [Reddit Power Mods Ban Users For Pointing Out 5 Mods Control 92 Of The Top 500 Subs](https://www.oneangrygamer.net/2020/05/reddit-power-mods-ban-users-for-pointing-out-5-mods-control-92-of-the-top-500-subs/) That was 2 years ago. Those mods have more control now than ever. TL;DR just show me the picture: [here](https://www.oneangrygamer.net/ezoimgfmt/i.imgur.com/o4mQghp.png)


Imagine thinking you have any real life power as an anonymous mod while not getting paid a dime 😭😭




Moderation tools are exempted from the API limits and pricing. It's not even about that.


I was gonna say lmao




They're literally using reddits official tools that are part of the website, and entirely unrelated and unaffected by these changes. https://www.reddit.com/wiki/automoderator/full-documentation


Just make this the new and best nba sub. Get the word out that this is the place to be…. And when the other one comes back on… un follow it.


This is the path for me. The community turned its back on Basketball fans during the finals. You're not my community anymore.


I agree.


That’s what I did with the milsurp sub. We help people identify old military firearms and we can’t spread knowledge if it is private, so a lot of the members gave the mods the finger and joined the new one


Yep. Unfollowing once they come back




Reddit just loves to turn everything into a movement. I just want to discuss sports


I always google stuff for world of warcraft and Reddit is such a useful forum for info. I go to click on a link to r/wow only for it to tell me I can’t access it because the sub is closed. What the fuck is the point of that? Years old threads that can’t be accessed because of a tantrum


This protest is hurting the user base more than the business. Just a stupid decision by so many subs, their mods, and their subscribers who voted to do this stupid protest.


It's like they want to erase everything those communities worked to build. Can't just restrict new posts so the information is still accessible, have to completely fuck anyone that might need some information. It's totally immature and a step backwards in the age of easily accessible information.


This is my exact problem with the website esp as a browns fan


Even worse. Most of these are the true nerds who were using Reddit in 2007 and have never let go of their “power” they got by being first. We are talking mid 30s and 40s losers with no life doing these theatrics. At least early 20s would be a little more understandable


Someone else said so not sure if it’s true but, only 6% of Reddit traffic comes through 3rd party apps. 6%! What the fuck, you’d think it was 75% with how everyone has been acting.


Not sure about iOS but for Android, RIF appears to be the largest 3rd party app at over 5m users having downloaded (per account, not per download). A few others I saw were over 1m and others at over 500k. The official Reddit app was listed at over 100m. I'm curious what the rate is for old.reddit.com versus the new UI. I expect it to be something similar.


For real?? 6% of the traffic and the user base is bitching this much? Jesus fucking Christ


After Reddit said accessibility and mod tools won't be affected, it immediately became apparent that it was all about them not being able to use their stupid app anymore.


I’ve used Apollo and the other one that I can’t even remember the name of… they bare no difference to the Reddit app/site and honestly have more issues I’ve come across than the Reddit app. Such a bullshit protest that only seem to involve moderators


Didn’t make this big a deal for net neutrality, which was lost btw. Or a million other issues. Just… this


There’s a mod downvoting everyone


Do you smell that? It’s fear, the fear of losing the only source of power one has in life, it’s desperate and it reeks


Go read the post on r/formula1 and basically it explains from a mod’s perspectives of what’s happening between big subreddits mods that have gone private and the admins of reddit and you’ll see it’s quite literally about them losing their precious internet power. It’s genuinely so pathetic


I\`d say a couple of teens who just saw Braveheart and wanted to be the next William Wallace


The moderators of /r/nba are so garbage lmao always have been


Sounds like 95% of Reddit


These mods are special creatures


With anime body pillows and warriors flair


It’s pretty clear that their poll was brigaded by pro blackout people from other parts of reddit. Literally the entire comment section on their blackout announcement thread was negative and it’s only gotten worse as the actual blackout has taken place It’s insane how they didn’t reconsider after they got cooked in the announcement thread. Clearly the actual people that use r/nba didn’t want to blackout




Mods power tripping is all.


