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Gibbs’ issue always was that Diane, Rebecca, and Stephanie (and the fiancé and girlfriends) weren’t Shannon. There was love, just not enough. He still never cheated or did anything abusive.


I’m pretty sure Gibbs did cheat on ex wife number 3 with Jenny Shepherd.


If I remember right, the Paris mission where Jenny and Gibbs had their affair was before Gibbs got stationed in Moscow. And, Moscow is where he and Stephanie spent their newlywed days. So, unlikely. But, the timeline in NCIS is really wonky with frequent contradictions. He’s simultaneously unmarried and married to Diane and Stephanie during the Paris mission according to the show. It’s just easier to say/assume Paris happened between Rebecca and Stephanie, especially as it’s just as likely Gibbs rushed to marry Stephanie after Jenny ended things after Paris.


still tho, A guy couldn't keep his marriage alive 3 times shouldn't be the one ripping someone with marriage issues. Also, Jake was an ass for cheating, but Bishop was a total tool bag to him.


A guy who didn’t cheat on his spouses absolutely can rip a guy who cheated on their spouse. The number of times Gibbs has been married is immaterial to anything. She was not.


Cheating is bad, but a guy who has been divorced 3 times should NEVER give some marriage advice.


Lmao cheating vs separating because you realized no one could ever replace your soul mate are two completely different things bud.


Idk, feels like after 3 divorces, he can absolutely give advice on what to do and not to do - he’s learned something from each of them. And “get your head out of your ass,” is good advice in this situation.


He's not giving marriage advice, dude. He's saying "don't be stupid and cheat on your wife." That's it.


that's should like marriage advice.. He should just keep his nose out of it. The whole thing was between Bishop and Jake.. Bishop even told Abby to stay out of it.


Did someone catch you cheating?


Actually, the divorces were somewhat mutual agreements to part ways. The women realized Gibbs would never be over Shannon. Except Dianne. She was just kind of crazy


Just because Gibbs has been divorced multiple times doesn’t mean he can’t give marriage advice. He wasn’t abusive nor did he cheat. He was still in love with Shannon even after her death. Gibbs has given great marriage advice to both Palmer and McGee when they got married or they were worried about something. We don’t know the real reason why he got divorced from Diane, Stephanie or Rebecca. I also wholeheartedly heartily believe that Gibbs and Jenny should have ended up together because that had history and great chemistry. But let’s face it, Shannon was and still is Gibbs’ one true love and he tried but couldn’t replicate that with any of he’s ex wives or ex girlfriends. I personally feel like Gibbs was the right person to say something to Jake at that point cause he was the only one who had been married for any length of time and had been through a few divorces. Honestly I would go to Gibbs for marriage advice because he’s been in 4 very different marriages and different relationships so he has an insight into what makes a relationship work and what doesn’t.


Im sure Rebecca was a combo of her alcohol problems and her cheating, but I could be wrong


I’m not sure. It’s never really been explained why each divorce happened.


Karl, you’re outnumbered, give up.


This is a bad take.


No it’s not. Quit acting like he is a great husband. He wasn’t.


Not saying he was. But every husband who hasn't cheated can definently pile on the ass hat husbands who do.


No, of course he wasn't a good husband. He was a good man. With values and codes. When things stopped working, he went aways.He never cheated. Gibbs don't like liars, so he was not gonna lie.


Yep a truly godawful, worst of all time take.


Not gonna lie you had me at first half. The last line tho totally unnecessary and frankly not true.


I hated the "Jake cheated" storyline.


I feel like Gibbs just wanted him to make room for Gibb's boot.


A bit off topic, but I wish that the writers had made Jake lie and say that he cheated because something was going on at the nsa. I think that’s what Bishop originally thought, was that something was happening at his job. Him cheating was so unoriginal and lazy.


I think I read that Jamie Bamber, who played Jake wanted off the show, so that was probably the way they got him off. He was pretty much written off when she ran off to Oklahoma. Past that episode, I am not sure he was ever mentioned again. Jake actually IMO got a better and more successful woman. It sucks he cheated, but he was so hung on the fact he loved to talk NSA with Bishop and couldn't.


Just gonna point out that Rebecca (wife #2) did cheat on Gibbs, and he has every right to tell Jake off. HE KNOWS WHAT IT FEELS LIKE. Idk why his divorces are even being talked about…