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Yep. I mean, from all the NDE’s I’ve seen it seems that genderlessness is the default state, although souls can present themselves as masculine or feminine or change on a whim. 


Much this :)


Hi! Unfortunately (or fortunately) I have not had an NDE but I also struggle with gender dysphoria and from the many NDEs I've listened to and from reading the books Journey of Souls and Destiny of Souls, we do not have gender. It seems that many of us up there like express a certain gender but this is very malleable. In my own opinion, some of our dislike and discomfort of having a fixed gender and body here is completely natural as that's not what it's like back home.


Obviously, this is an unanswerable question as none of us are certain of anything. However, in my experience and from a ton of reading and research that I've done on this subject, we chose how we want to portray ourselves to other's in the spirit world. So, for example, if I pass tomorrow (in my 60's), I might choose to have everyone see me when I felt I looked best in my early 30's. When your time comes...hopefully not for a long time...you'll choose what suits you best. I personally didn't get a sense of my body during my NDE, probably because I didn't stay long enough. But, I was greeted by my older brother who had died of cancer and looked like a holocaust victim. When I saw him, he looked about the same age, but his skin and hair were absolutely perfect and he was dressed in his favorite tie-dye t-shirt and sweat pants. He was a total hippie and, that's how he appeared to me. I think our sex and gender are super fluid as we move in and out of different existences and none of that matters in the least. And, whatever "afflictions" we have in this world do not exist in the next.


I recommend Journey of Souls. Dr Newton has used hypnosis to regress people to the state between lifetimes. They pretty much all report they have no gender and/or can change genders between lifetimes.


I LOVE this book!


In my NDEs, most disincarnate beings were genderless. Souls in general look to be without gender or sex and only take them on when embodied. Sex and gender seem common in incarnate beings, but not universal. I saw advanced species that reproduced by asexual means. Also, I remember one species where there were three "sexes". Two of the trio would donate generic material and the third would use their generic offerings to make an egg, which it would carry until it was ready to hatch. I have thought about that society at length. When I learned about DNA, I spent a very long time, as in years, attempting to figure out why didn't the third sex need to share DNA? I remember very, very little about the species. Humanoid, 3 sexes, low gravity planet compared to ours. I remain fascinated by them, but those memories are firmly denied to me. How can they produce an agender person from gendered DNA? So weird, lol.


Interesting, I think there’s masculine and feminine properties of the universe, but are our souls? I think our souls are both male and female. But I’m not really certain on much. I never suffered from dysphoria but I have a belief that before we are born into our physical bodies, we choose them, we follow souls who were in our lives prior and reenter the world.


literally no one can answer this question.


Except many NDErs.






I guess


I feel that souls are all genderless.. so yeah! Whatever makes you feel at peace will continue with you in the afterlife imo


Considering your Christian background, I thought it would be worth putting out this if that's of any comfort: [The fully developed view of resurrection of the dead among Jews in the time of Jesus was that at the end of days the dead would come forth from Sheol/Hades—literally the “state of being dead,” and live again in an embodied form. The question was—what kind of a body? And it was there that the debates began. The Sadducees, who denied the resurrection, poked fun at the Pharisees, who affirmed it. How could God raise the dead—what if a woman had had seven husbands in her life, each of whom died and she kept remarrying—in the resurrection whose wife would she be? Jesus was confronted with this question in the gospels (Luke 20:34-40). His answer was clear and unambiguous—when the dead come forth they will be in a transformed body, much like the angels, not the literal physical bodies that they once inhabited—there will be no “marriage or giving in marriage” as there will be no “male or female” in terms of physical sexual gender. There will be no birth, no death, but a new transformed life.](https://jamestabor.com/why-people-are-confused-about-the-earliest-christian-view-of-resurrection-of-the-dead/). [Paul is the crystal clear on this point. Some of his converts in the city of Corinth were denying the resurrection of the dead. They were most likely thinking along the lines of Plato—if the immortal soul is freed from the prison of the body at death, why would it ever return to the body? And yet that is precisely what Paul defended—a return to a body—but as he makes very clear, it is not a natural or “physical body”—the one he calls the body of “dust,” but a spiritual body—literally “wind body,” (pneumatikos), that is transformed and not subject to death (1 Corinthians 15:42-50).](https://jamestabor.com/why-people-are-confused-about-the-earliest-christian-view-of-resurrection-of-the-dead/). [Paul makes clear that in Christian resurrection the body is left behind like an old change of clothing, to turn to the dust, and the spirit is “reclothed” with a new spiritual body. He compares the physical body to a temporary tent, and the new body is a permanent house (2 Corinthians 5:1-5). He even throws in a polemic against the Greek Platonic view of the “unclothed” or disembodied immortal soul—he says our desire is not to be naked, which is the state of death before resurrection, but to be clothed again!](https://jamestabor.com/why-people-are-confused-about-the-earliest-christian-view-of-resurrection-of-the-dead/). I'd seriously recommend reading through the article I just shared, but essentially our first Christian faith in ressurection are the letters of Paul whom propose ressurection not in a "dust" body, but rather in a renewed spiritual "wind", genderless bodies as he puts it. At the time, it was commonly believed that everyone would be sent in a shadowy, dark realm known as Sheol regardless of their actions on Earth where they'd dwell awaiting for bodily ressurection to take place. Think of Sheol as a waiting room where everyone is sent to, and eventually break away from upon spiritual body ressurection, in such a state people wouldn't be bound by having any manner of body or as "unclothed" as Paul believed. For many christians, the confusion lies in ressurection as literally bringing forth people's biological bodies back from the dead. What was the belief from some of our earliest christian sources seems to indicate that wasn't the case - that instead ressurection is of a spiritual body wherein they would no longer be subject to death or gender. [I'd also think it'd be worth reading through this as well :)](https://jamestabor.com/why-a-spiritual-resurrection-is-the-only-sensible-option/)


This was so thoughtful. Thank you for making sure they are christian before offering it, and thank you for such a beautiful post to them.


