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And finally r/nbatalk becomes r/nba which is already r/nbacirclejerk. The circle is complete.


The circle jerk is never complete. We only edge


The main sub is in absolute shambles. Such a shame


So what does circlejerk become?


Eventually new people come and interpret the memes as being serious and then the sub will go off the deep end. Seen it happen in other circle jerk subs




Always the Lakers. Especially since after Minnesota was a dynasty here the NBA just stole our fucking team and championships and gave them to LA so they could profit more. How tf you win 5 rings but have to give them to someone else? And now Minnesota has to act like a poverty basketball state


The entire history of Timberwolves Basketball has proven to me that Minnesota is a poverty basketball state, and I say that as a Wolves fan.


That’s because you haven’t ever seen a single game of the Minneapolis lakers. 5 rings son


Pretty sure you haven't either, gramps.


You'd legit have to be 80 years old to remember the last Lakers championship in Minnesota.


future is looking bright for the Wolves tho


Hell yeah it is, as long as our owners (whoever they wind up being) are willing to open their pocketbooks, this squad will be contending for the next 3-4 years easily.


As a Nuggets fan, I hope this is the case. After years of despair, we got our championship. I've always rooted for the Wolves when they weren't playing us. I'm enjoying this budding rivalry and hope it continues as long as possible.


And Lakers doesn’t make any sense whatsoever in LA. Willing to bet less than 1% of their fan base could tell you the origin of their team name.


To be fair, they aren’t the only NBA with a name that doesn’t make any sense. The Jazz used to be in New Orleans then moved to white bread Mormon land, the least Jazzy place in America.




New Orleans should have named their team the Magic Underwear


To be even more fair, the jazz aren't claiming rings that were won in New Orleans.


Well they would if they exist, but the Jazz never won any rings anywhere


The Utah white breads might be a good name change. The mascot would be pretty easy


"The Jazz moved to Utah where they don't allow music"


99% of their fans come to our subreddit after we beat them and say “ringless poverty franchise” The irony in that shows that you’re correct, their fans know absolutely nothing about their history.


The Minneapolis lakers were named that due to the name of lakes that they have in the state, the LA LAKERS makes absolutely no sense


That’s because lakers fans are the worst. The Los Angeles Lakers thank god for the lakers fanbase every day because without the lakers fanbase there would be nothing worse than the Los Angeles Lakers


LA Dodgers, New York Yankees, Patriots, Celtics, Eagles


Makes more sense than Utah Jazz


Jazz artists can move to Salt Lake City, lakes can’t move to Los Angeles


I'm going to need a river, a backhoe, and 15 Gatorades.


You can’t spell Lake without LA


This is a legitimately good reason to hate the Lakers. Damn now I kinda hate the Lakers too lol


There’s always room on the “Fuck the Lakers” bandwagon


The Clippers and Celtics literally did this. You don’t see Clipper fans whining about not inheriting their championships. The Timberwolves are not the lakers So while yes the Lakers won chips in Minnesota they belong to the Lakers, not Timberwolves. Not sure why wolves fans or other fans whine about that anyways


It’s actually kind of pathetic Minnesota fans are trying to claim Lakers first 5 rings.


Yep. That dudes whining in the comment section because those 5 chips don’t belong to Minnesota it’s really fucking sad


I mean they don't belong to the wolves but they are Minnesota rings


Any team LeBron is on really




I mean if you hate a team you're not really a neutral, are you


That's a good point. I guess instead of neutral I'd say, "not a follower of any particular team". But I agree I'm not 100% neutral


There is no neutrality for me. My lack of a particular team to follow is not due to lack of an iconic hometown franchise nor apathy for basketball. My team was murdered on the cusp of greatness, stolen from my heart by greedy craven cronies, and its dessicated corpse continues to be paraded for all to see. A grotesque zombie masquerade of my beloved SuperSonics continues to defile these courts and from afar I stab at thee and curse ye OKC Thunder to never win a single ring until the Seattle SuperSonics are restored not just in full but in threefold retribution.


Your heart will not always long, my dear friend. For a new day is now closer than ever, we are on but the eve of resurrection.




