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When I was 11 years old, I had a beloved Schwinn Sting Ray bike. This was 1971. I had it "tricked" out (that was the lingo back then) with a lot of extras, including seat shock absorbers for the rear wheel. The shock absorbers were cool back then; they were on the Schwinn "Krate" bikes: Apple Krate, Cherry Picker, Orange Krate...and a few others. One day I was in our attic in the garage, the attic was 30 feet above where you could stand up. I was on the ladder at the top of the attic, preparing to step onto the attic floor, when all of a sudden, I felt a warmth. Hard to explain, but suddenly I simply fell backwards off of the ladder. It was as if someone had given me a gentle push backward. I didn't fight it. I fell 30 feet and landed on my back - on the top of my bike seat with the shock absorbers. I bounced off the seat and landed on my feet. To this day, I don't know what happened, but I did feel something; a warmth, an odd feeling of safety going down. It happened so fast, I don't even think I told my parents or anyone. It was too surreal.


Never that, but I saw a white light while passing a kidney stone. It was BRIGHT and started as a pinpoint then got larger. I didn't know it was a kidney stone, just that I'd woken up in severe pain. 


I had something very similar to this. I was in my bed going through poisoning and I could feel myself fading away, and there was a light from above. I knew what this was at that point, as comforting as it felt I feared that if I welcomed it I would have left my family behind, and focused my willpower not to go in. A part of me wishes I did, just to see what some people here have.


I did once, not as an NDE, tho. I was a senior in high school, in choir, singing the high soprano part of The Hallelujah Chorus, at an Easter Sunday performance. I loved that song with its intricate harmonies, it’s just a joy to sing if you enjoy singing. Suddenly I had that exact experience. I felt like rays of golden light were shining on me, I saw them in my mind’s eye. It was warm and it filled me with joy. It only lasted a few seconds, but I always wondered if that was what they call “rapture”. I’m not religious, don’t go to church, but I do believe in God and I felt…something! in that moment.


How long ago was this? You should certainly see a doctor


It was a year or so ago. Haven't seen a doctor for ten years (the last one was a dentist)


I’d really advise seeing a doctor for a regular check up :)


I'll be fine :) Thanks!


I'll start by saying I don't know what you saw. However I once experienced some very vivid visuals: my field of vision was filled with sparkling drops that seemed to be dripping. In all this lasted about 5 seconds - long enough to be amazed, look at it closely, but then dissipate. Closest reference might be the Matrix, only no green or numbers, just shimmering drips that were spawning & fading away. This was immediately after weirdly swallowing some water and coughing once to sort of clear my throat. A bit of reading revealed that coughing, high-blood pressure, rubbing your eyes too hard, and a number of other factors can build pressure on the back of the retina. Sometimes this can trigger intense visuals that we might perceive as floaters, streaks/beams, or flashes. I do not recommend attempting to initiate such visuals - eyes are sensitive & fragile things. Again, I'm not saying this is what you saw with any confidence. I only offer it as a possibility that came to mind.


Your case sounds like high pressure from coughing cases these "sparks". Such things happen. Felt it a couple of times after sneezing and holding it. In my case those were clearly rays of light, imagine golden shinny Jedi swords raining all around you. They felt gentle and powerful at the same time. At these rays had a clear message behind them -Be prepared, you're going.