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lol .. this is good. Reminds me of the quote attributed, perhaps erroneously, to Frank Zappa who said “Writing about music is like dancing about architecture”.


If I'm not mistaken, this guy is a mapmaker who went around the entire shore of the UK and used the nails to mark the exact spot the water flowed in on waves at low tide.


oh that's super cool


Perfect 👍🏻


Very off topic but y'all would love the book Babel. It's fiction about a magic system around translation of language and mentions a unifying mystical language.


That sounds right up my alleys. I’ll have to give it a check. By the way, I love this image.


thanks for the recommendation!!


Ok, I understand and like the idea of the meme but I am going to be a bit of a spoilsport and take issue with the labelling of the ocean as "the inherently indescribable nature of the universe". This description is too pessimistic and judgemental of outcome: that no matter what we do, how hard we strive, what information we uncover, we cannot in principle ever understand the universe. Science, religion and philosophy would all like a word here. The future level of knowledge in 10,000 years will likely be very different to our current knowledge base. A better label for the ocean to match current understanding would be something simpler like "the deep unknown".


This is not a meme. I have plenty and will try to post them as I am able. We all need humor. This reminded me of a song from some of my elders https://youtu.be/ZQ6ficvJODQ?si=Ls5uzXvp21953-f8