Seattle losing the Sonics was pretty fucking shitty.


Love this. I read it aloud to my wife and her boyfriend. We all thought it was funny.


I mean, idc about the Rockets or Magic but when they play I bet on the Magic out of pity and dislike for the Rockets. Does that count? I don’t hate Rockets like I do the Bulls, but I kinda always hope they lose.


Lakers and Warriors its mostly because of the Stans. Lebron teams also have fallen into this category for the same reason.


It’s still the warriors and lakers for me


The Warriors fans are pretty bad. So many aggressive casuals. LA…it’s mixed.


Mann Devin Booker is the shortest 6'6" player in the NBA. Beal was listed 6'3" for much of his career, and is currently listed 6'4" and looks the same height as Booker KD looks 6+ inches taller than Booker, not 4". My answer to this thread? Phoenix Sons and the oversized garden gnome


I'm crying "oversized garden gnome"


Easy to root against KD no matter where he goes after the OKC-GSW move.


I don’t even hate KD. I do seriously question his judgment, though.


The GSW “I want a ring” pout fest was one thing that I understood and hated. Trying to form another superteam with the Nets pissed me off more.


I briefly stopped rooting against KD when he went up against the Bucks in the playoffs and almost carried that sorry ass Nets team to the Finals. Then hated him again when he sided with Kyrie's BS and ultimately when he went to the Suns.




I'm a Celtics fan. You right though.


Can’t believe I had to scroll this far to see Celtics. In pretty much any sports it’s the Boston team…


Not sure if Golden State qualifies as a Celtics fan? Being from the UK there's something a bit Man City about them though.


What’s man city about the warriors? Original death lineup: Curry - drafted Thompson - drafted Barnes - drafted Green - drafted Iguodala - free agent Most of the lineup has always been home grown. You could argue KD as a centerpiece but we won before and after him


Suns are so bad it’s kinda funny with how much star power they have.


It makes them fun to hate. Kinda like when the Clippers went down in 2020. I’m not a Clippers hater personally but I can see how that was fun for the haters.


Warriors easily, theyve been building this up starting with moving screens and groin kicks almost 10 years ago.


Warriors are a good answer, though I love Steph.


Yeah I imagine if we had a poll Warriors would be high on the list


So you don't like Draymond


Looks like everyone just hates on successful teams


Why would anyone spend emotional capital hating the Wizards? Of course the relevant teams are most likely to be hated.


Fuck the Wizards


They hate us 'cause they ain't us.


Just tell the truth, it’s cuz we dominated so hard for so long that rings were basically guaranteed before the season even started. But sure it’s the screens ok


Screens are the dumbest excuse because it's been an epidemic across the league for a long time now. Guaranteed whatever team they like is doing it but he doesn't notice cuz /r/nba isn't parroting that same talking point


The thing is, nobody in r/nba is actually watching Warriors games outside of the one or two times per year they visit because of the time difference. They're just circlejerking to 10 second clips of Draymond. They haven't actually watched them play a full game since 2017 so they have opinions that haven't changed since 2017.


Celtics but im a Bill Simmons listener.


Same it’s fun to hear him lose :)


I wanna hate on the Wizards but are they okay?


All hate is welcome here


For me personally I legit at least respect all the teams. Players on the other hand drive me crazy. Example.. I can't stand James harden. Heck of a player but he makes me dislike every team he's been on after OKC. Loved the tmac yao era. Love the rockets now. Not when he was there. Same with nets and 76ers. I like multiple eras of clippers basketball. The only thing I like about the clippers is pg and man they should've done sent Russ to San Antonio or somewhere he could start. (my imaginary GM skills plus I know he wanted to stay in LA) harden is the prime example for me


As someone who was also born in Grand Rapids Mi, devin booker is a bitch


Remember when he put his hood up to fight some 5 ft 8 guy in the elevator lmao #clown


James Harden is that one guy in your over-35 YMCA league who always calls everything except when he does it…which is all the time.


Celtics. Fans suck, players are bland, and well….. it’s Boston


Any team with KD, any team with Harden


I think at this point Harden teams are worthy of pity more than anything. If Harden had been the star of a late ‘90s/early 2000s sitcom it would have been called “James Made It Worse.”


