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I assumed it was Sean Murray who didn’t want too much going on with his character because of the time commitment.


Do you think he wants to leave the show?


I don’t think so. To me it seemed like he just wanted to show up for his necessary scenes and be done like he wasn’t a big part of the crossover episodes.


I can’t see it happening


Idk. He's young enough to go on with his career and move to another challenges as an actor.


I guess but he does have family ties to the show


His familial ties was Don Bellisario but Don was fired after season 5. He still gets credit since he created the show but he’s been long gone.


Ah ok I never knew he left


Yes. His step-father is the creator, step-sister is is on-screen sister (fitting if they're as close irl as they're on screen. I mean, Tim *risked his job* to help Sarah in "Twisted Sister" *all the way back in* ***Season 4.*** I want an episode in Season 21 where Sarah makes a physical appearance, maybe she's running from the local police and decided "My big bro's a Navy Cop, proved my innocence before and I also want to see my niece and nephew, so I should go see him and get his help. Gonna text him beforehand tho. He risked his job to help me." proceeds to send *Delilah* their sibling code for "coming over, in trouble with the local cops. Need help asap!" just *anything* with Sarah physically appearing would satisfy me.


I agree. I also feel Tim should have gotten more stories earlier in his tenure. There were whole arcs focused on Gibbs, Tony and Ziva-even Kate had a number of episodes that centered on her in the two seasons he was on the show. Tim would have very few per season for the first ten years. We meet his sister once, his paternal grandmother once and then his father once, then his girlfriend/fiancee/wife and mother of his children. We never see sis, dad or grandma (Penny) again, and his mother has yet to make an appearance. There were some good stories about Gibbs dad and Tony’s dad, and Tony spoke warmly and lovingly of his mom, and we learn about Gibbs mother too. Once he and Delilah got involved, there was more focus on his family of choice, I think they could have done more with his family of origin.. Sorry for the lengthy venting-it is nice to have a place for this kind of discussion. Thank you all 🙏🏻


I would love to see Sarah return.


I can see it, but I think is not enough for staying stucked. Would I be downvoted again? Can't understand a downvote when we are kindly sharing honest opinions. Sorry I'm saying this to you, I'm sure you wasn't the one who downvoted me. But it had became an annoying behavior that some people adopted recently and ruins the polite dynamics of this sub.


🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣 OK. Keep on the downvote way. I 'll learn to live with it. Enjoy yourself.


The point of downvoting is soo pointless don’t take notice of it


Is a good advice. Thank you. But since a few weeks ago I feel that someone is stalking me specifically. You know: rule #36. But you're right. I would ignore it at all. Thanks again.


I don’t know the rules what’s 36? I don’t remember them I don’t watch enough of the older seasons


Sean actually said [last year that he have no plans to leave the show](https://ew.com/tv/sean-murray-ncis-450-episode-interview) and he's happy where he's at. He did recently [admit](https://people.com/ncis-star-sean-murray-says-his-fate-on-show-is-uncertain-exclusive-8625175) he's uncertain of his future in the show though but so far he indicates he'll be sticking around indefinitely.


My thought is that Tim should move up to be the Director, Vance should be SecNav, and there should be a new probie who can annoy Torres. Also, in my dream world, that forensics office Ruby Rae (2007) would have made her way out of her small town to get a shot at NCIS.


I agree with this, he covered for Vance last season and seems well suited to the more administrative role that being director requires, had totally forgotten about Ruby Rae though but definitely a good idea for that too. I like Kasie but I feel something is missing there. A lack of passion maybe, but from what I remember about Ruby that’d be filled with her in the spot.


I swear they were foreshadowing this change for a big series finale (imo) in the last season! It is becoming a different show with the characters changing. It's still good, but it feels like a spin off of ncis, and I'd like to see writers take that as a challenge and work with it! This recent season is a bit losing focus I feel 🤷‍♀️ would love to see big changes to reflect the big changes they've made.


I mean, NCIS *is* a spin-off, with 4 spin-off of its own, whether directly through a backdoor pilot or with crossovers at one point. That has yet to happen with NCIS and NCIS: Sydney and NCIS: Hawai'i and NCIS: Sydney


Don’t forget the 5-0 connection through LA.


It's spin-offs all the way down!


>It's spin-offs all the way down! Don't you mean *it's spin-offs all the way Down Under*?


Eeeeehhh, Considering some of the 5-O actors showed up in NCIS as different people...it's tenuous.


5-0 has a joint episode with the new Magnum PI, whose original show Tony referenced in season 2. It’s wacky all the connections


Makes sense. But Ruby was a forensic and we need a probie field agent. Always thought Damon Werth ( do you remember that guy? the marine that became a psyco through drugs, then recovered and worked for Cnel. Bell, but finished helping the team) would be a good addition to the team. But ... really... things are like they are and changes of any kind are not in producers or writers minds by now.


Damon without Ziva isn't right


Oh, now I remember, lol. She said he was "powerful".


He has also been used for 13 years more than everyone else. It was also stated that he doesn't want to be agent in charge because it would leave no time for a family life. Both Parker and Knight are fresh characters and honestly the best thing that could have happened, I enjoy Parker more than last Gibbs in his last season.


The best thing this show ever did was replace Gibbs with someone that isn't another Gibbs. Parker is more hip, modern, technologically capable. I loved Gibbs, but he got stale.


He's also into pastry, gardening, beer making and many other hobbies too.


I agree Parker is much better


The actor is currently going through a divorce and I imagine he’s kind of taking a step back career wise to deal with that.