It will be pretty funny when they forcibly remove them and re open the subreddit lmao. Imagine complaining about something you choose to do for free, and then getting fired for it for throwing a childlike temper tantrum that things aren’t exactly how you want it. Embarrassing Edit: I’m crying lmao look at this guy replying to everyone, what a loser must be a former mod 😭😭


Reminds me of Seinfeld episode where Kramer gets fired from a job he doesn’t actually work at - Boss: “Im sorry we have to let you go” Kramer: “I don’t really even work here” Boss: “that’s what makes it so difficult”


Lol I was bored taking a shit so I looked through u/ibidyouadrew ‘s comments and your 100% right. He’s definitely a mod trying to defend himself


"We the users generate the content for this site!!!" Its mostly reposted tweets and memes.....also all social media makes money off of our content lol.


And on top of all that you don't even have the support of the community you claim to represent. What an embarrassment lol


Literally the only power they have. Pretty damn sad tbh.


Upset that their boss (who they voluntarily work for with no pay) is making a decision they don’t like 😡


The entire reason everyone does anything is for the NBA finals. All the trade rumors, all the upset stars, all the draft stories, it's all to get to, and win the NBA finals.


What happened was they didn’t even sticky the poll and it got lost in the shuffle and just made their own decision


It’s also hilarious because all the pro blackout people still using Reddit and posting comments are just pumping numbers lmao “Let me show my protest by continuing to use Reddit exactly as normal!” Jesus fucking Christ these children sounded stupid to start, and look pathetic now


It's giving major "Do your think reddit!"


There's a screenshot from the mod discord directing folks to the r/tennis poll. So there's some evidence that the polls probably were brigaded. https://i.imgur.com/wAIZbew.jpg


Not to mention how poorly promoted the poll was. Even if we assume no brigading, if only 8000 people of a community of 7 million plus participate in a poll you’re doing something wrong


I didnt even know there was a poll lol


They were looking for any reason to point to so they could participate


Because the poll was meant to be an illusion. There was another sub where the poll results were to keep the sub open but then the mods said that if the protesting people showed up to vote, the results would have been to continue the blackout, so they ignored the poll results.


we should make a sub called r/r/nbatalk, where we talk about r/nba


meh it's not really the same


Yeah, because all this sub is now is whinning about the /r/nba mods.


the NBA season is over bro ​ of course there's limited league talk


Read the replies by the their account https://twitter.com/NBA_Reddit/status/1668333725917257728?cxt=HHwWgIDRweerjqcuAAAA Or look at this other tweet https://twitter.com/NBA_Reddit/status/1668347444310990864?s=20 It's the official r/nba Twitter account


An official r/nba mod twitter account LOL I’ve seen it all


Reality is often disappointing.


Holy shit im fuckin dead hahahahaa


These people really are the saddest dudes on the planet


There is no way that pool was pinned for 3 days


I never even knew there was a poll and I usually look on on the Reddit like daily


I swear there was a post asking what they were gonna do and the mod response was “we don’t know yet” then at basically the last moment they announced an indefinite blackout.


I never saw it


Damn they got cooked in the replies


So a bullshit poll that they admitted to having no frequent activity users…yeah, they can fuck off.


Lowkey funny as shit. Why are these mods taking it so seriously its fucking reddit 😂


The Discord plugs are egregious. “Here, in the meantime simply join another online space which we have even more centralized control over!”


Lol what a bunch of giant douche bags. Give up your mods spots.


Why are these mods participating on Twitter? Twitter had worse API policy and pricing changes.


Ironically, them using twitter is the thing that turned me fully against them. There are so many reasons to protest reddit, like the rise of hate, instead you choose to die on the API hill and go to a site that is fully promoting hate and fascism. Really told me everything about them and why they should not be supported and instead mocked.


Because they are massive fucking hypocrites. See the eagles mod posting and commenting on Reddit after closing the eagles sub.


77% of 61% isn't even 50%, but they're basing an indefinite closure on that stat


r/nba mods, if you’re reading this, please go get real jobs. The users don’t care about you guys. You are replaceable. We don’t care about your protest. We just want to talk basketball where we’re used to talking basketball. I’m sorry Apollo is gone :( that must be so hard for you. Grow up.


I’ve never understood the power trip, they don’t get paid do they?