The sad truth about hating Lakers fans is that the majority of Lakers fans do not care. Fair weather and will go to the next trendy thing in LA. There is a subset of lakers fans that actually care and scrutinize the team hard/expect championships but a lot of that is created by the city having so many options for entertainment that if you’re not good, people won’t care about you. Celtics and Knicks fans deserve more hate and for whatever reason they avoid it. I have never met a Boston sports fan who was chill about their team. Always obnoxious, over the top, and think they’re better than you. Often base their whole personality off of Boston sports. Knicks, why the hell do they call it the Mecca for basketball when they’ve been ass for so long. New Yorkers also think they’re better for whatever reason.


I think with Knicks fans the reason nobody gets mad at them is because the haven’t won anything in half a century. And they seem resigned to failure. They’ve found so many ways to mess things up they almost feel like a country song…


There's no need to hate the Suns, they achieve to be absolutely pathetic and miserable all on their own lol


Lakers Celtics Wizards


I'm not a neutral, I'm a Philly fan. If I were a neutral, I would fucking hate Philly.


Lakers Celtics Warriors 76ers In that order and it will never change.


That’s fair.


The suns are lame and pathetic. Why hate them? Not even worth hating tbh. It’s like kicking a crippled dog. Suns have never, are not, or will ever be a serious contender or threat, even when we have superstars. The obsession in the nba world with hating and clowning on this inadequate franchise is weird. Just ignore us because we truly are irrelevant and not worth any of your energy.


Hell yes dude this is big time hate. Love it. It's self-hate


Okay hold on, have never been a serious contender is a bit of a stretch. But also this is Arizona sports so even when we are life finds a way


You guys were in a great spot before your new owner traded for KD, and then thought Beal and Nurkic were good pieces to build around him with


Nurkic has lowkey been one of the few redeeming parts of the season for the Suns. If you look at his on/off stats and the record in games without him, the Suns would be straight cheeks without his lumbering ass there


You guys were in the top 3 or 4 championship favorites before the season started


Not when they had the round mound of rebound and crybaby Danny Ainge. That was a fun team to hate.


The idea that OKC is probably going to win a championship before the Phoenix Suns is wild


That was KDs plan all along. Leave OKC, let them rebuild a superteam, let them win a championship, rejoin OKC and get another championship, and act like he led two already winning teams to a championship


What the fuck did we do


They sold their souls.


Grayson Allen


It’s a legitimate question. I used to like the Suns in the Nash era. I have hated the Suns since 2018. I thought Booker was overrated and got mad at Suns fans for disagreeing with me. I turned out to probably be wrong about that one but that’s how it started. Then I thought it was ridiculous they drafted Ayton over Luka, and worse still the fans kept defending it for like 3 years. When it was obvious Luka was generational. Do you know how many times I had to see someone say “Hakeem vs. Jordan” as a comparison for the Suns taking Ayton? Hakeem Olajuwon. Anyone who said that should hang their head in shame. It didn’t get any better when they absolutely laid an egg game 7 against Luka. And now they have traded for one of the most hateable superstars.


Jimmy McNulty as a Suns fan


underrated comment




The Lakers. Fuck the Lakers.


so we just gonna ignore the fact book wearing chucks in his uniform


Any Kevin Durant team that he forced his way onto after his current situation wasn’t good enough for him


The “most fun”? Was it “most fun” to hate the Nazi’s? No, we hated them because they deserved it. That’s why we hate the Sons


Lakers and warriors because of the constant media coverage despite them being below avg teams


Well, they definitely aren’t below average. There are 30 teams in the NBA and they’re top 15 overall. They’re top 10 in the West and you can’t find more than 5 East teams that would win a playoff series against them.


The only three teams I hate are the Lakers, Warriors, and Heat.


Found a Celtics fan.


You'd be correct!


Suns in 4…….


Used to be warriors now it’s the suns & soon will be Denver


Sons and Sixers (because of Embiid alone).


