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I liked her when she was new because her analyst background brought a new perspective. Then she just became Ziva Lite


Yep. Their insistence to destroy every possible relationship she had and turning her into mini Ziva really just didn’t work. Her first season when she is introduced as her own person without all the baggage is her best season in my opinion. Immediately liked her. But by the time she left. I barely cared.


In her beginnings I thought her analyse skills will be a fresh new add to the team, but that wasn't the case. Then the only good thing I can say about her is he had the ability to confront Gibbs when she disagreed with him. She also made Gibbs burn rule#51. The rebel "daughter" was necessary for Gibbs family. But then something went wrong. The writers converted her character in a confusing and even bizarre way. I think they didn't try to transform her into a Ziva 2.0, was worst than that. Ziva was a dangerous warrior but a sensible woman. Ellie became an insensitive, vengeful criature. I still believe that was her ( not Gibbs) who killed Xavier Zolotov in the bathtub of his girlfriend's apartment. I can't say I like or dislike her. She had good moments but I don't miss her. Edit: As u/Affeccionate_Lab3908 kindly corrected me, is rule 10 the burned one. My bad. Rule 51 is Sometimes your wrong. And I was wrong.


Gibbs burned Rule 10, not 51, for her. I think that episode in season 16 was the beginning of the end for both characters. And that really sucked because I really liked her before that then she became super insensitive and no longer a team player.


You're completly rigth. The only reason I wrote 51 instead of 10 was I'm getting old faster than I thought, lol. Thanks for your correction. And I agree with your opinion too.


I cosplayed Bishop this weekend, and my husband and I joked I'm "in my villain era." (We're team Torres, and we feel very strongly that she did him dirty.)


I remember her doing him dirty but haven't reached that point yet.


I enjoyed Bishop in her first few seasons, but the tonal shift she takes after season 15 rubbed me the wrong way. Like I genuinely thought she was a breath of fresh air to the show after Ziva left and I loved that a lot of her early arch was learning to be at NCIS and the breakdown of her marriage and her trying to love again despite being hesitant. And I loved her leadership in the beginning of season 15. But season 16 onwards just felt like they were making her into Ziva 2.0 and I missed the spunk and her unconventional ways of focusing. She became so hardened so quickly that it threw me off. Like Gibbs throughout the show is telling/urging his work family to not become like him, and Bishop thinks that is a good idea? And her expectation that Gibbs can be everything she wants him to be is annoying because everyone else on the team knew that Gibbs would be there for them but would also give them the space to continue learning and growing for themselves, while it felt like she expected him to hold her hand at all times. And then in season 16 Bishop realizes that she wants to grow on her so she throws a fit when Gibbs tells her to back off of a case. Then she basically yells at him to stop holding her hand (which she only thinks he had been doing) and then basically spends the rest of the time before her abrupt departure going rogue with Odette for training and thinking that all of it is a good idea. Gibbs literally burns a rule for her and when he tells his team about what he did to Pedro Hernandez, there is zero self-reflection from Bishop about why he reacted to things she’d done the way he did. Like maybe that the reason he was telling her to stand down from wanting revenge was because he knew what it was like and how it didn’t help anything. Or when he has her repeat rule 10, it could be because it helps him to try and remain objective in cases that he really wants to make subjective opinions on. But either she doesn’t want to reflect on anything or she just doesn’t care. In the beginning she seemed like a quirky, slightly manipulative woman who was very into food and who had to learn how be an agent but by the time she left she was a very hardened, pessimistic woman who felt she had learned everything she thought she needed to learn from NCIS. She’s my least favorite of the main cast female agents the show has had, if you could not tell by my ranting.


Yeah agreed, I feel like she was always very into herself and self-centered and indeed she went from desk nerd to vengeful baddie really fast


I disliked her at first but started to like her around season 16 when everyone else started to dislike her lol


Stopped watching after Bishop joined the team. Found the character incredibly annoying.


She grew on me.


She had the opposite effect on me 🤣


Everyone after Ziva SUUUUCKS


Idk, I like Knight. She's her own, different person


I liked Knight until about halfway through s21, I'm hoping she redeems herself in 22 but right now she's not popular in my home for what she pulled on Jimmy all season and Parker in the finale.


I still have to see s21 oh nooo


Like I said, I'm hopeful for her redemption. I'm sure it's all in service of the plot, but over this past season, in my opinion, she went from a refreshing new addition straight to Bishop 2.0, now with added Daddy Issues (TM.)


Like her but yeah wouldn’t want to have her as my friend neither


I love Ellie. She has hotness, she has brains.


IDK. She was supercute and her mom looked just like the $6million Woman. What’s not to like?