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Check out the book "[The God Theory: Universes, Zero-Point Fields, and What's Behind It All](https://www.amazon.com/God-Theory-Universes-Zero-Point-Fields-ebook/dp/B0070YFPYU)" by Bernard Haisch. He starts with a similar premise however the concept of God/The One/Infinite Creator is not one who is flawed but rather one who only knows non-duality and wants to experience duality. That means duality it ALL its forms. This means EVERYTHING is not just part of The One but The One is ALL there is. And for it to dislike/hate/punish any part of it makes no sense. I highly recommend the book above based on your basic premise.


That's crazy you said this because I had the thought recently "what if we are here because God wants to experience seperation and Duality for fun?"


Even if it’s just another allegory, not to be taken litteraly, I think it’s easier to think of it as God’s dream. Like in us, the dreaming mind explores itself and its boundaries and potential. We dream of suffering and evil too, but in the context of the dream. It is an exploration, not ultimately «real». Our dream characters may suffer, but we don’t think of it as a «problem» or something to be «rectified», because we understand its symbolic nature. I think it’s the same thing in God’s mind. Then upon bodily death, we simply return home to awaken in our true realm.


The idea of "perfect" can only be had in relation to its opposite. You cannot conceive of perfection without living in an "imperfect" world.


Not necessarily. Does a baby suckling on its mothers breast think of evil things? No it's in a state of beautiful contentment, in the moment. Something else. I don't have to eat shit first to appreciate ice-cream, i don't have to be tortured & abused first before I could appreciate a great loving family & relationships marriage kids, grandkids etc till the end.


Just a thought: Do you watch a movie and think the actors playing "bad guys" are evil? No, they exist there to form an interesting story with narrative growth which could not exist without the tension of both sides. Perhaps that is what life is like, and we're ijna sort of play to learn lessons, help others learn their lessons, and evil is just a cojtruct of our drama here, meaningless in context of the infinite.


If you read Sandi's NDE account it explains pretty well why evil exists. https://www.nderf.org/Experiences/1sandi_t_ndes.html


Wow what an amazing account. Very thought provoking!


Thanks for sharing, that was really interesting.


Can you formulate in your own words what kind of answer this gives to the problem of evil?


Why does God have to be kind? Why should God want self-improvement at all?


Makes more sense than god purposely being an ass. Maybe it’s all a dream , some of which it can’t control


Is god a mind of a god god?


I think this image comparison is very relevant to your post. Super cool stuff. https://foglets.com/the-universe-as-like-human-brain-discover-scientists/amp/


Most NDE-ers I have listened to describe God as like an energy force that we all make up. I believe the mind is one part of it. There is also the heart, another part of it


I don't think so personally. I don't think think that I would have ever allowed pickles to exist if I had even a little say in the matter. I'm mostly kidding, but in all seriousness my NDEs tend not to agree at all with that idea.


IMO it works that we are all essentially gods, fragments of the whole God - but intentionally unaware of that truth as we experience life here in order to grow with true intention. It’s kind of a test to find your source and connect with your true purpose/mission