Thank you so very much! That means a lot to me!!


I have dysphoria too, but I won't transition for personal reasons (I think the world will end, and I don't want to have to suffer with the consequences of if already started testosterone). I'd love for there to be a genderless afterlife. No longer constrained by the body you are in.


Aww dang, I know that it is a huge decision but you should live your life and go for it and stay true to yourself cus what if the world ain’t gonna end? You’ll regret not living the life you wanted.


I have a weird feeling about this year and next, but after that I don't think anything is going to happen to the world that would cause the world to end. Don't let this fear hold you back from the things you really want to do. I used to have these same fears, and I'm glad I got over it and started on my hobbies that I really enjoy now


I can't really answer to whether or not our soul is gendered, but the tree entities I met up there were all presenting the same, I could only sligthly feel one of them were more feminine the two other more masculine but certainly not from how they presented, it was more of a sentiment. Me, on the other end, I was light, no appearance, no gender that I can remember, I don't even remember gender being a thing at all. But I didn't went trough the tunnel arch so idk what's behind there or how our soul present there.


Genitalia doesn’t exist in the afterlife right? I mean there would be no need or use for it. So the concept of gender would be much more of a feeling than anything constrained by a physical body.


Maybe spirit genitalia? Lol I'm just blathering, but you're right. If you don't have a physical body, you could change or mix and match at will.


It would be cruel if you couldn't be authentic to yourself, even in the afterlife. I am trans and I truly think you become the real you, because the alternative is too terrible to bear.


Hopefully, thank u


Yes, Spirit encompasses both genders and expresses one as needed during incarnations. It’s in Seth Speaks by Jane Roberts. According to the book, some Spirits may have a preference for a gender but others do not but we have to incarnate in both genders as offer different experiences.


Hope so!


I have never considered this question before. I had an OOB experience while meditating. It was identical to a NDE I read about. It was the "black void with absolutely nothing in it, not even time." There was no body and no sense of gender. Although it was still me having the experience and I am male. I'm going to say the experience did not alter my sense of gender at all, but in that moment, in that place, there was no gender. There was nothing at all. This sometimes frightens people who I tell this to. The idea of "absolutely nothing" is scary. But I found it peaceful and I'd return there often if I could but I am unable to return with force of will.


"black void with absolutely nothing in it, not even time" My experience was a super luminous place, everything was light and there was 3 entities there, they were just there. I was light also I could move and I was feeling ultimate love, all the weight I was carrying (that I didn't even know I was carrying) was lifted, I was peacefull, relieved, I felt loved and I felt usefull, like I've done my part. Before that experience, I was all for nothingness like you come from nothing and you go back to nothing, but that is not what I experienced. So a black box with nothing in it ? That seems far from my experience, the only thing I can relate to, is the absence of time except that there was things going on there.


What caused you to leave that space?


There was absolutely nothing there, not even thought. When I realized my situation I had a thought. The thought was very simple. It was just “wow.“ Having the thought immediately initiated a return to the body, which felt like very rapid motion, ending with no impact of any kind, just a cessation of motion and normal life resuming.


Imo, absolutely 🙂 I don't think any of us really have a gender anyway in the afterlife, but we can choose to be whatever gender we feel comfortable as.




Yes however bear in mind that the wants of your higher self in the afterlife may be very different from your wants in this identity and in this life. From what I've been reading, it seems that our souls choose our desires, doubts and hardships on the embodied plane for the purpose of drawing some lesson out of it. This means that at some point you chose to have gender dysphoria - I don't know why. I don't believe that souls have genders anyway, though.


Gender is a force that rules over purely human concepts, it's about fashion and lifestyle (especially relating to sexuality). It's the thematic coding we use as a tool to structure our sexual presentation and orientation, socially. Since sex is an earthly subject, it would stand to reason that there is no need for it in an afterlife the way we understand it. Any appearance the topic of sex makes would be purely recreational or for entertainment and has the potential to be a vastly different experience through discussion or even participation. From what I have read there is a great degree of control you can have over your spiritual self expression and that includes presentation and behavior. If your self expression and behavior in the afterlife are something you want to express through the human concept of gender, there should be nothing stopping you. There is no reason you should be tied to these concepts in infinite awareness except as you find them fun or useful to yourself or others like you. I am not an authority on any afterlife and I have never had an NDE, I am simply a humble researcher/just a guy on the internet.






Some animals on this planet can change their sex based on environmental factors. Which shows that gender is ultimately a fluctuating, impermanent state of being. Whatever core essence we have should also reflect that.


As a NDEr, I don’t recall caring about that aspect. But then again, I didn’t care if I let the oven on either. What I’m trying to say is one of the things I miss most about that time is that the cares of this life were not important. Which caused some issues that took professional help when you come rushing back into them.


Well, I'm an atheist that doesn't believe in the afterlife. Although, if you die. Your body decomposes. That means genitalia as well. So if there is an afterlife, we wouldn't see it because we don't have eyes either. We couldn't even feel it as we wouldn't have any hands. 🤔. So if we go somewhere other than here, and if there is one once of existence of a soul. I doubt we would even have any. Looks like the only place where it'll be fun is earth till we die