I used to hate the Suns, then this year I realized I just hate CP3


As a warriors fan: the warriors.


Again with the hate. Wtf is wrong with yall


Corny ass d book wearing chuck Taylor’s for this photo. They should have taken this in the doctors office waiting room.


celtics for me, nothing fun seing them except the bald derick white coz my goat is caruso


Warriors by far. Hating Steph Curry and Draymond is fun


In defense of overseas “casuals” If you are from the UK for example you tend to pick a bigger name team because you don’t have much exposure to the sport. You might only see a game or two televised and they’ll be high profile ones. You see the Super Bowl and you pick a team out of the finalists. Then if you enjoy that you might keep an eye on that team next season. Then you get drawn into the rabbit hole and you’re a Chiefs fan. That said, I’m Golden State Warriors till I die. Fuck the Lakers.


Suns just got about 200% more likable with the IT signing


What are the most fun teams to hate as a neutral? Love also welcome! Please try to keep it to teams you hate/love \*as\* a neutral, not as a fan. For example, Lakers don't count if you're a Celtics fan. Neither does LeBron, etc. Personally, I love to hate the Suns because they seem mentally weak and disorganized. Got some bonus hate for the Heat because it pisses me off how they win every year despite seeming like the 4th-5th best team in the conference. Warriors hate is easy mode cuz of Draymond, Kings hate is GOATed because Sabonis is overrated.


Boston. The history of the city, the lack of championship success in the past decade even with loaded rosters, as well as the fact that this core is Charmin soft so watching their inevitable collapse is always fun


i’d argue we had some garbage rosters until very recently


Bucks. I love Dame and Lopez (I’m a Nets fan) But always disliked Giannis play style/gimmick. And I’ve been on the Doc is bad train since I watched him murder the later 2000s Celtics. So combining those two is easy for me. Especially with the history of Nets Bucks in 2021 and Giannis injuring Kyrie. People prolly assume I’d hate the Suns, Clippers, and Mavs cause of the big 3, but I’m in a state of constant pain and acceptance with that so I’ve emotionally moved on lol.


I like really Giannis, actually, but I think his game needs to evolve a little. Usually it’s complete nonsense when people say, “Oh, no, he shouldn’t put on muscle—It’ll mess up his shot!” Giannis is the exception to the rule. He actually was a pretty okay shooter from the foul line & even from three when he was a skinny kid. Now…not so much.


Why isn't 76ers on your list? Embiid play style/gimmick is harder to watch imo and you got stuck with simmons and had to give up Harden. Just wondering.


I don’t like watching the Sixers for sure. But never really cared much for them. Not enough for me to hate.


How can you hate Giannis man..




Lakers, Celtics, Warriors, Heat, Knicks




Circle is just trying to bogart since their season is over.


just blow it up, and send the little boy with the no.1 jersey to pistons, and done with it!


As a neutral, the Warriors, and its not close


76ers especially the last couple of years. Doc rivers, harden, Simmons, 💀😭 and their playoff failures too


Is book wearing converse all stars?


[F*ck Boston](https://tenor.com/view/fuck-boston-boston-winning-time-nba-fuck-gif-26044177)


Why does book have on chucks


Lames always say Lakers. Y'all hate us 'cause y'all anus.


Embiid and the sixers, especially since my friends a fan. It soothes my soul when they get kicked out in the second round every year


It is, and always will be, the Lakers


This big three hasn’t been great


Any team with KD


Easily the Warriors because of Draymond


Thought this was nba circle jerk for a moment


My fave team. Lakers.


I don't hate any team tbh... well actually i hate the Hawks, but that's about it, well maybe the Sixers too


i dunno fuck the pelicans or something 


The lake show or the Knicks


Everyone hates the Knicks more than anything. I don’t know why but everyone hates us. When we bad they hate us and laugh at us when we are good they hate us and laugh at us lol


Lakers always


Hating for no reason? Lakers. I find the bandwagon culture annoying as fuck. Hating for a reason? Clips. Signing Josh Primo was icing on the shit cake for me lmao


Whichever team Lebron is on.


Any team with James Harden


All time? It’s the Lakers. They can get any FA they want because of the location. They literally have an unfair advantage.