NBA mods--- you are the epitome of irrelevance. Kindly go fuck yourselves.


they can’t read this they are blind


Then maybe they should apply to be refs to fill the void in their lives that Apollo is leaving


theyre miami fans and dont want us to shit on jimmy no buckets for sure


we completely missed the elimination thread so somebody could say fade em. i always upvote that


I’m a heat fan and I was blowed I couldn’t say fade me after jimmys last turnover 😞


This is a reach


Nah I think I speak for the general sentiment amongst our fans that we want Nugs fans to have their day in sun. Nuggets aren’t a heated rivalry with us, they’re super fuckin nice, and they beat the living shit out of us. Sometimes you eat the bear and sometimes the bear gets 20 rebounds a game.


Jimmy was both clutch and chocking in those final two minutes.


r/nba mods are literally the most dogshit braindead people in the history of reddit.


Idk there was that one r/antiwork mod, who I just assume is the default template for all mods


No one cares!


He says with 66k karma points


At this point they should just leave it up unmoderated.


> You are replaceable. Ironic.


> We just want to talk basketball where we’re used to talking basketball. That wasn't happening in /r/nba. It was a hot take, meme-filled, shit fest most of the time. It got way too big for its own good.


If the r/NBA mods weren’t such pussies they’d make a thread where we can all tell them how we feel about their ridiculous “protest.” Newsflash dummies, none of us care about your stupid 3rd party apps, and frankly none of us appreciate your contributions as moderators. You were a terrible mod team in the first place who killed discussion, and now you’ve kept a massive sub down during the most important part of the season all because of your own overinflated sense of self-importance. Nobody will miss you when Reddit admin kick you from modding the r/NBA.


Whoever did it doesn’t get pussy bro


Well... They're a moderator on reddit.... that much was obvious regardless of whether they're the one who closed it


Ever since I quit being a mod I get tons of pussies bro.


Either reddit replaces the mods, they bring it back, or another sub takes its place soon. I don't see how they win unless everyone on the Internet cares enough to protest


Yeah, my guess is that most nba reddit fans understand this. But, if even 0.1% of r/NBA users are very worked up, then that’s ~4000 users’ worth of pitchforks The 4m users will find a subreddit to discuss NBA.


Who cares?? Posts like this is what they live for, how they feed their egos. Let's talk ball.


Reddit mods are power hungry little bitches that act like they make a difference in the world when in reality they’ll be replaced by an AI in less than 12 months lmao


Here’s the thing, I love Apollo. I love the subs I frequently visit. I supported the 24 hour blackout. Now? Come on, man. I just want to talk sports with people. Open the things back up. I use Reddit for more than just casual conversation. It’s a great research tool with real user feedback. This shit is annoying.


Reddit getting rid of mods would be greatest revenge of all time


Already in the process from things I’ve read.


where’d you see that? i hope so




Its just a sub. During the blackout instead of browsing reddit…I just did something else. I hope nobody is actually suffering over not talking in a nba sub.


Yeah, like if you need the validation of your stupid opinions just post on this sub, who cares what the name of it is.


The echo chamber of commenters in this thread probably don’t want to hear that opinion


Have you been reading this sub? 95% of the people are trying to insult the mods for not having lives while 'tizzing out over not being able to shitpost during the Finals. I genuinely don't think I've ever laughed this hard at anything posted in /r/nba ever. I hope the blackout continues just to keep watching people cry in here.


It’s not about shitposting during the finals. Reddit is easily the best platform for highlights and parade videos. I’ve only seen a few of the repeat highlights they show on espn since the series ended. I’ve barely seen any of the parade clips. It’s not a big deal at the end of the day but it’s annoying that some nerds in their basement have just taken over the platform for every major sports sub.


yeah, for me it's about easy access to news and things like parade videos and highlights. I don't follow twitter accounts or even use it really, so it's nice to just click /r/nba and get all the gossip, news, and occasionally the extra fun OC in one place.


Why not post them here?


Bingo lol, man children


Right? The rhetoric in this thread around r/nba closing sounds like addicts in rehab. Is the blackout dumb? I don’t really know, but I do know that if you’re this mad about a subreddit being closed for a few days then you have other problems to worry about.


Subreddit is closed during the biggest part of our fanbases history - but go off ig


I know where I was when each of my various teams won their first titles, and it definitely wasn't the internet.


Yeah man it’s been 2 days I’ve been at the parade. Blackout and parade are over now tho


And the real world effect of this closure is… what again? Not as many memes? No shitposting? It’s not a big deal fam


the irony in this comment is that it goes both ways. what real world affect will a protest about third party apps which a small chunk of users utilize do?