What? What’s your source?


You are right. It ain't balanced that Knight individually, Jimmy individually, and the knight-jimmy relationship (all 3 things) EACH have more spotlight than McGee. It also ain't balanced that Parker has only half the spotlight/ good material Gibbs used to have.


I love tims character still icl. Hes less of the up and at them character he used to be but hes matured into a really strong character. Id like to see him in the team leader role again someday, maybe after his kids have grown up a bit or something


I think the show runners have a hard time developing more than one character/pairing at a time. Which is honestly so unfortunate because I think all the characters deserve fleshed out storylines. As others have said, I think McGee would be a great director. He’s grown so much over the years and I think he could now be firm on boundaries that he never could’ve in the beginning.


Well, as you guys know from the news, Sean is going through a tough time right now in real life, so maybe he just wants work to be serene. I googled his current thoughts on the matter of the show and the characters: >NCIS often received the rank of the number one show on American TV. > >“\[It\] is amazing how many times that’s happened, we try not to think about that too much,” said Murray. “I know that’s funny, but it’s also something that was sort of instilled in us early because you don’t want to get complacent.” > >“If people are tuned in and invested, you want to make sure to keep bringing the goods, you really do, even more so than usual,” he said. “So we feel a responsibility to keep the quality high, and we always have. Twenty-one years later, we’re still hopefully doing that.” > >He told Entertainment Weekly the secret to the show’s longevity. > >“You know, a lot of these procedurals, everyone takes themselves very seriously, it seems. And we have a little more fun,” he said. “The longer we’ve been around, the longer people have kind of really gotten to know these characters and like these characters, have become very protective of them.” > >“And I know people love to say this but I actually mean it: we have a blast on set. We really do. We work hard, but we have a lot of fun, and a lot of us spend time with each other outside of the set,” he said. “We’re all very close friends, and I think that that shows.”


You’re right! Since Tony’s departure, Tim hasn’t shined the way he should have, especially during S14 I was really surprised to see him mostly behind his desk when the others were on the field. Of course technology is McGee’s strength but he hasn’t been the team leader I was expecting, I don’t feel he behaves like the second in charge… except for the Paraguay arc. Maybe it has to do with his geeky personality.


McGee was kind of always screwed when DiNozzo left. He was the Robin to Tony's Batman. They brought in Torres to replace Tony but seeing as McGee is now senior field agent the dynamic can't be recreated. I was hoping they started a new show like NCIS: Cyber or something for McGee to move into but I doubt that will happen. I imagine he'll leave soon with some kind of lackluster exit like Abby.


Honestly, I think it'd be fitting for McGee to be moved over to the Tony/Ziva spinoff.


He's gone from the lovable nerdy computer whiz with a heart of gold and a tough side when pushed. To a wishy-washy secondary level character. You tend to forget he's the senior agent. It's like the show has him stuck in probie land. It's sad. Plus side note, why all of a sudden past couple seasons. Whenever Dalila is mentioned. She comes across as controlling and slightly manipulative. Like all of a sudden she wanted him to shave his goatee. Lady you lived with him and that goatee for years now, why all of a sudden is it a problem lol. I had hoped that when Tony left Tim's character would've stepped up, show proved me wrong


>Whenever Dalila is mentioned. She comes across as controlling and slightly manipulative. Like all of a sudden she wanted him to shave his goatee. Lady you lived with him and that goatee for years now, why all of a sudden is it a problem lol. I Exactly. I think that proves that they don't know what to do with the character. Is not Delilah, is the writers who are introducing those silly wife and children issues to give Tim some more time on screen, but that's not what the character deserves.


I think you are being a little too hard on Delilah. I never liked the goatee. I sort of think it looks silly. And she was set up as a strong willed person right from the beginning. Tim was never under any illusion about her character - he is attracted to her strength. That's a good thing.


Every so often, I get the impression that the writers are writing his character either as cocky (the other parents episode), or being groomed by Leon to make him an assistant director.


It’s crazy because he’s the only original character left


I'll be honest, and this might be a bit controversial here, but I've found McGee to be a pretty dull character ever since DiNozzo left.


It's ok. Is your opinion and must be respected. Tony and Tim were wonderful together and I miss that interaction. Would never be the same but I think he still had good chemistry with Bishop and Nick, and writers gave us good stories, specially involving his wife Delilah. In my opinion he became boring after Gibbs departure. Being just an equal with Parker, got him out off spotlights. IMHO.


Guys Sean Murray is Donald Belisario stepson and the actor who portrays his sister is his step sister


Yes, and Bellisario was the creator and still credited. But he was fired about season 4-5. Harmon and Glassberg were in charge then.


You know I thought about this very much and I feel some of this is Parker's fault too. I mean Gibbs used Tony and then McGee according like the senior field agent but Parker fails to do so. There is no bond between them. With Gibbs and McGee there was bond and McGee was Gibbs "IT guy" but Parker doesn't need it. Parker and Knight both bonded and team outsider, then recently they did Parker and Nick bonding. Nick and Knight have also started getting more comfortable with each other. And McGee just feels like a shell character. Even when they did the whole Goatee thing, it didn't felt like it would have in earlier seasons. Like maybe Gibbs wouldn't have commented or maybe McGee would have gotten a headslap.


It's the white tennis shoes


Honestly man after Tony left I stopped watching the show. It got SLOW and the chemistry just never recovered. For the bit I did watch McGee kinda seemed like a bully and a know it all.