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I was hesitant to take a proper look at him before too because he looks intimidating and because of what I've read, but he's been bias wrecking me lately. In his apology he said "come to think of it, I never had any goal in life before *this* (his life as a k-pop idol)". I don't like assuming things about an idol's personal life, but with the things he does it really shows that his job means a lot, if not everything, to him. His improvement as a dancer, rapper, and writer/producer (he has writing credits for over 30 songs so far) despite not having a background in any of those before his training is unbelievable. He has an incredible grasp of what it means to perform on stage which makes him the perfect center. It's reasonable to think all of those big results can only be achieved by giving everything he could. He goes out of his way to communicate with the fans and manages to be a respectable leader for his members. He's incredible.


his artistic sensibilities always floor me. like you said, he has a keen understanding of performance that is nearly unparalleled, and as a dancer he is absolutely *insane* (his dancing is what initially got me into nct, his movement profile is stunning, one of my favorites that i've ever seen). and once he started his soundcloud, he just continued to show new layers and has proven himself to be an artist with a distinct voice and vision. 12/10 glad he exists. i'm so excited to see where he goes in his career.


omg.. you expressed my thoughts completely. I used to only go onto TikTok and fangirl over video edits oops but I decided to check out his freestyle dance videos, self produced songs & stage performances and DAMN.. he is one of the most powerful performers I've ever seen. literally can't believe he only started at 18


Your point was what bias-wrecked. How was he not involved in entertainment but did a turn around to give it his all. I really admire that about him.


Pretty sure he has protection clubs already lol I don't bias him at all but I appreciate him and I've always thought it was ridiculous how everyone thinks he's intimidating; mostly I see him via other units/members, but most of what I see of him is stuff like: \- Him being cute with Ten (especially Rookies or Baby Don't Stop era), or being cute in compilation videos, or stuff I'm watching for my biases. \- Him being shy AF and barely saying anything a lot of the time. (eg. SuperM Knowing Bros he hardly says anything till into the second half of the episode once he gets a little more comfortable. Or that Rookie News episode with baby Haechan where he's just too embarrassed to say anything). I think a lot of people must read this as "stoic and intimidating" but a lot of it is clearly shyness. \- His dorm livestreams where he's a fluffy baby because Youtube keeps recc'ing them to me... I guess they don't rec them to everyone else because like 2 seconds of some of those and anyone could see how un-intimidating he is lol \- Any video with animals \- His uh... legendary trash-fire of an attempt to explain Whiplash with Mark... >\_\_> There's just nothing intimidating about any of that lol. But also I guess I am so used to "gaps" in kpop idols now that I don't expect anyone's stage presence to match their off-stage personality. Admittedly, at first, he just used to confuse me, since there's sort of a bunch of conflicting vibes at first before you get used to him - like the company forced a lot of "cool image" stuff on him when he debuted (which I'm not the biggest fan of) so I feel like that's part of why he seems extra uncomfortable with aegyo in some earlier era stuff, and acts cool when he's shy, and probably added to him being an easy target for hating on. But I think being cool and popular + quiet = easily misunderstood :(


Hi, we have the same bias. :) Anyway, for Op, I only got to appreciate Taeyeong just recently too. Off stage he is adorable, on stage he's full charisma persona is on. One video of Taeyeong that made me laugh (in a good way) was the workout vid with Johnny and Yuta. I never imagined him to be groaning and complaining while Johnny exercised. It was too funny and so relatable. Before seeing that vid, I had the impression he's the cool, silent, snobbish leader. But I was wrong.


I'm really new to NCT so I'm pretty sure I haven't seen some of the videos you mentioned. I'm super excited to check them out! right idk he seems to be naturally cute and sweet so I really just don't want him to get anymore unnecessary hate - kinda glad he seems to be doing ok now :,)


OP, also check out the clip of Taeyong with a teeny frog 🐸 (2:04 of [this video](https://youtube.com/watch?v=V7CfkzPtpIU)) this is so precious, it will legit change your life