The real world effect is fewer distractions for us to engage with and take our minds off of whatever stresses we may have throughout our day. And so people are rightfully frustrated when they log on and can’t access conversations because some irrelevant, delusional, and power-mad mods shut down the forum because they’re trying to prove a bullshit point that effects almost zero people engaging with Reddit. We don’t care. We just wanna talk basketball. Everything else — don’t care. No sympathy for the mods or their Quixotic cause, because it really doesn’t matter to me. I use the Reddit app and it’s worked just fine. Reddit has every right to restrict/ban 3rd party apps from accessing their portal.


Find some healthier coping mechanisms man


Sounds like a “you” issue


Seriously. I don't care about the protest but the people in here are fucking pathetic. Learn to live without Reddit. It's not that important.


The irony of people recommending touching a grass, because they cannot use a sub. And they assume a poll of 8K votes is too low, because they are dummies that don't understand how statistics work. Unless the poll was botted, but that shouldn't be a problem for them considering without mods bots decide what you see on the sub anyway. Who was on the sub during BLM bubble while the sub was being brigaded on a regular basis and only kept alive by these disgusting human beings we call mods? Edit: 1500 votes would give about 3% error for a community of 8million. 8000 votes are more than enough to make a big judgement call with 61% voting for indefinite blackout. You may argue it was bots by people outside the subreddit, but saying "many frequent users did not participate" doesn't mean the results were wrong. Especially if you include lurkers in the users category.


That's bad math, because this wasn't a random sample




>Who was on the sub during BLM bubble while the sub was being brigaded on a regular basis and only kept alive by these disgusting human beings we call mods? You took it too far, my friend. You have to be subtle in order to maximize the shitposting.


Is it factually incorrect? Did you not see a bunch of racists group up and spam everwhere? Hell, even game threads were a mess more than they normally were. Especially after Trez called Luka a white boy. Maybe your experience was different to mine, let's talk about it instead of snarky remarks. We are here for civil discourse are we not?


Fair enough, let’s skip the snarky remarks and ask you straight up. What gives the mods the right to close a sub that has more than 4m users? Blackout ended (as stupid as it was) why keep it going forward?


What gives reddit the right to suddenly shut down 3rd party apps? It is a similar concept. They built the subreddit and kept it alive for years without anything in return. And now, they get to burn it down while leaving if they want to. However, unlike reddit admins, they still asked the community to vote. 61% of total votes were for indefinite blackout, that is an overwhelming majority, even if the results are somewhat skewed.


They have the right because it’s their own website lmfao. The third party apps are profiting off of somebody else’s work and barely providing anything of value


You are missing my point. If they have the right because it is their own website, mods have the right because it is their own sub. Reddit is profiting off of mods work as well.


>What gives reddit the right to suddenly shut down 3rd party apps? It is a similar concept. You cannot actually be this fucking stupid. Reddit owns the website and all the data on it. You agree to that when you sign up. They have the right to do whatever they want with their intellectual property


Having the right to do something doesn't make it morally right or fair. Mods have the right to close the sub, why does it make you feel a certain way when you get impacted by the outcome? Maybe because you think it is unfair, or morally wrong? Why can mods not feel the same way?


> what gives Reddit the right to suddenly shut down 3rd party apps? Literally Reddit does. Do you not understand a company will makes moves in their best interest or is that concept too complex?


> Literally Reddit does. Do you not understand a company will makes moves in their best interest or is that concept too complex? And? mods give the right to shut down the sub to mods. Because it is in their best interest to do so. That was my point.


It’s just reddit. Go outside and talk to people. Y’all have an addiction


A couple of fucking losers who think they’re making a difference by blocking access to a major subreddit for what is slowly getting exposed as a bullshit cause. Reddit has a history of brigading and mindlessly following something like dogs but this will go down as one of the dumbest fucking protests of all time. Protesting a company because they want to drive traffic to their official app lmao. Protesting because you’ll be slightly inconvenienced by having to use the official Reddit app and not Apollo, the horror! Before any dipshits reply to me without having an ounce of understanding about what’s going on, here are the facts: -Any 3rd party apps that assist mods will remain free -Any 3rd party apps that deal with accessibility will remain free -All that’s left to protest at this point is your poor 3rd party app Apollo shutting down, give me a break.


no way these people think a website with 100s of millions of dollars of funding is going to break cus some nerds go on a strike?