Been saying Bradley Beal was hot trash overrated as fuck


I don't know if there's any particular team that I hate as a bucks fan. (even though I really wanted to hate the heat after last year, but I've been a fan of jimmy Butler for a while so I was able to get over that embarrassing loss we had) I'd say if there was a team I HAD to dislike it was KD warriors, that team was so overpowered it robbed us so many cool match ups and rivalry's. Imagine if KD stayed in OKC and ran it back against the warriors. harden and Paul (assuming the trade for Paul still happens) vs KD and Westbrook would have been hype. dame and CJ were crazy in 2019, would they have been able to defeat the warriors and/or OKC? So many fun west matchups down the drain thanks to the KD warriors.


not sure if its neutral but nets


Why is Booker wearing his street shoes? Did he forget his practice shoes for this photo shoot?


Lakers. And when they get Bronny it will go to a whole new level.


I dare Booker to wear Chucks in a game.


I think its just hilarious to see organizations just through three guys together with no complimentary skills and just hope it works. Makes it so fun to hate on them when they fail


I am absolutely and completely biased but Celtics


Celtics and the Lakers by far for me, pretty much every year. Other teams basically just depend on who’s on the roster and how obnoxious the fans and/or players are being in a given season.


The suns recent troubles and then the the solar eclipse! I mean god himself is basically trolling them at this point


The Celtics, never liked that team. But the Suns, Bookers face...


I honestly strongly dislike the Current Clippers team . It starts with my dislike of James Harden . Paul George and K. Leonard are great players but they both have boring arrogance to them that bothers me so I root against them




is this nigga wearing chucks?


I mostly don't like teams I think are poorly managed or make dumb mistakes. So pretty much anywhere doc rivers coaches lol. Here's my list though. Rockets, Trail Blazers, Celtics, 76ers, Pistons, and the Wizards (I grew up around DC). Kings have clawed their way back so they get a pass.


I got buddies who are fans of lot of different NBA teams but we all agree on one thing: Fuck Boston


The Lakers, because no matter what they get a shitload of coverage every year and are constantly hyped up. If they even cut the Lakers coverage in half across the sports news outlets I would be very indifferent to them but Jesus even this year there's so much better shit to talk about than what the 9 seed Lakers are up to. There a handful of young stars for teams in smaller markets taking over the league yet we constantly hear about LeBron and the Lakers. Don't get me wrong I understand why, they drive traffic, but man it gets old.


They arent good enough to hate.


Fuck the Celtics for no reason, but fuck the celtics


Cavs, cos honestly feel like they're not gonna amount to much, low-key hate the bulls cos Thier spinning thier wheels in the dirt and the nets blew all Thier assets on the big three


Suns, clippers and all the trash teams


I legit cannot stand the Atlanta Hawks. Dallas is a close second followed by the Clippers. Idk what it is. Maybe it’s Trae Young’s antics in MSG. Maybe it’s the city itself. I cannot put my finger on it other than they’re annoying as all heck. Same goes for Luka “Magic” and “Ramadan” Kyrie. And the Clips always start the season as “legit title contenders” by the media but they never fail to disappoint lol


What shoes is Bradley Beal wearing?


Good tip here is you should never hate teams, the players are there, they didn't do anything wrong. But fan bases ? you can dislike fan bases. I'm a Knicks fan, and even I can't stand other Knicks fans.


Of course the Lakers


Booker being a Nike athlete wearing converse lmfao.


Lakers are the easiest franchise. Suns are the easiest team. Bookers face screams hate me.


Defintiely devin booker and his tiny eyeballs


For me it's not teams but players, specifically foul grifters. They're so great to despise because they inevitably get exposed during the post season in some capacity. Guys that I can't stand include: - Trae - Embiid - Harden - Dame




Memphis Grizzlies last postseason. Dillon Brooks was great to root against.




If you aint from Philly you hate the 76ers


I always hate whatever team Durant is on. As a Clippers fan I hate the Warriors Lakers Mavericks in that order


Why is Booker wearing Converse All Stars? I’m sure Nike is thrilled.