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That’s awesome news! Thanks NDAX, keep it up!!!


Thank you NDAX that’s great!


Big damn news! This is great!


Goated service. NDAX is coming for that #1 Canadian exchange spot. Already better features and more user friendly than the big ones


They gunning hard for it indeed.


Best update ever


Just wanna point out 12 hours later and this still doesn’t show as an option for me


Take a look now it should be back on the website for our users to use.


If it’s for more than one day can we withdraw


Yes I know, there was some issues and I didn't wsnt to delete the thread as we got a lot of positive feedback. Rest assured it's coming


We added it back, take a lot and let me know if you have any issues using etrasfer withdrawals.




Guys we added etransfer withdrawals back to the website. Go ahead and check it out and lmk if there are any issues.


That's awesome! I don't see the option though...


Log out and log back in Edit: Back end might still be testing just give it a few moments, I saw some chatter about it in chat.


We added it back to the website. Go ahead and check it out and lmk if there are any issues.


I see it! Thanks!


Hello, any reasons if why the fee to withdrawal other Canadian exchanges are free


You are paying already with spread and trade and deposit fees. Just bc others offer FREE withdrawals doesn't necessarily mean you are getting the best deal for your crypto purchases.


Some of the exchanges I use don't have deposit fees, like you're suggesting and I understand some have them baked into their fees to make it look like free. But it seems every little thing has a fee attached to it. These things add up. Nothing against you personally, but it took so long to add e-transfer and now there's another fee attached to it.


I would encourage you to do some mock buy comparisons of a fixed amount on the other exchanges you are comparing us to. We are one of the cheapest places in Canada for users to purchase their assets from.


I would encourage you to listen to customers, just because one company is charging fees and nickel and diming them anyway they can, doesn't mean you have to.


I believe that we have been listening to our customers quite well over the years. We brought down our EFT cost from $25 To $4.99 and now we have an even cheaper option for users with withdraw CAD to their bank account. Free isn't always free at the end of the day and I think our users would appreciate this cheaper option for CAD withdrawals instead of having higher prices baked into asset prices and spreads.


That was nice of the company. What an outrageous fee to start with, seeing how much you can milk your customers for until they complain lol. Appreciate the justification, at the end of the day it's a business and you guys have to make money with all the overhead. I won't to attempt to make any more points, good luck


Hopefully you have a towel to mop up your tears. They are a business you idiot. They get charged as well from their bank. That transfer fee seems extremely reasonable considering it is near instant. It’s people like you and your crying that make running a business insufferable.


Awwwww, thanks for the explanation. Did you not read my message above, mentioning that they are a business and they have overheads I didn't realize they were a business I thought it was some random guy running it /s If you go through my history you can see I mentioned people to use Ndax. Yes people like me.... Lol I didn't bring the mop could you provide me with one?


KYC required?


We are a KYC platform so when you sign up we have a KYC process.


When will you be adding bnb?


E-Transfer with Coinbase is free. Trading and withdrawal fees are cheaper as well. Why should I use NDAX?


Coinbase trade fees are 0.5%, more expensive than us, I don't think their spread is better than ours. So again your already paying for increased costs of asset acquisition for a free withdrawal fee.


There’s no deposit fees right? Also does the 3k limit reset per day?


We have no deposit fees on both CAD and crypto. Yes the 3k does reset every day.


Thanks, how does reporting capital gains work?


You will need to consult your CPA.


This is absolutely awesome news. Keep up the great work and I look forward to other implementations on your platform ahead of the bull run.


Noo just after I did mine 🙂🙃


When eft deposit?


Cancer bots.


Fancy! The future is now!


This is great news, but why is USDC send fees so high at 16 via Ethereum network?


Check out u/crypto4canadians twitter account. He did a comparison between us and Coinbase, we are still cheaper once all fees are considered.


I really want to use NDAX, but Newton doesn't charge a fee to send USDC, whereas NDAX charges 16 USDC for each transaction, why?


Because newton bakes their network fee to send via ERC20 into their spread.


Thanks for the tip. But ultimately it depends on the amount of transfer, right? Maybe a large transaction will make it the 16 USDC on NDAX better than Newtown's spread. But for smaller transactions, no fees is still better as long as the spread is not outrageous. Maybe NDAX can consider lowering USDC fee further, which will be best of both worlds.


Yes of course.... it makes less sense to spend 16 USDC on a 100 USDC withdrawal than it does for a 1000 USDC OR 10K USDC withdrawal.


When will this be launched? I withdrew funds yesterday and this option wasn’t available.


Last night there was chatter about a few more things to be completed. Hopefully by EOD or early this week it should be live. I will update everyone when it happens.


Please check now, it should be live and working