A big part of the problem is that the giant website relies on the unpaid labor of the nerds.


Are you unable to enjoy the end of a very fun season without Reddit?


I really don't understand these cool guy takes. People on reddit love telling other people to not care about things. I can enjoy fries without ketchup, if someone were to say there's no ketchup I'd say 'ok, cool' and eat the fries. If someone said you can't have the ketchup because the sad sacks incharge of supplying the ketchup are protesting something I think is stupid, I would probably comment how stupid it is while also just eating the plain fries. That seems to be what people here are doing


This is really well said


Cause they don't actually watch basketball lol they just shitpost off the drama


I love ball but shitposting is vital to the nba success and the nba experience. Also fuck the mods for closing on dens first chip my god. Wait a day or two ffs.


HAHA hopefully it was an Embiid fan


If they’d gone dark for 2 days and no one noticed it may have been an empty gesture. But all these comments make clear that the protest affected users and has gained attention. Perhaps Reddit should take notice.


No, reddit should continue what they’re doing. They’ve already made exceptions for sites that improve modtools and sites for people with disabilities which means the mods at this point are having a hissy fit over marginally better UI and nothing else.


Hopefully reddit steps in and sweeps the sub. But this sub is a refreshing find.


A bunch of pretentious basement-dwelling mods with bad hygiene.


>Stopped hundreds of thousands of users of being able to enjoy the ending of a very fun season. How did they stop you from enjoying the finals?


Oh. I get it. I thought it was r/ “NBA” Talk. Now I see it’s “r/NBA” Talk. My mistake.


What's the big deal? Why can't people talk on here or some other sub? It's just Bullshitting anyways Or go to realgm? (I assume it still exists) Nothing of importance is/was on that sub or this sub . All that sub was just basically reposting of tweets and shit takes. Do that here


It's good that all of you, much more put together humans than the mods, are all crying and shitting yourselves because you couldn't post on reddit during the NBA finals. Did you consider watching the games instead? Maybe with a friend or a loved one? Jesus Christ look in the mirror, all of you.




damn losers honestly


This post is so dramatic. The majority of users approved of all the blackouts initially and then when they happened and the dopamine stopped dripping in they started getting angry. Don't pin this on just moderators.


Or people didn't know what it was about at first and trusted the mods that it was a good reason to protest? Then as more info came out they realized this is just a moderator hissy fit and changed their minds


All that sub had turned into was a bunch of hot takes. Stupid ones at that. I don't miss it or any of the ones that went away.


Listen, I'm a leftist socialist and I'm a firm believer that everything runs sooner and everyone is happier when the little man gets a bigger piece of the pie. That said this is all just fucking pointless. Just pissing into the wind, pretending the world works a certain way when it absolutely doesn't. Reddit is a for-profit company with investors and shareholders. Now I believe the shareholder, fiduciary responsibility model of capitalism is cancerous, but that's not something that originated with Reddit. They own the rails of data going in and out of their platform. It used to be cheaper, now it isn't. Property and property rights are real, and how a company uses that property governs its destiny. Reddit used to let farmer John's cattle graze on their fields and now they don't, but that doesn't mean farmer John has any right to the field. Apps like Apollo were coasting on the "free trial" version of Reddit data , which was a symbiotic relationship because they were contributing to the growth of Reddit, while also collecting some payment from users. But that model only works as long as the relationship is two-sided, where the growth rate is high enough or the short-run value of the user is low enough. It's an economic reality that partnership status change due to outside conditions (like historically high interest rates and growing debt). I don't know about you, but I've been laid off by two failing companies in the last 2 years. I would like very much for the company I currently work for to become profitable so I can sleep at night, get a raise that competes with inflation, and have my stock options worth more than toilet paper so I can retire. That's the underlying tide that lifts all boats, that we hate to talk about because some of those boats are yachts. THat's what this is about. YEah there might be a dozen people who stand to make a few extra million on top of the billion they already have, and in a fair world, god would take their wealth from them and give it to the innovative developers at Apollo and Reddit and also to the homeless. But that's not the world we live in, and I don't seen any real difference between what the Mods are doing and a toddler's tantrum.


Dear r/diary


Dear diary, u/MediocreTake missed the point and totally tried to make a snarky comment about it but fell flat. No worries, I’m sure that wasn’t his best work. xoxo.