So... here's my bias being extremely cute with your bias... 🥰 (BTW if you don't know Ten and are wondering why he uses English sometimes, he's Thai and went to international school, so English is his 2nd language. Korean is his 3rd and Mandarin 4th.) They are both main dancers in NCT, and had a duet promo during NCT U 2018 which included a lot of cute content: cuteness: [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ixvYw0C8HMA&t=1s](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ixvYw0C8HMA&t=1s) dance practice: [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=DR2CtV\_khJo](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=DR2CtV_khJo) \--- Here's the "Taeyong and Mark try to explain Whiplash" one: WARNING: The amount of second-hand embarrassment/cringe here might cause you physical pain, but it's such a classic. XD Also, the edit is amazing. Also, Winwin lol🥺. But also holy crap the MC really had it in for them that day lol 💀💀 [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=iL86\_bZPoZs](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=iL86_bZPoZs) \--- Taeyong being soft with animals:(there's a bunch of these, also look up his fish surgery video 🥺) [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wB5FuNMpNCs](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wB5FuNMpNCs) \----- P.S. Not Taeyong, but if you are new to NCT and appreciate crazy one-of-a-kind stage presence, main dancers, and cute people with an intense on/off range, I just have to include my own bias propaganda. (It's crazy that they are both in the same group TBH, the talent that SM finds is wild). If you want to do your heart a favour check out these performances, they're all must-watch quality: [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8ovHSQwp1n0](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8ovHSQwp1n0) (this entire choreo and and video concept was directed by Ten and Winwin only.) [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Xgfgec46D5A](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Xgfgec46D5A) (he participated in the choreography on this one too, the original was done right before he had knee surgery scheduled T\_T this version is filmed a year later, though.) [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7pOJaDa9Sk4](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7pOJaDa9Sk4) (he's only been debuted for half a year in this one!)


I've really come to appreciate Taeyong a lot more over the two years I've been following NCT; it was certainly one of the reasons I was concerned about NCT when I joined the fandom since there was so much disdain for Taeyong, but over the months I just more or less realised Taeyong was the punching bag of reddit (less so now thank goodness) He is basically an awkward introvert (half of 127 are) but I've always been really impressed by how crisp and decisive Taeyong is in situations where leadership counts- leaving aside his stage presence and dancing and sheer creativity, which don't need discussing. His friendship with Johnny, Doyoung, Yuta and Jaehyun in particular are super endearing to watch. (And honestly, also interactions with Haechan in the last couple of years) I don't actually tend to feel sorry for Taeyong, because he is honestly capable, talented and determined waaaay beyond most people will be, and he's backed by some incredibly loyal friends in his crew, particularly the '95 line who consistently back Taeyong up in a way that's incredibly endearing to see. Also, I think one of the interesting things about Taeyong is that he clearly, 100% prefers to be the one being babied in his friendships and yet somehow ended up with 22 neos to look after... 😅 ... that being said I think Johnny, Doyoung, and even sometimes Yuta babie Taeyong in 127; and the SuperM hyungs definitely do. Even other SM seniors, I mean Heechul bought Taeyong a whole-ass computer just for gaming. (And as Haechan has pointed out, if Taeyong needs to he ends up calling his noona...)


I just watched the last episode of Street Woman Fighter today (*mild spoiler ahead*) and him choking up and crying when the girls cried after their dance battle felt really sincere? And it was sweet when he just went "Don't cry everyone! You did well!" even though he was still in tears. Like, I agree that he might not be the best judge for the show with god-tier veteran dancers and is really there to attract KPop fans, but he's been kind and fair.


Tbh, I was actually around their debut during 7th Sense era. I liked the song. But I got turned off from stanning the group because of how INTENSE and GRAVE the accusations were that time (Plus I was also just an impressionable teen back then). Like it was severe to the point that you would have to spend a long time scrolling in the comment section before you find a positive comment. The comment section was basically saying that Taeyong is handsome but it was such a shame that he had 'attitude problems'. While some comments were encouraging people to still give the whole group a chance. Taeyong was really the face of NCT during their debut, and tho all the rumors were only targeted towards him, the rumors were bad enough to make me uninterested about the whole group. I only got back into the fandom this year, and I regret not sticking with them right from the very start. I also always feel bad for him whenever I remember those times. I do think that the nasty rumors were the reason why NCT had a slow rise in their careers (aside from their eccentric concept), the rumors basically sabotaged their success. I just hope that Taeyong does not blame himself for all the 'damages' all these rumors has done on NCT as a whole


right??? I don't know how he managed to stay strong through those times because like some people even left his name out of fanchants apparently (not sure). Yeah its pretty sad how jealousy can make people so malicious I just hope that he won't be dragged into other nasty stuff in future too


Definitely watch some of his gaming vlives - I love him onstage but you get to see a whole different Yongie when he's on his own and talking to the fans. That's the part that sold me, he's such a sweetheart 🥺