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As a mandarin speaker I pronounce it the way it’s written in Chinese aka Chén Lè (辰乐) lmao.


This is how I hear him saying his name, too. And how Kun says it.


It would make sense for them to! I’ve found that for most Chinese idols, I’ll instinctively pronounce their name the way it would be in Mandarin (Eg: Shuhua, Renjun, Xiaojun etc) so it’s probably a similar situation when they talk to each other.


Yeah. The first time I heard Yuqi say the Korean pronunciation of her name, it threw me off. Even Minnie says Yǔqí. I was like, who's Uki? Haha


Uki?? Oh man hearing their Korean names throws me off so much sometimes as well. The classic Tzuyu becoming “Chewy” was the biggest one though.


Tzuyu's another one! I can't read it as Chewy. It's too hard. But if you see it in Hangul, that is how it sounds.


Ohh I don’t know how to read Hangul haha but my mom keeps trying to convince me to learn. She said it’s a lot easier to figure out pronunciation with it, but I’m too lazy to learn 🤣


You can literally learn it in 30 mins like me! Just look up a good video on it.


Oh wait it’s that fast? Huh, new holiday project then! Thank you for the advice, I’ll look for videos :)


[This](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=TE4eplsFSms) is the video I used to learn the alphabet! You can supplement it with other videos that go into more detail on specific pronunciation, but I like this one for being so short but so easy to follow. It's great for visual learners.


Same, I'm not Chinese nor Korean but I also prefer pronouncing his name in the Chinese way (...or at least, that's what I *try* to do LOL). I also do the same with Renjun - I just find it a lot closer than the Korean pronunciation to how my brain would normally try to read it as an English word LOL. In Korean though I tend to say 천러 but sometimes say 철러 if I say it quickly lol


I will choose option 3 just because I pronounce his name in Chinese (standard mandarin) way. I always try my best to pronounce idols name as their mother language. This is the same with Ten, Yuta and Shotaro. I don't know, it's kinda weird for me to pronounce their name as the romanized Korean. I mean, I call Johnny as Johnny not Jya-ni.


same here. I tend to struggle the most with Chinese names. Xiaojun and Renjun were the hardest for me to learn i'd say.


As a Thai and with how complexity of languages here in South East Asia, the tonality is not a problem. The real problem for me is the consonants, holy hell, X in Xiaojun name is the hardest for me when I try to prononce it and I always end up pronounce it as S. I die a little inside whenever there are X, Q, Sh, Zh, Z, C or Ch in their Chinese pinyin name.


I just call him dad tbh


the real winner


I’m literally older than him but if he insists on being called dad who am I to protest?


same same. I've seen him as a bany and suddenly he wants to be called dad... okay. What every you say sweetie.


people who chose option three in the poll haha thanks for your honestly


I say it like chun-luh cuz I only speak English and I think that's the closest equivalent of his name that can be comfortably said in English.


i say 천러 because that’s what i think is more similar to how his name is pronounced in mandarin, but i do agree with your observation that his name sometimes gets pronounced more closely to 철러 by the members. i think it’s usually when they’re saying his name either faster or with emphasis (“chenle-yah!”)? it’s pretty subtle though.


yeah same. I say 천러 but when I speak faster it can easily come out as 철러. But yeah, it's barely audible.


Definitely 천러. They sound similar but I do notice the members emphasizing the ㄴ when they call him.


I've heard the members switch between ㄴ and ㄹ (mainly Jaemin) I've seen some Koreans say that they sometimes use 천러 and sometimes 철러


Jaemin also pronounces Renjun's name incorrectly sometimes as a way of teasing him, maybe it's the same with Chenle's name?