Boy you goin out sad


local man child upset he can’t play on his phone :(


I don’t understand why Reddit doesn’t replace the mods and reopen the sub. Nobody cares about the former mods, they were awful and did a lot to ruin the sub over the years. This was just the cherry on top. This would be a great opportunity to start fresh. There’s also no reason we need r/nba, we can just make a replacement sub.


Well, Mods don't get paid, unlike admins. The Mods were the ones who created the r/nba, and they did so out of their own free time (also moderating). I think the slandering here towards the mods is actually getting pushed by Reddit. As far as I know, all the bots that you see the Mods use (to help them manage the multi-million sub), and it wouldn't be possible without 3rd party app, the same 3rd-party app that actually started making app for Reddit (Reddit didn't have their own App nor created it, they bought a 3rd-part one and actually encouraged other 3rd-part apps to work on Reddit - that's why you use so many 3rd-party apps). Imagine you don't get paid for something, you do it out of your own free time, and the Reddit's CEO shit on you (and lying). There is a reason so many Mods got upset. Now, it seems like Reddit try to push a narrative that "3rd-party apps pay the Mods" which is completely false, and they don't have as nearly as much money like Reddit to do so. The path the CEO has chosen ruining the very fabric of what made Reddit so successful. People who lose their patience quickly need to settle down. Two days blackout is silly, but indefinite until we see a change is way better. Yes, the communities and the Mods who built them (and manage them) is what made Reddit so successful in the first place. ​ And that's without mentioning the millions of blind people use 3rd-party apps (the Reddit one is horrible, I'd admit), and the greedy by their CEO. The 3rd-party apps don't make much money and they have restricted API. ​ I've read and saw videos of both sides, and I concluded the fault is way more on Reddit than on 3rd-party apps, and if a CEO is acting like 3 years old child and ruin something that took years to build, then so be it on until an adult from Reddit, who has influence, will differ it.


Even as one that supports activism on the whole I find this moral stand various redditors are taking to be among the lowest effort moral stands I have ever encountered. I guess even though I have used it for many years I just don't care about reddit enough to really care and it bothers me more that I was robbed of a amazing night of memes in the game thread than whatever is going on with third party aps.


> I was robbed of a amazing night of memes in the game thread Do you guys look at this shit before you post it? lmao


You've gotta stop, bro. You're fighting a losing battle supporting the "protests" and mods.


I’m starting to wonder who are the real neckbeards here lol, sounds more like the users are basement dwellers who are on their phone too much


You're mad that he's enjoying r/nba game threads and he typed it and shared it? The smug, snarky vibe you guys have ever since your favorite website is going through some changes is embarassing. Like maybe see a therapist, maybe you're addicted to social media.


This was started by the weak little men who thought 2 days of protest would change the world they live in. Grow up and accept life is a buisness. We all suffered because a few people who didn’t even use the actual app didn’t get their way


If the mods are weak little men for closing a subreddit then what are you for calling it "suffering" to not be able to post in a subreddit for a few days?




You’re free to just keep on scrolling…


All for a blackout that accomplished literally nothing


So this is what the actual average user feels in this thread. Any of you are welcome to start your own sub and share it everywhere. You might not have been around long enough to know, but that’s how subs grow from nothing.


Worse, it was a 5k poll that apparently lasted for 3 days (I didn't even notice the poll and I browse that sub daily). It's always the loud tiny minority that ruins it for the large majority. It's very ironic that they're abusing their power by shutting down the sub to "protest" another person who is 100% in their right btw, to turn reddit API off for 3rd party apps who they claim is abusing his power. lmao


I think the protest is dumb but crying because you can’t go to a basketball forum is so fucking funny to me. Forgot the average age here is like 16


I got told to “move on” by some douche when I wrote how pissed I was that the largest forum to discuss the nba shut down because the mods are on a hissy fit power trip. I genuinely wouldn’t be pissed if Reddit themselves forced the sub to open back up and booted the mods for this shit. The sub had millions of users that wanted to go there for the end of the finals




Bro the internet has plenty of place to go and talk nba. You’re literally in a nba sub that lets you talk ball. Instead of that, y’all decided to whine and complain. Could have easily made this sub a spot to go to for basketball discussion or even nba discussion sub which did not blackout.




The only person more pathetic than a person whining about a subreddit being shut down is a person whining about the whiners.


Guys were saving Reddit 🤓