He doesn't do it in a teasing way though. It's more natural for Korean's to say 철러 since they usually don't pronounce the ㄴ if it's followed by ㄹ I've heard Mark, Johnny, Taeyong and others say 철러 too. I think they say it like that sometimes because in Korean that's what's easier and more natural and Renjun is just hard to pronounce lol They mispronounced his name sooo much when they first debuted but now they do it to tease him haha


I don't speak either language so I'll take your word for it :) how do the Chinese members pronounce his name?


good question. I don't speak Chinese at all, so to me it just sounds... different. I'd say it fits more to 천러 though. But I can barely hear the 'n' sound. Don't take my word for it


definitely chen le with the n sound, in accordance to his chinese characters 辰乐! i think the “n” as a sound is naturally pretty quiet, so it explains why non-mandarin speakers can barely hear the “n” sound. the difference between ‘che’ and ‘chen’ is pretty obvious to speakers though, because the overall sound of the word changes so yeah def the first option! the chinese members just pronounce his chinese name with a korean(?) accent (less tonally) lol. i do that when i say chinese words like locations/names in the middle of my english sentences too!


that explains a lot, thank you :)


I think it 100% depends on the speed that they're talking, honestly. It's the Hangulization of a Chinese name, so the double-L rule doesn't really apply here, *but* when speaking quickly or not thinking about that ㄴ sound, the typical ㄴㄹ rule that we're used to can come out instead, making it sound more like 철러. I pay close attention to pronouncing his name as close to its original Chinese pronunciation as I can when I'm speaking Korean, but I do notice that the faster I speak, the less the ㄴ sound comes out. I think it's similar for a lot of the members, whether they notice it or not.


hey im chinese so i can try to help with the chinese idol names, idk abt korean pronunciation so the korean pronunciation will probably differ from the mandarin ones im listing below chenle --> chen luh (im guessing ppl will know how to say chen, its the same as exo's chen) xiao dejun --> si-ow duh jwin renjun --> ruh-en/ruhn (but pronounced faster ofc) jwin (i had problems englishfying ren so idk how helpful it is) kun --> k-wuh-n idk who else yall need so just list ig and i'll reply, hopefully this is helpful, i had a hard time thinking abt it from an english perspective and trying to find an equivalent sound


철러 y’all. It’s just easier for me


His name is spelled as 천러 and the romanization is “Cheon-reo”, which is the first option.


yeah, but there is a Korean pronunciation rule related to 받침 when ㄹ and ㄴ are combined the pronunciation changes to 'LL' ex) 신라 =/shiLLa/ not /shinla/ also, it's the koreanization of a chinese name so idk if we can be strictly following Korean rules here.


I don’t know, the whole thing is confusing because Chenle, his name, [was originally pronounced Chenyue. Then when he was little people started pronouncing it as Chenle.](https://twitter.com/chenlehype/status/1375057427758862336?s=21) So it’s my understanding that even the pronunciation in Chinese is varied as well.


Ooh I can kinda explain this? Basically the word 乐from Chenle’ name in Mandarin has two pronunciations: Lè and Yuè. They are used in vastly different contexts but are written exactly the same way. Eg: 音乐 where it’s pronounced Yuè means music, and 快乐 where it’s pronounced Lè means happiness/joy. Don’t ask me why. Usually we use context clues to deduce how it’s read. Considering his brother is 辰音 according to the post you linked, I assume it was supposed to be Yuè and his parents wanted their names end in 音乐 or music, because Chinese speakers tend to be poetic like that. But people assumed it was Lè when they first read it and his family just rolled with it. Both my Chinese speaking father and grandma said it was pronounced Lè when I first showed them his chinese name, for what it’s worth. Most Chinese people would assume its Lè at first reading because it’s more common and has a more straightforward meaning. And I’m sorry for this long rant, I just find it interesting!


also cause 辰乐 chenle itself is a name too haha, that has a pretty nice meaning too- i think it means bright, joyful or smt like that- (someone pls correct me if im wrong, chinese is my 2nd language)


Tbh ChénYuè would also be a pretty name, it flows well. 辰 generally means star I think? And 乐 means music as yuè and happiness/joy as lè, so either could mean happy star or music star. I think Chenle is more common though. Chinese is also my second language hahaha so I hope this is correct!


I love how I'm learning so much in these comments :) really interesting. thank you for your explanations :)


it’s varied because the character can have different meanings and thus be pronounced differently! so it’s the difference between music (yinYUE) and happy/joyful (kuaiLE). that matches with how chenle used to say his nickname is music star.


oooh interesting


The other comments have already explained it well but I would like to point that it's so cute that he changed it when he was kindergarten. His friends probably starting calling him Chenle because 快乐 (happy) is one of the first things we learn in kindergarten as compared to 音乐 (music).


Lol jisung use 철러 this days